Pas Inggriis SMT Ganjil 9

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal :
Kelas/semester : IX (sembilan)/Ganjil Alokasi Waktu : 90 menit

Choose The Best Answer!

Question number 1 to 4 refer to the following text!

1. From the text we know that Tina is Ronny’s ....

A. mom
B. father
C. friend
D. sister
2. What is Ronny’s success?
A. He scores a goal
B. Ronny is graduated
C. This boy wins a competition
D. She wins a football competition
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. He is an athlethe
B. Tina wins a competition
C. Ronny is a student
D. Tina’s friend is sad
4. “...and you are of those ...”
The word ‘those’ refers to ....
A. Ronny and Tina
B. Tina’s pall
C. the students
D. a few achievers

Questions no 5 to 7 refer to the following text.

5. The writer made the text to ....
A. share the good news
B. congratulate his friend
C. tell his experience
D. describe his new job
6. The best word to express the writer’s feeling is ....
A. happy
B. annoyed
C. shocked
D. unsure
7. What achievement does the receiver make?
A. having a newly borned baby
B. passing an examination
C. getting a good score
D. being promoted

8. Rafa : I heard that you are joining a writing competition. Is that true?
Azura : yes it is. I am joining an annual writing competition 2021.
Rafa : That’s great. I hope you can win it.
Azura : Thanks, I do hope so.
From the dialog we can conclude that Rafa ....
A. congratulates Azura for her success
B. prays for Azura’s win
C. hopes that azura will lose
D. joins a writing competiton
9. to - pass - hope - I - the - exam - final
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The best arrangements for the jumbled words is ....
A. 4-3-2-1-5-6-7
B. 4-3-1-2-7-6-5
C. 4-3-1-2-5-7-6
D. 4-5-1-2-3-7-6
Questions no 10 to 12 refer to the following text.
10. What is the text about?
A. steps of making cakes
B. guides in making rolls
C. cakes in a bakery menu
D. the topping of dough

11. Which of the followings is the advantage offered?

A. Costomizing our own topping.
B. Getting free coffee cream
C. Making our own cakes
D. Sizing the desired cakes
12. If the price of a caramel apple pie is IDR 5.000, how much is a dozen?
A. IDR 50.000
B. IDR 55.000
C. IDR 60.000
D. IDR 65.000
13. Ahmad : Guess what! I am joining The KDI show.
Kamilia : Awesome! I ....
Ahmad : thanks
The best expression to complete the dialog is ....
A. am joining it too
B. sorry to hear that
C. wish you luck
D. hope to win it

Complete the following text!

(14) ... Maya
(15)... for being the first
winner of the news reading (16)....
I am so (17)... of you

your friend

14. A. From
B. To
C. At
D. By
15. A. Congrtultes
B. Congratulating
C. Congratulation
D. Congratulate
16. A. prize
B. training
C. graduation
D. competition
17. A. annoyed
B. sad
C. proud
D. happy
18. When your friend graduates from his school, you will say “....”
A. Let me congratulate you for your examination
B. Congratulation for your working ahievement
C. I am so pitty to hear the graduation news
D. Great job, finally you are graduated.
19. Dina hopes ... her favourite Senior High School.
A. enrol
B. enrolling
C. enrols
D. to enrol

Questions number 20-23 refer to the following text.

20. The text mainly talks about ....

A. the instruction manuals in blending hot stuffs
B. way to use blender in a hot area
C. guidance in cleaning the contaners
D. the steps of using the lowest speed in blending
21. Look at the table!
1 never limit the amount of materials processed in standard containers

2 remove the center portion of the lid in standard container lid

3 always follow the instructions packed with the lid

4 stard belnding in medium speed then progress to the lowest speed

5 keep the distance when the blender is running

The CORRECT istruction based on the text is ....

A. 1, 2, 4
B. 2, 3, 5
C. 2, 4, 5
D. 3, 4, 5
22. “To minimize the possibility of scalding ....” (The first line)
The word ‘minimize’ has the same meaning with ....
A. increase
B. create
C. delay
D. reduce
23. “If you are using the standard two-piece container ...” (no 1)
The word ‘you’ refers to ....
A. the listeners
B. the writers
C. the users
D. the sellers

Questions number 24-26 refer to the following text.

Intan : Assalamualaikum Sita
Sita : Alaiakumsalam Tan! It’s been a pleasure to see you here
Intan : Looks so happy to see me. What’s up?
Sita : I need your help. Please tell me, how to change my WhatsApp number.
Intan : It’s easy. Fist go to setting, then click account. After that click change number
then follow the step there by entering the previous number and the new number.
Wait for the verification step then it’s done
: Ok. I will try. Thanks
: you are welcome

24. What does Sita want?

A. Charging her phone
B. Installing WhatsApp on her phone
C. Changing her WhatsApp number
D. Sending a WhatsApp message
25. What is the last step of changing the phone number on WhatsApp?
A. Click setting
B. WhatsApp number verification
C. Calling WhatsApp operator
D. Click change number
26. “It’s been a pleasure to see you here”
The word pleasure means ….
A. happiness
B. sadness
C. dissatisfaction
D. adventure

Questions number 27-30 refer to the following text.

Flow Resto
Indonesian food
Reservation by phone 0343-334567
Foods Beverages

Rawon 30K Tea 10K

Soto 30K Coffee 15K
Pecel 25K Blue ocean 10K
Lodeh 25K Green lovers 15K
Krawu 30K Avocado juice 15K
Rames 35K Durian juice 20K
Gule 35K Orange juice 10K
Hot choco 15K
Fruit tea 10K

27. The statement bellow that matches the above menu is .....
A. the restaurant is located in Surabaya
B. we cannot find any western food there
C. Flow Resto only sells bevereges
D. people can get many kinds of cakes there
28. If you have IDR 40.000, you can buy ....
A. rawon and coffee
B. gule and durian juice
C. pecel and coffee
D. krawu and hot choco
29. Mr. and Mrs. Haris is taking their son and daughter to the restaurant. They order rawon and
coffee for each of them. How much should Mr. Haris pay?
A. IDR 210.000
B. IDR 200.000
C. IDR 190.000
D. IDR 180.000
30. The restaurant is located in ….
A. Pasuruan
B. Probolinggo
C. Surabaya
D. Jombang

Questions number 31-34 refer to the following text.

Tina : Hi Dini, what’s up? You look nervous!
Dini : Yes I am. My brother is having his final test today. I hope he can do it well
Tini : I am sure he can do it easily. He’s such a smart boy. Let’s hope for the best!
Dini : Thanks Tin.

31. Dini is nervous because she ….

A. is worried that her brother will fail the test
B. wants to help her brother on his test
C. asks Tini to help her brother
D. is sure that her brother is smart
32. “I hope he can do it well” (line 2)
The expression shows that Dini ….
A. feels sure about the test
B. prays for her brother success
C. shows her deepest condolences
D. asks for her brother’s support
33. “I am sure he can do it easily” (line 3)
The word ‘it’ refers to ….
A. Dini
B. Tini’s friend
C. Dini’s brother
D. the test
34. After reading the dialog, we can conclude that ….
A. they are arguing about the final test
B. Dini loves his brother a lot
C. Tini’s brother is a lazy student
D. the test will be conducted tomorrow

35. Match the right with the left table!

1. Iron a. is used to freeze water
2. Blender b. is used to blend food, vegetables, fruit etc.
3. Magic com c. is used to clean vegetables and fruits
4. Refrigerator d. is used to heat food
5. Mixer e. is used to cook rice and keep it in warm condition
A. 2b,3e,4a
B. 2c,3b,5a
C. 4d,3c,2a
D. 3a,4d,5e
36. Rearrange them!
1. Pour the boiling water into the cup
2. Put 3 tsp. of sugar into a cup
3. Stir well
4. Boil 200 cc of water
5. Your hot coffee is ready to be served
6. Add a spoonful of coffee

A. 3-2-1-5-6-4
B. 3-4-3-6-5-1
C. 4-2-6-1-3-5
D. 5-1-3-2-4-6

Questions number 37-41 refer to the following text.

Planting chillies is really easy. Not only easy, planting chillies is also useful to get fresh and
hygienist chillies from our own garden.
Before we plant chillies, we need to prepare several things such as chilli seeds, small spade,
compost, and vessels. After all tools and materials have been prepared, then we begin to plant
some chillies.
First, get a handful of chilli seeds. Make sure you have already dried it under the sunlight.
Second, make small hole on the soil by using the small spade and put the seeds on it then close
with soil. Make sure to put it on the open area. Next, wait for several days until it come out the
sprout. Finally, take the sprout off the soil and put it on the vessel which full of soil and
compost. The sprout will grow bigger and yield us some fresh chillies. Make sure to watering
the plant regularly.

37. The text is mainly talks about ….

A. the advantage of chillies
B. the steps of planting chillies
C. how to cook chillies
D. the origins of chillies
38. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. The way to get chilli seeds
B. Ways to prepare chilli seeds
C. Guidance of planting chillies
D. Tools and materials needed to plan chillies
39. The writer suggests that the seed should be ….
A. fresh
B. dry
C. wet
D. warm
40. What should we do with the sprouts?
A. Dry them in a hot area.
B. Take them off and put them on the vessel.
C. Spread them in the open area for a while
D. Put them in the hole and close with soil
41. “The sprout will grow bigger and yield us some fresh chillies” (paragraph 3, line 5)
What is the synonym of the word ‘yield’?
A. Make
B. Create
C. Keep
D. Produce
the - place - stove - the - pan - on
1 2 3 4 5 6

A. 2-1-5-6-4-3
B. 2-1-3-6-4-5
C. 3-4-1-2-6-5
D. 4-2-5-1-3-6
Complete the following text!
First, get a piece of paper to form the body of your kite then (43) … it into a diamond shape. To
cut a diamond shape on the paper, simply cut the 4 corners off. Make sure to design the line first
use a ruler (44) … get straight line. The diamond needs to be longer in the bottom part corner
about 3 cm longer than top. Second, tie two sticks together. To make sure they're in the right
spot, line (45) … up with your paper first. Make the tie as (46) … as possible! It should be
securely knotted and the excess string cut off. Third, thread a string and tie it to four edges of the
stick. Place it on the diamond-shaped paper. Glue each side of the paper on each side string.
Fourth, tie a string to the right and left hand sides of the horizontal stick. Then tie the string to
the centre of that string for your flying line. The last, tie on paper or ribbon to the corners to form
the tail. You can add small strips of material to the end of the kite for added buoyancy and
weighting. Find a field a friend to fly your own kite.

43. A. lift
B. get
C. cut
D. pull
44. A. to
B. from
C. into
D. at
45. A. him
B. her
C. them
D. it
46. A. loos
B. big
C. tight
D. strong

Questions number 47-50 refer to the following text.

You will need :

 Cream
 Ice cubes
 Salt
 Drinking chocolate powder
 Milk
 Glass
 Tablespoon
 Tea towel
 Large bowl

Follow these instructions:

1. First mix a spoonful of chocolate, to spoonful of milk and spoonful of cream the glass.
2. Next, put some ice cubes in the bowl and sprinkle a lot of salt over them.
3. Then, place the glass of ice cream mixture in the large Bowl on top of the salted ice cubes.
4. After that, build up more layers of ice cubes and salt around the glass.
5. Finally, place the tea towel over the bowl, leave the ice cream Mixture to set for an hour, stir
it every few minutes.

47. The following are the tools you needed!

A. Salt
B. Glass
C. Tea towel
D. Cream
48. What should you do before putting the ice cube?
A. Place the glass in the
B. Add some chocolate
C. Mix the chocolate, milk and cream
D. Stir it well before serving
49. “…place the tea towel over the bowl…” (step no.5)
The word ‘place’ means ….
A. read
B. mix
C. put
D. employ
50. “… sprinkle a lot of salt over them…” (step no 2)
The word ‘them’ refers to ….
A. the readers
B. the medium
C. some ice cubes
D. the cream

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