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CURRICULUM VITAE DR.AMINA C. MOHAMED, EGH, CBS, CAV Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Trade of The Republic of Kenya. 1. PERSONAL DATA 1.1 Name: 1.2 Corresponding address: 1.3 Permanent address 1.4 E-mail address 1.5 Gender 1.6 Nationality 1.7 Date of Birth Amb. (Dr.) Amina C. Mohamed Ministry of Foreign Affairs Old Treasury Building Harambee Avenue Nairobi, KENYA P.O. Box 56689 — 00200 Nairobi, KENYA Female Kenyan 5/10/1961 2. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 1993-1994: Chevening Fellow, Post Graduate Diploma in International Relations, University of Oxford Kenya School of Law, Nairobi UNITAR Fellow 1980-1985: Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws ‘Taras Shevchenko University Kiev, Ukraine 1| Page 3. SUMMARY OF PROFESSIONAL SKILLS/EXPERTISE Key competencies eccee Legal expert and practitioner in domestic and international law Expert in governance and public sector and institutional reform Strategic leader at bilateral and multilateral levels Analytic/research skills Resource mobilization skills Versatile and effective negotiator Consensus building at national, regional and international levels ‘Management of large and complex organisations Excellent multi-lingual oral and ~—_written communicator Excellent information, communication and technology skills Team building, management of diversity and multi- cultural sensitivity 4. SUMMARY OF RELEVANT WORK EXPERIENCE As a Public Servant 2013 to date: Cabinet Secretary (Minister), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Kenya Key achievements: . Restructured, reformed and rationalised Kenya's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Missions abroad. Chaired the team that drafted Kenya’s foreign trade policy. Developed the first written Kenya Foreign and Diaspora Policies to guide Kenya’s approach to foreign policy and diplomacy. Led Kenya, and Africa in negotiating successful outcomes at the World Trade Organisation, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the Tokyo International Conference on Africa's Development VI. Provided leadership in the search for regional and 2| Page 2008- 2011: 2006- 2007: international peace and security in Somalia, Burundi, South Sudan, Central Africa Republic as well as in the United Nations Peace-building Commission. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs of the Republic of Kenya Key achievements: Led the constitutional review process that culminated in the promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. Managed the legal and institutional reforms undertaken in Kenya from 2008 to 2011. Facilitated multi-sectoral negotiations on the review of the Constitution. Chaired the Governance, Justice Law and Order Sector (GJLOS), a sector-wide cross institutional programme which reformed the Judiciary, the Kenya Police, Prisons and correctional facilities. GJLOS was later adopted by the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 as the National Council on the Administration of Justice. Entrenched the office of the Ombudsman within the Judiciary, operationalised the Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution, the National Cohesion and Integration Commission and Commission for Ethics and Integrity; and Chaired the Annual Multi-Stakeholder Ethics and Integrity conferences. Director, Directorate of Europe and Commonwealth Countries and Director, Directorate for Diaspora Matters, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kenya Key achievements: Chaired the Task Force Sub - Committee on Strengthening and Restructuring of the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kenya. Opened the Embassies of Kenya in Ireland and Spain 3 | Page 2000-2006: — Ambassador/Permanent Representative, Kenya Mission to the United Nations and other International Organizations, Geneva, Switzerland Key achievements: Chair/ Coordinator and Spokesperson for the African Group at the World Trade Organization (WTO) Chair/ Coordinator and Spokesperson for the African Group at the World Trade Organisation Human Rights Commission including the Historic Conference Against Racism President/ Conference on Disarmament in 2002 Chair/ Council of the International Organization for Migration in 2002 Chair/ World Trade Organisation Trade Policy Review Body in 2003 Chair of the World Trade Organisation Dispute Settlement Body in 2004 Chair/ World Trade Organisation General Council in 2005, Member of the Executive Boards and Committees of the World Health Organisation, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, World Intellectual Property Organisation, International Labour Organisation, United Nations Conference for Trade And Development and United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS, 2001-2005 1990-2000: Legal Advisor to Kenya’s Mission to Geneva and New York and Member of Kenya’s team to the Security Council of the United Nations and the Third and Sixth Committees of the United Nations General Assembly. 1986-1990: _Legall Advisor and Ag. Head of the Legal Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kenya. As an International Civil Servant to the United Nations 2011-2013: United Nations Assistant Secretary General and Deputy Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi-Kenya 4) Page Key achievements: ¢ Played an instrumental role in reforming and positioning the United Nations Environment Programme as a global environmental organisation. Leadership Positions Held in Multilateral Organizations 2016-2019: Co-Chair of the Ministerial Segment of the Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development Summit(TICAD VI) 2016-2020: _President of 14th United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD) 2015-2017: Chair of the 10th World Trade Organisation Ministerial Conference (WTO) 2009-2011: _President of the United Nations Conference on ‘Transnational Crime, Vienna, Austria 2000-2006: —_Held the following leadership positions while serving as Kenya’s Ambassador/Permanent Representative to Kenya’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Geneva: 5. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Michael Froman and Amina Mohamed (25 September, 2016). Tapping Afri Full Potential ica’s Available at: 1s://www.project-s ym -michael-froman-1-and-amina-moh: le Amb. (Dr.) Amina C. Mohamed and SiddharthChatterjee (23 September, 2016). To end Radicalisation and violent extremism, create jobs for the youth. Daily Nation. Available at _http://www.nation.< (o] inion, - radicalisation-violent-extremism-create-jobs-for-youth-/440808-3392864- je/i1 html ayhgje/index.html Amb. (Dr.) Amina C. Mohamed and SiddharthChatterjee (20 September, 2016). Jobs Are Crucial For Peace And Stem Radicalization And Violent Extremism In Kenya. Available at http://www. 5 | Page mohamed/jobs-are crucial-for- peac_b_12104198.html?ncid=engmodushpmgoo000004 via @theworldpost Amb. (Dr.) Amina C. Mohamed and Siddharth Chatterjee (26 January, 2016). Women's Empowerment Will Accelerate Kenya’s Economic Prosperity. Available at Amb. (Dr.) Amina C, Mohamed ( 7 January,2016). The 10th WTO Ministerial Conference in Nairobi — a Successful Turning Point for the Multilateral Trading System. Available at ina-mol Amb. (Dr.) Amina C. Mohamed (11 December, 2015). Why Fish Need the World Trade Organization Survive.Available to athttp://www.h tony m/author/am| \dor-amina-mohamed Amb. (Dr.) Amina Mohamed (14, September, 2015). Statement by Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary For Foreign Affairs Ambassador Amina C. Mohamed, on the oth WTO — Ministerial Conference-Nairobi. Available at https:/, / '-for-foreign-affairs~ sador-amina-c- med-on-the-10th- -ministerial-confe nairobi.html. Amb. (Dr.) Amina Mohamed (October, 2015). Speech on Diplomacy, Business Monthly - East Africa Edition, Media 7 Group Kenya Limited; p.34 ~ 37. Amb. (Dr.) Amina Mohamed and Dr. TedrosAdhanom (5 January, 2016). Kenya and Ethiopia: A cross-border initiative to advance peace and development. Available at Amb. (Dr.) Amina C. Mohamed (7 January,2015) High Stakes for the World Trade Organization in Nairobi, Kenya. Available at http://www. 6. AULANGUAGES Fluent written and verbal Fluent written and verbal Basic 7. OTHER RELEVANT & SUPPORTING INFORMATION 6 |Page Awards 2015: Highest National Award by the Head of State of Elder of the Order of the Golden Heart (EGH), Republic of Kenya 2015: Honorary Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters KCA University, Nairobi, Kenya 2015: Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya 2008: National Award of the Chief of the Burning Spear (CBS), Republic of Kenya 2007: Cavalieredell’Ordinedella Stella _dellasolidarietaltaliana (CAV), from the President of Italy 2016: United Nations Development Programme, Champion Was Member of the Life and Peace Institute International Advisory Council, Sweden Member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Arctic Member of the Strathmore Law School Advisory Board, Kenya Life Member, Red Cross Society 8. HOBBIES Reading, swimming, community service, mentoring and empowering the youth and young diplomats. 9. REFEREES HLE. Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta, C.G.H. President of the Republic of Kenya NAIROBI HLE, Mr. Ban Ki Moon Secretary General of the United Nations 7| Page UN Plaza YC HLE, Louise Mushikawabo Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Republic of Rwanda KIGALI 8) Page PROFILE AMBASSADOR (DR.) AMINA CHAWAHIR MOHAMED Nationality: Kenyan E-mail: Introduction Ambassador Amina Mohamed is the Cabinet Secretary (Minister), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Kenya. She is an excellent strategist and a visionary leader with a career spanning over thirty years in public and foreign service, and international diplomacy covering a broad spectrum of domestic and international assignments. She has also served in various elected positions to key International Organisations. She is the serving Chair of the 10% World Trade Organisation Ministerial Conference which is the topmost decision-making body of the World ‘Trade Organisation, 2015 to 2017; the President of the 14" United Nations Conference on ‘Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 2016-2020 and the Co-chair of the Ministerial segment of the Sixth Tokyo International Conference of Africa’s Development (TICAD VI) Summit, 2016-2019. Career and Service Ambassador Amina Mohamed rose through the ranks in Kenya's diplomatic service from legal advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Kenya's Missions to Geneva and New York, to the highest level of Ambassador/Permanent Representative, Kenya Mission to the United Nations (UN) in Geneva from 2000 to 2006. She served as Director, Europe and the Commonwealth and Director Diaspora from mid-2006 to 2007 and was Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs in 2008. In July, 2011 she joined the United Nations as the United Nations Assistant Secretary General and Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) based in Nairobi. In April, 2013, H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta appointed her as the Cabinet Secretary (Minister) for Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Kenya. A Distinguished African Diplomat Ambassador Amina’s distinguished diplomatic career commenced in 1986. Since then, she has risen through the ranks to become Ambassador/Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to the Republic of Kenya in Geneva from 2000 to 2006. As the Permanent Representative, she represented Kenya's interests within the United Nations system, and the World ‘Trade Organization (WTO) among other International Organizations. Her strong interpersonal skills have individualised Amb. Amina as a skillful and effective negotiator. This has enabled her to distinctively drive negotiations in the multilateral fora and effectively articulate Kenya’s interests in the international bodies within which she has served. She has galvanised Africa around issues of common interest including the rule of law, trade and investment, peace and security, integration and migration. An Expert in Public Sector and Institutional Reform As Cabinet Secretary, Ambassador Amina Mohamed has been instrumental in restructuring, reforming and rationalizing Kenya’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Missions abroad. She chaired the team that drafted Kenya's Foreign Trade Policy focusing on economic and commercial diplomacy as well as Kenya's first Foreign and Diaspora Policies. As Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs, 2008-2010, she supervised and contributed to the drafting and negotiation of the Draft Constitution of Kenya. She also guided the national referendum that led to the promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. During this tenure, she implemented institutional reforms on elections, ethics and integrity, access to justice and the development of a national cohesion policy. At the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Ambassador Amina spearheaded the implementation of UNEP’s Medium Term Strategy and Programmes as well as on-going reforms. She was actively engaged in the intergovernmental processes that discussed the implementation of the Rio+20 outcomes and supported efforts to enhance UNEP’s sustainable financing. A Distinguished Legal Practitioner Throughout her experience in the multilateral fora, she provided legal advice during Kenya's tenure in the United Nations Security Council. She also led trade negotiations at the World Trade Organisation, particularly during the Doha Development Round. She also offered legal advise during Kenya's Constitution making process, particularly in the realm of international law, foreign policy and diplomacy. As a result of her contribution, Kenya's Constitution not only centralises international law as an important component of national law but also introduced key international human rights norms as guidelines for constitutional order and interpretation. In her capacity as the Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Amina has continued to provide strategic leadership on Kenya's engagement with international institutions at the multilateral level including the United Nations Conference on ‘Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Results-oriented Team Leader Throughout her career, Ambassador Amina has demonstrated solid leadership and proven negotiation skills. She chaired three key World ‘Trade Organisation bodies: the Dispute Settlement Body, the Trade Policy Review Body and the General Council during her tenure as Kenya's Permanent Representative to Geneva. During this period, important decisions and recommendations were made and adopted. Under her leadership as the General Council Chair: the accession of Saudi Arabia was concluded; she guided the negotiations and preparations for the 2005 Hong Kong Ministerial Conference where substantial Progress was made regarding the Doha Development Agenda; the Least Developed Countries’ waiver on market access was successfully concluded and members agreed to amend The Agreement on ‘Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) to legally allow WIO members without capacity to produce pharmaceutical products to import and address public health concerns. At UNEP she was instrumental in enhancing the capacity of the institution and soughtg additional resources to initiate new goals and action plans, 3 As Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs, she provided oversight of Kenya’s successful hosting of critical trade, investment and development conferences, in particular the WTO's Tenth Ministerial Conference held in Nairobi in December, 2015; the 14th Session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD 14) in July, 2016 and the 6th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD VI) held in Nairobi in July and August 2016 respectively. Education Ambassador Amina Mohamed is a legal expert with a Bachelor and Master of Laws Degrees from the University of Taras Shevchenko University Kiev, Ukraine (2985), then part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). She holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in law from the Kenya School of Law, and a Post Graduate Diploma in International Relations, from the University of Oxford. She is also a United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Fellow. Ambassador Amina Mohamed is fluent in English, Russian and Kiswahili, and has basic knowledge of French. Honours and Awards Ambassador Amina Mohamed has received awards both at the international and national levels including: the highest National Award of Elder of the Golden Heart (EGH) awarded by H.E. the President of the Republic of Kenya in December 2015; and the Chief of the Burning Spear (CBS) in 2008. Her contribution to national development has been recognised by several national institutions of higher learning through the award of Honorary Doctorate Degrees. She was awarded a Doctor in Humane Letters from KCA University, Nairobi in 2015 and an Honorary Doctor of Letters from Moi University, Eldoret,Kenya in the same year. She was recently appointed as a United Nations Development Programme Champion for 2016. Community service Ambassador Amina Mohamed is a life Member of the Red Cross Society; Member of the Life and Peace Institute International Advisory Council, Sweden; Member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Arctic, and Member of the Strathmore Law School Advisory Board, Kenya. She enjoys spending time mentoring the youth and young diplomats — especialy women. She believes that the youth demography holds the key to moving past barriers of development at the national and regional levels.

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