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Laning, Naluue , Scope aud Obyeetive

Aeya Rkestaseh
nig Reseanch i
RLAeRch mians de deauth
OK kind Ouut and e eranuin
acuin this oaquuiig nuwknuulnd
Stmns Auiinuite an Ayutematic
Coauination oUiung9 {arto L
Kneuske d ge do aiAtaun Ktuthea
Cting OnaluuA AAn vaLeol
0A het Jt onardinisl by omme
pLpla a nvenwmt hm the
nCn to hewnknm St_ o actuill,
duouny As it b a
e n akl , that d man peais
rlal lnatinot ninguuôtlivenis
Lhuth ut him to ake robe and
atkaun full and kull inderutandry
tteunknen- Inart thib unqutir
nes the mothi e_all kneivtdy.
Ounl h method cohich a mn enytýs
tbtaning i knonlele ok
Ltere i unkneen, tan be tev

RLARAAChb n actmly
Ounol aus Aurh tu
tum AhDuld ECt
houdmicklIMA o Cmpedd
o tuwo sohds Ae and'Jeasdh ehich
L seanh ajan , 0h To eaAch_koA h
taebo on t modiy Oldes n n au
Dhanch oKnowledye
uirdtios 0Reslasoh':z
Pen i b doumany uinirg
Risaneh A lAzkul Invealljai
ANwny Lpecicuily the
t nu aito uin any bAahnoh
nn h Gpinion o kdmannd Hoy
St a utema2ed toE
e Lu , dligent, andeahurtic
ineadiaalin a apecikic Aubgert matter
hudh h oaim thi adwahcennt
maAlindh knowudje
AccoAolin to undbing RoaDANsh na
Muthdutnty G6eative and
Ateatic mw persible cluui
l i n 9Enialzation and veniti catin
Othu data odseAveal.
Thi nuyclopaadua BALtuntcs daoi
LM milu 9,Uosiy and ulutl
UnGLy disertesl to fh dioorin
h amd n Pauiquular the
Kaind CLntuo hveligaluon oH


ünuple and facto oanAutyecl,

buoed on 0higinal and i t hand
tuoly cuioAiliep Oh eopeNOmnt
0unal (mtnibulom
Ctotn o oledge kin i d
thu tuth ith he hip o Sksy,
0denatiom, ConupaNDM ,änl
SateUtw nUtho C ting T
a tin
pethet ' (Alle
ctin antoe
analuing thi alts a n
dnini,CAAoth tmalitaiona euthe
n the D So Lulioms taudand
eComuiannd pLobLem un
Cetaun uneaall2auOn h n
thoLicA bAmulation

baeed baeet &tctaAetoAntt

Noda Mudus dgalL Reswaach &2

Dodinal Aucaneh 0 Thaditional A4eamh
cloctuinal Aweoeh mlans a Kulah
that e baun cAKiLol Out ma ljalL
MepoAtum oi pKopoAtinsy way k
OUnalnng th asing At atdy popuo
Ounol dhas y 0pplung th AL&sonung

he wPtiis theelutional lugal

LAOUAh: his has beun Ocnbewed 'by ha
Oginal Juces laus. thi Act t
YcnDiamnnt and Boto Passicl iy hi lgol
w all wwol thio Cauy danlalin
daAe laws dericded y nl Jc'and
ich a l btndling_on ihe lowa COuudstal
mday sountu " k tent bookj mat
ConAnmtonies do hot posse SS tus muth
Qwthonuy nu
L 0kignal Sownces pos seS-|
Guely A eARAh depands tepan
r Maderual mwhudh thi
dynds upm i nis_Aluoly
Dotninal umash lobks _a th
Aoloing iuus
th ou Puhaned yodues

2:nKobleu posed b he gaP betoeen

H polity qnal and Hhe aud stato
vatlability o_oltemate cholcet
inupleuutation o qoals;
h e pAidictioyy and conseucr that
Oen nAade
Jn a dymanues Ocicty, he laws
Soicl welkau hae placid a
KLet buunden _om he couni d Cauo.
Qennaly t n uili bea gap u
tatuti md he corts hame to
n lue dectainal ptindpls, dtandands
Qnueuity_nthatatutsy lugus
A wokal uhlh appeans do be cliss
bumn v dwj iis applilrtion
élnepanle d thu Anolution omuy

thCmatitudion Inolla Hany a

Agu thu woAals 'publuc onele

AOms ko helitne'uasgnabketng
AaAonablenus eAutidieny

ule m P / t u n e deliJalunad
Paa i vage anlloble
Beaide tais, he Cowat has nbro duced
onangs not only n the anla h (onsti-ttn
das u t alsoin tha ana dubo
Crununal las os uoull uo opidy Joug
Counts hae huld that dath antin
ANQulal net he unptd in all AIA An uhi
utoblinut pe
n Kanut Aanu Coass. e t h Pansl
n n Laction , p h
ulr al th
Chauactuutuas Ooctuinal RALamh2
4 he udy aunly baAaed on pepeditiers
Uhe sems dlala " kor a_doiinal
LpoRD oApile
Ceutnbo an cmwentiomal n l thte
3t umis wh
ha ni artiuwla
p i n l a 0 duysand noE shat
adi ths"autholl, tA Sy So r
hn un the unpet thiScuy
Acyanta ddotiinal ALseOneh:
3t ovidlis annyls, nuis anl thiv
too L& nitded to huàth'cll ti tons t
i'unLnALVuniuhy t poblens LuHHhin
unuerd tiu hdn
pwYides sotund bouknound oa oLLfan
ScholAshp_un hils n'onnoeth
un cticminy t h yal adn Se

quution anss os to Lwhat

0 L H law hould pliouo Haa
dctina MAAMh uy po idl
Ppopkiad eldtliesuidanu
huti ik g ' nkonniational valua
heie CUl wnt aun nis eg ulta
Munis c betime whih can be 1npne ve
bnly by doctinal Meanlh
9t nuie Hles1bla in chanatet
honal A_Can be techud te n
Lnnt to mak it_woeable

pAiis A Sodebu and hen

anol oual 'alu 28 esentfal fo
t ALAaleh hetaeks intuah
2 do cthinal ALALANchn faLs artf

mutualsat oltbDeiil
3 h danuL as'ó dkticuul
Lnlupket and o uundiniind
4 i b'not mll ceeuant urth
ls Cnatbuction and nla-
Ptation, the emtini (odea 9peipt
y h e n a dY{T
and ohAwnol meAnin whuih wili ,
hub wek a \b09A one
octninl Leamhu 0Unalydls
nS, C laws Nd Cuatouay piinup
OUnd Coule
lati on , puuléd an usbu
doun ay yunual pupali on
eloinalesraieh nipul
ntionuw dlenuUnits (utl Mo
uted t ly olDn a ninal rinupl

Nm olocni nal.on nup iiul liseanch

Conauotn enpiucal Aiazawh laet
oRD.0KLgin tnpuic WansAely
Anlely m oeNtienm Aad eIpeinet
not om they thu npul al Maease
AUind odt by wliksttng qnd zabhiur
data o etron 3at edt tn ain
y ilt hand Atudy
Raach Aishnuqne o ala ollid a

nNoU C ALAAAN ÄAnteadhrnuje

nu That atten ypis to dhconi a
genual uly cllgwiny usto
undinK1acol why humwn beinys 4thav
Thi huths ds luke

eoNeotim, anlwiis, qu£otionnang

Leyand Aeat uoly ann uwcel
to acoves thu hunan mdut
AL quuinues anl nit Aluit able To
enmpii l mdho ds Bny urguy whrse
te t to delesmunt wht " zwd
and what u erl ANnnet h ennpilca
oteed. he lasom toi ni nat"
A LAIaichA lannot dotonA Lh
adnisiHe_phyuCal dmee Ralarh
ANdo h valut aynlim and mennl
4ultions ani also not _anunile2ta
npiucal melhals
e n p i i a l hweaeh Miiry
Amunal twlla the yal dtenslon
pocLss eALje assh's"attention
O Vaiablis thod inkHLulmes the
otioiom_and nupart t h i diolo
the JOuity h i npuial
to lsiknohuip t u luowith
h thanouMal Juilunss. Hu,
DALlnp otano isUn t
valuus anl Loual
popke, Socdal
whatitulime and nOt t bhi tyal.
nplo r doines aPpcoeh
ALAAAohin o altays buaeler and
th uLAtinu heAahs nula ta
anailable tn thw honw
o dm
ChaaduAtiCA 6ud dh pact o
t To nd
m r legoal enenls upon h i liyal deuyo

2: AnAne 0aai and ma

t u s i o n d out he e t o
eouh diniton m pespl and 30cdeya
tt n t urvchanPal erdunirely e
aARelltu ALponl nd dthn ikadti onal
Jgal ADUNOL M ito datas
9 nay twolve the ual ALaLaNrbh
nal AOun not_plinht tans
Taunia unnil

antualtuntontng e A u JDci
Exnemely ALul h ducudehiny he
acctoeL NAaus 0 aCUNtUn
t m ' e wd nightor undindadu

doy JOuiy uals

ociological Khool uwspuudeye

initaims o lactors Inhbib
Non-Douhinal o piical0
Realandh Suene
Ota cbplins (pelitiel
Souolor ec), y and darge
Rae iled auwe
tudy ne Ualrdeu
akisns oxi alunt
he teau unetim
3 Many Haa ducators, no
doubt u a l y unuoi'iligby
n u l a t e an a u o g e t
atttude toond on-
ReAeardh, espeelally nm-elecbi
nal lesiarch int i a l
der thu lubeplin
Melt rokrkos tomcel
themuusue'aB lewyund
aal educastonl &ata tham
Lao schools and perus=
aR a adition Sustaiinik
mn- dDctinl Rialaneh
6 auo puoKMaB anL net adeuate
Aoied i the tecluthues
Man- dectainal nupusiorl Ueav=

Dnemce keheeen
No Dochinal Ddctinal and
Docinal Reseanch ays
upm Lazeal puinuiple muwh
much enphas
Oseanch uiys Lsaen budL ndn dechinal
emphaois upn
n dochnal lw eanch hepean
Luoes ch
t tvadittomal
m Owcts foz data
Selly deseneiil omn Aaeanch o
CmlenGomal PA tuditiomr
a tsained psm or
data data:
doctnol Aeaeadh m pns Can do
an do
-dochinal eneanch the othen haud
Dantiiulan shiLAs nvDkves h0
DR CLd Cmpual
enouwlndu an
then ducp
to anuwe
nau Lanch Scholans scik
Sitioms tuwo two lyal
questiom puspe-
m h dthes
do Tuinal
wwben stiom AoAnh nNb
6Docbinal ALsranch_b a ann aN
tudy hut nm-
dotinal AcaLand
mpiuil study
Dochinnl PLeandn nnd
O leo uapes
peepas tiosM
bthehano nm docbnnal
u e e COnCened iwjA
Soda Ualues Ond pcople
HosplyS e c m d a . gounce data
et dbethal A0easl
beAAas pauna
Aaa ane used nmdoctonl
8Docbima niseanch de nt Ree
0MH TAUn to Lellectiutha
datd, ohoudo special piactical
tonl nledea in hm-doehnind
ARDAaNdh p iah new teloulques
Qlata tDloctlm
the Sope dochhnal neayclu
naLoue Aniv ktuds abet
whal he doctun r e avdmty
a obaneao -th Sep

to ale oork b nsu nudtd and
abstuy helenene ndh
dpchskal Leeanch Lohenead
Pant h
Mat Anpecun


Ethics g a l Reseoch
tthics a a UMmalive lem
Chch basically mians what' o u 4 t
eJe the Cse amd Ppoel Ao
what he Case uh a
phyical sulenes.
dhaAacleslics e
Jt Laplit Clain
0oe LAMoluo ttucl dtamdards
pAomote ine Voalues hat c l eALeMdiil
CollaloaRatire wok,
J u d AcOntaleilly mutual
apectamd n s . mAny i h
Lthicn sspens nouM h
Jo en hai MALOUhis Can
h l d accountabte Ls tepublic
his omde he undarmindal
aims AMiodh, Much a knduekg,
Juth, nte y ano aDidand
aplhuL to ethicn
mwms Lansh danuu thin
aNLas loua
KALasch Aueh as Kneutnë
h _ and aNDAdAMn o
LaLhotm invelves
eat ofioop
endi natienans ld,&nent

peop peep

tamdads monDi
and ntutuwims , Mi
he Valuus Jhal an
nlal collaboAatve vek luo
us, QtroiaabAlly udiial
LLpCat and
MAnu thiCal nnonns hlp t
thect Lealhns Can he
ccdolablo t6
public h
f natante edoalpoliiu on
muscondutt, coongils
nueAI U anL_ Unsaiu
Loleso Muke w halAeanche
wnoed Pwblucnm nty
Conbe nild a tableTo
the rublic
tnieal noimdLin KLALamh alno
helpo buildr ublid Auppat
AROMch Plopu maL likily a d
KeAOh_pef hey Ca bal
he Guabilyhdintepdy star)
10) ARAh noim aLo ptbnnole
Vauay olhu mpoklanl
ndAodal Valiils uch
ci a Kponubilut, huna
healt+and hty
Inuple dhical Landends
nKsaAdh which wn
RARONheA uat 0

ind shle Cmdusing ki4 LaNb

yHOm y7 h e KLseankL_m wat
hmeAty all dd
He hemuat hotuuWy Rey&t
data methods aneL
pO CLdu and rublicodion&latus
Wa he uslandhe munt nat
ecene velleagaud gunugPnUO
pbl anti n.
0 the
U hj ectivuy:2 Uu AsCAscAL must
ine to avoid a s heXPAi men
tal olAigm, dala analgis dala
tupuation , Peer iew ,ant
nHng , eaDt Lstm y and
t h Bsjpeatp ALACLRch shere
ecth v is y wied on tepalud
j)Sndegily2 he KeaeacheA must
KOLp h hea Aiuss amd
CKienMts, adt withinerty
aHeA mmmat tire o
nouqhi aid

ONoTdCanlos KeIZ and
Ond urtlall
danine l h e dwm wok
OMd Ote_ohbceas Yhe ese ancha
hA ee ood Lo ds RASCarh
tAvtres, hith as data cellëclim,

Lseach dlsign. amd CoiLs pom dento

agenu umals wwih

ennx he
Re3eanhas must aha
data esult , ideas, toels
ROLLLsHe|She and
CAitic Mand nlu deo pen He she
n d CoPghs
t and
ndll ckudl prpau
HeShe mut ade ppt aknowtadge
edi ue

Caedit o l l comtubdia
w.ot pnottt
th Reanch e
tins onhdtial Cmmunia
Papas Kau
ubrutcd Pubeictim
ultwy 3ecaeK and palitnd mLnds
uiRpmiibleubelcation he
RLLeasohos nist_ Dublich An_ 0d
t abMante LLAeAsoh and s cholanshp
wt to oduance auot hishin 0u
vtiRApmsibla Mentona The Aeseanchy
uAt hil to ducte, nmento
and advwe stude nt He) he muot
a o c hea elans and allou&
thM to uke theu
Social Ro4paiblldy t

tie onuoti Soualgrod

andMud en mtigate Aocial hhins
ough Laeh ubic educatigm
andaduOLay The L wcha
mut awoit dicalminuim qjains
Coaus o d tudents mhe
DaJ &x A _ehni uty n
Oth sato Ks haa aL not laLed
tndu sdentunc Cmpetince and
)Conip ttenc2:i The ku e che
Att Mainiaún and urov
pAOkma! p e nd eaxputse
u h ialmg todutatl on and
Juaring Ch muat take
o nnOte u p tene
Sume CuD a whele
Ci)aaliy y Th keueAdhen MuDE
Kunw and tbey
Qd Relvaud law
Bnsttutiona and emeatal
Ouii)Hunman Aubicdh rolecdion:the
KALANdhe hile Comducti
RaNh on hunan &ubsc
nAMiae hans aud Xisk ad
Anug beuetb ,aspet hunte
tnity , p<i vay and auulonony
ntust Ake Apecial píedtu

t n uulnuasle Mopuuatas aul

kki to dtstrbte t h benels
Qmo buudms Reean dh auu.

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