Putri Wulandari 200502110077 English

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Name : Putri Wulandari Hari Rachman

NIM : 200502110077


TITLE : Resume About Reading Comprehension

THEME : Education

- Reading comprehension is the skill or ability to understand what you read. In reading,
sometimes you have difficulty understanding what is conveyed by the outhor from the text
that has been compiled.
one of the elements in learning English is reading comprehension. reading comprehension is
not just reading English text, but reading with the aim of getting a depp through
- Reading strategy : scanning
If we want just one piece of information from a text, we read to scan for it. This means looking
through very quickly without really reading the words. All we need to do is find the words we
There are ways for us to scan a reading passage
1. Think about what we are scanning for
2. We can write the word that we scan
3. Keep thinking about what we are looking for
4. Don’t lead the words, don’t read the sentences, just look
5. If we don’t find it first time, try again
6. Keep thingking about the words we want and keep our eyes moving quickly
7. If we don’t do it quickly then we are not really scanning, were stopping to read the other
8. We might need a lot a practice before we can scan well,
9. Its very useful for looking up all sorts of things
10. If weare not good at reading yet, we can still scan

Present Continuous Tense
- We are not good at reading
- We are scanning for
- We are not really scanning
- We are looking for


In reading we read to scan for it
but reading with the aim scanning for
one of the elements Its very useful for looking up
good at reading we are looking for
ADVERB : just, quickly, really, ability, difficulty, well, very

- reading comprehension is not just reading English text,

- This means looking through very quickly without really reading the words
- If we don’t do it quickly then we are not really scanning
- Reading comprehension is the skill or ability to understand what you read.
- we might need a lot a practice before we can scan well
- Its very useful for looking up all sorts of things

ADJECTIVE : other, good,

- If we don’t do it quickly then we are not really scanning, were stopping to read the other
- If weare not good at reading yet, we can still scan

TOBE : is, are, were

- Reading comprehension is the skill or ability to understand what you read.

- Think about what we are scanning for
- were stopping to read the other words

REFERENCE : Practical English Student’s Book, 2021. ELC Team. Language Center UIN Maulana
Malik Ibrahim Malang. (Page 3-7)

GENRE : report text

MAIN IDEA : Learn About Reading Comprehension to improve skill and learn how to scan a
reading passage.

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