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12/12/2019 Lighting Arrester | Electrical Notes & Articles

Electrical Notes & Articles

Sharing Abstracts,Notes on various Electrical Engineering Topics.

Lighting Arrester

MARCH 30, 2011 67 COMMENTS


Lighting and Voltage Surge

Lightning can create voltage surges in several of the following ways. Lightning can
score a direct hit on your house. It can strike the overhead power line which enters
your house, or a main power line that is blocks away from your home. Lightning can
strike branch circuitry wiring in the walls of your house. Lightning can strike an object
near your home such as a tree or the ground itself and cause a surge. Voltage surges
can be created by cloud to cloud lightning near your home. A highly charged cloud
which passes over your home can also induce a voltage surge.
Voltage surges can also be caused by standard on and off switching activities of large
electric motors or pieces of equipment. These surges can be created by a neighbor, or
by a business or manufacturing facility some distance from your house. These surges
are insidious and for the most part are silent. They can occur with li le or no warning.

Method to Suppress Lighting and Voltage


When a voltage surge is created, it wants to equalize itself and it wants to do it as

quickly as possible. These things seem to have very li le patience. The surges will do
whatever it takes to equalize or neutralize themselves, even if it means short circuiting
all of your electronic equipment.
The method of providing maximum protection for equipment is quite simple. Create a
pathway for the voltage surge (electricity) to get to and into the ground outside your
house as quickly as possible. This is not, in most cases, a difficult task. 1/25
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The first step is simple. Create an excellent grounding system for your household
electrical system. The vast majority of homes do not have an excellent grounding
system. Many homes have a single grounding rod and /or a metallic underground
water pipe which are part of the electrical grounding system. In most cases, this is
inadequate. The reason is somewhat easy to explain. Imagine pu ing a two inch fire
hose into your kitchen sink and opening the nozzle to the full on position. I doubt that
the drain in your sink could handle all of the water. Your grounding system would
react in the same way to a massive voltage surge. Just as the water jumps out of the
sink, the electricity jumps from the grounding system and looks for places to go.
Frequently it looks for the microchips in your electronic devices. They are an easy
target. They offer a path of least resistance.
Voltage surges want to be directed to the grounding system, and when they do, they
want to get into the ground around your house in a hurry. You can achieve this by
driving numerous grounding rods into virgin soil around your house. These rods
should be UL approved and connected by a continuous heavy solid copper wire which
is welded to each grounding rod. This solid copper wire begins on the grounding bar
inside of your electrical panel and terminates at the last grounding rod. Avoid using
clamps if at all possible. Over time, the connection at the clamp can corrode or become
loose creating tremendous resistance. This will act as a roadblock to the electricity
trying to get into the ground around your home.
The grounding rods should be at least ten feet apart from one another. They should be
located in soil which readily accepts electricity. Moist clay soils are very desirable.
Rocky, sandy, or soils with gravel generally have high resistance factors. Electricity has
a tough time dissipating into them. Resistance readings should be in the range of 10 to
30 ohms. The lower the be er.
The second step in household surge protection is to install a lightning arrester inside of
your electric service panel. These devices can be extremely effective in intercepting
large voltage surges which travel in the electric power lines. These devices capture the
voltage surges and ‘bleed’ them off to the grounding wire which we just spoke of. If for
some reason you do not have a large enough grounding wire, or enough ground rods,
the arrester cannot do its job. It must be able to send the surge quickly to the ground
outside of your house. Almost every manufacturer of circuit breakers makes one to fit
inside their panel. They can be installed by a homeowner who is experienced in dealing
with high voltage panels. If you do not have this capability, have an experienced
electrician install it for you.
The final step in the protection plan is to install ‘point of use’ surge suppression
devices. Often you will see these called ‘transient voltage surge suppressors’. These are
your last line of defense. They are capable of only stopping the leftover voltage surge
which got past the grounding system and the lightning arrester. They cannot protect
your electronic devices by themselves. They must be used in conjunction with the
grounding system and the lightning arresters. Do not be lulled into a false sense of
security if you merely use one of these devices!
The ‘point of use’ surge suppression devices are available in various levels of quality.
Some are much be er than others. What sets them apart are several things. Generally
speaking, you look to see how fast their response time is. This is often referred to as
clamping speed. Also, look to see how high of a voltage surge they will suppress. Make
sure that the device has a 500 volt maximum UL rated suppression level. Check to see if
it has an indicator, either visual or audio, which lets you know if it is not working. The 2/25
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be er units offer both, in case you install the device out of sight. Check to see if it offers
a variety of modes with respect to protection. For example, does the device offer
protection for surges which occur between the ‘hot’ and neutral, between ‘hot’ and
ground, as well as between neutral and ground. There is a difference! Check to see if it
monitors the normal sine waves of regular household current. Surges can cause
irregularities in these wave pa erns. Good transient surge suppression devices
‘devour’ these voltage spikes. Finally, check the joule rating. A empt to locate a device
which has a joule rating of 140 or higher. Electrical supply houses often are the best
place to look for these high quality devices.
Some devices can also protect your phone equipment at the same time. This is very
important for those individuals who have computer modems. Massive voltage surges
can come across phone lines as well. These surges can enter your computer through the
telephone line! Don’t forget to protect this line as well. Also, be sure the telephone
ground wire is tied to the upgraded electrical grounding system.

What is a surge arrester?

Surge arresters are devices that help prevent damage to apparatus due to high
voltages. The arrester provides a low-impedance path to ground for the current from a
lightning strike or transient voltage and then restores to a normal operating conditions.
A surge arrester may be compared to a relief valve on a boiler or hot water heater. It
will release high pressure until a normal operating condition is reached. When the
pressure is returned to normal, the safety valve is ready for the next operation.
When a high voltage (greater than the normal line voltage) exists on the line, the
arrester immediately furnishes a path to ground and thus limits and drains off the
excess voltage. The arrester must provide this relief and then prevent any further flow
of current to ground. The arrester has two functions; it must provide a point in the
circuit at which an over-voltage pulse can pass to ground and second, to prevent any
follow-up current from flowing to ground.

Causes of over voltages

Internal causes
External causes

Internal causes

Switching surge
Insulation failure
Arcing ground
Switching surge: The over voltages produced on the power system due to switching
are known as switching surge.
Insulation failure: The most common case of insulation failure in a power system is the
grounding of conductors (i.e. insulation failure between line and earth) which may 3/25
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cause overvoltage in the system.

Arcing ground: The phenomenon of intermi ent arc taking place in line to ground
fault of a 3phase system with consequent production of transients is known as arcing
Resonance: It occurs in an electrical system when inductive reactance of the circuit
becomes equal to capacitive reactance. under resonance , the impedance of the circuit is
equal to resistance of the circuit and the p.f is unity.

Types of lightning strokes

Direct stroke
Indirect stroke

(1) Direct stroke

In direct stroke, the lightning discharge is directly from the cloud to the subject
equipment. From the line, the current path may be over the insulator down the pole to
the ground.

(2) Indirect stroke

Indirect stroke results from the electro statically induced charges on the conductors due
to the presence of charge clouds.

Harmful effects of lightning

The traveling waves produced due to lightning will sha er the insulators.
If the traveling waves hit the windings of a transformer or generator it may cause
considerable damage.

Protection against lightning

Different types of protective devices are:-

Earthing screen
Overhead ground wires
Lightning arresters

(1)The Earthing screen 4/25
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The power station & sub-station can be protected against direct lightning strokes by
providing earthing screens.
On occurrence of direct stroke on the station ,screen provides a low resistance path by
which lightning surges are conducted to ground.
It does not provide protection against the traveling waves which may reach the
equipments in the station.

(2)Overhead ground wires

It is the most effective way of providing protection to transmission lines against direct
lightning strokes.
It provides damping effect on any disturbance traveling along the lines as it acts as a
short-circuited secondary.
It requires additional cost.
There is a possibility of its breaking and falling across the line conductors, thereby
causing a short-circuit fault.

(3)Lightning Arresters

It is a protective device which conducts the high voltage surge on the power system to
The earthing screen and ground wires fail to provide protection against traveling
waves. The lightning arrester provides protection against surges.

AC Power Surge Arrester

Type 1 Surge Protectors

Type 1 surge protectors are designed to be installed where a direct lightning strike risk
is high, especially when the building is equipped with external lightning protection
system (LPS or lightning rod).
In this situation IEC 61643-11 standards require the Class I test to be applied to surge
protectors : this test is characterized by the injection of 10/350 µs impulse current in
order to simulate the direct lightning strike consequence. Therefore these Type 1 surge
protectors must be especially powerful to conduct this high energy impulse current. 5/25
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Type 2 surge protectors

Type 2 surge protectors are designed to be installed at the beginning of the installation,
in the main switchboard, or close to sensitive terminals, on installations without LPS
(lightning rods).
These protectors are tested following the Class II test from IEC61643-11 based on 8/20
µs impulse current injection.

Type 3 surge protectors

In case of very sensitive or remote equipment, secondary stage of surge protectors is

required : these low energy SPDs could be Type 2 or Type 3. Type 3 SPDs are tested
with a combination waveform (1,2/50 µs – 8/20 µs) following Class III test.

Types of Lightning Arrestors according to


1. Station Class

Station class arrestors are typically used in electrical power stations or substations and
other high voltage structures and areas.
These arrestors protect against both lightning and over-voltages, when the electrical
device has more current in the system than it is designed to handle.
These arrestors are designed to protect equipment above the 20 mVA range.

2. Intermediate Class

Like station class arrestors, intermediate class arrestors protect against surges from
lightning and over-voltages, but are designed to be used in medium voltage equipment
areas, such as electrical utility stations, substations, transformers or other substation
These arrestors are designed for use on equipment in the range of 1 to 20 mVA. 6/25
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3. Distribution Class

Distribution class arrestors are most commonly found on transformers, both dry-type
and liquid-filled.
These arrestors are found on equipment rated at 1000 kVA or less.
These arrestors are sometimes found on exposed lines that have direct connections to
rotating machines.

4. Secondary Class

Secondary class lightning arrestors are designed to protect most homes and businesses
from lightning strikes, and are required by most electrical codes, according to, Inc., an
electrical power protection company.
These arrestors cause high voltage overages to ground, though they do not short all the
over voltage from a surge. Secondary class arrestors offer the least amount of
protection to electrical systems, and typically do not protect solid state technology, or
anything that has a microprocessor.

Choosing the right AC Power Surge Arrester

AC power surge protectors is designed to cover all possible configurations in low

voltage installations. They are available in many versions, which differ in:
Type or test class (1 , 2 or 3)
Operating voltage (Uc)
AC network configuration (Single/3-Phase)
Discharge currents (Iimp, Imax, In)
Protection level (Up)
Protection technology (varistors, gas tube-varistor, filter)
Features (redundancy, differential mode, plug-in, remote signaling…).
The surge protection selection must be done following the local electrical code
requirements (i.e.: minimum rating for In) and specific conditions (i.e. : high lightning

Working Principle of LA: 7/25
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The earthing screen and ground wires can well protect the electrical system against
direct lightning strokes but they fail to provide protection against traveling waves,
which may reach the terminal apparatus. The lightning arresters or surge diverts
provide protection against such surges. A lightning arrester or a surge diverted is a
protective device, which conducts the high voltage surges on the power system to the
The earthing screen and ground wires can well protect the electrical system against
direct lightning strokes but they fail to provide protection against traveling waves,
which may reach the terminal apparatus. The lightning arresters or surge diverters
provide protection against such surges. A lightning arrester or a surge diverted is a
protective device, which conducts the high voltage surges on the power system to the

(h ps://

Fig shows the basic form of a surge diverter. It consists of a spark gap in series with a
non-linear resistor. One end of the diverter is connected to the terminal of the
equipment to be protected and the other end is effectively grounded. The length of the
gap is so set that normal voltage is not enough to cause an arc but a dangerously high
voltage will break down the air insulation and form an arc. The property of the non-
linear resistance is that its resistance increases as the voltage (or current) increases and
vice-versa. This is clear from the volt/amp characteristic of the resistor shown in Fig
The action of the lightning arrester or surge divert er is as under:
(i) Under normal operation, the lightning arrester is off the line i.e. it conducts no
current to earth or the gap is non-conducting
(ii) On the occurrence of over voltage, the air insulation across the gap breaks down
and an arc is formed providing a low resistance path for the surge to the ground. In this
way, the excess charge on the line due to the surge is harmlessly conducted through the
arrester to the ground instead of being sent back over the line.
(iii) It is worthwhile to mention the function of non-linear resistor in the operation of
arrester. As the gap sparks over due to over voltage, the arc would be a short-circuit on
the power system and may cause power-follow current in the arrester. Since the
characteristic of the resistor is to offer low resistance to high voltage (or current), it
gives the effect of short-circuit. After the surge is over, the resistor offers high resistance
to make the gap non-conducting. 8/25
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Type of LA for Outdoor Applications:

There are several types of lightning arresters in general use. They differ only in
constructional details but operate on the same principle, providing low resistance path
for the surges to the round.
1. Rod arrester
2. Horn gap arrester
3. Multi gap arrester
4. Expulsion type lightning arrester
5. Valve type lightning arrester

(1) Rod Gap Arrester

It is a very simple type of diverter and consists of two 1.5 cm rods, which are bent at
right angles with a gap in between as shown in Fig.
One rod is connected to the line circuit and the other rod is connected to earth. The
distance between gap and insulator (i.e. distance P) must not be less than one third of
the gap length so that the arc may not reach the insulator and damage it. Generally, the
gap length is so adjusted that breakdown should occur at 80% of spark-voltage in order
to avoid cascading of very steep wave fronts across the insulators.
The string of insulators for an overhead line on the bushing of transformer has
frequently a rod gap across it. Fig 8 shows the rod gap across the bushing of a
transformer. Under normal operating conditions, the gap remains non-conducting. On
the occurrence of a high voltage surge on the line, the gap sparks over and the surge
current is conducted to earth. In this way excess charge on the line due to the surge is
harmlessly conducted to earth

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(i) After the surge is over, the arc in the gap is maintained by the normal supply
voltage, leading to short-circuit on the system.

(ii) The rods may melt or get damaged due to excessive heat produced by the arc.

(iii) The climatic conditions (e.g. rain, humidity, temperature etc.) affect the
performance of rod gap arrester.

(iv) The polarity of the f the surge also affects the performance of this arrester.

Due to the above limitations, the rod gap arrester is only used as a back-up protection
in case of main arresters.

(2) Horn Gap Arrester:

Fig shows the horn gap arrester. It consists of a horn shaped metal rods A and B
separated by a small air gap. The horns are so constructed that distance between them
gradually increases towards the top as shown.
The horns are mounted on porcelain insulators. One end of horn is connected to the
line through a resistance and choke coil L while the other end is effectively grounded.
The resistance R helps in limiting the follow current to a small value. The choke coil is
so designed that it offers small reactance at normal power frequency but a very high
reactance at transient frequency. Thus the choke does not allow the transients to enter
the apparatus to be protected.
The gap between the horns is so adjusted that normal supply voltage is not enough to
cause an arc across the gap.

(h ps://

Under normal conditions, the gap is non-conducting i.e. normal supply voltage is
insufficient to initiate the arc between the gap. On the occurrence of an over voltage,
spark-over takes place across the small gap G. The heated air around the arc and the
magnetic effect of the arc cause the arc to travel up the gap. The arc moves
progressively into positions 1, 2 and 3.
At some position of the arc (position 3), the distance may be too great for the voltage to
maintain the arc; consequently, the arc is extinguished. The excess charge on the line is
thus conducted through the arrester to the ground. 10/25
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(3) Multi Gap Arrester:

Fig shows the multi gap arrester. It consists of a series of metallic (generally alloy of
zinc) cylinders insulated from one another and separated by small intervals of air gaps.
The first cylinder (i.e. A) in the series is connected to the line and the others to the
ground through a series resistance. The series resistance limits the power arc. By the
inclusion of series resistance, the degree of protection against traveling waves is
In order to overcome this difficulty, some of the gaps (B to C in Fig) are shunted by
resistance. Under normal conditions, the point B is at earth potential and the normal
supply voltage is unable to break down the series gaps. On the occurrence an over
voltage, the breakdown of series gaps A to B occurs.
The heavy current after breakdown will choose the straight – through path to earth via
the shunted gaps B and C, instead of the alternative path through the shunt resistance.

(h ps://

Hence the surge is over, the arcs B to C go out and any power current following the
surge is limited by the two resistances (shunt resistance and series resistance) which are
now in series. The current is too small to maintain the arcs in the gaps A to B and
normal conditions are restored. Such arresters can be employed where system voltage
does not exceed 33kV.

(4) Expulsion Type Arrester:

This type of arrester is also called ‘protector tube’ and is commonly used on system
operating at voltages up to 33kV. Fig shows the essential parts of an expulsion type
lightning arrester.
It essentially consists of a rod gap AA’ in series with a second gap enclosed within the
fiber tube. The gap in the fiber tube is formed by two electrodes. The upper electrode is
connected to rod gap and the lower electrode to the earth. One expulsion arrester is
placed under each line conductor. Fig shows the installation of expulsion arrester on an
overhead line. 11/25
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(h ps://

On the occurrence of an over voltage on the line, the series gap AA’ spanned and an arc
is stuck between the electrodes in the tube. The heat of the arc vaporizes some of the
fiber of tube walls resulting in the production of neutral gas. In an extremely short
time, the gas builds up high pressure and is expelled through the lower electrode,
which is hollow. As the gas leaves the tube violently it carries away ionized air around
the arc. This de ionizing effect is generally so strong that the arc goes out at a current
zero and will not be re-established.


(i) They are not very expensive.

(ii)They are improved form of rod gap arresters as they block the flow of power
frequency follow currents

(iii)They can be easily installed.


(i)An expulsion type arrester can perform only limited number of operations as during
each operation some of the fiber material is used up.

(ii) This type of arrester cannot be mounted on enclosed equipment due to discharge of
gases during operation.

(iii)Due to the poor volt/am characteristic of the arrester, it is not suitable for protection
of expensive equipment

(5) Valve Type Arrester:

Valve type arresters incorporate non linear resistors and are extensively used on
systems, operating at high voltages. Fig shows the various parts of a valve type
arrester. It consists of two assemblies (i) series spark gaps and (ii) non-linear resistor 12/25
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discs in series. The non-linear elements are connected in series with the spark gaps.
Both the assemblies are accommodated in tight porcelain container.
The spark gap is a multiple assembly consisting of a number of identical spark gaps in
series. Each gap consists of two electrodes with fixed gap spacing. The voltage
distribution across the gap is line raised by means of additional resistance elements
called grading resistors across the gap. The spacing of the series gaps is such that it will
withstand the normal circuit voltage. However an over voltage will cause the gap to
break down causing the surge current to ground via the non-linear resistors.
The non-linear resistor discs are made of inorganic compound such as thyrite or
metrosil. These discs are connected in series. The non-linear resistors have the property
of offering a high resistance to current flow when normal system voltage is applied, but
a low resistance to the flow of high surge currents. In other words, the resistance of
these non-linear elements decreases with the increase in current through them and

(h ps://

Under normal conditions, the normal system voltage is insufficient to cause the break
down of air gap assembly. On the occurrence of an over voltage, the breakdown of the
series spark gap takes place and the surge current is conducted to earth via the non-
linear resistors. Since the magnitude of surge current is very large, the non-linear
elements will offer a very low resistance to the passage of surge. The result is that the
surge will rapidly go to earth instead of being sent back over the line. When the surge
is over, the non-linear resistors assume high resistance to stop the flow of current.

(6) Silicon carbide arresters:

A great number of silicon carbide arresters are still in service. The silicon carbide
arrester has some unusual electrical characteristics. It has a very high resistance to low
voltage, but a very low resistance to high-voltage.
When lightning strikes or a transient voltage occurs on the system, there is a sudden
rise in voltage and current. The silicon carbide resistance breaks down allowing the
current to be conducted to ground. After the surge has passed, the resistance of the
silicon carbide blocks increases allowing normal operation. 13/25
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The silicon carbide arrester uses nonlinear resistors made of bonded silicon carbide
placed in series with gaps. The function of the gaps is to isolate the resistors from the
normal steady-state system voltage. One major drawback is the gaps require elaborate
design to ensure consistent spark-over level and positive clearing (resealing) after a
surge passes. It should be recognized that over a period of operations that melted
particles of copper might form which could lead to a reduction of the breakdown
voltage due to the pinpoint effect. Over a period of time, the arrester gap will break
down at small over voltages or even at normal operating voltages. Extreme care should
be taken on arresters that have failed but the over pressure relief valve did not operate.
This pressure may cause the arrester to

(7) Metal Oxide Arrestor:

The MOV arrester is the arrester usually installed today

The metal oxide arresters are without gaps, unlike the SIC arrester. This “gap-less”
design eliminates the high heat associated with the arcing discharges.
The MOV arrester has two-voltage rating: duty cycle and maximum continuous
operating voltage, unlike the silicon carbide that just has the duty cycle rating. A metal-
oxide surge arrester utilizing zinc-oxide blocks provides the best performance, as surge
voltage conduction starts and stops promptly at a precise voltage level, thereby
improving system protection. Failure is reduced, as there is no air gap contamination
possibility; but there is always a small value of leakage current present at operating
It is important for the test personnel to be aware that when a metal oxide arrester is
disconnected from an energized line a small amount of static charge can be retained by
the arrester. As a safety precaution, the tester should install a temporary ground to
discharge any stored energy.
Duty cycle rating: The silicon carbide and MOV arrester have a duty cycle rating in
KV, which is determined by duty cycle testing. Duty cycle testing of an arrester is
performed by subjecting an arrester to an AC rms voltage equal to its rating for 24
minutes. During which the arrester must be able to withstand lightning surges at 1-
minute intervals.
Maximum continuous operating voltage rating: The MCOV rating is usually 80 to 90%
of the duty cycle rating.

Installation of LA:

The arrester should be connected to ground to a low resistance for effective discharge
of the surge current.
The arrester should be mounted close to the equipment to be protected & connected
with shortest possible lead on both the line & ground side to reduce the inductive 14/25
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p g
effects of the leads while discharging large surge current.

Maintenance of LA:

Cleaning the outside of the arrester housing.

The line should be de-energized before handling the arrester.
The earth connection should be checked periodically.
To record the readings of the surge counter.
The line lead is securely fastened to the line conductor and arrester
The ground lead is securely fastened to the arrester terminal and ground.


About Jignesh.Parmar
Jignesh Parmar has completed M.Tech (Power System Control), B.E(Electrical). He is
member of Institution of Engineers (MIE) and CEng,India. Membership No:M-1473586.He
has more than 16 years experience in Transmission -Distribution-Electrical Energy theft
detection-Electrical Maintenance-Electrical Projects (Planning-Designing-Technical
Review-coordination -Execution). He is Presently associate with one of the leading
business group as a Deputy Manager at Ahmedabad,India. He has published numbers of
Technical Articles in “Electrical Mirror”, “Electrical India”, “Lighting India”,”Smart
Energy”, “Industrial Electrix”(Australian Power Publications) Magazines. He is Freelancer
Programmer of Advance Excel and design useful Excel base Electrical Programs as per IS,
NEC, IEC,IEEE codes. He is Technical Blogger and Familiar with English, Hindi, Gujarati,
French languages. He wants to Share his experience & Knowledge and help technical
enthusiasts to find suitable solutions and updating themselves on various Engineering

67 Responses to Lighting Arrester

sanjay says:
April 4, 2011 at 5:03 pm
Dear Sir,
Thank you very much for the valuable information about electrical engineering.
Please give us tips on Panel designing ( MCC, PCC).


shailesh rai says:
September 30, 2011 at 2:50 pm 15/25
12/12/2019 Lighting Arrester | Electrical Notes & Articles

p p
very good notes……….shailesh rai

kathiresan krishnamoorthy says:
April 19, 2011 at 5:31 am
please inform us how to install a lighting arrester to a distribution transformer and the
connection diagram.
please tell us how to earth the arrester with diagram

Syed Saif Ahmed says:
May 23, 2011 at 12:23 pm
You are very gr8………sir
thank you very much…………..for information which is much useful to us

michael says:
June 7, 2011 at 12:18 pm
Your notes,i have find thim very good.keep it up.

S. Balamurugan says:
June 16, 2011 at 4:58 pm
Dear Mr. Jignesh.Parmar

I need checklist for Lightning Arrester. Do you have any checklist for that means
kindly send the below mail id. Awaiting your reply.


S. Balamurugan.

Zulfeqar Ali says:
July 13, 2011 at 11:56 am
Dear Sir,

Your articles are very use full in daily life. Thanks for Sharing this great information.

Now I want to know that when lightning occurs live conductor is short circuited
through LA at that time line will trip or not ?

Please explain.

Ali Z

jamal says:
August 16, 2011 at 10:28 pm 16/25
12/12/2019 Lighting Arrester | Electrical Notes & Articles

dear sir;
thank you for this great explanation.
I want to Know the difference Between In and Imax for the SPD
and when iam saying that the rating for the SPD for example 50KA this is for the In or
for the Imax.
thanks alot.

Vivek Deshmukh says:
September 10, 2011 at 9:56 am
Dear Sir,

Many thanks for the info. My question is is there any formula for measuring the
distance between the arrestor and the transformer ?

I would like a reply sir.

best regards


Rakesh sharma says:
September 12, 2011 at 11:45 am
your notes is very good.

Dipali Sangale says:
July 11, 2012 at 1:14 pm
Respected Sir,
Really goods notes of your’s
Thank you so much sir

abdillahi shaban says:
November 15, 2012 at 11:47 am
i need to work with you so that i can get more from you

Jignesh.Parmar says:
November 15, 2012 at 4:51 pm
Not ge ing your Point !!!!

gaurav tha e says:
December 19, 2012 at 6:25 pm
clear explaination superb notes…you should consider writing books sir…. 17/25
12/12/2019 Lighting Arrester | Electrical Notes & Articles

vivian dsouza says:
January 14, 2013 at 8:27 am
how to find resistance of lightning arrester

veerabhadrarao says:
January 30, 2013 at 10:35 am
excellent information

Anil Gajanan Chaudhari says:
March 6, 2013 at 12:38 pm
Dear Jignesh,
My company have Big fuel storage tank. These tank are mounted on ground level. The
height of the tank is around 15 meter and diameter is 20 meter. These tanks are
electrically continuous. These tanks have fixed type roof. And tank are properly
grounded. The tank thickness at the top is 6.5 mm and it is gradually increasing at
bo om and at bo om ,thickness is 13.6 mm. My company have such 8 nos. of tanks of
the same dimension.
We have to provide lighting arrester for these tank. Can you pl tell me wearers it is
necessary to install lighting Arrester to these tank ?
Pl send me American Petroleum Institute 545 (API-545 ) specification for protection of
big oil storage tank.

Paul says:
May 17, 2013 at 1:34 pm
Thanks a Lot, the information was really helpful.

kuldeep says:
June 4, 2013 at 5:34 am
excellnts notes …………. simple language easy to undrstand

Pankajbhai says:
July 20, 2013 at 2:04 pm
Dear Jigneshbhai
Thanks a lot for your electrical notes-leads to knoladge.
Pl.mail me to calculate no of lighting arrestar for building height-x meter,parameter-y

Pravin Mali says:
August 29, 2013 at 8:12 am
Why our 66 kv substaion L.A.’s ratings are 6o kv not a 66kv? Please sir give me reply.i
am reject in interview tomorrow due to this question. 18/25
12/12/2019 Lighting Arrester | Electrical Notes & Articles

Sanat Biswas says:
September 21, 2013 at 4:30 am
Very good informatics article. But I am searching for technical specification in terms of
voltage , current , physical dimension , make for a lightning arrester which is used to
protect electrical equipment in domestic / industrial high rise building. If you have any
details of suppliers please give me their phone numbers.

Reply says:
September 28, 2013 at 6:30 am
Happen to be surfing online over three hours today, ye I never found any
interesting article like yours. It’s pre y worth enoough in my situation.
For me, if all webmasters andd bloggers made good content while youu did,
the online world is going to be additional useful thhan ever before.

Rey says:
January 14, 2014 at 5:58 pm
Sir, i would like to ask ” why is it that for a 13.8kV system, a 12kV LA is used and
further away from the line, a 10kV LA is being utilized.

venkat says:
January 26, 2014 at 4:26 pm
Thank you very much sir………

‫ عﻟﻲ ﺳﺮاج‬says:
August 4, 2014 at 4:07 pm
Very good notes thank you

Nick lagat says:
August 13, 2014 at 5:00 pm
very good explanation,continue with a good work

solomon says:
November 8, 2014 at 1:22 pm
pls can thunder arrestor increase current ,when you have low current in your house

concordio c. matuod says:
November 10, 2014 at 8:26 am
We have a medium voltage power plant ,is it possible and safe to install a lightning
arrester with an air terminal installed at higher than other air terminal wired insulated
direct to the ground well for the reason when lightning strikes it dessipate directly to 19/25
12/12/2019 Lighting Arrester | Electrical Notes & Articles

the ground. Another secondary air terminal erected at perimeter roof building
interconnected embedded grounding to building rebars to machine , generator
equipment grounding,.

sp raja says:
December 10, 2014 at 3:58 pm
Why when surge occurs in live conductor is short circuited through LA doesn’t cause
any damage to LA or any trip in breaker?

prashant says:
December 19, 2014 at 7:29 am
sir, Types of LA according to configuration only???

moeko says:
January 6, 2015 at 9:12 am
gread note bro

Mayur parmar says:
April 1, 2015 at 4:04 pm
Sir why we are choosen low voltage of LA size from that line voltage and give
calculation of that.

kefeni says:
May 11, 2015 at 1:53 pm
Nice explanation!

Sudhir Sharma says:
June 16, 2015 at 11:57 am
How much covers a LA or surge protector on building if a tall building has one LA
than there is need of in the vicinty

naresh says:
July 16, 2015 at 1:50 pm
nyc notes

Rakesh She y says:
August 14, 2015 at 5:23 am
Respected Sir,
I am new to this field. I need information on HT panel board servicing. I would
pleasure if you could send me the details. 20/25
12/12/2019 Lighting Arrester | Electrical Notes & Articles

waiting for your reply on my email.

s gurumoorthi says:
August 28, 2015 at 4:46 am
if 66kv cable box is provided on the transformer primary, can we avoid LA

saroj says:
September 2, 2015 at 6:45 am
dear sir,
i want to know the specification for the earthing connection of LA to ground
plz send any document u r having with electrical specification

Sunil Kumar says:
December 7, 2015 at 3:17 am
dear sir

i want to know the value meshering details of external lightning arrestor and it earths

deepak says:
January 23, 2016 at 4:10 pm
Dear Sir,
During a surge, a Metal oxide (ZnO) surge arrester offer a low resistance path for surge
and finally the surge gone to ground. Please clarify that after the passage of that surge
the surge arrester again restore its original position that is open circuit to ground or still
remain as closed???.
In other words please clear that after offer the ground path to surge we have to replace
the surge ar
ester as it permanently working as closed switch after surge??

electricalyadav1992 says:
February 29, 2016 at 9:40 am
Dear sir
In the above Lecture you have mentioned about multi gap (series gap) Lightning
arrester can you advice me are there any specific standards to be followed or any
methods for calculations for designing the length of gap in between two(Zinc)
cylinders, for example let’s assume the lightning arrester is designed for 11 or 33 kV.

chaminda - Sri Lanka says:
March 18, 2016 at 4:29 am
You are conclude excellent data on lighting arresters and its application.
I gain very useful information from this article.
Thanks very much for you… 21/25
12/12/2019 Lighting Arrester | Electrical Notes & Articles

Raymond Parbie says:
March 21, 2016 at 9:16 am
Your information beneficial, but I want to understand one thing, is it safe to bond the
lightning arrester and the house earthing together?

Nguyen Tri Tinh says:
March 23, 2016 at 7:35 am
Dear Sirs:
in our electric system have many LA type UHS-Zn0 in 10KA class 1 IEC 60099-4 of
Cooper brand and installed Aug.2013, in Oct.2015 the thunder directed in to line and
cut one phase. we want to replace all LA on the power network, how about regulation
regarding to replace LA or do you have regulation replacing LA if it used over than
three years?.
Please help me if you have, please send me acording to Email:
Thank and best regards.
Trí Tinh

Aung aung Naing says:
May 21, 2016 at 6:51 pm
Dear Sir,
I wanna get the data of SiC arresters for 66 KV line.Please tell me how i can get this
datas because i am being Thesis for Performance comparison of SiC and ZnO arresters
for 66 kV line.
My email is

Maninder singh says:
May 31, 2016 at 6:43 am
Very nice

hashim says:
June 3, 2016 at 5:56 pm
copied from the book s.chand .. still good efforts

Manmath Jagannath Gujar says:
July 27, 2016 at 7:37 am
Dear sir
I am working at 22O Kv Substaion. i want details information of lighting arrester for
ehv its selection criteria for voltage , construction,property, raw material details also its
working under normal condition & abnormal condition .we are facing for more leakage
current problem can help in this ma er. my email

nishant singh says: 22/25
12/12/2019 Lighting Arrester | Electrical Notes & Articles

August 4, 2016 at 1:58 pm

Dear sir

Can you Please tell me the Impulse 1.2/50 u.s withstand level and power frequency
withstand level of 9kV 5 kA Lightning arrester.

Niranjan Kumar, Dy.SE(E) says:
August 27, 2016 at 4:12 am
Sir, I work in ongc ltd and want to install lightning arrester for natural gas collecting
station area and also for warehouse area for the protection of equipments . kindly
suggest the type of arrester.

ken says:
September 26, 2016 at 7:54 am
Good day, please i would like to know whether the operation of the lightning arrester
grounds the system or network or grid in effect…? since it provides a path of low
resistance to ground to electrical surges

timothy says:
October 17, 2016 at 5:39 pm
how can i be like you on this planet earth?

chandan jha says:
December 3, 2016 at 3:51 am
why we using lighting arrestor for building…..and on what basis

Chandan Jha says:
December 3, 2016 at 3:54 am
why we are using lighting arrestor for building.and on what basis?

N.v.karunathilaka says:
January 19, 2017 at 5:29 pm
There is a news news spreading that the deposits in the Lightning arrest ours are
buying in very high rates is it true and what purpose

rajesh says:
February 26, 2017 at 6:55 am
I WANT 10KV 10KA lighting Arr-ester 5000 nos pales send test report and ISO
certificate c.p.r.i

Mohit singh says:
April 16, 2017 at 4:58 pm 23/25
12/12/2019 Lighting Arrester | Electrical Notes & Articles

sir please tell me about testing of

“Metal Oxide Gapless type” Arresters

Debashis Tantubai says:
May 22, 2017 at 11:10 am
what should be the spacing between two LA?
Considering All LAs are fi ed over a factory shed.

how much is in vitro fertilization ivf says:
June 12, 2017 at 3:01 am
My brother suggested I might like this blog.
He was entirely right. This submit truly made my day. You cann’t consider simply how
a lot time I had spent for this info!

Faustine mosha says:
June 18, 2017 at 8:02 am
Were should lightening arrestor should be isnstalled in a transmission line

travestis sp says:
June 25, 2017 at 3:16 pm
I am in fact grateful to the holder of this site who has shared this
enormous article at at this place.

Mwiza Melissa says:
June 27, 2017 at 5:41 pm
It is nice!you did a
great job

Sri Nandan Gowda says:
July 18, 2017 at 3:23 pm
sir i want oxide film type &thyrrite type lightning arrestors pls sir its my humble

pravin says:
October 12, 2017 at 5:32 am
dear sir can i know which type of lighting arrester using in solar power plant

Saravana vadivel says:
October 13, 2017 at 6:42 am 24/25
12/12/2019 Lighting Arrester | Electrical Notes & Articles

Dear sir
thanks for information
Kindly suggest how to check the surge arrester /limiter by using multimeter or HT
megger at site level

yaseenali says:
October 5, 2018 at 4:10 pm
respected sir , i had purchased ur electrical notes , in this notes i searched for ”
LIGHTING ARRESTOR PROTECTION RADIUS (Rp)”’, i didnt get any notes regarding
this topic , but i got ” Rp” formula ,, plz send forward the notes regarding this topic ,
thanking you sir


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