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Intermediate Tests answer key

Unit test 1 4 demonstration, violent

5 hostages, released 6 strike, pay
1: 2 b) 3 a) 4 c) 5 a) 6 b) 7 c) 8
a) 9 b) 10 b) 11 c) 6: 2 telling 3 tell 4 said 5 say
2: 2 ’s living, doesn’t have 7: 2 j) 3 e) 4 i) 5 a) 6 d) 7 k) 8 h)
3 Did (you) hear, sounded 9 c) 10 g) 11 f)
4 play, take 5 wasn’t, was visiting
6 don’t remember, moved Unit test 3

3: 2 accuracy 3 bilingual 1: 1 is it going to

4 mother tongue 5 skill 6 jargon 2 is travelling, Will she visit,
’s staying 3 are you going to, might
4: 2 member 3 partner not do, ’ll just relax 4 ’re playing,
4 classmate 5 fiancé 6 mentor I’ll, I’ll check

5: 2  3 take do 4 going taking 2: 2 will, unlikely, probably 3 going to

5 getting going 6  4 will, will 5 may not, going to,
could be 6 not going to
6: 2 e) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6 f)
3: 2 distracted, wastes 3 ahead,
7: 1 query 2 aspect, suppose deadline 4 prioritise
3 couple, First 4 thing
4: 2 The In the 3 years years’
8: 2 a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 b) 4  5 near the near

5: 2 horse 3 eye 4 cake 5 hand

Unit test 2 6 rat 7 cup

1: 2 a) 3 c) 4 b) 5 a) 6 c) 7 b) 8 6: 2 We left home at 7.30 because we

a) 9 c) 10 b) 11 b) thought the concert started at 8.
3 When Cesar answered the door he
2: 2 remembered, ’d/had left didn’t recognise me at first.
3 were waiting, checked 4 I didn’t prepare the presentation as I
4 got, had gone 5 was driving, fell didn’t realise the meeting was today.
6 was telling, ’d/had forgotten 5 After calling the wrong number I
3: 2 period dramas 3 biopic was told that there were two hotels
4 psychological thrillers 5 disaster with the same name.
6 mysteries 6 I had expected to see my old
schoolfriend Dan at the party but it
4: 2 by 3 in 4 in 5 on 6 on 7 in was a different Dan who came.

5: 2 destroyed, floods 7: 2 c) 3 b) 4 a) 5 b) 6 a) 7 c) 8
3 armed fugitive c)
9 a) 10 b) 11 b)

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Unit test 4 6: 2 strange noise 3 out (of) order

4 computer (has) crashed
1: 2 a) 3 c) 4 b) 5 b) 6 c) 7 b) 8
5 switching (it) off 6 memory stick
a) 9 c) 10 a) 11 c)
7: 2 b) 3 c) 4 c) 5 a) 6 c) 7 a) 8 c)
2: 2 was 3 wasn’t 4 didn’t 5 used
6 had 7 would 8 used 9 visited
9 a) 10 b) 11 b)
10 would 11 found

3: 2 e) 3 d) 4 a) 5 f) 6 b)
Unit test 6
1: 2 feel 3 ’s 4 don’t 5 do 6 ’s
4: 2 heard 3 remind 4 left 5 fun 7 ’ll be 8 lose 9 won’t 10 invite
6 listen to 11 ’m
5: 2 wonderful 3 freezing 4 delicious 2: 2 being be 3  4 will win won
5 exhausted 6 awful 5 could would 6 crashes crashed
6: 2 c) 3 c) 4 a) 5 b) 6 b) 7  8 won’t wouldn’t
9 borrowed borrow 10 is 11 
7: 2 Let’s focus 3 really feel that
4 not sure 5 way I see 3: 2 worried 3 embarrassing
6 good point 7 moving on 4 satisfied 5 confused 6 relaxing
8 a good idea 9 we need to 4: 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 a) 6 c)
10 OK by 11 Let’s sum
5: 2 When I get the bus home it’s
Unit test 5 usually so busy that I can’t get a
1: 2 cheaper, the safest 3 lower, higher seat./It’s usually so busy when I get
4 busier, the most delicious the bus home that I can’t get a seat.
5 more economical, easier 3 Neil was surprised that no one
6 the quickest, better complained when people jumped the
2: 2 did she 3 have you 4 has she 4 Carla is running the marathon to
5 was he 6 isn’t he 7 are they raise money for cancer research.
8 didn’t you 9 won’t they 5 Janet used to get her hair cut by one
10 hasn’t he 11 will they of her mum’s friends.
3: 2 vaccination 6 The local school is holding a plant
3 Communications satellites sale on Saturday to raise money for a
4 Antibiotics 5 Solar power new bus.
6 genetic engineering 6: 2 making 3 promoted 4 place
4: 2 debate 3 look into 4 quarrel 5 tone 6 give
5 reply 6 research 7: 2 afraid, joking
5: 2 hopeless 3 painful 4 messy 3 something, pleased
5 effective 6 responsible 4 sorry, terrible
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5 good, Congratulations Unit test 7

6 shame, done
1: 2 I haven’t/have not seen her since
the summer holidays.
3 What have you been doing all
4 I’ve/I have always enjoyed
swimming in the sea.
5 She’s/has been listening to the same
song all day.
6 We’ve/We have been learning
Chinese for two years.
7 How long has he been an engineer?
8 He hasn’t/has not met my parents
9 Yasuko’s/has been planning to visit
Canada for years.
10 We’ve / have been waiting for you
for more than an hour.
11 How long have you known
Martina for?

2: 2 is was 3 manage to speak

4 meeting meet 5 hearing hear
6 getting get 7 managed manage
8  9  10 getting get
11 Do Are

3: 2 opportunity 3 world-class
4 master 5 achiever 6 talent

4: 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 a) 6 d)

5: 2 ability 3 skilful 4 talented

5 hopeless 6 gifted

6: 2 certificate 3 licence 4 online

5 distance 6 apprenticeship

7: 1 said, what 2 must, one, In

3 reason, For 4 agree, example, Like

Unit test 8
1: 2 A, – 3 the, the 4 a, the, a
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Intermediate Tests answer key

2: 2 no none 3  4 plenty of time 2: 2 has been cancelled, will hold will

5 any of 6 not enough 7  be held
3 was murdered, is still enjoyed
3: 2 whose 3 where 4 who 5 which 4 will be received will receive, shows
6 when 7 which 8 whose is being shown
4: 2 f) 3 d) 4 a) 5 b) 6 e) 5 are being given, will choose will be
5: 2 house 3 estate 4 traffic 5 shop 6 produce are produced, sent being
6 streets sent

6: 2 search engines 3: 2 movement 3 invention, spread

3 social networking sites 4 discovery, point
4 rating sites
5 personal homepage 4: 2 a decade 3 age 4 fortnight
6 dating sites 5 generations 6 era

7: 2 b) 3 a) 4 c) 5 b) 6 c) 5: 2 b) 3 c) 4 c) 5 a) 6 c)

8: 3 I didn’t realise you 4 Can you 6: 2 influential 3 creative

5 something wrong 6 sort it out 4 innovative 5 original
7 I need to 8 you should 6 exemplary
9 What should I 10 If I were 7: 2 sure 3 definitely
11 Is it OK 12 Yes, of course 4 remember/recall 5 forgotten
Unit test 9 6 really 7 clue 8 hundred
9 certain 10 know 11 interesting
1: 2 ’d/had gone, would have slept
3 wouldn’t/not have missed, had
4 ’d/had been, would have gone
5 would’ve/have bought, ’d/had
6 hadn’t/not told, wouldn’t/not have
7 would’ve/have met, ’d/had told
8 wouldn’t/not have sold, hadn’t/had
not needed
9 would (we) have done, hadn’t/not
10 hadn’t/not been, would’ve/have
gone 11 Would (she) have become,
hadn’t/not studied

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Unit test 10 Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)

1: 2 I’ll see you tomorrow 1: 2 a) 3 c) 4 c) 5 b) 6 c)
3 Do you like rock music?
4 You must (have to) be home by 2: 2F 3F 4T 5F 6T
eleven. 3: suggested answers:
5 Why do you want to use my car?
6 We can’t find our tickets for the 2 15 months old
concert tomorrow. 3 It was tied behind her back
4 It had been considered unlucky or
2: 2 Jen said to/told Liz she might be culturally unacceptable
late coming back. 5 her left (one)
3 Tim and Vic said they’d/would be 6 (about) 10%
there at 9.30.
4 Yuji asked Sue what she wanted to 4: 2 Does this bag belong
do that weekend. 3 are you seeing 4 ’d already
5 Li asked (us) if/whether we’d/had 5 don’t contain 6 eats 7 just
met each other before. 8 met 9 While 10 ’d
6 Tom’s father told him/said he 11 realised
mustn’t use the internet for longer
5: 2 a) 3 a) 4 c) 5 a) 6 a) 7 c) 8 c)
than an hour a day.
9 c) 10 b) 11 c)
3: 2 to take 3 visiting 4 not to travel
6: 2 d) 3 e) 4 a) 5 g) 6 f) 7 c)
5 left 6 not to eat 7 ’d/would meet
8 to pay 9 tasted 10 to stay 7: 2 accuracy 3 references
11 would try 4 employees 5 responsibility
6 information 7 romantic
4: 2 standby 3 secondhand
8 psychological
4 insulated 5 processed
6 packaging 8: 2 foreign 3 degree 4 purpose
5 hand 6 lunchtime 7 say 8 tell
5: 2 unbelievable 3 mispronounce
4 disability 5 overcooking 9: 2 c) 3 b) 4 c) 5 b) 6 a)
6 renews 7 unethical
8 overweight 9 reusing 10: 2 h) 3 k) 4 j) 5 f) 6 g) 7 a) 8 b)
10 underestimated 11 misjudging 9 d) 10 e) 11 c)

6: 2 a) 3 d) 4 e) 5 b) 6 f) 11: 2 f) 3 b) 4 c) 5 a) 6 e)

7: 2 passports 3 gate 4 boarding 12: 2F 3T 4F 5F 6T 7F 8F 9T 10T

5 priority 6 check 11F

8: 2 a) 3 b) 4 b) 5 c) 6 b) 7 a) 8 13: 2 as soon as 3 By the time

b) 9 c) 10 b) 11 c) 4 take 5 Hope 6 hearing

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14: (sample answer, headline 1: 127 6 Our business may (not) make a
words) profit in the next six months.
More than 120 people were made
homeless in the south west of 5: 2 b) 3 b) 4 d) 5 c) 6 b) 7 c) 8 a
England yesterday when floods 9 c) 10 b) 11 c)
destroyed their homes. 6: 2 out 3 in 4 against 5 until
Heavy rain had fallen over the area 6 of
for three days. Homes and shops were
flooded and many people spent the 7: 2 prioritise 3 distractions
night in schools and local community 4 indecisive 5 communicator
centres. The emergency services 6 competitive 7 responsiblity
rescued at least 60 people from their
8: 2 perhaps a 3 a hand 4 foot
homes and cars.
5 recognise 6 wrong 7 fun
One unhappy shop keeper said ‘I
8 jobs 9 remind 10 fired
can’t open my shop. It’ll take me
weeks to clean it and replace the 9: 2 a good point 3 think we should
things that are broken. We have 4 You’ve lost me 5 Why don’t we
floods every year, but we’ve never 6 what you mean
had one this bad before.’
This morning, people were going 10: 2 f) 3 c) 4 e) 5 d) 6 b)
back to their homes to start cleaning
11: 2 b) 3 a) 4 a) 5 b) 6 b)
up. But around 50 homes were very
badly damaged. It will be a long time 12: 2T 3T 4F 5F 6T
before the owners can return to live in
their homes. 13: 1 Your dinner’s in the oven.
2 I’m going to the gym after work
Achievement test 2 (Units 3–4) tomorrow. Do you want to come?
Can you call me?
1: 2 a) 3 c) 4 b) 5 a) 6 c)
3 I’m sorry I can’t come out for
2: 2 Friday 3 rock ’n roll dinner tonight. I’ve got to go to music
4 competitive, motivated 5 Tim practice. I hope you enjoy the meal.
6 a handbag I’ll see you later.

3: 2 e) 3 c) 4 f) 5 a) 6 d) 14: (sample answer: 142 words)

Dear Mr Dibbley
4: 2 isn’t/is not going to be enough for I am writing to you regarding the
six people. advertisement for cabin crew on
3 would play outside every day when space trips to the Moon. I would like
he was younger. to submit an application for the post.
4 ought to wear a suit for the Please find my CV attached.
interview. I am 25 years old, single and in
5 She’s/is unlikely to travel much in excellent health. For the last two
her new job.
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years, I have worked as a member of 5: 2 b) 3 d) 4 a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 b) 8

the cabin crew of Fly Galaxy airlines. c) 9 d) 10 c) 11 b)
This has given me hands-on
experience of working with 6: 2 Have you decided where you’re
passengers, and helping them to relax getting married yet?
and feel comfortable. I have always 3 Some scientists believe that nuclear
been interested in space travel and power produces cleaner electricity.
used to dream of flying to the Moon 4 I’ll have to take my car to the
when I was a girl. garage as it needs fixing.
If you require any further 5 Have you tried switching your
information, or would like to arrange printer off and on again?
an interview, please call me on 284 6 Don’t forget to take off your shoes
6735 or email me at when you enter a temple. OR I look Don’t forget to take your shoes off
forward to hearing from you at your when you enter a temple.
earliest convenience. 7 Please call one of our engineers if
Yours sincerely, you have any problems with the
Martha Dent computer network.

7: 2 investigation 3 question
Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6)
4 careful 5 reception 6 raise
1: 2 f) 3 h) 4 b) 5 g) 6 d) 7 do 8 lose
2: 2T 3T 4F 5T 6F 8: 2 Genetic 3 knowledgeable
4 profitable 5 hopeless
3: 2 Travel the world
6 frightened 7 satisfying
3 to own his own IT company
8 embarrassed
4 Next Tuesday
5 Yes, he will get redundancy pay. 9: 2 e) 3 d) 4 c) 5 a) 6 f)
6 Plumbing
10: 2 e) 3 j) 4 k) 5 a) 6 f) 7 b) 8 h)
4: 2 If you’ll call before 3.30, I’ll pick
you up from work. 9 c) 10 i) 11 g)
3 I think her children are a little bit
younger as than yours. 11: 2 b) 3 b) 4 a) 5 c) 6 b) 7 b) 8
4 Chile has the dryest driest desert in a)
the world, haven’t hasn’t it? 9 c)
5 If you don’t say tell him you need
12: 2F 3T 4F 5T 6T 7T 8F
his help, he won’t know, did will he?
6 If you could earned earn a lot more 13: 2 The most important advantage
money for a slightly more work, 3 In addition 4 On the other hand
would you be happier? 5 As far as I am concerned
6 Of course there are

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14: (sample answer: 154 words) isn’t no any cheese.

5 I’ve been knowing known my best
One of the most memorable moments friend Michael for since primary
in my life was when I left for my school.
university year abroad. On the day of 6 She got a new laptop for her
my flight to Guatemala, my parents birthday, that which she loved.
came with me to the airport to say
goodbye. Although I had travelled a 5: 2 a) 3 c) 4 b) 5 c) 6 b) 7 c) 8
lot in Europe, this was going to be the a)
first time I had lived abroad or been 9 c) 10 c) 11 b)
to Central America. I had no idea of
what life in Guatemala would be like 6: 2 for 3 on 4 in 5 about 6 over
for me, so it was exciting but 7 with
frightening at the same time. The 7: 2 licence 3 make 4 mind
actual moment that is the most 5 apprenticeship 6 rental 7 dating
memorable for me on this day is 8 put 9 aptitude 10 disturb
when I had to say goodbye to my
parents and go through security 8: 2 achiever 3 industrial 4 useless
control. We’d spent all morning 5 ability 6 sharing
together and were laughing as usual
9: 2 f) 3 d) 4 a) 5 c) 6 e)
but suddenly our emotions changed.
We tried to keep it happy but all cried 10: 2 g) 3 h) 4 b) 5 f) 6 k) 7 c) 8 i)
when we hugged each other goodbye.
We were all wondering how a year 9 e) 10 d) 11 j)
apart would feel.
11: 2F 3T 4F 5T 6F 7T 8F 9
Achievement test 4 (Units 7–8) T
1: 2 b) 3 c) 4 b) 5 b) 6 a) 10 F 11 T

2: 2 engineering 12: 2 b) 3 a) 4 c) 5 d) 6 b0
3 Hong Kong OR Dubai 13: 2 He isn’t very reliable because he
4 You have had enough to eat never does what he promises to do
5 His car number plate and he’s always late.
6 online bullying (of students) 3 The buses never come on time,
3: 2 f) 3 c) 4 a) 5 e) 6 b) which makes me very angry because I
often get to work late.
4: 2 We wasn’t weren’t able to go to 4 I wanted a new challenge so I left
Sally’s party last Friday because we my job in marketing and now I’m
can’t couldn’t find a babysitter. studying ceramics.
3 She’s be been living in Switzerland 5 I get a lot of emails from friends
since for the past five years. who want me to join a social
4 There are a few of biscuits but there networking site
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but I always refuse.

6 They’ve been living in Oxford,
which is a very historic city. It’s also
famous for its university.

14: (sample answer: 156 words)

I was never very good at running long

distances when I was at school so
running a half-marathon was a huge
challenge for me. I wanted to
complete this race because I was
raising money for charity and my
brother was also doing it. So, I
decided to enrol for it and began
preparing. I started going for short
runs every morning and I soon felt
that running a longer distance was
achievable. I began to realise how
much fitter I was becoming and how
running 15 miles at the weekend was
better than any diet. Running a half-
marathon is not easy to begin with,
but it was very satisfying to know
that when race day came I could do it
without stopping. I’ve achieved a lot
personally and I raised over £1000
for charity because of that race. I now
want to enter more races and work up
to doing a complete marathon next

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Achievement test 5 (Units 9–10) 6 misunderstood, explained

7 suggested, overestimate
1: 2 South 3 mirrors 4 romantic
5 £13.75 6 No 7 chicken 7: 2 were you 3 Whatever you
8 dishes 9 sugar 10 Yes 4 Be careful, don’t leave
11 966437 5 most important 6 Watch out
7 You’d better 8 You need
2: Suggested answers: 2 1804
9 have a tendency
3 (Any three of the following)
10 On the whole
Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and
Ecuador 4 A world record 8: 2 f) 3 b) 4 a) 5 e) 6 d)
5 (A) very famous and influential
(person) 6 That in the past, they had 9: 2 a) 3 f) 4 d) 5 b) 6 e)
been connected.
10: 2F 3F 4T 5T 6T 7F 8T 9
3: 2 c) 3 b) 4 c) 5 a) 6 c) 7 b) 8 T
a) 10 T 11 T
9 c) 10 d) 11 c)
11: 2 She always boasts about how much
4: 2 My computer’s been being repaired money she has. Furthermore, she
at the moment. They promised that it enjoys talking about her luxury
was ’d / would be ready today. lifestyle.
3 They recommended to try 3 While there’s no doubt that he’s a
trying/(that) we try the new Thai very charming individual, he hasn’t
restaurant in town and suggested we any talent at all as an artist!
trying try the green curry. 4 It was such a hot, noisy and
4 We had would’ve / would have overcrowded nightclub that I felt
gone to the party if we would’ve quite unwell the following morning.
’d/had known you were going too. 5 David will never get the kind of job
5 The thief is was arrested quite he really wants unless he makes a lot
quickly, but the painters were never more effort.
been found. 6 Although the play was absolutely
6 She promised taking to take me for wonderful, the theatre was so hot and
a drive in her Jaguar, which she will crowded that I almost fell asleep!
give be given for her 21st birthday.
12: (sample answer: 149 words)
5: 2 renew 3 disapproved
Do you like French food in authentic
4 charismatic 5 foundation
surroundings? If so, Café de la Mer is
6 discoveries 7 innovative
the place to go. It’s located in the
8 pre-prepared 9 unknown
centre of Brighton and is decorated
6: 2 generation, decades with antique French furniture. In the
3 by, have 4 double-glazed, recycled evening, you can eat by candlelight
5 Give, made and enjoy a relaxing and romantic
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dinner. When I ate there the 6: 2 If 3 to 4 never 5 ever 6 so

atmosphere and the service were 7 is 8 of 9 what 10 more 11 a
wonderful. While the food is not
cheap, it’s still reasonably priced. On 7: 2 c) 3 b) 4 g) 5d) 6 a) 7 f)
weekday evenings, you can eat a 8: 2 got 3 mistake 4 told 5 term
delicious two-course meal for only 6 listening 7 charge
£19.99. At weekends, it costs £22.99. 8 broke down 9 embarrassing
10 losing
Mid-course test (Units 1–5)
1: 2 a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 a) 6 b) 9: 2 distracted 3 exhausting
4 investigation 5 homeless
2: 2F 3F 4T 5F 6T 6 misunderstandings
3: Suggested answers: 2 1,600 10: 2 b) 3 c) 4 b) 5 a) 6 c)
3 Because they have to walk or cycle
4 2011 11: 2 d) 3 c) 4 a) 5 e) 6 b)
5 The National Training College
12: 2 should think 3 you know
6 (their own) computer software
4 have a look 5 fine by me
4: 2 shouldn’t/should not stay up 6 you mean
3 was running, heard
13: 2 c) 3 f) 4 a) 5 e) 6 d)
4 didn’t/did not know, ’d/had lost
5 seems, haven’t seen 14: 2T 3F 4F 5T 6T
6 haven’t flown
15: 2 until 3 probably
5: 2 Are Marie and Rob likely to want 4 It’s possible that 5 By the time
something to eat when they are 6 while
arriving arrive tomorrow?
3 Alex has had been the national 16: (sample answer: 148 words)
diving champion twice before he was It is easy to understand why so many
winning won his first Olympic gold people use mobile phones in their
medal. everyday lives and it is quite hard to
4 Why is it that whenever I chose imagine what life was like before we
choose the shortest queue in a shop, it had them.
is always slowest slower than the
other ones? One of the main advantages is that
5 When If Bob took practice sessions you can contact people at any time.
more seriously, he could be winning This is particularly useful if you have
win his next game. children and you want to know where
6 You know I would’ve lend lent you they are. Texting also makes it very
some money if you’d told me you easy to organise meetings with
were in trouble. friends at the last minute.

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The problem is that, on the other 5: 2 the 3 to 4 become 5 more

hand, it can be difficult to ignore 6 hear 7 with 8 been 9 will
work-related emails and phone calls 10 is 11 another
and there is the risk of constant
interruptions. In addition, if people 6: 2 c) 3 f) 4 b) 5 a) 6 d) 7 g)
drive while on their phones, they are 7: 2 do 3 on 4 close 5 left 6 up
more likely to have an accident. 7 proceed 8 make
As far as I am concerned, however, 8: 2 prioritise 3 competitive
the advantages outweigh the 4 fascinating 5 genetic 6 annoyed
disadvantages. I think the mobile 7 disobeying 8 influential
phone is one of the most important
inventions of the last century. 9: 2 b) 3 b) 4 a) 5 b)

End of course test 10: 2 d) 3 b) 4 f) 5 g) 6 c) 7 h) 8

1: 2 8 3 6 4 10.15 5 11 6 20
7 Modern 8 picnic 9 Station 11: 2 Whatever you 3 You’ll never
10 Fast 11 5.30 guess
4 You’re joking 5 I’m sorry but
2: 2F 3F 4T 5T 6F
12: 2 a) 3 f) 4 c) 5 b) 6 e)
3: 2 Were you hearing Did you hear
that loud noise the last night? 13: 2 b) 3 c) 4 b) 5 a) 6 c)
3 If you will see them, what will you
to say? 14 2F 3T 4F 5F 6F
4 This museum has been was 15: 2 but 3 during 4 Although 5 that
designed from by the architect 6 probably 7 because
Norman Foster in 2012. 8 By the time 9 where
5 He’s the man who’s whose wife is 10 as well as 11 As soon as
a professor, isn’t she he?
6 They explain explained that they 16: (sample answer: 185 words)
had to leave immediately and
If I could, I would choose to be
promised calling to call us the
Amelia Earhart of the USA. She is
following day.
most famous for being the first
4: There are only a few nice places to woman to fly solo across the Atlantic
eat here. 3 Unless sales improve, I’ll Ocean, but that is not the reason I
lose my job. 4 A new factory is would choose her. I admire her
being built near the river. because she had a lot of courage and
5 She warned him not to smoke so was not afraid to follow her dreams.
much. 6 I didn’t manage to get in
I also think she was brave and
touch with her.
adventurous. She learnt to fly at a

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time when it was a very dangerous

activity and she worked many
different jobs at the same time in
order to earn the money needed for
her flying lessons. I admire her
determination to make her dreams
come true.

Although she was a good pilot,

unfortunately, she was not the best
aviator and did not keep up with
technology as new equipment was
developed to help direct and navigate
planes. It is easy to say that I would
do things differently but I do believe I
would have learnt how to use the
technology that was available. If she
had done that, I think she would not
have disappeared mysteriously on her
last flight.

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