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➔ Do you like travelling? Have you travelled a lot?

➔ How often do you travel? How many countries have you visited?
➔ Have you visited many tourist places in your country?
➔ What tourist places do you usually like to visit?
➔ How much holiday time do you get a year?
➔ Your best/ worst travel story.
➔ What is the longest journey you have ever made?
➔ Where are the best places for:
◆ Adventure vacations?
◆ Historical vacations?
◆ Shopping vacations?
◆ Party vacations?
◆ Relaxing vacations?
➔ How adventurous are you when you travel?
➔ Have you ever felt scared of been in danger in your travels?
➔ Where are the best places to go on holiday in your country?
➔ Who in your family travels the most?
➔ Do you try to learn some of the local language before you travel to a new
country? What phrases do you try to learn?
➔ What do you miss most when you are traveling?
➔ What is the ideal length for a holiday?

Last holiday
➔ Where did you go on your last holiday?
➔ Who did you go with?
➔ Where did you stay?
➔ What type of activities did you do there?
➔ How much money did you spend there?
➔ Who was the most interesting person you met?
➔ How long did you stay there? Did you want to stay longer?

Next holiday
➔ What places are you planning to visit?
➔ Who are you planning to go with?
➔ When are you planning to go?
➔ Where are you planning to stay?
➔ What sights are you planning to see?
➔ What popular travel destination do you want to avoid?

➔ How much luggage do you usually carry?
➔ Do you bring electronic devices when you travel?
➔ What are some things you always take with you on a trip?
➔ Do you like to pack light when you travel?
➔ Do you overpack? How many of the things you pack do you actually use or
➔ What means of transport do you like to use when you are on holiday?
➔ Have you ever bought a package tour or do you prefer planning your own trip?
➔ Where do you prefer to stay when you go on a holiday? (Hotel, hostel, Airbnb
house / room, etc.)
➔ Do you like to try local food when you travel? Have you ever had something
really delicious? What is the strangest food you’ve seen or eaten while on
➔ What is the best age to travel? Can children appreciate the experience?
➔ If money was not an issue, what type of holiday would you take?
➔ Would you ever try hitch-hiking?
➔ Would you like to travel in space or to the moon?
➔ Would you like to work in the travel industry?
➔ Do you prefer visiting beaches or mountains?
➔ What's more important to you when you travel - comfort and relaxation, or
stimulating new experiences?
➔ Choose between these holidays and explain your choice:
◆ A tour of historic sites in Europe
◆ A relaxing stay at a beach resort in Southeast Asia
◆ Going on safari in Africa

Past experiences
➔ What do you miss the most when you are travelling?
➔ Have you ever had an accident while travelling?
➔ Have you ever been on a cruise?
➔ Have you ever missed a flight? What happened?

Pros and cons

➔ First class and backpacking
➔ Travelling alone and with a group
➔ Ship/ aeroplane/ car/ train

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