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ge No.

Expt. No. : 5

TABLE WORKER Panhen dendien

Cenaidu hpllasing jalleu scmkolandpay snd
EDE Nom DESICGPLBvELDaT DoB dnauenthaellawing ueshens
RediashanSenPo24-g-1 1951-8-23
12CadmelhCtia PDO3 2io -0z-22/997-07-12 0eh elluisy 30L Lenmands Jn paxtie shaBtmaeks
OlaahaPo3 2c --141253-10 -14
Ara heud Nchanil O22uek-s-1t-e3-13 T Diplayha deoil all lktnkens in dsandig ck dhuo Dper
Sanda Clank fho2 e-e-14 -cb-eq tnaSelact" aam kioRkERS eden DoI das
Sgaisn fho1 elo-el-20 1P52Lo
2Tohopley NAME_anc DESZh hesa WorkER Lwhose PLEVEZ
uttin PoD1 Pao2
ABLEPEYLEVEL aSelut Nam, Deig Enom WeRKER swheePLEVELZN CRc1, Po
PLEYEL PAY LALLON BNG 5. doplay nuanlua enkn hoe PAy ALLOWANLE_
Po01 26o002 00O mane han 30c00 Jpn eua PLEVEL
Po02 b.cooleeco AaSekul PryLEvELPLEvELCunt ) hen uORkER_PaYLEVE
POo3 12cc0 6oco ohen MlOsKER- PLeyeLPayLVEL: PLtvel and lay1 Alewante
50000 gup le PAy.LEVELPlevel

mccase to allauane uy lacona Payis grakr than 2000.0
hnUpaalePayuEvEL Set allouan@z Alleuene 1Ce0 use py >20200

5.lodisplay hu unhon wnkan_dsgmatien Ise

SFLFCT leaig, Ceunt C&) nom WoR KERGoup ly leoy
Expt. No.:6

TABLES SPORIS Paollkmdeleihen

Lemaides thu Jpllauingalla sgin Struns_Aad
Sede Spm nane lahupantnemeneySoheluk dat COACH andhauen ie queahen Tnt lless
1o Lazem 2 5oo 2012pi-23
l02 Balmin 201-1212

8o0o 2012 -02-/19 Todasplay Szoko umlaacksda_cuh cd puan

lo_ches 2012-o-oj
tale dnad and diylay Sccdin_descnhug_cne2
logaun1ennis 2S000 201) 03-19
Selueck StuchCeunlLScede) hem LoncH gap ly Sceep2dn y
Soke dorx
TABLECOACH 210Aioplay deluilbo dlisa spank and (oah ama 1hak _are hung-
Aniemeney mo han goco And Ceach nano_endsh d
CdeNarSole Seect 2poaiszane,Mima sem spords_Coazhwesepri2mfey >feccandlcocharse
Stume SUmie ghutonteia alh gaskabksilh büin Couruneuokse chdak
tshkan dlade is in ho yean 20
ASac Spantname,nanshom gos leauh whre spatsSack=coach-Sucde
Schudulate_ll 'zcig--4

Sokctditinct Spotsnane)onspati

5 ntauaxe The prbuipartslubhanlkspnt atem,thed.and badminken

Av) Update gak set paotiapae zpohiapeastb wku prkoanuin l'ancn,
Page No.: B

Expt.No.: 7

TABLE-TChcHER Lersiden tha falesing _tallhs.and pelliay.ond saua.

lQuhen_lhat jelee
T-4 Na DpadrantDekg jicinSalany ubude SoL mnands dn t pelaing shkouaks i
3empdecioce1ge 2ez 12ooe

Shaamila /y 2u/os 2a 20 s 0
i cdoplayte tall aum.lan_e iachen Depantment 12is
ct/e7/ 24
AnSeht depurt ment, Ceunt Cr)fnem hahengaoup ly lepantmin tE
Sangala55 Haeyy eece

Bakak teruks esles/ 2ec7 2o 2 Te diglay h Tada dehail oho huug kuan peslidin "Dl
27/o2e3 ce Sekecta dnem TERCHER PaSI ZAG Loher_7EACHERPi Pes1zahPid
7Shiv n
eéa siong 25/ca/pe7
2ecoc F
3edephy hghstsakay leag-paid in cachekpaztmeant
AnaSelaek max Lsday) zen TEACHER qeup lg depAatment,
4 o dasplay til tohl sakery laing puid pn mdkanl pmol spernake
Ans Selkct SunmSalany genlen rem TEAchER_qRp ly gendej
5 nceaa th Salary san a takera 1o whe hase
Ard DPdate TEacie R_Sel salasy= Salazy tSalazyt 1ohao bene
Datei n in2e1z-- 2ciS -/-1)
Page No.: S
Expt. No. P

Wnide a Anegnemlo Cennuctplien saith musal winy dalalase

Cennichiuty and_penpm i elecin_opeahen en_datu In dadtulasei
1Rel Fahth Update g Deble th data
1Caeatea Tlde shudtni oith admne Sname gundke,dek staam, Bitnge

Impertny sal Lennectn_as m

mydh-m (ennectonLlhast="laalhest Lea acousiusrd-"zest
datalas- preyhec
|myunson=Mydb CawsorC)
myLsoeeaute LpRep 7palE_IÉ Exs7 shukent)
myunaenentake LCREaIE 7ARLE sudent LadmnoziL Snang
Gtndan_chan doh stausn_chun (),avaa al

2 asant 5 Lnds inn hoatudant Jalke y aaeghung pem hewe)

mpont mysql temmecdozn_am_

mydb-m-Lennech Lhost" ocal hast Aenotpasslarde'neal
MuyCunno Mydh_unsan l)
aint C-fasenhing S_RECORD n TaaLE
Sl:"fasent N1o student Ladmno Same,

-C,ajechmale202 -O8-4stionte29
t mal 202-og-, \Stienal 94-

(SKushmale2n)-01-ol, Sitna baL

TsuDan eLetutemunySql vd

3 nascay hemak by5 Jn thse stcut sche leley ESie daun

mohmu Sl (ennecton_ns m
mydh m-Lennge Chest-lecalhaf u2azectfaesuerelLbal,kablea papa

Myhnete luplde shudiatset aezngg-uienagrS ekz tazte Suinle

TmHdh-mylaudlhessrallst oaauet pasnl~selLahe hau

mutunac)-muda Cuna)
muulansenexulel eeukcauntlalinom stadiigaphagakaiaing

Ihpn mSal Cemeueaam

m-m.Lesc lkstd kst neasedinetdleppa
Expt. No. :

Tall Event Nile a pmoqnam to tenacd pydhop.widlh mysalaing dodaluase.Cuakchiuily

and pealenin th Jellarug cpenubion ndat in dotalas: Inetfphh
EertEsetnarxmannasdeinig Update_anddeleke h"data
lelAihy lo C102
lo2Poncnhenp 20

Cneande Jaleo
13 Engagtmat Talale name- Event wih Elenl Zd Eenlnamo, umpenozmens chkily 2D
Iotedding ClA
Talde nane-Colekoily widh cokebaily ZD Nae phonfechargaal
L5 Bizhdy 12 Clel

1mpomd nysal_Cenecto_as m
Tabe Caklni uydhz m_Lenneet Lhest-"lecal host n"seol passucd-"eot Jlhakue p
mujun>o7 nyd tunban 2
Name Phene mwnen-culepaop 1ABLE_IE EXZSZS EVEA1
CloL Faiz khan 941o14stlo Tmyuason_eregukeDop TARLE ZE ExXITS Celelrily
Cse Sunjuy karmal131t51 25ccco my cunsch_eLecateCREAIETARLE EvemtlEventId ZN1,Evesi namo VARCHAR L
C103 Neca khan kapasn9511445LSS3Ccccc Naunpalanins ZNT,_Cdebsnily 7p_VARCHRR (LS)
Cle4 ARnaBhabia6s77256 loccc myanson ezeautel"cRER£Tanle_Colebaily CCckbonikg zD_vagcHhnjo
Nena VARCiaR Cr)phore BlaZNT, fz changed Flon

2 Jn>ent 5 netonds in_leh_e tlkey

mgdh m (ennuct(host -ecalkestuaonE wotpuwcnd"aootsatra.boa 2
Inuyunvon mydh mbon (2
print (-naentiny 5 in ERCH TALe
SolSnaant zN1o_EuENz_LEveizd Eventnamepnuapenloma, toleknily
Vauas CS, SS AS}-
Val:Le "Barh day 1oCD")Cl01 nemobon gun2co
9nycuso Lsttemany lsgl ial

Diogloy h_eudnam2, aa ecalebnky and Fachngtd pndee

oehnitius ucho Chang mo dhon 20p000
mpond mypg,Cennaeton_asm
mydbzm.Cncd Chest- Joalkast un-hed,pabezndzhet,dekabaz"eraJ
mus tunbe myabcunnon )
Pnint CDsplay cekbnis uho chanye mon han looo )
SalsELECT Euentname,Nama Jachanggd FRom.Event, esilg wnEeg_fecbaged
2c0000 and Evank alekn.lyzo-_ukhrily tahko.ilyz0
|mypesulkzmyuonJhhald )
0 in my Teyat

4nenLB hachagl lgyl9c0o4n he ewents ohse_yumJun dpofomaii>ur

Tipont Lannecon_00m
myae zmannoct Lhest-Jalkost wnehenbpu3ukonde"rot aakae-"p

Print C pn ha guent, akeamndtg_tahaseTumben edpenlomuns is>

Sal upDATE Eunt,tulakerikyse_fae chargek: fa chargedsleam soke
Eutnt tohniy 0-_kemdy abniry70 Nughenpekovnen 21rouwr etd
LPaut Lmuun.10untnatad) aljuded
Page No.: 23
Expt. No.:

5:Dolkte hk raenls ese oleknily shse nanc.ShetuihR:

impontmysal tennachn_m
mydh m tnecet Chst.Maralsest Aan-'neck,paaed Ehoo,datakax z'po
914Cuason mydlb_cupa[)
Paint.C-Dkeucrks aklik nameshark soih R
wuERE Jam likeReymyuna Cxacuke Cs
Sql DELETE FRGn Colaknky
"zlonks) deleted
paint Cmyuuon-awtcunt,
PageNo.: 2J

Expt. No.: 1O

Ohute a taepum to lennect pthantailhmyxoLLig daladaxeLnuhiuly.andpesdornbe

llausing_cponadbiztns n dala lae naed,4hkh,upehelegnl dekte lhe doka

-allh namkEnplaytawilh Empno,Nlame,eaig, alany,laua Lenugs
Jae nama nyuaante Leih Enpho,LEC
Impoztmy sql onedo_as m
mydhzLennmet Chost-"lacalhest uaanEaek

myLunbon eIeuke(Crate TaalE Emplayae (empnoZaN1, ame_VanbaYTD, Peag

VARCHARLS), Salany Elaak, leaue LNl1 Benuw Fl1)
mytuwben_Leute LREA1E TABLE Isununte LEmpne N1,LI VARLHARCO)

2 |nan SxLends inhlhulka ly aphig healus deatlaihds purnbkueo

Tmpon my sql Cmoedon a)m
lalAh CcnazctChost-lerellat waheek fasguanl 'ned dabaleasezho

Pnint Cn nacnting 5 ReLerd in_eachfalde t")

S9lnantnlo EnployaeLEnpne, ame,leaig,Salany, Juate zBinus VHiLES
Val:LClol, Raju managen 35co,12,25p0),lo2,SwrshAstange
S30c0,a, 1M0O), (lo3,17hilak "clak,Ioco12, 100 0,Sunslanel,
iSeC12121), Ulos, pahul 7t8amhzad3cc00,1,2uso
nlanbc Cumany L59k yall
SalznsRL_NOzhunanCeL LEnmpne,L4c) valuay C75.5)Yal
Page No. :27
Expt. No.:

LACrcale mangCgl_lal
Dplay he tobl salany_dauk designatian_4tilesa onpleyan sohaoeameshakuwih a
impe nySql enehon_as m
myabzLauatst-Waalkost',luenz"hectLPasuend-"axt_dukkael po

Skuals ibR )
SalSeLECZSun(saluay,sene hembayplaa asply dang kauing,Akaueke'lez
cuben excuute (Sq
Tpeadt-myLAc) kehall)
Yin nypesal
mydh Cenamil

1splaytk Enplega unkcn.andhaRebhomhusdhe LICituaante

fmpantany ial Canncto)_abm
Tmy dhr ennect_Chesk-"leallst wanzaet fhasicad:"ned,daatesk 2Pro

PaintLH---Dsplay ha Employa Numhenond.Nane whekao thu LTL insuante

Sal-"seluch onsnNe an enmplega,inuaana ubeetnpleye ngpnozivweaden
Ovnd LIC& hot nul

y h Tucpull
Page No. :29
Expt. No. :

5 LPpA1E k Salasy 10| pahetonpleyo who dusgnotien i teak

tmpot mysq Cenecon eom
yd (nnt Chestz Jeal hast" wza'rnect",pusaWond eo"
dab luoePho)

pnint pzlade he Salany_liy lot emplaas whge

deign.akion isdeak-- )
Sql= ypdate de employee Sel salay=Sokarya Salary lefoce Lkere

m Luna exeakeSl)

Pnint(mywnson 20wLourt "ecords0) uplatal

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