Alex Tann t2 2022

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Student Report

Term 2, 2022

Student’s Name: Student

Teacher’s Name: Rosette Zerella and Nadine Hughes

Year Level: 7

Days Absent:
Australian Curriculum

SA School & Services for Vision Impaired uses the Australian Curriculum. Accordingly, your
child’s achievement in the eight learning areas is being assessed and reported on against
Australian Curriculum achievement standards.

The Australian Curriculum achievement standards can be accessed at: These provide information on the learning area skills and

The following table provides descriptions used in reporting on student


Student Achievement

 Your child is demonstrating excellent achievement of what is expected at this year level.

 Your child is demonstrating good achievement of what is expected at this year level.

 Your child is demonstrating satisfactory achievement of what is expected at this year level.

 Your child is demonstrating partial achievement of what is expected at this year level.

 Your child is demonstrating minimal achievement of what is expected at this year level.

The following table provides descriptions used in reporting on student


Student Effort

 Your child is demonstrating excellent effort in their learning in this area.

 Your child is demonstrating very good effort in their learning in this area.

 Your child is demonstrating adequate effort in their learning in this area.

 Your child is demonstrating some effort in their learning in this area.

 Your child is demonstrating minimal effort in their learning in this area.

2 Term 2, 2022

Teacher: Rosette Zerella

To support independence, Student was provided with resources this semester that continued to be very structured
with some sections being self-led. The main focus this semester was surrounding sequencing ideas, drawing
conclusions (with a specific focus on inferential conclusions), descriptive language, spelling and creative writing.

Similarly, across all subject areas, Student is engaged the most when exposed to familiar ideas. Student can make
connections to personal experiences when explaining characters and main events in short texts within familiar
contexts. Student can identify literal meaning and familiar implied meaning. He often is challenged when required
to identify main ideas and supporting detail. Student’s engagement in group and class discussion is minimal, as he
often results to familiar topics regardless of their relevance. Using the advice from his speech pathologist, Student
has been encouraged to try and justify himself, asking ‘why’ questions. So far we haven’t seen a lot of progression
in unfamiliar contexts but with Liam beginning to have sessions on site, this should assist with continuity of
language used and hopefully have further benefits for Student.

If left to produce independent written pieces of work, Student is challenged to complete anything. He requires
constant prompting and persuasion to write. Student perceives literacy tasks to be much more challenging than
numeracy, which results in lack of interest to participate. Trying to stretch Student within any literacy component is
difficult as he often refuses to engage in new topics or ideas.

Within spelling and grammar, Student is still challenged when writing full sentences. Student also often spells
phonetically when unsure of correct spelling. It has also been noted that Student struggles when writing in grade 1
and is something being targeted within his spelling program.

Teacher: Nadine Hughes

Student completes activities each week for a set of spelling words. He enjoys writing sentences using his words
however these sentences are quite repetitive. He has been extended by having to add certain types of phrases,
such as including a where or when the event/topic occurred. Student has also been challenged to write sentences
using words which start with the same sound as the spelling word. This has required him to think creatively and
therefore he needed more support to complete this task.

Teacher: Lauren Fountain

Across terms 1 and 2 Student has worked on the concept real vs fantasy. The aim in term 1 was for him to create
2 sentences about a topic that were real and 2 that were fantasy. The success of this task was very dependent on
the topic. If he has a link to the topic such as a cat, he found it hard to distinguish between real and fantasy.
Throughout the term he became more successful at this task.

In term 2 we are working on character development, focusing on fictional people/animals. Student has been
working hard to create a list of things about a fictional character, such as a man, woman, cat, bird, car etc. There
has been a great improvement in his ability to create a list of characteristics about the person/animal he is creating
and often adds in smaller pieces of background information which is helpful in the production of a narrative story.

Student effort: Your child is demonstrating adequate effort in their learning in this area.


Teacher: Rosette Zerella

3 Term 2, 2022
Throughout all written tasks, Student displays inconsistent use of contracted braille and if left unprompted,
produces a mixture of both. Within spelling, Student is challenged by words containing apostrophes. Within
reading, Student often predicts words in sentences from the first letter yet doesn’t check the following letters or
see if the sentence makes sense before continuing to read. This semester Student is being introduced to further
mathematical braille layouts and with prompting and reinforcement, demonstrates them well.


Teacher: Rosette Zerella

As a continuation of the structure of Student’s mathematics last year, his learning was made very structured and
encompassed a range of areas that he had previously struggled with or was deemed as a useful skill for him to
have in life. This year, there has been a further focus on Student’s ability to do his work independently, and out of
all his subjects he has shown the most independence through maths.

Areas of strength within mathematics are around number facts. To stretch his learning and develop further
engagement through number, Student has been introduced to vertical addition and subtraction braille layout to
allow him to engage in more complex sums. He grasped the orderly concepts extremely well and with minimal
prompting, was able to demonstrate his understanding to a good standard. Something that assisted Student with
this concept was his growing understanding of place value in context. He is able to apply place value to partition,
rearrange and regroup numbers to assist calculations and solve problems.

While Student can demonstrate his understanding in some ways, he often struggles to justify his choices therefore
limiting our understanding of whether he can transfer the knowledge he has learnt. In a different context (often in
worded problems), Student struggles to apply and demonstrate his learning. An area of significant challenge for
Student is the concept of time. Student has a very limited understanding and it is something that we will continue
to work on in semester 2 as it will be an important concept to master for life post school.

Teacher: Nadine Hughes

Student can competently identify many two-dimensional shapes and discuss the number of sides and corners. He
can find and name some three-dimensional objects in everyday life. Student explored models and tactile diagrams
of three-dimensional objects. With support he identified similarities and differences between prisms and pyramids.

Student has a basic understanding of time, recognising there are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an
hour. He can make simple calculations using this knowledge but requires assistance to complete more demanding

Student effort: Your child is demonstrating very good effort in their learning in this area.


Teacher: Nadine Hughes

In term 1 Student investigated the fact that the Earth is part of a system of planets which orbit around a star. He is
able to name all the planets. Student compared some of the key features of different planets and helped the class
measure the relative distances from the sun for each planet. He explored a model illustrating the orbit of the Moon
and Earth in relation to the Sun. Student participated in class discussions concerning space exploration and how
technologies developed to aid space exploration have changed the way people live, work and communicate. The
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s understanding of the night sky and its use in recognising the seasons
was also discussed.

4 Term 2, 2022
The focus for term 2 was light and its characteristic behaviours. Student could express that light is used during the
day and lights are turned off when we sleep. He could identify natural and artificial light sources. Student helped to
create a tactile labelled ray diagram to show that light travels in straight lines. He participated in investigations to
explore how shadows are created when light is blocked and to demonstrate the law of reflection. The class also
examined refraction of light. Student was able to state all seven colours of the rainbow in order and list items of
each colour.

Student effort: Your child is demonstrating adequate effort in their learning in this area.

Humanities and Social Sciences

Teacher: Rosette Zerella

This semester, Student has engaged with a range of activities within the HASS strand of geography. Similarly, to
last year, HASS has been a great opportunity for Student to demonstrate his growing technology and research
skills in a way that is accessible to him.

Student has a sound understanding of place, and a developing understanding of connections between people and
places. Student’s ability to explain and justify the importance of place and the meaning it can have to different
people is limited. When exploring concepts that are outside of Student’s familiar environments, he struggles to
engage and show his understanding. While Student can gather information from provided texts, he struggles to
reflect on any information that is implied, often only understanding literally meaning. Student has limited
questioning skills, making interpreting information quite challenging for him. When presented with familiar
concepts, Student finds joy in applying his knowledge and is more open to unpacking concepts being able to draw
some connections between his learning.

Student effort: Your child is demonstrating adequate effort in their learning in this area.

Health and Physical Education

Teacher: Rosette Zerella


This semester students have had a particular focus on tactical awareness when engaging with striking and fielding
sports and blind soccer. Students have also been engaging with movement challenged which require effective
communication, a skill that’s benefits transfer across all physical activities.

Student has participated well in all components of PE this semester. With support, Student demonstrates a good
ability to track audible equipment. He awareness of his body in space is increasing as he finds further enjoyment in
being active. Student took a particular liking to blind soccer this semester, often asking to play with the soccer ball
at lunch times.


This semester the students have participated in The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum. The topics covered
within the semester have been The Right to be Safe and Relationships. Within the topics, students have developed
their understanding in areas such as the physical and psychological response to our body and personal
emergencies and risk taking. Students have also engaged in topics surrounding what influences decision making.

Student demonstrated a basic understanding of risk taking and safe and unsafe situations. I use stories to engage
him with the topics and ask him questions about the subject/content to look for his level of comprehension.
Student understands at a basic level that our body has emotional responses on behaviors and relationships.

5 Term 2, 2022
Student has a good understanding of relationships. Due to his love of routine, Student lacks the awareness in
developing skills and strategies to establish and manage positive and changing relationships.

Student effort: Your child is demonstrating adequate effort in their learning in this area.

The Arts - Music

Teacher: Lily Gower

Student is developing his understanding of how and why people create music. Student has developed his aural
skills by exploring, imitating, and recognising elements of music including dynamics, pitch and rhythm.

When working with a small group Student contributed to a range of different compositions. He was encouraged to
persist with the piano, to participate, and contribute ideas. He enjoyed playing ‘twinkling’ sounds on the piano and
experimenting using the Perkins Brailler as a percussion instrument. These compositions were developed,
rehearsed, and then performed as a part of ‘The Nest’. As well as composing Student learned a number of songs
that were composed by professional composer Rachel Bruerville. Student was able to memorise the songs and
played them accurately, as a part of a group, during the performance.

Braille Music

This year in braille music Student has come along in leaps and bounds. He can now consistently read and write all
notes of the music alphabet in semibreves, minims, crotchets and quavers. Student has completed a range of
melodic dictation activities from ‘Read Sing and Play’ and practiced applying the music to the piano. Student enjoys
practicing using braille music flash cards.

Instrumental Music

Student is making slow but steady progress during piano lessons. He enjoys playing scales and can play C major, G
major, D major and A harmonic minor with both his left hand and his right. I would like Student to start working
on playing one octave of C major with both hands simultaneously. Student can play chords I, IV, and V7 in C and
G major. Student has almost completed Encore on Keys Piano Book One (he is on the last piece) and is working
towards playing ‘Guess Who’ at the braille music short course in week 10.

Student effort: Your child is demonstrating very good effort in their learning in this area.

The Arts – Media Arts

Teacher: Lily Gower

Student created an artwork of his choice inspired by “The Nest”. He chose to make a nest and a bird using tactile
materials. Student turned his artwork into a short film by taking a series of videos of his bird and it’s nest in front
of a green screen. With support Student recorded audio description and sound effects using iMovie. He made
choices about his background images and the editing of his work. This artwork was displayed as a part of “The
Nest” performance

Student effort: Your child is demonstrating adequate effort in their learning in this area.


Design and Technologies

6 Term 2, 2022
Teacher: Nadine Hughes

Student has used Lego this semester to complete different challenges. He learnt about the history of Lego and how
it is produced. He was first asked to work with a partner to design a new Lego kit. Student was unable to share
ideas and took apart models his partner had made. Instead he was given individual challenges such as ‘build a
brick pyramid’ or ‘build a house with 25 bricks’. Student enjoyed these challenges and would then want to play and
construct his own creations.

Student effort: Your child is demonstrating adequate effort in their learning in this area.

Information Communication Technology (Expanded Core Curriculum)

Teacher: Rosette Zerella

This semester we continued Student’s development on researching using his iPad and Braillenote. Student enjoys
consistent, structured instructions. When researching familiar topics, Student engages well and can demonstrate
his ability to navigate the internet well requiring limited prompting.

Orientation and Mobility (Expanded Core Curriculum)

Teacher: Adrian Riessen

Student always attends orientation and mobility lessons with enthusiasm; however, he can find it challenging when
introduced to new activities or travel routes. This year he has worked to link two of his known community travel
routes together, linking access to the school crossing on Duncan Avenue with access to Marion Rd and bus stop
20. Throughout the year the aim is to continue to develop this area of community awareness and building his
spatial and mapped understanding of the local area near SASSVI. Student will also continue to work on building
more consistency with his cane use along residential footpath, particularly maintaining cane width and position on
the path. He will also gain further experiences with using public transport, including developing communication
skills with the bus driver when boarding and alighting and linking orientation awareness of the broader community.

Career Education (Expanded Core Curriculum)

Teacher: Nadine Hughes

Career Education explores different aspects of working life. The class were given a variety of careers about which
they could gain further information. Student chose a nurse and with support created a simple but appropriate
questionnaire. He received a response which he shared with the class.

The importance of chores/helping at home was highlighted as this teaches responsibility and life skills. Student
shared how he is able to help at home.

Social Skills (Expanded Core Curriculum)

Teacher: Rosette Zerella and Nadine Hughes

Student struggles to sustain a two-way conversation when communicating with his peers and other adults. Student
often struggles to initiate appropriate conversations with his peers, often falling back into discussing topics that
only interest him. Student’s love for routine transfers across into social interactions, often telling the same stories

7 Term 2, 2022
and events in his daily life, rarely initiating new discussion topics. Through the help of Liam’s onsite therapy
sessions, we will aim to continue to develop these skills with the support of speech therapy.

Independent Living Skills (Expanded Core Curriculum)

Teacher: Rosette Zerella and Nadine Hughes

This semester most lessons have comprised of both a savoury and sweet recipe with Student involved in preparing
one of the two. Term 1 recipes were scrolls, using puff pastry, and biscuits, scones or savoury patties. For term 2
the students were asked what they would like to cook, which were mostly pasta or rice based dishes.

Student enjoys cooking at school but often seems tired by the end of the week. He will sit at the table and slowly
complete a given task, such as grating cheese, chopping vegetables or spreading topping on puff pastry. Some
weeks he has needed to return to the class part way through the lesson to rest in the bean bag. Student will help
with the clean up as asked, drying or putting dishes away. Student is hesitant to try any of the food the class has
prepared and only wants to eat the food in his lunch box.

Student is very organised with his belongings at school. He will systematically unpack and pack his bag without
prompting. Student rarely loses track of where he has left his cane and likes to be independent when finding it.

General Comments

Class teacher: Rosette Zerella and Nadine Hughes

Student is a joy to have in classroom, he is loved by staff and his peers. Student seems to really enjoy school and
being around his peers, specifically forming strong connections with the younger students. When exposed to
familiar tasks and concepts, Student can demonstrate intense engagement in areas of interest which is great to
experience. This semester it has been noticed that Student and his emotions have consistently fluctuated, as well
as his energy levels. Staff are continuing to look forward to preparing Student for his future in the coming

Signed: ………………………………...……………. Date: ………………………………...…………….

Signed: ………………………………...……………. Date: ………………………………...…………….

Deputy Principal: Sharon Rattray

[Write comments here]

Signed: ………………………………...……………. Date: ………………………………...…………….

Principal: Peter Haskell

[Write comments here]

Signed: ………………………………...……………. Date: ………………………………...…………….

8 Term 2, 2022

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