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ATP Division/Committee Report



Division/Committee/SIG: India Association of Test Publishers

Division/Committee Goals & Activities

India-ATP, a Regional Division of the Association of Test Publishers (ATP), provides
a forum focused on positively influencing consumers and government agencies in
India to establish policies and guidelines that are advantageous to all of the
stakeholders in the testing process. India-ATP uses its advocacy activities to recruit
members and to develop outreach to the test publishing community. I-ATP is
developing the capability to monitor government activities as they directly relate to
the test publishing industry. Besides monitoring such activities, I-ATP is developing
mechanisms for disseminating information to members and other organizations to
ensure that the appropriate response is prepared in a timely manner. The key
founder members of India ATP are Merittrac, Prometric, Eduquity, QuestionMark
and Pearson VUE.

Goals/activities which support this mission:

The 4th Annual India ATP is scheduled for November 30th, 2018 at India Habitat
Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. This year, the focus of the theme is “Revamping
Exam Standards in India: Improving Evaluation and Assessments for Higher
Education and Professionals.”

 A total of 160-200 people from universities, academia, HR, corporate are
expected to be at the event with a 70:30 ratio (Higher Education:
Professionals, respectively)
 A target database of more than 1400 delegates to be invited to the event
mainly with profiles including vice chancellors, registrars, dean, controller of
exams, CXOs, HR and L&D heads, training heads etc.
 Mass social media promotions by event management company and founder

Updates since the last report

This year Divyalok Sharma replaced Soumitra Roy as the Chair for IATP. Since
taking over as the Chair for IATP, Divyalok has been advocating about the
importance of global best practices in assessments and that IATP’s goal is to engage
with all key stakeholders in an open dialogue to support fairness, integrity and
equating in testing.

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ATP Division/Committee Report

This year, a new event management company, Channel Technologies, has been hired
with consensus from all founder members to support IATP with audience
acquisition and brand awareness of India ATP. Key deliverables include – Audience
acquisition, tele-calling, social media promotions, brand awareness through
multiple activities, and logistics support.

Other news of interest to the Board, particularly threats to your Divisional

Section of the Industry:

While there are no specific threats to the India ATP division, however the division
with founder members from four different organizations would continue to track
the progress of the local government and stakeholders involved on the current
reforms taking place in higher education, especially in regards to the
standardization of exams.

Division/Committee/SIG Officers
Chair Company Affiliation Title
Divyalok Chetan Sharma Pearson VUE Senior Director (Client
Mailing Address Email Phone
1A/1 Sector 16A, SB Divyalok.Sharma@pearson. 0120-4001644
Towers, Ground Floor, com
Noida -201301

Vice Chair

Mailing Address Email Phone

Suraj Puravankara Pearson VUE Marketing Manager, India
Mailing Address Email Phone
1A/1 Sector 16A, SB Suraj.puravankara@pearson 0120-4001677
Towers, Ground Floor, .com
Noida -201301

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