1.3 M1 - L3 Activity 3

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Consolatrix College of Toledo City, Inc.

6038 Magsaysay Hills, Poblacion, Toledo City

Augustinian Recollect Sisters – Philippines


MODULE 1 - Lesson 3 – Activity

Name: Via D. Isok

Year Level and Block: BSIT-2A
Date Submitted: February 6, 2022



Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The independent variable is the ONE thing you _____.

a) change
b) keep the same
c) experiment with
d) investigate

2. How many variables can be tested in a controlled experiment?

a) one
b) two
c) three
d) as many as possible

3. Dr. Eversole sets up an experiment on plants to see how different liquids affect plant growth.
Each plant in the experiment is given a different liquid; water, apple juice, or milk. Each plant
has the same amount of soil, sunlight, and listens to the same music. In this investigation, what
is the independent variable?
a) Type of plant
b) Water, apple juice, milk
c) Plant growth

4. Mr. G normally uses praise as a reward to train his dog. He wants to know the best way to
train his dog, so he sets up an experiment to find out if there is a better way to get his dog to
respond to commands. What is his dependent variable?
a) Type of reward
b) Praise
c) Type of dog
d) Amount of time the dog follows commands

5. Concepts or nominal data can be converted into variables by identifying measurement scales?
a) True
b) False

6. An Independent variable can be defined as ___________.

a) Confounding variable
b) Change variable
c) Extraneous variable
d) Outcome/effect variable

7. In research terminology the extraneous variable can be described as ___________.
a) The cause responsible for bringing about change(s) in a situation.
b) The outcome or change(s) brought about by introduction of an independent variable.
c) Linking the independent and dependent variables.
d) Several factors operating in a real-life situation which are not measured in the study that
may affect changes in the dependent variable.

8. Which of the following is not an example of a categorical variable?

a) Taste of a specific brand of coffee: like/don’t like
b) Height in cm
c) Gender: Male/female
d) Age: 18-20 year/21-25 year/over 25 years

9. Which of the following is not an example of a categorical variable?

a) Taste of a specific brand of coffee: like/don’t like
b) Height in cm
c) Gender: Male/female
d) Age: 18-20 year/21-25 year/over 25 years

10. Weight in kg is a ____________variable?

a) Continuous variable
b) Constant variable
c) Polytomous variable
d) Dichotomous variable

11. Which of the following is an example of a continuous variable?

a) Age: younger than 40 years/ 40 years or older
b) Gender: male/ female
c) Reaction time in seconds
d) Educational level: low/ medium/ high

12. Which of the following is an example of an interval scale?

a) Smoker: Yes/No
b) Rating of TV programme: good/average/ poor
c) Attitudinal score between 0-100
d) Temperature in Fahrenheit
13. The ratio scale has which of the following properties?
a) It only has characteristics classified under a subgroup that have common characteristics.
b) It has a relative scale with units of measurement with an arbitrary starting and
terminating point.
c) It is an absolute scale and has units of measurements with a fixed starting point.
d) None of the above.
e) Classify the following variables whether they are:

B. Identify the following data if it is Discrete (type D) or Continuous (type C).

___D__9. size of shoes

___D__1. academic grade ___C__10. blood glucose
___D__2. year level
___C__11. land area
___D__3. tuition fee
___C__12. weight
___C__4. boiling point
___D_13. audience
___C__5. speed
___C__14. height
___C__6. length of hair
___D__15. shirt size
___C__7. longevity
___D__8. intelligence ___D__16. age
___D__17. examinees ___D__19. words
___D__20. participants
___C__18. time

C. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

_____1. They are index file and data dictionaries that store management information.
a. quantity b. data c. metadata d. information

_____2. They are pieces of information which are organized in a manner useful to the end
a. metadata c. information
b. qualitative data d. research data

_____3. The following are examples of research records, except:

a. project file b. projector c. technical reports d. research data

_____4. The following are examples of research data, except:

a. data files c. photographs
b. consent forms d. films

_____5. It is a characteristic of a phenomenon or individual that assumes different names

and values.
a. sampling b. variable c. hypothesis d. data

_____6. The aim of this research is to manipulate an independent variable.

a. historical b. case study c. descriptive d. experimental

_____7. The following are examples of dichotomous variables, except:

a. boy/girl b. day/night c. country/nation d. push/pull

_____8. It is a variable that is measured to see whether the treatment or manipulation of the
treatment variable had an effect.
a. dependent b. predictor c. causal d. explanatory

_____9. This variable is manipulated to examine its impact on a criterion variable.

a. independent b. predictant c. regressand d. effect

_____10. It is a portion or subset of a population from which the information is gathered.

a. data b. hypothesis c. variable d. sample
_____11. It is or conjecture or a scientific guess.
a. data b. hypothesis c. variable d. sample

_____12. It is an experimental hypothesis.

a. null hypothesis c. scientific hypothesis
b. alternative hypothesis d. knowledge hypothesis

_____13. It reflects that no observed effect in the experiment.

a. null hypothesis c. experimental hypothesis
b. alternative hypothesis d. knowledge hypothesis

_____14. Which of the following is not a guideline in formulating hypothesis?

a. identify the variables in the study
b. distinguish the dependent and independent variable
c. formulate hypothesis according to the research problem
d. formulate the working title

_____15. This sampling technique requires inclusion criteria for the individual to qualify as a
research participant.
a. purposive sampling c. multi-stage sampling
b. clustered sampling d. random sampling

D. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. How are research questions most often described?

A. Arising within a laboratory setting
B. Posed after important factors are identified
C. May arise from our everyday life experiences
D. Always answered if we follow a scientific method of inquiry
2. In general, when selecting factors for a study, you want to be sure of which of these?
A. They have been investigated before
B. They are available to investigate
C. They are not of interest to you
D. They do not lead to another question
3. Which of the following best describes a hypothesis?
A. Statement that you set out to prove
B. Tested by collecting only the data that support it
C. Proposed before a good research question can be developed
D. Posits a clear relationship between different factors
4. Experimental methods can typically be described by which of the following?
A. Descriptive
B. Cause-and-effect
C. Correlational
D. Qualitative
5. Michael hands out a survey to find out the average age and schooling level of his class. What
type of research is this?
A. Historical
B. Cause-and-effect
C. Quasi-experimental
D. Descriptive
6. Identify and select the correct order of steps in scientific inquiry (note: These are not ALL of
the steps in the process)
A.  Formulating a hypothesis, collecting relevant information, testing the hypothesis, working
with the hypothesis
B. Reconsidering the theory, asking new questions, identifying the important factors, collecting
relevant information
C. Asking the question, identifying the important factors, asking new questions, testing the
D. Asking new questions, reconsidering the theory, working with the hypothesis, testing the
7. Which of the following is true of the scientific method of inquiry?
A. Complete once the hypothesis has been tested
B. Will vary depending on the specific research question
C. Systematic process that is used to answer questions
D. Different in basic research than in applied research
8. Nonexperimental research methods consist of which of the following?
A. Test causal relationships between variables
B. Only describe characteristics of existing phenomenon
C. Can be descriptive, historical, or correlational
D. Examine factors that are not related
9. Hannah assigns children to different teaching method groups and tests their math
performance after six weeks. This is an example of what type of research?
A. Descriptive
B. Historical

C. Experimental
D. Uncontrolled
10. What is the major difference between applied and basic research?
A. Basic research takes longer to complete
B. Applied research is less important
C. Basic research is more traditional
D. Basic research has no immediate application
11. Samantha is interested in studying the relationship between gender differences and verbal
ability. This is an example of what type of research?
A. Descriptive
B. Quasi-experimental
C. Correlational
D. Gender research
12. When variables compete to explain the same effects, what are they sometimes called?
A. Contradictory
B. Intertwining
C. Confounding
D. Interdependent
13. In a study of the effect of the amount TV viewing on children’s aggressiveness, amount of
TV viewing would be what type of variable?
A. Independent variable
B. Dependent variable
C. Control variable
D. Extraneous variable
14. Factorial designs are experiments that can best be defined by which of these statements?
A. Have one independent variable
B. Have one dependent variable
C. Have more than one independent variable
D. Are tested on math problems
15. What type of variable has an unpredictable impact on the dependent variable?
A. Wild variable
B. Independent variable
C.  Extraneous variable
D. Moderator variable
16. The null hypothesis represents which of the following statements?
A. No relationship between the variables under study
B. A positive relationship between the independent and dependent variables
C. A negative relationship between the independent and dependent variables
D. A difference between the variables under study
Which type of study may NOT have an implied null hypothesis?
A. Correlational
B. Descriptive
C. Quasi-experimental
D. Experimental
18. Our job as researchers is to eliminate ___________ as a factor contributing to differences
between groups.
A. Chance
B. Change
C. The hypothesis
D. An average score
19. What does a good research question usually pursue?

A. A small part of a broad topic
B. A topic unrelated to any other topics
C. The same thing as the null hypothesis
D. A broad topic
20. The interpretation of “differences are significant” means that the differences found
A. Probably not due to chance
B. Due to chance
C. Creative outcomes
D. Not dictated by the hypothesis
21. There will be no relationship between children's time in day care and later academic
achievement. This is an example of which of the following?
A. A research question
B. A factorial design
C. A correlation
D. A null hypothesis
22. The significance level reported in a research study can be explained by which of the
A. Importance of the results to the benefit of society
B. a statistical method
C. Risk associated with not being 100% confident the difference is due to the treatment
D. Importance of the results to the benefit of an individual
23. What is the term often associated with the random variability introduced into every study as
a function of the group of subjects participating, as well as many other unforeseen factors?
A. Systematic error
B. Non-normality
C. Biased sampling
D.  Chance
24. Which of the following is a characteristic of a well-written research hypothesis?
A. Asks a pertinent question
B. Based on researcher’s instinct
C. Should be long and detailed
D. Is testable
25. Which of the following is a good way to find a research topic?
A. Personal experience
B. Getting an idea from your advisor
C. looking for the next step in the research process
D. All of the above

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