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Statement of Intent

I come from a country that possesses a rich diversity in its cultural heritage from the Havelis
in dessert of Rajasthan, to the Forts in Ladakh, Mughal Palaces and Monuments in the north,
small temples in locality to the huge mosques and churches in Delhi and Mumbai. When I look
at these marvels of architecture, I realize that they are an integral part of one’s culture and
also an identity of a nation. The least I could do is make a life and career of studying and
sensitively contributing towards its conservation.

Hello, I am Prapti Rakhasia, an Architect by profession and an enthusiast of Art and Built
Environment. Coming from this domain of study, I am exposed to the physical form, the
cultural and social life, the economic factors, etc. These levels of study are performed in
exercises ranging from single dwelling to a settlement and at a city level. Other than that,
illuminating my personal background, I dwell in the city named Rajkot, Gujarat with my family
which includes my parents and brother. My father is a Building Contractor by profession, so
as a child I was always inclined towards the field, as I use to visit his projects.

I have completed my 5 years Bachelor of Architecture, and have acquired B.Arch. degree.
During my time at college, I have come across many subjects related to field from studying
various material and construction techniques, basics of design, environmental studies,
cultural and worldwide architectural history. In addition to this, there are programs called
RSP-Relative Study Program in which different vernacular settlements as well as structures
that are designated as heritage sites by UNESCO, are visited and documented for better
understanding. During this, studies related to topography, placement of structure,
distribution of public services, and infrastructure are performed along with knowing its
history. I staunchly believe that proper planning has let these structure stand the fate of time.
Additionally, I have also attended an elective named ‘Architectural Conservation’, where I
have gained basic knowledge about the field and how an architect can contribute in the

Apart from academics, I was always drawn to extracurricular activities going on in college.
Being an extrovert, I never miss an opportunity to interact and extend my realm. At the
college level, I was a head of SAPDC-School of Architecture Product Design Cell, where we
designed and executed many architectural and daily-use products and also sold them during
our annual fest. Other than that, in my free time, I love to travel and practice yoga.

During my graduation, I have worked as an intern in a firm named DRise International Pvt.
Ltd., located in Mumbai, Maharashtra which dealt with the design and execution of residential
and recreational projects as well as on the development project of Gateway of India, which is
an arch-monument built in 20th century. This is where I developed an interest towards the
conservation of monuments. I worked with the firm for a semester as a part of my academic
Immediately upon finishing my graduation, I joined an architectural firm named Design
Workshop situated in Rajkot, Gujarat, as a Junior Architect. I am working with this firm, for
more than a year now, where I am a part of a team, so, I have worked on planning and
executing various architectural projects such as Residential, Housing, Recreational,
Landscaping, and Commercial. I have also generated all the necessary drawings required for
the construction of a project. However, I want to broaden my spectrum in the field of
conservation, thus, I have decided to pursue a degree which can help me to stand-out in the

Hence, aside from the art, diverse culture, technological advancements, and scenic
landscapes, Canada is known for its hospitality to international students and is one of the
most sought-after countries when it comes to overseas education. Regardless of the course
of study or the duration of the same, Canada’s laws promote quality education and protection
for international students. The lifestyle is cosmopolitan with a lot of opportunities for young
generation trendsetters. Its multiculturalism is something I’m looking forward to explore and
widen my horizon.

Why Architectural Conservation at Carleton?

Out of all the institutes offering this course in Canada, CARLETON UNIVERSITY offers the best
deal that fits my expectations. The University also holds a good world ranking; hence, I will be
much obliged to study in such an esteemed Institute. Apart from this, the program at Carleton
is short and unique in analogy to other universities, as the program is built on the foundation
by augmenting my existing professional degree with a focus on architectural conservation. I
regard that along with what an architect can perform at his/her level, a conservationist can
give solutions to the issues at a different level.

All in all, these opportunities will widen my spectrum of knowledge and it will be an ideal
gateway to a career, in demanding professional fields, such as conservation-oriented
architectural practices. Thus, in order to pursue graduate diploma at your Institute, I am well-
prepared to put hard work, dedication and every understanding from my side. I hope that you
will discover my zeal to study further and grant me privilege of being a student there.

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