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ACTIVIDAD 1. Empareja y reescribe las cláusulas dadas para formar oraciones en primer

If the weather is nice, | will Invite you to have a drink.

a. If my best friend calls me, we will go to the beach.

b. lf It doesn’t rain this weekend, we will visit my grandparents.

c. lf he goes out with someone else, | will visit the amusement park.

d. If we go to the mall, we will buy your uniform,

e, lf they let me go, will feel jealous


a. If my best friend calls me, we will visit my grandparents

b.if it doesn’t rain this weekend, we will go to the beach.

c. if he goes out with someone else, I will feel jealous

d. if we go to the mall, we will buy you uniform

e. if they let me go, I will visit the amusement park.

ej the weather i nice, we'l vit my grandparents.

ACTIVIDAD 2. Escribe oraciones en Primer Condicional canta information dada,

§}. (you / give me some money) (/ pay the telephone bill)

{you give me some money, | willpay the telephone bil

2. (It/ not rain) (we / go for a picnic) b(you / not feel better) (!/ call the doctor)

c. (we /nat finish on time( (we /not leave early) d.(the weather /is good) (they / goto the beach)

e. (you / ask me) (I / help you) f, (they / see Sarah) (they / tell her the news)

a. If it not rain we will go for a picnic

b. If you not feel better I Will call the doctor

c. If will not finish on time we will not leave early

d. If the weather is good, the will goto the beach

e. If you ask me, I will help you

f. if they see sarah they will tell her the news

ACTIVIDAD 3. Reescribe las oraciones convirtiendo las clausulas negativas en afirmativas; y las

afirmativas en negativas .

&. If you work hard, you will be able to pass your exams Pf you don’t work hard, you won't

be able to pass your exams.

If you go to the mall early, you will not find too many people.

If save enough money, | will be able to buy a new computer,

lf the weather is good, we may go to the beach.

If a get a passport, | can visit another countries.

IfJhonny brings his car, we will visit grandma in the country.


If you don´t go to the mall early, you will find too many people

if I don’t save enough money, I wont able to buy a new computer

If the weather is not good, we don’t may go to the beach.

If a don’t get a passport, I can not visit another countries

If jhonny don’t bring his car, I wont visit grandma in the country.


ACTIVIDAD 4. Escribe oraciones en segundo condicional con la información dada.


§. 1/have a car lke that I/never stop driving it

It had a car like that, I would never stop driving it

1/not have a broken arm 1/ play with my friends

You / be older you / g0 out by yourself

Carmen / lose her keys She /be very upset

charles /be a teacher He /be really strict,

They / have time They / help me


a. If I not had a broken arm, I could play with my friends

b. If you been older you would go out by yourself

c. If Carmen had lose her keys She could be very upset

d. If Charles been a teacher He would be really strict

e. If they had time They could have help me

ACTIVIDAD 5. Responde, de manera personal, las siguientes preguntas haciendo uso del

Second Conditional.
j. What would you do if you were the manager of your favorite baseball team?

If l were the manager of my favorite baseball team, Lwould win the World Series

What could you buy f you have money? if | had money,

What type of music would you play if you were a DJ? if were a Di,

What type of movies would you make if you were aflm director? if iwerea fm director,

What type of food you would cook if you were a chef? if were a chef,


a) If I have money I would buy a car

b) If I was a DJ, I would play pop music
c) If I was film director, I would make scifi movie
d) If I was a chef I would cook Chinese food

Who would you be

If I become another person for just one day I would

like to be a chef, what would you like to do?
I would like to make a special strawberry cake

First Conoirionat

(Primer condicional)

Usamos el Primer Condicional en tres casos:

who would you be

* Para describir un evento posible en el futuro t sus consecuencias

©. Ifitstarts to rain, we will play in the gym

(Siempieza allover, jugaremos en el gimnasio)

* Para dar consejos

© Ifyou listen to music in English, you will understand more words

(Siescuchas musica en inglés, entenderas més palabras)

+ Para advertir 6 amenazar

©. Ifyou are late again, you will be expelled from the team

(Si llegas tarde de nuevo, seras expulsado del equipo)

las oraciones en Primer Condicional son divididas en dos partes: la IF CLAUSE y la


LalF CLAUSE va expresada en Simple Present (Presente Simple) que se forma usando la

siguiente estructura:


Afirmativa: She feels tired

Negativa She doesn't feel tired

Mientras que la CONSEQUENCE CLAUSE se expresa en Simple Future (futuro simple)

que se forma de la esta manera:

She won't go home if she doesn feel tired (Ella no se ird a casa sno se

siente cansada).

‘Secono Conomowat

(Segundo Condicional)

El Second Conditional es usado en tres posibles contextos:

* Para hablar acerca de situaciones hipotéticas pero posibles

©. If lived in Europe, | would probably speak several languages

(Siyo viviera en Europa, probablemente hablaria varios idiomas)

+ Para hablar acerca de situaciones totalmente imposibles 6 imaginarias

©. Ifthere were cities in the moon, Iwould live there

Sihubieran cludades en la luna, you podria vivir alli

+ Para aconsejar

© if I were you, | wouldn’t skip clases

Siyo fuera tu, no perderia clases.

‘A igual que el primer condicional, las oraciones en el second conditional son divididas

en dos clausulas: La JF CLAUSE y la CONSEQUENCE CLAUSE.

LaF CLAUSE se expresa en Simple Past (pasado simple) aun cuando se refieres al futuro

Gal presente, y se forma de la siguiente manera:


Afirmativa: 1 had money

Negativa | didn't have money

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