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1. Prikupljanje Informacija o korisniku upitnika I njegova relacija sa temom upitnika

2. Prikupljanje Informacija o praksama I inicijativama vezanom za temu upitnika
3. Prikupljanje Informacija o Teritorijalnim politikama
4. SWOT ANALIZA – Prikupljanje Informacija

1. Key Actors
ID Name/Title Description and Guidelines
Insert the name of the actor in English. Please mention
A1 Name of actor its full name, as well as popular abbreviation in brackets.
1 Link to the actor’s website Insert the link to the actor’s website.
A1. Write your contact point for this actor: Name of
2 Contact point individual, position in the organisation and email.
Indicate whether this actor is regional (i.e. located in the
region where the ‘anchor’ initiative will be developed) or
national (i.e. located outside the region where the
‘anchor’ initiative will be developed).

For A1.3
A1. Regional
3 Regional or national actor National
Insert the name of the city or municipality where the
A2 City/Municipality actor is located.
Indicate in which Quadruple helix category the actor
belongs to. The available options are: 1)
Academia/Research, 2) Industry/Company/ Business
organisation, 3) Government actor, 4) Civil society
representative (e.g. NGO), 5) Other in case of ambiguity.
Other may encompass the following: Consulting
Company/Cultural Centre/Public Body/Start-up etc.

For A3
Civil society
A3 Quadruple Helix type Other
A4 Related RRI keys List the RRI keys to which the actor is related.
Describe how this actor is related to RRI key of Gender
A4. Equality (e.g. relevant objectives, activities, future
1 Relation to Gender Equality aspirations etc.).

A4. Relation to Public Engagement Describe how this actor is related to RRI key of Public
Engagement (e.g. relevant objectives, activities, future
2 aspirations etc.).
Describe how this actor is related to RRI key of Ethics
A4. (e.g. relevant objectives, activities, future aspirations
3 Relation to Ethics etc.).
Describe how this actor is related to RRI key of Science
A4. Education (e.g. relevant objectives, activities, future
4 Relation to Science Education aspirations etc.).
Describe how this actor is related to RRI key Open
A4. Access (e.g. relevant objectives, activities, future
5 Relation to Open Access aspirations etc.).
Describe how this actor is related to RRI key of
A4. Government (e.g. relevant objectives, activities, future
6 Relation to Government aspirations etc.).
Indicate the core specialisation of the actor. In case of
research-oriented actors, this could be a specialisation
on specific scientific fields. In case of industry-oriented
actors, this could refer to a specialisation on specific
areas e.g. digital innovation. Please indicate the R&I
specialization according to the 6 HEC-Horizon Europe
Clusters, and with a particular emphasis on indicating the
specialization that is also relevant to your 'anchor'

For A5
HEC 1: Health
HEC 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
HEC 3: Civil Security for Society
HEC 4: Digital, Industry, Space
HEC 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility
A5 Relation to R&I HEC 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environme
Describe whether and how the actor has any relation to
Smart Specialisation strategy (S3), or other relevant
A6 Relation to S3 regional policies.
Describe the kind of influence that this actor exhibits in
A7. the region. Try to answer the following question: “Why is
1 Influence in the region (description) this actor considered important for the region?”,
Rate the actor’s influence as 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3- High.

For A7.2
2 Influence in the region (rating)

A8. Importance of engagement Rate the importance of involving this actor in your RRI
‘anchor’ initiative. Available options are 1-Low, 2-
Medium, 3 -High.

1 High
Describe how this actor could be involved in the 'anchor'
initiative in terms of a) co-design procedures; b)
implementation procedures; c) generally addressing the
A8. Potential engagement/contribution indicated challenges for the region (as described in the
2 in the RRI 'anchor' initiative project proposal).
List a few indicative relevant projects (e.g. EU, national,
regional projects etc.) in which the actor has been
involved. These can be relevant to RRI, or to any of the
RRI keys that the territorial 'anchor' initiative addresses
(even if this project’s activities are not necessarily
labeled under RRI). These may also be relevant to the
scientific area(s) –HECs that your 'anchor' initiative
A9 Indicative relevant projects addresses (e.g. ICT)
Indicate whether the actor has a strong network
capability. The available options are 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-
High. Network capability refers to collaborations with
other (considerable) actors both at a regional and/or
national level (e.g. through joint research projects or
various R&I activities).
For A10.1
A1 Medium
0.1 Network capability of the actor High
List some (maximum 5) considerable WB actors that the
mapped actor collaborates with. Indicate in a
A1 parenthesis the location (city/municipality) of the actor’s
0.2 Actors belonging to the network collaborator.
List the sources of information employed for filling in this
database with reference to the specific actors. These
A1 may refer to websites, institutional documents and
3 Sources of information reports, media releases, EU projects etc.
A1 If necessary, add any further details or clarifications to
4 Further clarifications the information provided in this template.
2. practices and initiatives

ID Name/Title Description and Guidelines

B1 Name of the practice/initiative Write the (official) name of the practice/initiative.
B1. Insert the link to a website describing or presenting the
1 Link to the practice’s website practice.
Indicate the type of the practice. Available options are:
Institutional Practice (e.g. trainings/mentoring programs
provided), Institutional Policy (systematised), Educational
course, Declaration of Principles, Event (encompassing
conferences, workshops etc.) and Other (in the case of
ambiguity). Do not mention neither EU/national/regional
projects since such information is listed in template A with
reference to mapped actors, nor official policies by
government actors as these are listed in template C.
For B1.2
Institutional practice
Institutional policy
Educational course
Declaration of Principles
B1. Event
2 Type of practice/initiative Other
Brief description of the practice Briefly describe the practice. What was the
B2 initiative problem/challenge it addressed? How?
B3. Main R&I actor responsible for Mention the main R&I actor implementing the practice (this
1 the practice actor should also be listed in Template A).
Mention any other actors involved in the implementation of
B3. Other actors involved in the this practice initiative. In the case of regional and national
2 implementation of the practice actors, they should be listed in template A.
Briefly mention which was the target audience of this
practice. For example, the target audience can refer to
members of the organisation organising the practice (internal
audience), other R&I actors, researchers, lay citizens etc.
B4 Target audience of the practice (external audience).
B5 Related RRI keys List the RRI keys to which the practice/initiative is related.
B5. Describe how this practice/initiative is related to RRI key of
1 Relation to Gender Equality Gender Equality.
B5. Describe how thispractice/initiative is related to RRI key of
2 Relation to Public Engagement Public Engagement.
B5. Describe how this practice/initiative is related to RRI key of
3 Relation to Ethics Ethics.
B5. Describe how this practice/initiative is related to RRI key of
4 Relation to Science Education Science Education.
B5. Relation to Open Access Describe how this practice/initiative is related to RRI key
5 Open Access.
B5. Describe how this practice/initiative is related to RRI key of
6 Relation to Government Government.
Irrespective of relation to RRI, indicate if this practice has any
broader relation to specific research and/or innovation fields
and developments (listed among the 6 HEC-Horizon Europe
Clusters). Please place particular emphasis on indicating the
R&I relation that is also are relevant to your 'anchor' own

For B6
HEC 1: Health
HEC 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
HEC 3: Civil Security for Society
HEC 4: Digital, Industry, Space
HEC 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility
B6 Relation of this practice to R&I HEC 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Describe whether and how the practice has any relation to
Smart Specialisation strategy (S3), or other relevant regional
B7 Relation of this practice to S3 policies.
Mention the time frame of the practice.The practice can be:
a) permanently established in an institution; b) organised
regurarly (suggest how often); organised once (suggest
B8 Time frame of the practice when) within the last five years.
Indicate whether this practice is applied only in your region
(regional scope), or to broader levels-national level as well
e.g. in the case of a national event (national scope).
For B9
Regional scope
National scope

B9 Territorial scope
Describe how this practice can be 'exploited' within the
context of your 'anchor' initiative. For example, can it
function as an inspiration point? Can it support/back up the
B1 activities you will try to apply within the context of your
0 Capitalisation on this practice 'anchor' initiative?
List the sources of information employed for filling in this
database with reference to the specific practices/initiatives.
B1 These may refer to websites, institutional documents and
1 Sources of information reports, media releases, EU projects etc.
B1 If necessary, add any further details or clarifications to the
2 Clarifications information provided in this template.
3. territorial policies

ID Name/Title Description and Guidelines

Write the name of the policy, as mentioned in the official policy
document. This includes approved policy documents, regional or
national strategies that affect the specific territory, spatial plans of
C1 Name of policy the municipality/region or national territory, laws, etc.

Link to the policy's Insert the link to a website where the policy is officially published (if
C1.1 website not applicable, to a website describing the policy).
Indicate whether this is an exclusively territorial policy, or national.
Some policies may also apply at EU or international level, thus
encompassing the territorial and national level.
For C1.2
Territorial policy
National policy
EU policy
Jurisdiction (territorial International
C1.2 scope) policy
Write the name of the institution primarily responsible for the
initiation and implementation of the policy. In this case, we mostly
refer to an authority, policy-maker or government actors (in the
Responsible case of a regional or national actor responsible, it should also be
C2.1 actor/institution mapped in Template A).
Mention other key actors involved in the initiation and/or
implementation of territorial policy (in the case of regional or
C2.2 Othe relevant actors national actors, these should also be mapped in Template A).
Indicate the type of policy (as mentioned in the official policy
document). Available options are: strategy, regulation, national law,
recommendation, directive, EU treaty, decision, opinion, other (in
the case of ambiguity).

For C3
National law
EU treaty
C3 Type of policy Other
Main objectives of this
C4 policy Briefly describe/summarise what this policy is primarily about.
Indicate whether this policy is mandatory or optional.

For C5
C5 Enforcement level Optional
Mention the time frame of the policy: a) whether it is still
implemented (and specific start date); b) whether it is a
C6 Time frame closed/completed policy (and specific start and end date).
Briefly describe how this policy is related to your region i.e. how it is
implemented regionally, whether it supports specific local R&I
C7 Relation to your region processes/initiatives etc.
C8 Related RRI keys List the RRI keys to which the the policy is related.
Relation to Gender Describe how this policy is related to RRI key of Gender Equality
C8.1 Equality (e.g. relevant objectives)
Relation to Public Describe how this policy is related to RRI key of Public Engagement
C8.2 Engagement (e.g. relevant objectives)
Describe how this policy is related to RRI key of Ethics (e.g. relevant
C8.3 Relation to Ethics objectives)
Relation to Science Describe how this policy is related to RRI key of Science Education
C8.4 Education (e.g. relevant objectives)
Describe how this policy is related to RRI key Open Access (e.g.
C8.5 Relation to Open Access relevant objectives)
Describe how this policy is related to RRI key of Government (e.g.
C8.6 Relation to Government relevant objectives)
Indicate whether this policy is relevant to the research and
innovation fields of your region, in the sense of being related to the
scientific areas/foci that are addressed by your ‘anchor’ initiative,
and are listed among the HEC-Horizon Europe clusters.

For C9
HEC 1: Health
HEC 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
HEC 3: Civil Security for Society
HEC 4: Digital, Industry, Space
HEC 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility
C9 Relation to R&I HEC 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Briefly describe whether and how this policy is linked to the Smart
Specialisation strategy (S3) of your region/country, or to other
C10 Relation to S3 relevant regional policies.
C11 Level of impact Provide your own self-assessment on whether this policy has had a
high impact on your region. The available options are 1-Low, 2-
Medium, 3-High.
For C11
Briefly describe whether and how this policy can be positively
capitalised for developing your 'anchor' initiative, or if creates any
obstacles (in this case, only a very brief description is necessary,
C12 Capitalisation since such opportunities and threats will be reported in template D).
Mention whether there are any limitations regarding the application
of this policy e.g. limited time-frame, limited scope of the policy,
C13 Limitations public acceptance etc.
List the sources of information employed for filling in this
observation grid. These may refer to websites, institutional
C14 Sources of information documents and reports, media releases etc.
If necessary, add any further details or clarifications to the
C15 Further clarifications information provided in this template.

4. Observation grid of national opportunities and national challenges for R&I/S3

development and RRI integration (national SWOT analysis)

Strengths Weaknesses
List the strengths of your country (positive List the weaknesses of your country (negative
internal features) with reference to Research, internal features) with reference to Research, STI
STI (Science, Technology, Innovation) processes (Science, Technology, Innovation) processes and
and most competitive areas/fields. less competitive areas/fields.

Opportunities Threats
List1 national opportunities (positive external List national threats (negative external factors)
factors) for R&I/ S3 development and RRI for R&I/ S3 development and RRI integration.
integration. These may refer to legislative These may refer to legislative frameworks,
frameworks, regulations, demographic aspects, regulations, demographic aspects, research
research strategies, past or upcoming business strategies, past or upcoming business plans,
plans, societal concerns, or any other aspects societal concerns that hinder the R&I/S3
that favour the R&I/S3 development and RRI development and RRI integration. In terms of RRI
integration. In terms of RRI integration, please integration, please focus on the on the
focus on the integration of the RRI keys that integration of the RRI keys that your ‘anchor’
your ‘anchor’ initiative addresses. initiative addresses.

Whilst listing the opportunities and threats indicate (in a parenthesis) whether your argument refers to a) R&I
development; b) S3-related development; c) RRI integration (and which specific key).

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