Finance Project

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Finance Project

Q1: What are the impacts of financial circumstances at UK after brexit?

Ans: The term “Brexit” refers to “Britain exit”. The people of UK votes for EU
exit. It means that UK is withdrawn from European union. These circumstances
occurs in 2016. Since, UK and EU was assembled nationally, now they have
decided to get apart from each other. As a result, people vote against EU on
Thursday, June 23. The result was hilarious. UK’s people don’t want their
existence anymore. They actually wanted separation now.

According to Article 50, UK is suppose to left EU by the end of March 2019

finally. “Mrs. May has said, She plans to leave the EU’s single market to regain
control over immigration and end the supremacy of EU laws.” After the Brexit
vote in June 2016, UK economy had a great impact on their financial system.
Brexit was the great issue that was faced by the UK’s economists because they
think it was bad for country’s economy to leave the EU.

Not a single person from FT’s annual poll consider to vote for Brexit as in their
view it cannot enhance UK’s growth. They had referendum in order to get rid from
them. UK’s public decides to get apart from EU. The main reason that was
compelling UK’s economists not to vote to leave was that this condition can lead
to great uncertainty and most probably investors will stop investing and households

Most of the financial markets thought that it can harm their financial stability so
hard. Many of them thinks that this “No vote” will not create any severe issue in
2016 economy whether it can lead to severe circumstances in 2017. Some of them
had views that this freedom can had bad impact on UK’S growth and
competitiveness. The new government of UK is looking forward for new paths for
the outside country. Many of them even do not have a clear vision about this

All the economists was worried that Brexit will fall their economy. Britain’s
economy suffer a lot after Brexit. Their economy fall down with flow. This
circumstances proved positive as well as negative to UK’s economy. One
important thing that is necessary to mention is that this decision was not taken
auto-craticly but actually it was taken by UK’s general public.

Before this decision was taken, UK and EU was economically and financially
together. But from now they were suppose to take their decisions separately that
can effect their economic system quite hard. Because all the investors will stop
investing their money together. It can also effect their education system as before
this any student can reach each others country so easily and can get their required
education easily too. But now, they will probably set some boundaries between
them and they have to meet certain rule and regulations to reach their.

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