Nokia Samsung Product Life Cycle

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Plc nokia & samsung

1. 1. A Presentation on PLC of Nokia & Samsung

2. 2. Product Life Cycle Product life cycle describe the changes in consumer demand over time.
No product can be in demand forever. Trends, technology and lifestyles change, which
affects consumer demand.
3. 3. a
4. 4. 1.Focused on handset manufacture only 2.Enhanced product portfolio 3.Large distribution
channels 4.Adjust preferences for specific markets 5.Customer satisfaction 6.Focused on
5. 5. Time Growth Maturity Decline Introduction Sales curve The Concept Phones Nokia E-
series Nokia Symbian & N- Series Nokia Windows & Symbian phones PRODUCT LIFE
CYCLE OF NOKIA Stages Time Duration Introduction 1995 - 2002 Growth 2002 - 2009
Maturity 2009 - 2011 Decline 2011 to till now
6. 6. INTRODUCTION STAGE ( 1995 – 2002) NOKIA 2110
7. 7. PRODUCT 1. Entered India in 1995 2. Launched very few models due to lesser demand &
innovation 3. Sold both GSM & CDMA phones 4. Launched 1st model Nokia 2110 with Nokia
tune 5. 2110 was 1st model capable of sending/receiving sms 6.Competed with the then
market leader ‘Motorola’
8. 8. 1. Followed ‘Price Skimming’ strategy 2. Launched Nokia 2110 at Rs. 22000 (approx.)
3.Launched phones in the range of Rs. 15000 to 25000 PRICE
9. 9. China/Chennai Gurgaon’s mother warehouse HCL India warehouse Sub-distributors
(Marketing- South Delhi) Nokia Priority Dealers/Organised retail Customers PLACE
10. 10. 1. Rarely followed any discounting policy 2. Offered a good amount of backend profit to
retailers 3. Mobility factor of mobiles attracted customers without any promotional scheme
11. 11. a Growth rate 120% GROWTH STAGE ( 2002 – 2009 )
12. 12. Launched phones without external antenna Had better features like games, alarm,
ergonomic keypad, display etc. Models like Nokia 3310/3315 marked beginning of growth
stage Launched models like N95 to compete with Apple’s i-phone PRODUCT
13. 13. PRICE a 1. Followed ‘Price skimming’ strategy in beginning of ‘growth stage’ 2. Launch
price of 3310 was approx. Rs. 21000/- 3. As profits & popularity increased prices were
slashed to Rs. 5000/- in 2003 for popular models like 3310 4. Later-on in coming years,
Nokia adopted ‘Price penetration’ strategy
14. 14. 1. Post-paid connections were given free with select Nokia models 2. Person owning
‘pager’, who purchased Nokia phones were given discount on post- paid tariffs 3.Dealers &
retailers got a large amount of ‘backend profit’ to increase the sales & drive growth
15. 15. a MATURITY STAGE ( 2009 – 2011 ) Growth rate 45%
16. 16. Launched a lot of touch screen models Launched 1st Maemo 5 OS phone N-900
Launched Qwerty+touch model N-97 Focussed on E-series phones to compete with
Blackberry PRODUCT a
17. 17. 1.During 2007, 15,000 ton packaging material has been saved by using smaller
packaging 2. Nokia have reduced amount of printed material inside the box 3. In 2007 Nokia
began to increase level of recycled content Packaging is important because it protects
products as they make their way from factory to customers  Attractive, Good & Secure
packing PACKAGING a
18. 18. Followed ‘Price penetration’ strategy to sustain growing competition Launched models
ranging from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 30000 Frequently reduced prices of popular & low end models
to compete with Micromax, Samsung, LG, etc. PRICE
19. 19. PROMOTION 1. Offered combo discount on purchase of Nokia bluetooth stereo headset
with N8. 2. Offered Sennheiser music headset free with select models 3. During festive
occasions Reebok wrist watches, sunglasses, t-shirts & sling bag were also given as gift with
select models 4. Scratch cards were given to customers to make them avail instant discount
20. 20. q DECLINE STAGE ( 2011 – till now )
21. 21. Upgraded its Symbian OS with ‘3’ & ‘Belle’ Shifted focus on Windows as its main OS
Launched 1st Windows phone, Lumia 800 Used Symbian only in low end models PRODUCT
22. 22. a PRICE 1. Price penetration strategy was continued as company’s profits declined due
to cut-throat competition from Samsung & local players like Micromax 2. Had phones ranging
from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 30000 3. Reduction in price also lead to deterioration in quality
23. 23. PROMOTION 1. Companies distributed freebies like wrist watches & t-shirts with Lumia
logo engrossed 2. During festive occasions Reebok wrist watches, sunglasses, t-shirts &
sling bag were also given as gift with select models 3. Top 3 performing stores from each
zone were selected for foreign trip organized by Nokia free of cost 4. Retailers were
encouraged to sell Lumia phones by offering them more incentives on sale
24. 24. 1.Focused on all the electronics manufacture 2.Enhanced product portfolio 3.wide
distribution channels 4.Adjust preferences for specific markets 5.Taeget all the segments.
6.Focused on Competition 7.Increased commitment to emerging market 8. Provide more
25. 25. Time Growth Maturity Introduction The Concept Phones Touch screen & Dual Series
Smart Android Phone & Galaxy series PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE OF SAMSUNG Stages Time
Duration Introduction 2001 - 2006 Growth 2006 - 2011 Maturity 2011 – till now
26. 26. INTRODUCTION STAGE ( 2001 – 2006) SAMSUNG R220
27. 27. PRODUCT 1. Entered India in 2001 2. Launched very few models due to lesser demand
& innovation 3. Launched 1st model Samsung R220 with Simple blue display. 4. Competed
with the then market leader ‘Motorola’ and Nokia.
28. 28. 1. Followed ‘Penetration Pricing’ strategy 2. Launched Samsung R220 of Rs.9000/- (apx.)
3.Launched phones in the range of Rs. 8000 to 20000 PRICE
29. 29. Koria mother warehouse (Delhi) Sub-distributors (All the State) Samsung Dealers/
Organised retail Customers PLACE
30. 30. 1. Samsung follow discounting policy. (as par mobile phone) 2. Offered a good amount of
backend profit to retailers 3. Advertisement in Print Media PROMOTION
31. 31. GROWTH STAGE ( 2006 – 2011 ) Growth rate 1480%
32. 32. Launched phones without external antenna Had better features like games, alarm,
ergonomic keypad, color display etc. Wide range of simple or Dual sim mobile marked
beginning of growth stage (GURU) Launched wide range of touch screen mobile phones to
compete nokia PRODUCT
33. 33. PRICE 1. Followed ‘Price penetration’ strategy in beginning of ‘growth stage’ 2. Launch
simple mobiles with price of Rs. 2000 – 4000 3. Touch screen ( 9000 – 22000)
34. 34. 1. pre-paid connections(Idea,airtel,vdafone) were given free with select any samsung
models 2. Gifts (kitchen ware). 3.Dealers & retailers got a large amount of ‘backend profit’ to
increase the sales & drive growth, PROMOTION a 4. TVC, Sales promotion , Print media
35. 35. a Growth rate 67% MATURITY STAGE ( 2011 – till now )
36. 36. Launched Smart phones with android Galaxy series Launched Windows phones to
compete Nokia Windows mobile Focussed on Galaxy S series phones to compete with All
the competitors PRODUCT
37. 37. Followed ‘Price penetration’ strategy to sustain growing competition Launched models
ranging from Rs. 6000 to Rs. 60000 Frequently reduced prices of popular & low end models
to compete with Micromax, Sony, LG, etc. PRICE
38. 38. PROMOTION 1. Special Offers on Credit card payment for above price of Rs. 20000 2.
TVC for Galaxy Series 3. Discount Coupons 4. Print Media ( Business Magazines)
39. 39. Comparison of Growth rate 0% 1120% 45% -65% 0% 1480% 67% -200% 0% 200%
400% 600% 800% 1000% 1200% 1400% 1600% Introduction Growth Maturity Decline
Growth Rate Nokia Samsung
40. 40. 1995 1998 01 04 07 10 13 16 Intro. Intro. Maturity Maturity  Nokia  Samsung Year
Growth PLC Comparison

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