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College of Arts and Sciences

Social and Behavioral Sciences Department

Name: Salapa, Rhea Lourel N.

GEC 3 Section: NB30


Rubrics for grading: (Total 20 points)

The important concepts of the topic are 20 pts.
applied. Points are stated clearly. There
is relevance to the present status of
the environment.

The important concepts are applied. 15 pts.

Points are understandable. There is a
noticeable relevance to the present
status of the environment.

The concepts are applied, but the points 10 pts.

are not clear. Relevance is not present.

Picture Analysis

Instruction: Look at the picture carefully. What do you think are the items/goods that
contributed to the environmental destruction and degradation? Identify solutions to mitigate
the problem.


Climate change became a huge problem for us humans as it affects our lifestyle. This

picture literally shows how garbage destroys our ecosystem. Water bottles, plastic wrappers,

slippers, empty containers, and other wastes that clogs the flow of the water, are very evident
in the picture. Some of the plastic bottles looks new, while the plastic wrappers and other

waste looks old. The color of the water only proves how dirty it is wherein mosquitoes might

exist. The place where it is located might experience flooding because of the garbage that clogs

the pathway of water to the canals, drainage, and streams. The habitat of other living

organisms might also be endangered. I am certain that those wastes came from our

households, malls, groceries, and factories because we, humans, are the ones who uses it. We

are all aware how dangerous it is for our health and environment but only few people are

knowledgeable enough how to solve this problem.

It takes thousands of years for a plastic wrapper to decompose. It will not be completely

vanished as it will became microplastics that absorb toxins and produces toxic chemicals, which

is the reason why it continues to pollute the environment. We are humans, that’s why we

should be responsible. For me, the only way to stop this problem is to lessen the uses of

plastics. The factories who creates goods and items must alter their packaging into a material

that is environment-friendly. Instead of using plastic bottles, they must change it into using

ceramic bottles; and instead of using plastic bags or wrappers, they must change it into using

paper bags or even old newspapers. As a responsible citizen, we can look for some ways to

help our environment. A simple action can solve a huge problem. Actions such as knowing how

to apply the 3 R’s, maintaining the cleanliness or our households, and

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