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M O D U L E 1
I learned on module 1 are information from Texts Read/Listened to
could be anything from books to magazines, articles, tapes, and even
All of it can be used to make you smarter and more effective.
The information you get is usually information that you can't get
anywhere else.
In the same vein, you could use your time to listen to information from
Texts Read/Listened to, or you could just read the books, articles, and
magazines yourself. As you all know, listening to or reading
information is something that is very common in everyday life.
From any source, listening to or reading information can be beneficial.

In many real life situations, you can use the information from
texts you have read or listened to. For example, if you are looking
for a new job, In the end, there's no substitute for practice when it
comes to learning a language, but text books are still a good way
to get started.
Reading and listening to books and audio books will not only help
you learn vocabulary and grammar, but it will also help you learn
cultural norms in your target language.
You will often find yourself reading and listening to the same text
several times in order to understand the meaning.
By reading and listening to the same text many times, you will.
Sir, I believe you should speak slowly. I can understand English, but
when you speak a little bit faster, I get confused about what you are
saying in the lesson. So I think you should speak slower so I can
understand more of the lesson. Thank you, sir. I hope you appreciate
my work.

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