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江國 專利 律事務 | 專利⼯ 師
成功⼤ | ⼯ ⼤
| 12~13 年⼯作 | 希 :專利⼯ 師 專利
專利 員

個 、 41
狀 中
主 ⼿ 0920-072-410
址 街***
名 Kathy Chuang
0920-072-410 、 (02)2234-0310
式 ⼿
駕駛 照 重型 ⾞駕照
⼯ 重型 ⾞

成功⼤ 2000/9~2004/6

⼯ ⼤
年 12~13 年⼯作
專利⼯ 師 2020/3~2022/7
年 個⽉
江國 專利 律事務 ( ⼯ 問服務 30~100 )
2 5
∕專利 員 內
OA (中 )
明書 ( 中)
明書 OA
專利 2016/9~2019/4
年 個⽉
科技 司(⼯ 問服務 1~30 )
2 8
∕⼝ 員 義
專利 明書

專利⼯ 師 2014/4~2016/1
年 個⽉
拓國 智 團 ( ⼯ 問服務 30~100 )
1 10
∕專利 員
國 專利 明書
告 理
國 專利 研
國 專利
國 專利 駁再 理

專利⼯ 師 2014/2~2014/3
界專利 事務 ( 律服務 1~30 )

∕專利 員 ⼤
國 專利 明書
告 理
國 專利 研
國 專利
國 專利 駁再 理
專利⼯ 師 2014/1~2014/2
其 ( 件相 500 以上 ) 2

∕專利 員
研 ⼯ 師的 協助 品研 以 事務 的 務 來
專利 員 2011/1~2013/12

智 財 局 ( 律服務 500 以上 ) 3

∕專利 員 ⼤
Project engineer 2010/8~2010/12
爾 司 司( 品 代理 1~30 )
∕專利 員 ⽉ 45,000元/年 540,000元 中
專利 明書 品 理 理⽇常品 問題 以 其 主 事務
明 專利⼯ 師 2006/8~2010/7

明 國 專利事務 ( 其 專 ∕科 技 1~30 )

∕專利 員 ⽉ 37,000元/年 518,000元 中

國 專利 明書
告 理
國 專利 研
國 專利
國 專利 駁再 理
國 ⼤ 代理 書

希 性 ⼯作 兼 ⼯作
上 ⽇ 9-17
可上 ⽇ 取 可上
希 ⾯

希 專利⼯ 師 專利 專利 員
希 ∕專利 員
⼯作內 專利 明書
( )中/ ( )中

: | :中 | : | :中
TOEIC ( 多 測 )

作 :Windows Vista、Windows XP
⾴技 :FrontPage
⽤ :Excel、PowerPoint、Word
中╱ 打 :中 打 75~100 打 50~75
#Windows Vista #Windows XP #FrontPage #Excel #PowerPoint #Word # 中 打 75~100 # 打 50~75

其 ⼯

⼒ 相 知 件 檔 理 員 事項 件檔 理 轉 ⼯作 理
⾏事 協 排 國內 專利申 相 務 理 專利申 事 智 財 申
事項 犯 智 財
# ⼒ 相 知 # 件 檔 理# 員 事項 # 件檔 理 轉 ⼯作 # 理⾏事
協 排 #國內 專利申 相 務 理 #專利申 事 #智 財 申 事項 #
犯 智 財

其 照 TOEIC L&R total score:855
(Listening:445, Reading:410)

我是 凱 成⼤ 先從事兩年左右的 書⼯作 2006年 中明 專利事務 開 專利⼯ 師的
年 2010年回 ⼊智財局 三年的IPC ⼯作 期滿 回事務 從事專利⼯ 師 務 先
拓智 界專利 司 2014年 ⽣ 假2年 中間 ⼀ 專利 的兼 ⼯作 2016年 ⼊⽇
科技 司 同樣 專利 務 2020年轉 ⽬ 在 的 江專利
從2006年 已 從事專利相 ⼯作⼗多年的 間 ⼯作不敢 多 專 但已 ⼗ 習 務 未來 希
在 域
My name is Kathy Chuang; I was born in Taipei, on September 3rd, 1980, to a middle-class family. As a young
woman I recall wondering whether my actions and thoughts were something I could control-fate versus free will. As
an adult I have realized that though fate may at times seem to have a roll I am the master of my own destiny. People
often say: ”Knowledge is power.” and I seem to agree with them. Therefore, I always do additional studies after work,
such as English or computer skills, with respect and dignity. Last two months, I have attended TOEIC class in
Extension Education School of Tung-Hai University.
In my school years through the help of my family and teachers I had learned how to get along with others
acknowledging both our differences and similarities. As an adult, having years of maturity now behind me, I have
learned to respect myself as well. Life is both work and what you do outside of it. I truly enjoy spending my leisure
time with my family as well as Fitness Walking, going to KTV and reading. I believe that we should live life to its fullest
capability and cherish all that it gives us.
I am efficient in work and have willingness to learn. My work experience has given me the benefits of acquiring
personality traits such as good ability to find information for work, and work independently. I feel that all these traits
are important in both our social and work environment.
For the past four years I have enjoyed working as a patent engineer in Taycon International Patent & Trademark
Office and now I feel comfortable with mechanical product design and development and testing of new product.
After leaving from Taycon, I came back to My home state, Taipei, and found a job in TIPO. The main content of my
work is for international patent classification.
By three years working in TIPO, I got a job in Starconn Electronics at WuGu dist., New Taipei city. The main content
of my work is education and training for RD engineers, to assist the development of new products, analysis and
identification of patent Infringement and communication with patent firms.
After that, I chose to work in patent firms because I got married. Now, have two babies, I hope I can find a part-time
job in my house for writing patent cases like new patent applications, translating patents between Chinese and
Having entered the work force for few years I now feel confident about my actions and how to fulfill my needs in
respect to them. I have shown throughout my career what I could achieve and have equally shown why I place so
much effort in my work when living outside of it. Obstacles and challenges are always present and I know that I now
have a track record showing how I could be a productive member of your company as patent engineer and to
continue maturing with you.

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