Concluding Sentence

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A concluding sentence is used to signal that your paragraph is coming to an end.

The purpose of this concluding sentence is two-fold:
1. to restate the main point developed by the supporting sentences
2. to signal the reader that this is the end of the paragraph


A successful constructed concluding sentence:
a. Restate the topic sentence of the paragraph in different words.
Eg: Eating healthy is important for all kids to grow strong.
b. Summarize by referring to the key points in the paragraph
Eg: Live longer, be more intelligent are some key reasons for kids to
eat healthy.
c. Write about the future (offer hope or make a prediction)
Eg: Will the Third World War happen?
d. Give advice
Eg: As young people, we should try to eat healthy food everyday.
e. Give opinion
Eg: From my viewpoint, eating healthy food is really necessary
f. Write about the writer’s feeling
Eg: I feel like the luckiest kid on earth that day!


The concluding sentence often begins with a transition word to signal the reader.
all in all, in other words, in any event, in brief, in short, therefore, overall, in
conclusion, thus, as a result/consequently, for this reason, in general, finally/lastly,
in summary, as we can see, as expressed

What can we do to help stop climate change?

If we are going to bring an end to climate change, we need to continuously adjust

our habits so that we are using less energy and creating less waste. Simple changes,
like recycling and turning off the lights when we leave a room are a good place to
start, but we can’t stop there. For example, when we are out shopping, we should
carefully evaluate our purchases. A great deal of the Earth’s resources are put into
producing and transporting goods, and when we buy things we do not need or things
that are of poor quality, they quickly end up in the landfill, which is a waste of
resources. With this in mind, we should all make an effort to buy fewer items of better
quality based on our needs rather than our wants. It is also important to look for ways
to further reduce our consumption at home. Any time we use disposable items, we
should ask ourselves if there is a reusable alternative. For example, paper towels
could easily be replaced with cloth rags. We can also look for ways to minimize our
use of other valuable resources by shifting our daily habits towards more sustainable
practices, like taking shorter showers, eating less meat and walking to nearby
locations rather than driving. If we all make an effort to continuously re-evaluate
our habits, we can live greener and greener lifestyles that will reduce our demands
on the environment and help stop climate change.

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