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I. The topic sentence

It includes TOPIC (chủ đề) and CONTROLLING IDEA (ý chính)

Eg: Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics.

(topic) (controlling idea)

 The controlling idea shows the key content of the paragraph

Some PHRASES used in the controlling idea

1. Two main types/ Three kinds/ Three groups / Two classes

2. The following

3. Several problems/ Several ways / Several reasons

4. Two aims

5. Results /Three effects / These disadvantages

6. Four steps

7. Three main causes

8. Three characteristics

Some ADJECTIVES expresses the controlling idea

1. Suitable # Unsuitable

2. Healthy # Unhealthy
3. Successful # Unsuccessful

4. Beneficial # Harmful

5. Good # Bad

6. Fortunate # Unfortunate

Conjunctions = linking words

(to make the paragraph more logical)

1. Firstly........... Secondly/ Lastly

2. In the first place (đầu tiên)./ Also (tương tự như thế)...........  Lastly

3. Generally ........  Furthermore …..Finally

4. To be sure ........ Additionally ......... lastly

5. In the first place .........just in the same way (tương tự như thế) ......... Finally

6. Basically.............. Similarly …..As well

II. Conjunction to the supporting sentence

1. Consequently:

2. It is evident that  = It is apparent that = It goes without saying that =

Without a doubt = Needless = As can be clearly seen from this example

= It is clear that
3. Furthermore = Moreover

4. Additionally = In addition

5. In the same way:

6. More importantly/remarkably

 Opposite opinion:

1. In other words: # in one word

2. Specifically: = particularly = in particular # generally = in general

3. On the other hand # on one hand

 Supporting sentence: consists of reasons, results, purposes, examples, facts,

statistics (numbers) etc.

Eg: First of all, gold has a bright beauty that is resistant to corrosion. (bào mòn).

(FACT) Therefore/Thus/Hence, it is mainly suitable for jewelry and coins.

(PURPOSE) Besides, gold never needs to be polished and remains beautiful

forever. (FACT) For example, a Macedonian coin remains as pure today as the

day it was minted (đúc) twenty three centuries ago. (EXAMPLE) Another

important characteristic of gold is its usefulness to industry and science.

(REASON) For a number of centuries, it has been used in hundreds of industrial

applications. (EXAMPLE and STATISTICS)

III. The concluding sentence : The LAST SENTENCE of a paragraph

As usual, it is written by rewriting the topic sentence in another way.

1. Indeed

2. In conclusion

3. In short = shortly

4. Briefly = in brief

5. In summary = To sum up = to summarize = to provide a summary

Eg: In conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its beauty but also for its


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