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Name Deeksha D

Question 1 (A&B)

Question 2

Subject: Pulling off the proposal

Hi Rakesh Mishra,

Hope you are doing well.

I’m writing this mail to inform you that, even after having several meetings and a revised
proposal sent to the ABC polyclinic, I believe that the proposal sent to ABC clinic had the
bespoke solution for the problems faced by doctors and surgeons in your clinic. We waited for
2 months for a response from you after sending our last proposal. As I did not get any response
from your end and considering the time we have put into the proposal, sineflex has decided to
conclude the proposal sent to you.

I had a great time and every meeting and call that I had with you gave me a deeper insight on
what are the issues faced by surgeons, doctors and nurses face in a health care domain

I’m grateful to you and wish to stay in touch you may reach me on

Phone: +91 9876543210


Warm Regards

Mahesh Iyer

Cofounder Sineflex solutions

Question 3

Since Sineflex focuses on improvising health care analytics, he should focus on the below

1. Hospitals: Sineflix should communicate their vision with hospitals on how they can
help to treat their patients with better analysis of the patient data by having a
centralized repository for each patient record. This will not only help doctors to get a
patient's history but also with the help of AI it can predict the disease a patient might
get in future
2. Pharmaceutical companies: Since Pharma companies act as custodians of data and own
the data Sineflex should also communicate their ideas on how Pharma companies can
get more specific data for their research and development of drugs. By implementing
AI and developing the algorithms companies will be able to get numerous new
molecules combination. In an addition implementing AI will also help companies to
determine how a clinical trails body responds in advance.
3. Insurance provider and Peoples: As the Sineflix vision is to offer bespoke solutions to
its clients, this goal helps its users to opt for the best medical facility they can get from
hospitals, along with that insurance providers can also customize the policy they
provide to the users by offering best premium policies

As we conclude Sineflex should also target government, corporate sector, industries, and
organizations to provide their analytical solution which will help these sectors to look after
their employees and help them at their most needed times

Question 1 and 2 have been uploaded in the following folder in google drive kindly check this
link if you have any issues while accessing the links provided as solutions

Question 2 Assumptions

1. Sineflex had a face-to-face meeting with Rakesh Mishra, the head of ABC polyclinic on
31st of December 2021. Rakesh Mishra had approved the ideas pitched by Mahesh and
asked him to send a formal business proposal
2. Mahesh and his team did some research to provide customized proposal to ABC clinic
and sent the proposal on 8th January 2022. They did not receive any respond until 15th
January 2022
3. Mahesh called Rakesh on 15th, and they decided to follow up each other over SMS and
phone calls.
4. After several phone calls Mahesh and Rakesh had meeting with several other members of
the clinic and both parties agreed to change few ideas of proposal and ABC clinic
provided few inputs on what are the issues they are facing
5. This went well for next one month where sineflex and ABC polyclinic had 2 meetings
and sineflex provided updated proposal based on each meetings discussion.
6. After the 3rd proposal the ABC team did not respond for 2 weeks and again Mahesh had
to call again and even after several phone calls and small meetings over cup of tea it was
not going well. By this time sineflex had invested more than 5 months in a proposal
which was not showing any sign of improvement due to which Mahesh decided to
conclude their proposal

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