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SDG Goal 7 Article for Reflection

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Embracing Electric Cars
With the increase in environmental pollution and climate change, the need for innovative solutions and
technologies increases in a variety of industries, including the automotive industry. In 2040, EVs are expected to
account for more than half of the cars sold (about 54%) in the world. EVs are directly aligned with the United Nations’
global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 7: Clean Energy and also pave the way for action on
SDG 13: Climate Action for a low carbon future.
Significantly, China and Europe are promoting national and local support plans for EVs use. The Chinese
government strongly supports EVs to achieve the goal of 5 million EVs on China’s roads by 2020.
The main policies of the Chinese central government to promote EVs include the following:
 Zero emissions vehicle mandate: each Chinese vehicle manufacturer and importer is required to make or
import at least 10% EVs.
 Subsidies: the Chinese government provides subsidies to manufacturers of EVs. All subsidies for the
manufacture of plug-in EVs are scheduled to be eliminated in 2021.
 Tax exemptions: the Chinese government exempts EVs from consumption and sales taxes.
 Support for charging infrastructure: the Chinese central government promotes the development of EV
charging infrastructure as a matter of national policy. Its targets include: 120,000 EV charging stations and 4.8
million EV charging posts by 2020.
Although China is the largest market for EVs in the world, the situation in Europe looks positive. In 2019, the
proportion of EVs on China’s roads was only 5.2%, while 56% of vehicles on Norway’s roads were electric. A few
days ago, the British government announced that in order to accelerate the transition it will ban diesel and gasoline
powered cars by 2030, joining Sweden and Denmark, which will ban them also in 2030.
The British government will spend around £12 billion on the plan, including £1.3 billion to accelerate the
deployment of charging points for EVs in homes, streets and on highways. About £582 million will help people afford
low-emission vehicles, and nearly £500 million will be spent in the next four years developing and mass- scale EV
In addition to new EV makers such as Tesla Inc. and Rivian Automotive Inc., the world’s leading automakers also
shift to the production of EVs. Ford Motor Co., General Motors Co. and Volkswagen AG focus on launching EVs and
the total investments between 2020 and 2025 is estimated at US$300 billion.

Challenges and concerns

EVs are still more expensive compared to other vehicles. It is estimated that the average EV battery can currently
cost approximately US $16,000, plus the EV manufacturing costs about $10,000 more than gasoline cars. Although the
switch to electric cars is very ambitious, it is a huge and expensive undertaking. Countries need to be financially
prepared for such a rapid transformation, as it requires massive investment in the required infrastructure for EVs.
Further issues arise related to subsidies, incentives and affordability. Despite the challenges, one thing is certain:
the electric vehicle came to stay.
Write a reflection of about 100 words to address the following:

After reading the article, are you optimistic about the future of EVs? Do you think
EVs can help us fight global warming? Explain your answer fully.

Read more relevant articles & jot down the ideas for in-class writing:

Search keywords: electric cars, renewable energy, pros and cons, electric car
battery, EVs, EV infrastructure, EV and global warming, climate change,
greenhouse gas emission, Tesla EV, Elon Musk

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