Prestamo Laptop INGLES

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NIT 901531726-5

1. Applicant's data.

Applicant’s name:
Account Number/Employee:

City: Postal code:
Phone number(s):

Identification: □ State card □ Passport □ Driver’s license □ Other:

ID number:

2. Laptop data.

Brand nameLaptop assigned number: Model:Inventory number : Serial number:

Use type: □ □ Research□ Other (please specify):

General conditions: □ Excellent □ Good □ Regular □ Bad □ Terrible

Please specify, if applicable, type of fail/damage or details of the laptop’s condition:

The laptop is loaned with the following accessories:

□ Power cable □ Power source □Battery □ Mouse □ Case

□ Other(s) (Please specify):

3. Signed in accordance

Loan date:// Loan days::

Return date:// Return days::

Responsible for loan name and signature Applicant’s name and signature

The applicant must present and keep this form at the returning time in case of any future clarifications.
NIT 901531726-5
Article 1. The laptop loan service may be requested only for work-related activities of NN
CORPORADO SAS, the EMPLOYEE must request it and fill out the respective form. In this
case, it must be filled out in the EMPLOYEE's handwriting. Likewise, the loan service will be
subject to the availability of laptops and to the Labor Policies and Criteria on the loan of
computer equipment, giving priority to Labor activities.

Article 2. In order to make use of the laptop loan service, the EMPLOYEE must comply with
the following requirements, as applicable:

a) Submit the Laptop Loan Application Form duly filled out and signed, which can be obtained
from the area in charge of the loan or from the assigned personnel of NN CORPORADO
b) If in any case the EMPLOYEE resigns, he/she must immediately hand over the computer in
perfect condition.
c) The EMPLOYEE must agree with these regulations and sign accepting all the terms and
conditions stipulated herein. Under no circumstances shall the user be released from the
responsibility conferred by these regulations and the loan form; he/she shall be directly
responsible for any failure, breakdown, theft, or any other incident while the laptop
computer is in his/her custody.
d) In the event that the EMPLOYEE states that he/she wants to keep the laptop computer,
he/she must sign a document in which he/she agrees to receive a monthly deduction for
the value of the equipment.

Article 3° in case of theft or loss of the laptop, the EMPLOYEE is obliged to deliver to NN
CORPORADO SAS a new equipment of similar technical characteristics and brand.

 By accepting the loan of the laptop, the EMPLOYEE automatically becomes responsible for the
possible costs of repairs and total or partial replacements of the components that are damaged by
abuse or misuse, unauthorized replacement of components or damage to the equipment that are
attributable to the user. The EMPLOYEE may opt for the replacement of the affected goods, in
which case it must original new spare parts to restore the functionality of the equipment.

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