How Come

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La Union Cultural Institute

How Come?

A Study about the Buying Pattern Presented by LUCI Senior High Students towards Online

Presented by:

Balanon, Christian Dave L.

Gacayan, Alyssa M.

Galvez, Mariane Grace N.

Marquez, Razel Loren A.

Marzo, Mary Grace

Manalo, Aris

Caluza, Shandie Mae C.

La Union Cultural Institute


Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo

La Union Cultural Institute


This research entitled, How Come? (A Study about the Buying Pattern Presented by LUCI
Senior High Students towards Online Shopping), prepared and submitted by Balanon,
Christian Dave; Gacayan, Alyssa: Galvez, Mariane Grace; Marquez, Razel Loren; Caluza,
Shandy Mae; Manalo, Aris; and Marzo, Mary Grace in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for Grade 11 – Accountancy, Business, and Management Research for School Year 2020-
2021, has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval for Oral

This is to further certify that “How Come? (A Study about the Buying Pattern Presented by
LUCI Senior High Students towards Online Shopping)” is ready for Oral Examination.


Balanon, Christian Dave Lenon


Gacayan, Alyssa Mendez


Mariane Grace, Marquez


Marquez, Razel Loren Abenojar


Caluza, Shandy Mae Casuga


Manalo, Aris Flores


Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

Marzo, Mary Grace Garcia

This is to certify that research entitled, How Come? (A Study about the Buying Pattern
Presented by LUCI Senior High Students towards Online Shopping), prepared and submitted
by Balanon, Christian Dave; Gacayan, Alyssa: Galvez, Mariane Grace; Marquez, Razel Loren;
Caluza, Shandy Mae; Manalo, Aris; and Marzo, Mary Grace Garcia is recommended for Oral


Panel of Jury

__________________________ _____________________

Panel of Jury Panel of Jury


Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a Rating of ________% on



Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

Panel of Jury

__________________________ _____________________

Panel of Jury Panel of Jury

Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements Grade II Research.


Senior High Academic Coordinator

Senior High Research Team Leader

Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute



La Union Cultural Institute

City of San Fernando (La Union)

Chapter One


Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

The retail landscape in the Philippines has been completely transformed due to the
health protocols released by the government. As a result, a lot of people, buyers and sellers,
started venturing online. The sellers are looking for an opportunity for growth in their
business and the buyers are in search to meet their shopping needs.

This year 2020 has changes the way we live, work, and shop, sellers across the region are
stepping up their digitation efforts, with e-commerce becoming a key channel for them to
sustain and grow their business. At the same time, consumers are increasingly going online
to fulfil their everyday needs; e-commerce takes on greater importance in people’s lives.

I. Background of the Study

Today, the market – especially the youth, is resorting to online shopping due to the fact
that the dangers of corona virus are everywhere; it’s an enemy we can’t see. As a result, we
decided to conduct a research related to e-commerce.

The COVID-19 Pandemic really changed the social cooperation in the Philippines. A lot of
people became innovative and productive enough to put up a business amid the pandemic –
Filipinos established small-scale business to support their needs, such as selling preloved
fashion items, plants, homemade baked goods; some even switched from traditional to
digital business owning the fact that they can’t really gain profit during these times. People
who started online businesses had an invisible hand, which means, they predicted that there
will be a need for supplies that customers need to acquire without any physical contact.

With the rise of online shoppers, this is a good opportunity to raise profit, buck up the
economy, and connect with the world. That’s why the researchers organized a study related
with it, a study where we can visualize the perception of the market and their spending
patterns towards online shopping. If you’re planning to put up an online commerce and
you’re finding information that can help you, this could serve as a basis on where you should
start your business.

This data is not limited for future business owners, this study will also benefit the
veteran e-tailers, because the data gathered are up to date; thus, infusing them with the
buying patterns showcased by the generation Z.

II. Conceptual Framework

Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

Perceived Risk

Website Attributes Buying pattern

expressed by the youth
upon online shopping
Prices and prices of
competitors; variety

Price Promotions

Figure 1

III. Statement of the Problem

This research aims to answer the question on how teenagers act towards online
shopping. As well as which type of products drive more sales, and what are the factors that
teenagers consider when shopping online. This is to ensure that businesses are able to serve
the right content to the right customers. This study also answers the problem on how to
attain and retain the target market, as well as how to be ahead in the competition. This
study will answer all the problems and questions stated in this portion.

IV. Importance of the Study

This research aims to give solid background and information about the buying patterns
of teenagers when it comes to online shopping. The data gathered with this study will help
entrepreneurs understand the youth such as features and factors that the youth consider
whenever they purchase products online, factors that they value the most, and the drivers
of their purchase decision. This study is all about understanding how things like that happen.

With this study, we are able to keep online tycoons avoid risk and failures in terms of
selling items, more successful, achieve results that are satisfying, gratify the economy, and
satiate the needs and wants of the teenagers when shopping online. The buying pattern in
this study can be a guide as to how the youth acts upon buying things online.

Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

V. Definition of Terms
1. Entrepreneurs – a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial
risk in the hope of profit.
2. E-commerce – it is a commercial transaction conducted electronically on the
3. Online Shopping – it is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to
directly buy goods or services from a seller over the internet using a web browser.
4. Generation Z – (also known as Gen Z) refers to the generation that was born in
between 1996-2015. It is a part of generation that is global, social, visual, and
5. Online Platforms – it is an online marketplace that places one party in touch with
another, such as buyers and sellers.
6. Target Market – it refers to a group of potential customers to whom a company
wants to sell its products and services. This is also where a company directs its
marketing efforts.
7. Buying Patterns – refers to the why and how behind consumer purchase decisions.
They are habits and routines that consumers establish through the products and
services they buy.
8. Economy – the state of a country or region in terms of the production and
consumption of goods and services and supply of money.
9. Online Buying Behaviour – it is a type of behaviour exhibited by customers while
browsing websites of an e-tailer in order to search, select, and purchase goods and
services, in order to fulfil their needs and wants.
10. Online Market Trends – a market trend is a perceived tendency of financial markets
to move in a particular direction over time. These trends are classified as a secular
for long time frames, primarily for medium time frames.

Chapter Two

Thematic Review of Related Literature

Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

This chapter presents the related literature and studies both from local and
international sources. The details that are included in this chapter helps in introducing
information that are relevant to the study which can help the readers, and most especially
the speculators. This chapter highlights recommended practices and specific areas to
develop that evolve from this literature review.

1. Perceived Risk/Trust
Perceived risk is an important factor to look at when establishing an online business
because it can greatly impact customers on their decision making when buying a product.
Trust is also an essential factor wherein consumers decide internally but it can be
transformed by a good image and content. Lake (2019) defined perceived risk as the
uncertainty a consumer has when buying items. She also mentioned that every time a
consumer considers buying a product, he/she has certain doubts about the product. Zhao
Hong and Li Yi (2012) claimed that there are a lot of risks in online shopping that consumers
are worried about such as: Credit system, security system, fraud, identity theft, logistics
distributing, fakes, net terrorism, unavailability, and unclear information. Trust is an
important construct in online shopping (Urban, Sultan & Qualls, 2000), because, it can
influence technology (Zuboff, 1982) and therefore it has been identified as an important
determinant in virtual organizations (Handy, 1995).Trust is highlighted in most financial and
social communications in which uncertainty exists. In the online shopping setting, neither
buyer nor seller can discuss their issues, face to face and uncertainty occurs automatically,
due to the unpredictable behavior of both parties (Jong & Lee, 2000). Those are some of the
main concerns of online consumers on why they choose wisely before buying an item
online. So what business owners should do is to maintain a positive image to gain
consumer’s trust and confidence. If the web retailer can convince the customer to shop in
the web store, in other words, to win his/her trust will attract more customers to the online
shop (Jarvenpaa & Tractinsky, 1999) and create higher profits through online business
operations (Pavlou, 2003; Gefen & Straub, 2000). Those are the reasons why e-tailers should
lessen the perceived risk of customers and develop consumer’s trust with a positive image

1.1 Positive Reviews

According to the BrightLocal survey, an overwhelming 86% of customers read online
reviews before making a buying decision. A positive reputation is one of the most powerful

Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

marketing assets a business has to attract new customers. Therefore, positive online reviews
influence purchasing behavior a lot (Berg, n.d.). A study found that younger adults used all
three types (product attributes, average consumer ratings, negative reviews) of information:
they clearly preferred products with better attributes and with higher average consumer
ratings (Helversen et al., 2018). So, as for the teenagers as the target market, business
owners should increase their positive reviews because teenagers read this first before
making their purchase decision.

2. Website Attributes
Website attributes are defined by the dictionary as the features or aspects of a
website that greatly influences the customer’s attitudes and perceptions of a retailer online.
In short, the website attribute of a shop is the way they present themselves and their
products. The literature on website attributes focuses on functionality, design, content, and
effectiveness (Goi, 2011).

2.1 Functionality or Ease of use

Online shopping can be complex sometimes, especially when introducing a new
feature. Functionality can somewhat be defined as the complexity of the website or how
easy it is to use. Zeithaml et al. (2002) said that it is reasonable to expect ease of use of
websites to be a determinant of perceived service quality. [2] This suggests that customers’
assessment of websites will likely be influenced by how easy the sites are to use and how
effective they are in helping customers accomplish their task. With the youth as the target
market, research shows that functionality matters more than website design (Bernhardt,
2006). So, business owners should produce a website that has greater usability than design.

2.2 Website Design

Website design is very important to attract customers in the online sector because a
catchy look can make buyers take a second a look on the shop. Website design is how
businessmen present their products, so they have to make it professional and catchy. Cho
and Park (2001) have found that customer’s satisfaction is related to website design. Lee
and Lin (2005) had empirically found that website design positively influences overall
customer satisfaction and perceived service quality. Also, Ranganathan and Ganapathy
(2002) have empirically established that website design positively affects purchase
intention. Al-Qeisi et al. (2014) stated the implication that improvements to the appearance

Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

of a website should enhance the overall evaluation of the site, leading to greater usage
intentions. However, Zeithaml et al. (2002) claimed that website design isn’t relevant. Based
on our research, much more studies claim that website design is a key factor to hook
customers to your shop, so that is what businessmen should develop especially with the
youth as the target market. Bernahardt (2006) stated that teenagers are attracted to snazzy
graphics, but they also want a simple and clean design with readable context, and

2.3 Content
In E-commerce, buyers can’t actually see, touch, or smell the actual products, so they
merely rely on stated information and content of your website or product. Teitelman (2018)
stated that to succeed in the world of e-commerce, you need to create useful, interesting or
entertaining content as well. An e-commerce website that doesn’t create good content is
akin to building a shopping mall in the darkest depths of the Amazon rainforest; it’ll be too
hard for the masses to find. The findings of Rahimnia and Hassanzadeh (2013) support the
ideas that website content has an effect on e-marketing and e-trust and that e-trust plays a
mediating role in the relationship between e-trust and e-marketing effectiveness. According
to Wen (2009), the quality of information presented is one of the major dimensions of an
effective website. Wen’s study further explained that unreliable, insufficient and inaccurate
information causes a decline in customer’s trust in an online context and consequently
hinders customer relations. Trust is an important construct in online shopping (Urban,
Sultan & Qualls, 2000), because, it can influence technology (Zuboff, 1982) and therefore it
has been identified as an important determinant in virtual organizations (Handy, 1995).
Thus, the quantity, quality and relevance of the information provided can increase Trust in
the web store (Urban, Sultan & Qualls, 2000).

2.4 Effectiveness and efficiency

A website is effective and efficient when both the users and the owners achieve
goals for the site. For the users, normally some kind of sequence is involved and users must
know about the site, then they find the site on the web, then they find the page they want,
with the information they want (List, 2006). A clear and simple method of responding will
encourage users to interact with your website. Thus, increasing purchase intention and
attracting customers that will help entrepreneurs boost sales and profit.

3. Prices and Variety

Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

Aside from other benefits of shopping online such as time-friendly and less physical
efforts, teenagers shop online because it offers cheaper prices with greater variety for
comparison. Montaldo (2020) specified that shopping online can save you money, especially
when you couple it with online savings codes, deals of the day, no-taxes-charged and free
shipping offers. This has been achieved by highlighting convenience, price, trust, and
experience as the deciding elements for online purchase attitudes (Farhana et al., 2017).
Price sensitivity of consumers from a developing country (Hofstede, 1997), leads price to be
an important determinant for online purchase attitude. Online retailers are able to offer
cheaper prices because of the shrinking cost of information processing, lower operating cost
and global reach provided by the Internet (Rowley, 2000). Another main reason that
cheaper prices are offered to online shoppers is because of competitive pressure, especially
from new online retailers. New online retailers use price as a main competitive weapon to
attract customers (Hanson, 1999). Price sensitivity can works as an indicator of how much a
consumer willing to pay. Therefore, price has an important effect on consumers' purchase
behaviour and as a result on sales and profits of the business (Han et al, 2001).

4. Discounts, Sales, and Promos

A price discount is a very prevalent marketing strategy to attract consumers by
providing an extra value or incentive, which encourages consumers to purchase the
promoted products immediately (Yin and Huang 2014). Saleh (2020) more than 64% of
online consumers wait to buy things until they go for sale, whereas more than 59% search
for promo codes before buying anything online. That means those sales boosts are possible
with price promotions made by business owners. Huang et al. (2017) stated that online
promotions positively impacted on online impulsive buying behavior. We could come up
with the conclusion that price promotions can attract customers and persuade them to buy
products online; thus, boosting a businessman’s sales.

Chapter Three

Methods and Procedures

Research Method

This research is a mix of case study and phenomenology with a qualitative approach.
This is a case study because this strategy is often used in performing business research for

Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

they provide information that is connected with real life occurrence and their underlying
principles. However, this research also used the phenomenological approach to identify
phenomena through how they are perceived by the actors in a situation. This allows us to
understand the reason on why they behave like how they behave. Therefore, this is
established as a mix of both case and phenomenological study.

Data Collection
Primary Sources
The primary foundation of this research is obtained through conducting an interview
with our respondents, but since we can’t conduct a face-to-face convention, we opted to
execute the interview at Google Meet. The respondents of our interview will be from the
LUCI senior high school students. Since this is Interpretivism in terms of paradigm, where we
gain knowledge of the world, which loosely rely on interpreting or understanding the
meanings that humans attach to their actions, the best way to understand our respondents
is through interviews that are composed of close and open ended questions. We have
chosen this type of scale, so that our respondents can answer all their thoughts away. With
this type of tool, we are able to understand our respondents’ thoughts, thus making our
data reliable.

Secondary Sources
We have also examined related studies, surveys and analysis from published and
authorized sources, and statistical datas in the internet about their online shopping
experiences and concerns; we came across interpretations that will be useful in our

Tools for Data Analysis

Researchers have analysed the data through text analysis and coding where the
researchers examined datas found in large contents. From the analysis of contents from
primary and secondary sources, we map out a code through deductive coding. After
deductive coding, we formulate a pattern that developed from the code which will be the
result of the content analysis.

I. Ethical Consideration

Due to technical difficulties, research participants are not compelled to join the
interview if they lack materials to do it. The survey will be held online – thus requiring some

Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

tools that are necessary to answer the interview, since we can’t conduct an actual meeting
with them. It will only take about 5-10 minutes to participate in this interview.

The name of the respondents such as other details will be kept with utmost
confidentiality; answers will be visible to the researchers only since this will help us learn
about the online shoppers and their concerns, wants and need, and others.

Chapter 4

Results and Discussions

Presentation of Data

Respondent A

Questions Response Code

Do you shop online? How Oo, siguro mga once a week - Active Shopper
often? ganun.

(Yes, I think once a week)

What are the things you Uhm, ano ba, wait isipin ko. - Hobby based
shop for frequently? Yung mga binibili ko mostly is decisions
mga kitchen wares na
ginagamit ko for my cooking.

(Uhm wait, let me think

about it. Mostly kitchen
wares that I use for my
What influenced you to buy ‘Yung mga hobby ko lang. - Hobby-based decision
those items? Kaya ako bumibili para sa in purchase
hobby ko tas minsan super - Level of essentiality
essential kasi. Hindi ako
masyadong naapektuhan ng
mga uso-uso na yan.

(My hobby. I buy things

online because of my hobby,
sometimes it is really
essential. I’m not that

Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

affected by the latest

What are the specific Mostly Shopee. Minsan - Shopee customer
platforms that you use when Zalora. I don’t use Lazada eh.
shopping online?
(Mostly Shopee. Sometimes
Zalora. I don’t use Lazada.)
Why do you prefer using that Shopee kasi mas maraming - Price oriented
app or website? items don na mura and mas - Perceived value and
great ang deals because of benefits
mga vouchers, ganun. Zalora - Quality oriented
kasi sure na good quality - Affected by price
kapag ganun. promotions

(Because Shopee has greater

variety, cheaper prices, and
better deals because of
vouchers. Zalora because it
can assure a good item.)
What are the things you Lagi ko talagang tinitignan - Review based
consider before purchasing a yung mga reviews ng purchase
product? product at ‘yung rating ng - Rating impact
item bago ko i-check-out. - Credibility check
Isama mo na rin yung ratings - Ensuring safety by
ng seller from Shopee. checking the
(I always look at the reviews
and the product rating
before I check out. I also
check the seller’s overall
shop rating.)
Are you attracted to Yes, super! ‘yun talaga ‘yung - Affected greatly by
discounts, sales, and first and foremost ko na price promotions
promos? Or does it not affect tinitignan. - Impulse buying
you at all?
(Yes, super! That’s what I
always look at first when
What is the most important Uhm ako, hindi naman ako - Less expectations

Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

factor of an online shop for nag-eexpect sa online eh. - Price competition

you? Hindi ko naman kasi
nahahawakan or anything, so
hindi ko masasabi yung
quality. For me, price
matters talaga.

(Uhm, I don’t really expect

when shopping online
because I can’t see it nor
touch it. I can’t really tell the
quality. For me, price really

Respondent B

Question Response Code or Label

Do you shop online? Yaasss. Twice a month - Active Shopper

How often?
(Yes, twice a month.)

What are the things Uhm, mga damit ganun, art - Product purchase are
you shop online materials, tapos mga makeup necessity-based
(Uhm, clothes, art materials, and

Why did you buy those Necessity kasi and di ako - Necessity-based
things from question naaapektuhan ng mga trends decisions
#2? What influenced ganun kasi kailangan ko talaga - Somewhat affected by
you siya. Minsan siguro. latest trends

(I bought them because it is a

necessity and I am not affected by
the trends because I really need
those products.)

Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

What specific Shopee tapos minsan, Lazada - Shopee customer

platforms are you
using? (Shopee and sometimes, Lazada)

Why do you prefer Kasi ano, may mga sales ganun - Greatly influenced by
using that app or tas free shipping. sales and discounts
(Because of sales and free

What are the things Yung ano, quality, credibility ng - Purchase is affected by
you consider before product tapos yung price niya. quality, credibility, and
purchasing a product? price of the product
(I consider the quality, credibility,
and the price)

Are you attracted to Oo, lalo kapag free shipping - Greatly affected by
discounts, sales, and ganun. sales and discounts
promos? Or does it not
affect you at all? (Yes, especially when it comes to
free shipping)

What is the most Yung reviews, ratings, tas yung - Greatly influenced by
important factor of an mga comments ng mga nag avail customer feedbacks
online shop? ng product.

(The reviews, ratings, and the

comments of the people who
purchased/availed the product)

Respondent C

Question Response Code

Do you often shop Oo, mga twice a month - Active Shopper

How often? (Yes, twice a month)

What are the things Damit, Volleyball ganun, tas ano - Products purchase

Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

you shop online mga cords are based on

frequently? Give at necessities and
least 3-5 (I usually buy clothes, volleyball- essentials
related items and cords.)

Why did you buy those Sa damit, trending kasi siya, tapos - Necessity and
things from questions iyong cord and volleyball kailangan Essentiality-based
#2? What influenced ko talaga. Essentials ganun. decisions
(I bought the clothes because it is
trending while the others are really

What specific Shopee - Shopee customer

platforms are you
using? (Shopee)

Why do you prefer Kasi mas affordable yung mga - Perceived Usability
using that app or items tapos doon na rin ako - Ease of use
website? nasanay. Madali lang kasi gamitin - Price sensitive
yung Shopee.

(Because items are more

affordable there, and that’s where I
got used to. Shopee is easy to use.)

What are the things Yung reviews tapos ratings sa - Greatly influenced by
you consider before products ratings of products
purchasing a product?
(The reviews and ratings of
products are important to me.)

Are you attracted to Uhm madalas oo. Pero depende - Allowance based
discounts, sales, and talaga yan sa financial standing ko. - Affected by price
promos? Or does it not Kung may allowance ako bibili promotions
affect you at all? talaga ako.

(Yes. But it depends on my financial

Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

standing. If I have allowance, I’ll

surely buy.)

What is the most Para sa akin, yung quality talaga. - Quality-based

important factor of an Chinecheck ko ng maigi yung purchase decision
online shop? reviews at ratings. Tapos kung - Quality as the
maganda yung dumating sa akin, determinant of
bibili ulit ako sa shop na yun. loyalty

(For me, it’s the quality. I really

check the reviews and ratings
carefully. If the item sent to me
was good, then I’ll surely order
again from that shop.)

Recognitio Product Post-order
and Check Out
n of needs Searching credibility evaluation
-Influenced -Search -Product -Making last -Actual
by personal engine: evaluation: checks on: evaluation
needs and mostly price, reviews, price of product =
interests. Shopee ratings, price comparisons determinant
-Influenced promotions , allowance, of repeating
-looks for
by latest price purchase
trends and items that -Credibility:
promotions, from a
popularity. are ratings,
and seller’s certain
affordable, reviews,
credibility. shop.
offers price website/shop
promotions, attributes


We’ve come up with a buying pattern on how the Lucian Senior High School Students
behave towards online shopping. The spending pattern of the youth starts with a

Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

Recognition of a need followed by Product searching, Product and credibility evaluation,

Checking out the item, then Evaluating the actual product. Recognition of a need begins
with recognizing a certain essential or feeling of need to have a specific item and that moves
towards the product searching, wherein the customer is looking for items within his/her
standards of a functional online platform like the perceived usability, perceived benefits,
perceived risks, and others. Next, the customer evaluates the product digitally, also checks
the ratings and reviews of the seller. After which, the customer then makes the purchase
decision through a check out, customers in these phase are assessing their final choices.
Post-purchase decision is the evaluation of the actual product. The post-order evaluation is
the determinant of the costumer’s loyalty and trust in a shop. Our findings show that
teenagers start their search for a product whenever they sense that they need to fill a
specific need. In their search, there is a particular standard that youth consider to be
followed. Whichever product that qualifies in their standard is a potential item to be bought.

Chapter 5

Conclusion and Recommendation


 Factors that the youth consider based on our interviews are ratings, reviews, price,
safety, credibility, quality, and price promotions; they take this into consideration
because to be able to buy things cheaper is their goal in online shopping.
 This study also claims that teenagers who shop online look closely to reviews and
ratings of the product and the seller, they do this to check whether the product is
worth the money and is the seller is reliable or not.
 In terms of preferred online platform to be used, the youth is looking for something
that is easy to use, accessible, offers great deals and variety, affordable, and
organized. This is considered as one of the most important factor when making their
purchase decision.
 The dictator of the loyalty of the customers is the actual product that arrived at their

We, therefore, assume that most teenagers who shop online are price oriented,
quality based, and necessity driven, and greatly affected by feedbacks. Shoppers in this era
prefer Shopee because they offer greater deals, affordable items, and provide better

Balanon, Caluza, Gacayan, Galvez, Manalo, Marquez, Marzo
La Union Cultural Institute

security system. That is what online youth shoppers prefer and look forward to when
shopping online.


 We recommend experts to study further about the internal factors that affect the
buying patterns of the youth, as well as their purchase decisions. Internal factors
such as gender, mood, preference, nationality, tradition, status, etc. These are the
factors that we can’t touch because people with psychological expertise are the only
one who can determine the exact buying pattern considering these factors.
 We recommend future researchers to include other age groups in their field of study
to recognize the general buying patterns of the market.
 A research about complex and precise buying pattern of the youth should be
conducted for deeper understanding by the field experts in the business.
 Online business owners should develop their ratings and reviews section because
customers find it as the one that affects their purchase decision most.


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