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Destruction and Reconstruction

What is Hiroshima day about?

Hiroshima day is about making everyone learn a very

important lesson even though Hiroshima was attacked, and
more than 20,000 people died but time never stopped in
Japan \ Hiroshima and today Japan is one of the most
developed countries in the entire world it also tells us that
we should never hurt someone for revenge and Hiroshima
day is also a reminder to encourage peace because there
were many consequences because of the drop of the atomic
bomb like.

Consequences because of the bomb

attack on Hiroshima:
 Many children and new-born babies were born sick
or injured and later died because of the poison of
the atomic bomb.
 About 117,000 people had died because of the
atomic bomb attack.
 Survivors of the atomic bomb were called
hibakasha . the hibakasha’s allowed doctors to
conduct tests on them the doctors later found out
about radiation and the poisoning and set safety
measures for the nuclear power industry.

Why is Hiroshima day important?

Hiroshima day is important because it shows how

much damage can be done with just one bomb. it
also encourages peace because so many soldiers
and civilians lost their lives in the bomb attack.

What happened?

On August 6, 1945, the US dropped an atomic

bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima and then a
few days later August 9th it dropped another bomb
on Nagasaki killing thousands of people and
affecting more people who suffer the
consequences of radiation poisoning.

How I think it matters today.

I think Hiroshima day matters today because it

encourages peace, and it teaches people a very
good lesson it also tells us how dangerous one
single nuclear bomb can destroy an entire city and
even an entire country.
Weapons that are more destructive than
the atomic nuclear bomb:
The atomic nuclear bomb is often thought as the deadliest
weapon but there are many chemical nuclear weapons that
are much more destructive.

The hydrogen bomb also known as the H bomb is 1000

percent more destructive than the atomic nuclear bomb used
to destroy Hiroshima Nagasaki.

The largest and most powerful thermo nuclear weapon of all

time was the RDS -220 hydrogen bomb, also known as the
TSAR bomb. On 30th October 1961 the Soviet Union
exploded the RDS-220 over novaya zemlya island in the
Russian arctic sea.

It had an explosive force of 50 megatons equivalent to

50,000,000 tons of TNT or 3800 of the nuclear bombs that
were dropped on Hiroshima.
My slogan \ poem
The bee who couldn’t fly

Their once was a bee who went on a swing

She liked the way the bell on it went ring ring
But one unfaithful day she went up a bit too high
She fell hard and tried not to cry
But instead of crying she jumped into the sky
And then finally she started to fly.

French slogan
livres pas bombs.

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