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Securities Regulations Code and Related Laws venture and evidenced by a certificate, instrument, contract,

whether written or electronic in character.

Powers and Functions of the SEC: JARS-PIPE-FICISE
1. Jurisdiction and supervision over all corporations, It includes:
partnerships or associations who are the grantees of 1. Shares of stock, evidences of indebtedness, notes,
primary franchises and/or a license or permit issued by debentures, bonds, asset-backed securities send-ba;
the Government; 2. Investment contracts, certificates of interest,
2. Approve, reject, suspend, revoke or require amendments participation in a profit-sharing agreement, certificates of
to registration statements, and registration and licensing deposit for a future subscription icpc;
applications; 3. Fractional undivided interests in oil, gas or other mineral
3. Regulate, investigate or supervise the activities of rights;
persons to ensure compliance; 4. Derivatives like option and warrants;
4. Supervise, monitor, suspend or take over the activities of 5. Certificates of assignments, certificates of participation,
exchanges, clearing agencies and other SROs; trust certificates, voting trust certificates or similar
5. Punish for contempt of the Commission, both direct and instruments;
indirect, in accordance with the pertinent provisions of 6. Proprietary or non-proprietary membership certificates in
and penalties prescribed by the Rules of Court; corporations;
6. Impose sanctions for the violation of laws and the rules, 7. Other instruments as may be determined by the
regulations and orders issued pursuant thereto; Commission.
7. Prepare, approve, amend or repeal rules, regulations and
orders, and issue opinions and provide guidance on and DEFINITION OF TERMS:
supervise compliance with such rules, regulations and a. Issuer - originator, maker, obligor or creator of the
orders; security.
8. Enlist the aid and support of and/or deputize any and all
enforcement agencies of the Government, civil or military b. Broker - person engaged in the business of buying and
as well as any private institution, corporation, firm, selling securities for the account of others.
association or person in the implementation of its powers
and functions under this Code; c. Dealer - person who buys and sells securities for his
9. Formulate polices and recommendations on issues own account in the ordinary course of business.
concerning the securities market, advise Congress and
other government agencies on all aspects of the d. Clearing agency - entity that provides facility for the
securities market and propose legislation and performance of the following activities:
amendments thereto; 1. Make deliveries of securities and/or payments in
10. Issue cease and desist orders to prevent fraud or injury connection with transactions in securities;
to the investing public; 2. Reduce the number of settlements of securities
11. Compel the officers of any registered corporation or transactions or allocate settlement responsibilities in
association to call meetings of stockholders or members accordance with SEC rules;
thereof under its supervision; 3. Provide means for central handling of securities.
12. Issue subpoena duces tecum and summon witnesses to
appear in any proceedings of the Commission and in e. Exchange - organized marketplace or facility that brings
appropriate cases, order the examination, search and together buyers and sellers, and executes trades of
seizure of all documents, papers, files, and records, tax securities and/or commodities.
returns, and books of accounts of any entity or person
under investigation as may be necessary for the proper f. Pre-need plans - contracts, agreements, deeds or plans
disposition of the cases before it, subject to the for the benefit of the planholders. Now regulated by the
provisions of existing laws; Insurance Commission.
13. Suspend, or revoke, after proper notice and hearing the
franchise or certificate of registration of corporations, g. Promoter - person who, acting alone or with others,
partnerships or associations, upon any of the grounds takes initiative in founding and organizing the business or
provided by law; enterprise of the issuer and receives consideration
14. Exercise such other powers as may be provided by law, therefor.
or incidental to or necessary to carry out its express
powers. h. PROSPECTURS - document made by or on behalf of an
issuer, underwriter or dealer to sell or offer securities for
TRANSFERRED JURISDICTION - memorize sale to the public thru a registration statement filed with
The following are within the jurisdiction of the RTC: the Commission.
1. Fraudulent devices and schemes employed by directors i. Registration statement - application for the
detrimental to public interest and to other firms; registration of securities required to be filed with the
2. Intra-corporate dispute and with the state in relation to Commission.
their franchise and right to exist as such;
3. Controversies in election or appointment of directors or j. Uncertified security - security evidenced by electronic
trustees; or similar records.
4. Appointment of Rehabilitation Receiver or Management
Committee; k. UNDERWRITER - person who guarantees on a firm
5. Petition to be declared in state of suspension of commitment and/or declared best effort basis, the
payments. distribution and sale of securities of any kind by another
SECURITIES - shares, interest or participation sip in a
corporation or in a commercial enterprise or profit-making l. Associate - entity over which the investor has significant

influence and that is neither a subsidiary or an interest in  commodity price;
a joint venture.  foreign exchange rate;
 index of prices or rates;
m. Registrant - issuer of securities with respect to which a  credit rating or credit index; or
registration statement or required issuer report has been  similar variable or underlying factor.
or is to be filed. It is settled at a future date. They include, but are not
limited to, OPTIONS and WARRANTS.
n. Securities Depository - holds securities accounts,
provide central safekeeping and asset services.  OPTION - contracts that give the buyer the right to buy
or sell an underlying security at a predetermined price,
o. Self-regulatory organization - an organized called the exercise or strike price, on or before a
Exchange, registered clearing agency, organization or predetermined date, called the expiry date.
association registered with the SEC as SRO, authorized  Stock options may be granted to non-
by the SEC to: stockholders if the board has been authorized to
1. Enforce compliance with relevant provisions of SRC; grant that benefit by:
2. Promulgate and enforce its own rules, approved by 1. The corporation’s AOI;
SEC, members and/or participants; 2. By-laws;
3. Enforce fair, ethical and efficient practice in the 3. Resolution of stockholders representing at
securities and commodity futures industry. least 2/3 of outstanding voting and non-voting
capital stock.
p. Transfer agent - person who performs on behalf of the
Issuer or by itself as Issuer any of the following activities:  Stock options granted to directors and officers must
CM-RER be approved in a meeting of the stockholders
1. Countersign certificates upon their issuance; representing at least 2/3 of outstanding voting and
2. Monitor issuance of certificates; non-voting capital stock.
3. Register transfer of such securities;
4. Exchange or convert such securities;  WARRANTS - rights to subscribe or purchase new
5. Record the ownership of securities by bookkeeping shares or existing shares in a company, on or before a
entry without physical issuance of certificates. predetermined date called the expiry date. They have
longer exercise period than options.
q. Trade participant - broker dealer who has the right,  Detachable warrant - warrant that may be sold,
pursuant to the rules of the Exchange or any organized transferred, or assigned to any person by the holder
market, to trade in that Exchange or organized market. separate from and independent of the
corresponding beneficiary securities.
r. Dealing in Securities - making or offering to make with  Beneficiary security - shares of stock or
any person, or inducing or attempting to induce any other securities that form the basis of
person, to enter into or to offer to enter into any entitlement in a warrant.
agreement for or with a view to acquiring, disposing of or
subscribing for securities.  Non-detachable warrant - warrant that may not
be sold, transferred or assigned to any person by
s. Solicitation - act of seeking or asking for business or the warrant holder separate from, and independent
information and including the act of providing information of the beneficiary securities.
about a security or investment product being offered for
sale, with the view of making another person a client, or COMMODITY FUTUES CONTRACT - a contract providing for
closing or bringing in a sale or purchase of security or the making or taking delivery at a prescribed time in the
investment product. future, of a specific quantity and quality of a commodity or the
cash value thereof.
INVESTMENT CONTRACTS - contract, transaction or
scheme whereby a person invests his money in a common Commodity - any goods, articles, services, rights and
enterprise, and is led to expect profits primarily from the interests, including any group or index of any of the foregoing,
efforts of others. in which commodity interests contracts are presently or in the
 Presumption of Investment Contract - arises future dealt in.
when a person seeks to use the money of others on
the promise of profits. PROPRIETARY SHARE OR CERTIFICATE - evidence of
interest, participation or privilege in a corporation, which
 Requisties of Investment Contract: ICE-P gives the holder of the share or certificate the right to use the
1. Investment in money; facilities covered by such certificate, and to receive dividends
2. In a Common enterprise; or earnings from the corporation.
3. With Expectation of profits;  Upon liquidation of the corporation, the holder shall have
4. Primarily from efforts of others. a proportionate ownership over its assets.

 Common Enterprise - deemed created when 2 or NON-PROPRIETARY SHARE OR CERTIFICATE - evidence

more investors POOL their resources, creating a of interest, participation or privilege over a specific property
common enterprise, even if the promoter receives of a corporation that allows the holder of the share or
nothing more than a broker’s commission. certificate to use such property under certain terms and
DERIVATIVES - financial instruments whose values changes  The holder, however, shall not be entitled to
in response to changes in a: dividends from the corporation or to its assets upon
 specified interest rate; liquidation.
 security price;

Sec. 8.1 of the SRC require the filing with and approval by EXEMPT TRANSACTIONS - memorize 5
the SEC of a registration statement duly. The requirement of registration shall not apply to the sale of
 If registration statement is not filed and approved, the any security in any of the following transactions: J-BISS
following are PROHIBITED: SOD 1. Judicial sale, or sale by an executor, administrator,
a. Sale of securities in the Philippines; guardian or receiver or trustee in insolvency or
b. Offer to sell or distribute securities within the bankruptcy;
Philippines; 2. Broker’s transaction, executed upon customer’s orders,
c. Disseminate information relating to an offering of on any registered exchange or other trading market;
securities. 3. Isolated transaction in which any security is sold, offered
for sale, subscription or delivery by the owner thereof,
 The PROSPECTUS shall be submitted to the SEC not being made in the course of repeated and successive
as part of the registration statement. The transactions;
prospectus shall be widely disseminated and 4. Sale of securities by an issuer to fewer than 20 persons
sufficient copies are made available to all interested in the Philippines during any 12-month period;
parties prior to the sale of the securities. 5. Sale of capital stock of a corporation to its own
stockholders exclusively, where no commission or other
 Issuers of registered securities are also required to remuneration is paid or given, directly or indirectly, in
enter into an UNDERWRITING AGREEMENT with connection with the sale of such capital stock.
a universal bank, investment house, or any other
financial institution duly licensed under the Issuance of evidence of indebtedness to PRIMARY
Investment Houses Law. INSTITUTIONAL LENDERS is an exempt transaction
provided that the following requirements are present: ENN
 The sale of shares subject of registration shall 1. Evidence of indebtedness shall be negotiated or assigned
commence within 10 business days from date to any PIL or the DBP with respect to private
of effectivity of registration statement and development banks in relation with their rediscounting
shall continue until the end of the offering period or privileges;
until the sale is terminated by the Issuer. 2. In case of Non-banks without underwriting licenses,
 Registration statement is CANCELLED if sale negotiation or assignment shall be thru banks or non-
is not commenced within 10 business days. banks licensed to be an underwriter or securities deler;
3. In No case shall said instrument be negotiated or
EXEMPT SECURITIES - memorize assigned to non-qualified investors.
Registration shall not, as a general rule, apply to any of the
following classes of securities. Grounds for REVOCATION and/or REJECTION of the
1. Security issued or guaranteed by the Government of the After due notice and hearing, if SEC finds that the ISSUER
Philippines; has:
2. Security issued or guaranteed by the Government of any 1. made False or misleading representation of material facts
country with which the Philippines maintains diplomatic in any prospectus;
relations, or by any state, province or political subdivision 2. Failed to comply with any requirement the Commission
thereof on the basis of reciprocity; Provided, that the may impose as a condition for registration;
Commission may require compliance with the form and 3. Been judicially declared Insolvent;
content of disclosures the Commission may prescribe; 4. Violated the provisions of SEC;
3. Certificates issued by a Receiver or by a trustee in 5. Engaged in fraudulent transactions;
bankruptcy duly approved by the proper adjudicatory 6. Registration statement is on its face incomplete or
board; inaccurate in any material respect;
4. Security or its derivatives the Sale or transfer of which, 7. Conviction of an offense involving moral turpitude.
by law, is under the supervision and regulation of:
a. The Office of the Insurance Commission; MANIPULATIVE DEVICES AND PRACTICES ON
b. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board; or MANIPULATION OF SECURITY PRICES IDENTIFIED
5. Security issued by a Bank except its own shares of stock. 1. WASH SALE - by effecting any transaction in such
security which involves no change in the beneficial
Provided by the SEC: ownership thereof.
6. Evidence of indebtedness issued to the BSP under its
open market operations; 2. Matched Orders - By entering an order or orders for
7. Bills of exchange arising form a bona fide sale of goods the purchase or sale of such security with the knowledge
and services that are distributed and/or traded by banks that a simultaneous order of substantially the same size,
or investment houses; time and price, for the sale or purchase of any such
8. Security issued or guaranteed by multilateral financial security, has or will be entered by or for the same or
entities; different parties.
9. Commercial papers that meet the following conditions:
a. Payable to a specific person; similar act where there is no change in beneficial
b. Issued to not more than 10 non-institutional ownership.
c. Neither negotiable or assignable and held on to 4. PAINTING THE TAPE - engaging in a series of
maturity; and transactions in securities that are reported publicly to
d. In the Amount not exceeding P150,000,000 or such give the impression of activity or price movement in a
higher amount as the SEC may prescribe. security.

5. Marking the Close - buying and selling securities at the  It is an offer by the acquiring person to stockholders of
close of the market in an effort to alter the closing price a public company, for them to tender their shares therein
of the security. on the terms specified in the offer.

6. Hype and Dump - engaging in buying activity at  Its purpose is to protect minority shareholders against
increasingly higher prices and then selling securities in any scheme that dilutes the share value of their
the market at the higher prices or vice versa. investments. It gives the minority shareholders the
change to exit the company under reasonable terms,
7. Squeezing the Float - taking advantage of a shortage giving them the opportunity to sell their shares at the
of securities in the market by controlling the demand side same price as those of the majority shareholders.
and exploiting market congestion during such shortages
in a way as to create artificial prices.  PUBLIC COMPANY - corporation with a class of equity
securities listed on an Exchange or with assets in excess
8. Disseminating false or misleading information of P50,000,000 and having 200 or more holders, at
thru media. 200 of which are holding at least 100 shares of a
class of its equity securities.
PUT - a transferable option or offer to deliver a given number
of shares of stock at a stated price at any given time during a  ACQUIRER must file a declaration with the SEC if
stated period. he intends to acquire 15% of equity securities in a public
CALL - transferable option to buy a specified number of company within a period of 12 months.
shares at a stated price.
STRADDLE - combination of put and call.  ACQUIRER is required to (1) Disclose the intention
and (2) to make tender offer for the percentage
 SRC prohibits members of an Exchange from directly or sought to all holders of such securities, when he
indirectly indorsing or guaranteeing the performance of a intends to acquire (1) 34% or more of the outstanding
put, call or straddle. voting share or (2) such outstanding voting shares that
are sufficient to gain control of the board in a public
SHORT SALE - includes the following: company in one or more transactions within a period of
1. Sale of a security which the seller does not own; or 12 months equity shares in a public company.
2. Sale which is consummated by delivery of security
borrowed by or for the account of the seller with  ACQUIRER is required to make tender offer for ALL
the commitment of the seller or securities borrower to THE OUTSTANDING VOTING SHARES if he intends to
return or deliver said securities or their equivalent to the acquire (1) 35% or more of the outstanding voting
lender on a determinable future time. shares or (2) such outstanding voting shares that are
sufficient to gain control of the board in a public company
instances: DS
1. Directors, officers or principal shareholder of a  If any acquisition of even less than 35% would result in
corporation cannot make a short sale in securities of ownership of over 51 % of total outstanding equity
the corporation in which he is occupying such securities of a public company, the acquirer shall be
position; required to make a tender offer for ALL THE
2. When the SEC prohibits short sale indefinitely or for OUTSTANDING EQUITY SECURITIES to all remaining
such period as it may deem proper. stockholders of the said company.

Who is an INSIDER?  Tender Offer when NOT REQUIRED: Any person or

INSIDER means: group of persons acting in concert, who intends to
a. The issuer; acquire 35% of the outstanding voting shares or such
b. A director or officer of, or a person controlling the issuer; outstanding voting shares that is sufficient to gain control
c. A person whose relationship or former relationship to the of the board in a public company thru the Exchange
issuer gives or gave him access to material trading system shall not be required to make a
information about the issuer or the security that is tender offer even if such person or group of persons
not generally available to the public; acting in concert acquire the remainder thru a block sale
d. A government employee or director, or officer of an if, after the acquisition thry the Exchange trading system,
exchange, clearing agency and/or self-regulatory they fail to acquire the target of 35% or such
organization who has access to material information outstanding voting shares that is sufficient to gain
about an issuer or a security that is not generally control of the board.
available to the public; or
e. A person who learns such information by a EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY TENDER OFFER
communication from any of the foregoing insiders. REQUIREMENT: COMPUFI
1. Purchases in connection with Corporate rehabilitation
 (prohibited because in restraint of free trade.) under court supervision;
2. Purchases thru an Open market at the prevailing market
 Material fact or information - one which may result in price;
a change in the market price or value of any of the 3. Merger or consolidation;
Issuer’s securities or may potentially affect the 4. Purchases in connection with Privatization undertaken by
investment decision of the investor. the Government;Purchase of shares from Unissued
capital stock, provided that acquisition will not result to a
TENDER OFFER - publicly announced intention by a person 50% or more ownership of shares by the purcchaser;
acting alone or in concert with other persons, to acquire equity 5. Purchase in connection with Foreclosure proceedings
securities of a public company. involving a duly constituted pledge or security

arrangement where the acquisition is made by the debtor
or creditor;
6. Purchase of shares from an Increase in authorized capital

Obligations of person making a tender offer: ATR

1. Announce his intention in a newspaper of general
circulation prior to the commencement of the offer;
2. At least Two business days prior to the date of the
commencement of the tender offer:
a. File with the SEC a required form of tender offer;
b. Hand deliver a copy of such form to the target
company at its principal executive office and to each
Exchange where such class of the target company’s
securities are listed for trading;
3. Report results of tender offer by filing with the
Commission not later than 10 days after termination of
the tender offer, copies of the final amendments to the

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