Human Specific Disease

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A. Disease In Human Organ

1. Adrenal Gland
The glands responsible for the production of adrenaline are known as adrenal
glands, also called emergency glands. Adrenal gland disorders interfere with their
proper functioning. Learning about such diseases is necessary to fully understand
what is adrenal gland. Here are some of the most common diseases.
a. Addison's Disease
Addison's disease is marked by an insufficient production of cortisol and
aldosterone. Resultantly, an individual suffers from weakness of the muscles and
constant fatigue. Meanwhile, there is a loss of appetite. It may lead to weight loss.
Moreover, nausea, vomiting and a fall in blood pressure are also some of the
common symptoms of Addison’s disease. You can treat such adrenal gland
symptoms with hormone replacement therapy.
b. Cushing's Disease
It is the opposite of Addison's disease. Cushing's disease occurs due to
excessive production of cortisol. The high hormone levels may be due to an intake
of steroid drugs. Meanwhile, the development of a tumor also has a negative
effect. Cushing's disease leads to disfiguration of the body. The arms and legs
become skinny. The rest of the body experiences swelling. The physicians cure it
by removing the tumor surgically. Stopping the use of steroid drugs is helpful.
c. Adrenal Gland Cancer
The adrenal gland cancer occurs in the adrenal cortex. The cortex is the outer
layer of the organ. Mostly, it appears like an adrenal gland tumor. However, the
tumor can also be of non-cancerous nature. In this case, you will call it a benign
d. Hyperaldosteronism
Cancer of the adrenal glands can lead to over-production of aldosterone.
Specifically, you may term such a condition as hyperaldosteronism. An individual
experiences fatigue. Meanwhile, they suffer from several other adrenal gland
symptoms. They include headache, high blood pressure and weakness of the
muscles. In addition, paralysis may occur in extreme cases.
2. Anus
Anus is the lower opening of the digestive tract that is associated with the anal
sphincter and lies in the cleft between the buttocks to help in the extrusion of the
fecal matter. An anal disease can seriously affect the regulation of the process of
excretion. Here is a brief description of seven different anus diseases with their
symptoms and treatments.
a. Anal Abscesses
The condition of anal abscesses refers to the development of pus near the
anus. Mostly, there is a perianal abscess, appearing as a bile-like swelling around
the anus. It is warm to touch and red in appearance. An anal abscess can be very
painful and may require surgery for its treatment. The causes include blockage of
the anal gland or a sexually transmitted infection.
b. Anal Fistula
An anal fistula is a small tunnel in the anal region that develops an abnormal
connection between the skin and the site of an abscess. It is a painful condition
and can lead to bleeding during the passage of stools. Fistula formation may occur
as a complication of the anal abscess. It may cause persistent drainage or result in
the recurrent anal abscesses. Surgery is the only successful treatment measure for
c. Anal Fissures
A shallow tear or ulceration in the tissues along the wall of anal canal is given
the name of anal fissure. In addition to irritation in the region, an anal fissure can
also trigger a spasm in the anal sphincter. The spasms are very painful and may
involve anus bleeding.
d. Anus Cancer
Several different types of tumors can grow in the anal region. Some of the
anus tumors are benign while others are linked with anus cancer. However,
sometimes a benign anus tumor may become cancer at the later stage. An anus
infection with human papillomavirus and diseases of immune system, such as
AIDS, makes people prone to anal cancer.
e. Hemorrhoids/Piles
It is one of the very painful anus diseases. The presence of distended varicose
veins in the anal region characterizes the condition of hemorrhoids or piles. The
valves in the veins permit only unidirectional flow of blood – back to the heart.
However, the weakening of these valves may result in the flow of blood towards
wrong direction or its stagnation in veins.
f. Anal Warts
Anus warts is a viral disorder and also has another name, ‘condyloma
acuminata’. In the beginning, it affects the area inside or around anus and then
spreads to genital parts. A wart initially appears as small as the head of a pin.
However, the warts may grow much larger to cover the entire anal area.
g. Pruritus Ani
Affecting men more commonly than women with a 4:1 ratio, pruritus ani is a
common medical problem of anus. From 1% to 5% of individuals in the general
population may be suffering from this condition. Literally meaning "itchy anus",
it gives rise to a discomforting sensation in the rectal opening, thus triggering a
desire in the victim to scratch the affected region. The injury of skin due to
scratching makes irritation more intense and widespread. Scratching also induces
the desire to scratch even more. Depending on severity of the condition, pruritus
ani can be classified into primary and secondary forms. Referred to as idiopathic,
the primary form may appear without an identifiable cause, while in the secondary
case, the cause is identifiable and treatable. Because of the unknown causative
agent in the majority of the cases, the treatment is not easy. Taking fibrous foods
and use of bowel medications is useful for the thickening and complete evacuation
of stool. Maintaining hygiene is very necessary. The administration of antibiotics
can cure infections. Meanwhile, hair dryer can be helpful to keep the skin dry.
3. Appendix
Appendix definition is a finger like growth at the junction between small and
large intestine. It has a blind end which means anything entering into it cannot
come back. This organ is of no particular use to humans. However, appendix is
still functional in the grazing animals.
a. Appendicitis.
Appendicitis is a well-known disease of appendix. In this case, some food
particles, passing through gastrointestinal canal, get an accidental entry into this
hollow structure with blind end. But there is no way for the food to come out of it.
Thus, the stagnation of organic material produces pus and toxic substances.
Consequently, it leads to severe inflammation. If you do not address the condition
timely, the swollen tube bursts open. It releases its harmful contents to the
sensitive internal organs, and may even cause the death of the victim.
4. Urinary Bladder
As an accessory structure, the medical conditions of the organ are actually the
disorders of excretory system. The urinary bladder infection can be of various
kinds and complexities. They include the urinary bladder cancer and the stones.
The bladder stones, for example, may partially or completely block the passage of
a. Bladder Stones and the Urinary Bladder Pain
The blockage of urine ultimately leads to acute urinary bladder pain, swelling,
injury to the bladder walls and other severe symptoms. Three common treatment
measures for the elimination of stones are: drug administration, radiations and
surgical therapy. The inflammatory conditions of the urinary sac may arise out of
the urinary bladder infections or injuries.You can cure urinary bladder infection
with medications. However, the treatment of urinary bladder cancer requires more
advanced and sophisticated methods. The urinary incontinence leaves a
tremendous impact on the quality of your life. It involves the involuntary leakage
of urine that causes great embarrassment for the victim. More common in human
female than in males, the interstitial cystitis involves the diagnostic symptoms of
severe pain and discomfort in the urinary bladder. Furthermore, it triggers urgent
& frequent urination.
5. Bones
Bones are the most important parts or organs of the body. It is one of the
worth-noticing facts about bones that they give the shape and structural support to
your body. While discussing about the bones, it is important to discuss about the
bone marrow. It is the inner layer of bone, where the red and white blood cells are
produced. The structure of bone marrow is hollow and has jelly like substance,
which helps in making blood and improves the immune system. People do suffer
with some common types of the bone diseases like osteoporosis, osteoarthritis,
osteomalacia, exostosis, osteogenic sarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, rickets, bone
cancer, Paget disease etc. These diseases occur due to lack of calcium,
phosphorous, collagen and other vitamins, minerals deficiency.
In addition, you can inherit some other types of diseases and the degenerative
disorders. It is necessary to take proper care of diet control and exercises to keep
your body fit and healthy.
6. Brain
There are several types of brain diseases, which can be categorized under
different headings. They include infections, neurodegenerative conditions,
autoimmune conditions, vascular conditions, tumors, seizures, and trauma.
a. Neurodegenerative Disorders
The neurodegenerative conditions are those diseases of the brain which
involve neurological damage.
1) Dementia
Dementia refers to the loss of cognitive functioning. In this case, an
individual’s ability to think, remember, and reason is lost to such an extent that it
affects their routine life and activities.
Alcohol abuse, strokes, and any condition involving the degeneration of nerves
may lead to dementia.
2) Alzheimer’s Disease
A degenerative disorder, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of
dementia. It involves degeneration of nerves in certain areas of the brain due to
some unclear reasons. The patient suffers a progressive loss of memory and
mental function.
3) Pick’s Disease
A subtype of frontal lobe dementia, the Pick’s disease is marked by the
presence of Pick cells, which contain degraded protein material. It is alternatively
known as ‘circumscribe cortical atrophy’ because the atrophied areas tend to be
strictly delimited.
4) Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease (PD) gets its name from James Parkinson, who first
formally described it in 1817. While the exact causes of PD are unknown, it may
result from genetic and environmental factors. Early signs of Parkinson’s disease
include an unstable posture, slowness of movements, stiffness of limbs, and
tremor of hands.
5) Huntington’s Disease
Huntington’s diseases bears the name of George Huntington, who made a
remarkable contribution to the description and understanding of the disease.
Huntington’s disease is a degenerative nerve disorder that causes the degeneration
of the brain cells. Its symptoms include dementia and chorea (difficulty
controlling movements). Irritability, depression, and mood swings are some of its
early signs.
b. Brain Infections
The infectious diseases of the brain include abscesses, meningitis, and
encephalitis. A brain abscess is an infection of the brain, which may be caused by
either bacteria or opportunistic pathogens. In the case of encephalitis, the
inflammation of brain tissue occurs due to a viral infection. Meningitis occurs
when the lining around the brain gets inflamed. It may cause confusion, fever,
headache, and stiffening of the neck region, etc. Sometimes, meningitis and
encephalitis occur together in a condition known as meningoencephalitis.
c. Autoimmune Disorders
In the case of autoimmune disorders, the immune system of the body attacks
the body’s own nerves. The brain diseases linked to an autoimmune condition
include multiple sclerosis and vasculitis.
d. Vascular Conditions
1) Stroke
A stroke is characterized by the sudden interruption in the supply of blood and
oxygen to a tissue of the brain, thus leading to its death. The parts of the body
controlled by the affected brain area stop functioning normally. There are several
types of stroke, such as hemorrhage stroke and ischemic stroke.
2) Brain Aneurysm
Brain aneurysm develops when an artery in the brain swells and ruptures. This
rupture may cause excessive bleeding, thus leading to a stroke.
3) Epidural Hematoma
A head injury may cause an artery to rupture and cause bleeding in the area
between the skull and hard lining of the brain, called dura. Such a condition is
called epidural or extradural hematoma.
4) Cerebral Edema
Cerebral edema refers to the swelling of a brain tissue, which may be in response
to electrolyte imbalance or head injury.
5) Brain Tumors
A brain tumor is characterized by the growth of an abnormal tissue inside the
brain, which may be cancerous (malignant) or noncancerous (non-malignant or
benign). Such an abnormal mass exerts pressure against the normal brain mass
and causes problems.
6) Seizures
Seizures may occur due to an underlying condition such as epilepsy. In the
case of epilepsy, an excessive and abnormal electrical activity leads to recurring
seizures in the brain. The causes of epilepsy include a stroke, brain infection, or
head injury.
7) Trauma
A severe shock may lead to a mental condition, called trauma. In the case of
trauma, the harmful effects last for a long time. It may involve conditions like a
concussion, intracerebral hemorrhage, and traumatic brain injury. Concussions are
caused by a brain injury, which may temporarily disturb the normal brain
7. Bronchi
Bronchi is a plural form of bronchus. Here it becomes pertinent to define
bronchus. A bronchus, on the other hand, can be defined as either of the two
branches of trachea which lead directly to the lungs. There are a number of
respiratory disorders that affect the subdivisions of windpipe at different levels,
i.e. bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli or respiratory sacs. For example, bronchitis –
as the very name suggests – is the inflammatory disorder of bronchi. It may occur
in either of the two major forms, viz. chronic and acute one.
Chronic bronchitis results from the prolonged exposure to the irritants and
smoking habits. While acute form is the result of the bacterial and viral infections.
As a response to the allergens (antigens producing abnormally vigorous immune
response), hyperactivity occurs in the bronchial canals. People call this condition
as asthma. Because of its vertical position, the right main bronchus is more
vulnerable to the disorders. It is because the germs and dust particles present in
the atmospheric air get entry into the right lung quite easily. Over there, they
cause mild or severe medical conditions.
8. Ear
Here follows a brief description of some of the commonly occurring ear
a. Otitis
Otitis is one of the common ear diseases referring to inflammation of ear. This
swelling may be due to some ear infection. The condition can occur in both
external and middle ear canals. Otitis externa has also got the name of swimmer's
ear. You call it “swimmer’s ear” especially because the inflection may be due to
prolonged swimming activity in water. In this type of the ear diseases, the human
ear hurts if you touch or pull its external part
b. Vertigo
When infections of the middle ear diseases spread to the inner ear, it results in
one of the inner ear diseases, i.e. vertigo. Vertigo is the perception of whirling or
spinning, which you commonly describe as dizziness. The victim either perceives
the walls to be moving around them, or they are moving in a circular motion. The
person experiences inappropriate spinning motions of the body with several
compromises on body balances. Such ear diseases also involve the symptoms of
vomiting, and difficulty to stand and walk straight. The treatment of the disorder
usually depends upon the fundamental cause of dizziness.
c. Rupture of the Eardrum
This is one of the very common ear diseases in people who are habitual of
picking ears with finger or hard object to remove dirt and wax. Frequent poking
results in perforation of the eardrum (tympanic membrane). The tympanic
membrane has the thickness equivalent to a single strand of hair. The rupture of
eardrum also results in unintended infections of the middle and inner ear as the
protective coating gets torn or damaged. Though the membrane can heal on its
own, it usually takes a lot of time.
9. Esophagus
Esophagus is a muscular tube that constitutes an important part of the
digestive system. There are a number of esophagus problems. Some of these are
mild while the others are of chronic nature.
a. Heartburn
One of the most commonly occurring diseases of wind pipe, it inflicts every
tenth American at least once a week. Its characteristics feature is the the reflux of
acidic contents of stomach into esophageal region. This reflux of acid occurs due
to the malfunctioning of Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES). It involves the
symptoms of severe sensation of burning near your heart, coarseness, coughing or
no symptoms at all. Now, in addition to esophagus definition, you have also learnt
about the heartburn.
b. GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
The gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD is one of the frequent cases of
heartburn with gradually developing severity. GERD affects the ring of muscles
between the stomach and esophagus, i.e. the lower esophageal sphincter. This
condition makes the victims suffer from acid indigestion and the heartburn.
Talking about the remedy, the doctors can treat most of the cases of GERD simply
be recommending changes in diet and the lifestyles. However, if the situation
aggravates, the patients need to go for proper medication or even surgery.
c. Plummer-Vinson Syndrome
It is the most common structural abnormality caused by iron-deficiency. The
condition has also got various other names, including sideropenic dysphagia and
Paterson Brown Kelley Syndrome. It is one of the very rare esophageal diseases.
As its characteristic symptoms, the sufferers face difficulty in swallowing.
However, they may also complain of a burning sensation and esophagus pain.
d. Esophageal Web
As it is decipherable from the name, esophageal web is the formation of a web
like structure across the lumen of esophagus, particularly, its upper part. The
projection of a thin mucosal membrane into the lumen causes constriction in the
e. Esophageal Ring
When there is the formation of a web like structure at the upper end of the
wind pipe, you call it esophageal web. On the other hand, an esophageal ring is
the formation of a ring-shaped tissue at the lower part of food pipe that is usually
benign. Nevertheless, the esophageal rings and webs are closely related. The
formation of a ring like structure of tissues across the food pipe may result in the
partial or complete blockage of its passage. Consequently, the victims experience
pain and difficulty while swallowing food. Such a physical defect may be present
in an individual from birth. However, injury and tumors may also lead to such a
f. Esophageal Varices
Esophageal Varices is the bulging and engorging of veins in gullet that may
lead to fatal bleeding. A varix is, actually, a varicose or a swollen vein. So, when
the veins in lower third of the gullet experience extreme dilation, you name the
condition as esophageal varices (plural of varix). They are likely to erupt and
cause lots of bleeding.
g. Esophagus Cancer
An uncommon but a serious condition, esophagus cancer occurs due to a
number of factors including chronic acid reflux, excessive drinking and smoking.
Excessive body weight can also serve as one of the causative factors. The disease
is, however, more common in men than in women. You can diagnose the
condition through the esophagus cancer symptoms which include pain in the chest
region, trouble in swallowing, weight loss, vomiting, chronic cough and
hoarseness, etc. The weight loss occurs because the patients are unable to eat
enough food to maintain their bodyweight.
10. Eye
The human eye is the organ which enables you to see These extremely
delicate organs can fall prey to different eye problems due to allergic factors,
unhygienic conditions and the old age. Below are some of the most common
diseases of eyes.
a. Conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis has got a common name – the pink eye disease. It is an
inflammation of conjunctiva, the transparent membrane which covers the sclera.
Inflammation of tiny blood vessels found in conjunctiva makes our eyes appear
b. Cataracts
Cataracts affect the eye lenses. They may occur due to old age or exist as a
defect by birth. Parts of lenses become opaque, blocking the passage of light to
the retina, thereby obstructing our vision.
c. Glaucoma
Glaucoma is a disease which leads to blindness due to a damage to the optic
nerve. When the optic nerve fails to transmit electric signals to the brain, an
individual is unable to see at all.
11. Gallbladder
Gallbladder is a small gland at the base of liver. Below are some of the most
common diseases of gallbladder.
a. Gallstones
The gallstone are usually small, hardened deposits that measure not more than
a few millimeters. That is why, in most of the cases, they do not cause any severe
symptoms and go without detection for years. At the later stage, however, they
lead to pain, infection and inflammation of the organ. The gallstones can be of
two major types, i.e. pigment stones and cholesterol stones.
b. Gallbladder Abscess
As the gallbladder facts indicate, some gallstones lead to the formation of pus.
Empyema is the name for this particular condition. Pus contains dead tissue,
bacteria and WBCs (i.e. white blood cells). An individual with pus in the biliary
vesicle experiences severe abdominal pain. You need to diagnose and treat the
condition at the earliest or else it may spread to other organs of the body and
become life-threatening.
c. Gallbladder Perforation
After the successful diagnosis of gallstones, the victim should seek
appropriate treatment as early as possible. If there is delay in treatment, the
gallstones are likely to perforate the organ. It triggers the need for the diagnosis of
gallbladder tearing. Otherwise, the tear will lead to widespread abdominal
infection. Further complication will claim the life of the victim.
d. Gallbladder Cancer
There are usually very rare cases of this type of cancer. However, there are
chances for its spreading to other parts of the body. In that case, the disease
becomes fatal. If there is timely discovery of the gallbladder cancer, it is easily
treatable. But, unfortunately, it is one of the gallbladder facts that in most of the
cases, the cancer is diagnosed at a very later stage. The primary reason behind
delay in the diagnosis is that such type of cancer does not cause any obvious signs
or symptoms soon after its onset.
12. Genitals
The genitals are the external structures in humans. They have to play a
significant role in sexual reproduction for the continuation of human race.
Genitals facts suggest that there are usually two external sexual organs (genitalia)
in male humans, namely, penis and scrotum. On the other hand, in females, these
are three in number, that is, clitoris, labia and vagina. Any infectious or mild
malfunctioning of external reproductive structures causes a great deal of
embarrassment for the individual.
Some of the major disorders of male genitalia include Priapism, Peyronie's
Disease, Penile Cancer, and Paraphimosis. Phimosis, torsion and cancer of the
testes, varicocele and hydrocels are some other conditions of the male sex organs.
Likewise, there are many malformations, and infectious & inflammatory diseases
of female genitals, namely, Chlamydia, candidiasis, herpes and cancer. All of such
diseases have cure the patients are able to receive treatment well in time.
13. Heart
Heart it is the main organ of your body's circulatory system, pumping blood
throughout the body. Below are some of the most common diseases of heart.
a. Coronary Artery Disease
The blood vessels which transport blood to the heart become narrow due to a
deposition of plaque, forcing the heart to work harder. As a result, the heart
muscles gradually become weak. This is a fatal disease which is the result of a
high blood cholesterol level.
b. Myocardial Infarction
It is one of most dangerous heart diseases. More commonly known as heart attack,
myocardial infarction may lead to death on the spot if the individual in unable to
get prompt medical help. A heart attack more commonly occurs in patients who
are already suffering from coronary artery disease.
The flow of blood to the heart is either reduces or there is complete blockage,
depriving the heart cells of oxygen. As a result, all the heart functions come to an
c. Congestive Heart Failure
It is a common heart disease which develops as a result of coronary artery
disease or a heart attack. The heart of the patient suffers from damage and is
unable to perform the heart functions up to its full capacity. As a result,
insufficient blood is pumped and the body's oxygen requirements are not fulfilled.
The patients experience fatigue and shortness of breath.
14. Kidney
Kidney is a smart, natural purification plant of your body. Working tirelessly
day and night, it performs a plethora of jobs assigned to it, including purification
of blood, removal of wastes, regulation of homeostasis, maintenance of blood
pressure, secretion of enzymes and hormones. There are several of a kidney
a. Kidney Stone Disease
A renal calculus or kidney stone refers to the formation of hard, solid lump in
the kidney. It is a painful condition and occurs when substances, like calcium
oxalate, concentrate in the urine and coalesce to form stones. By controlling
factors, like obesity, diet, medications and hydration, you can successfully prevent
the kidney stones symptoms from occurring.
b. Kidney Failure
The kidney failure can be of two types, acute and chronic. When both the
kidneys suddenly stop functioning, it is called acute renal failure. Whereas, in
case of chronic renal failure, both the kidneys gradually cease to function. In
chronic renal failure, a kidney suffers damage from an injury or inflammation
over several months or years. Meanwhile, the healthy tissue compensates for the
loss of function. The extra work load damages the healthy tissue as well and
eventually the entire kidney ceases to function.
15. Large Intestine
The large intestine is last major segment of the digestive system consists of a
long, winding and comparatively wide canal. It performs the finishing task of
gastrointestinal system responsibilities by absorbing the leftover fluids, salts and
vitamins, etc. In biological terms, you call this organ the large intestine. The
colonic disorders may involve the symptoms, like large intestine pain. Some of
them may be benign, while others are chronic and may claim the life of the
a. Colorectal Cancer
Talking of the colorectal cancer, it is common among the individuals of over
the age of 50. The risks of this cancer increase with age. Colonic polyps involve
the growth of extra tissue in the lining of large bowel. This growth may become
cancerous. So, the doctors have to use surgical therapy to remove it out of the
b. Ulcerative Colitis
The condition of ulcerative colitis is the condition of pain and bloody diarrhea.
It refers to the ulcerous abnormality arising either in the colon or its rectal region.
The abnormality can occur at any time but usually starts at the age of 15 to 30
c. Diverticulitis
Diverticulitis involves infection or inflammatory disorder of pouches in the large
intestine. You can treat it through antibiotics, pain killer medications and liquid
diet supplementation.
d. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome, as the very name indicates, causes irritation and
difficulty in the passage of bowels. Meanwhile, the patients experience abdominal
pain, cramping and other symptoms. Supplemental diet, stress management and
use of medications are very helpful. However, you should apply them at the early
developmental stages of the condition.
16. Larynx
Larynx is structure lying just at the top of trachea. It plays a significant role in
the production of vocal sounds. The larynx is also responsible for the protection of
windpipe against the entry of food particles. Here follows a brief discussion of
some of the commonly occurring laryngeal diseases:
a. Laryngeal Nodules
The nodules and calluses of the larynx are most common in human females
and children. They occur due to the overuse or improper production of voice. You
can diagnose the laryngeal calluses through the breathy and raspy voice. An
appropriate speech therapy is useful for the treatment of such a condition. And, if
the symptoms do not ameliorate, the patients need to opt for surgical therapy.
b. Larynx Cancer
The larynx cancer or laryngeal carcinoma involves the formation of malignant
cells in the tissues of the larynx. The origin of the laryngeal carcinoma lies in the
skin of larynx. The symptoms of the disease include a sore throat and a severe
pain in the ear. Drinking too much alcohol and the excessive use of tobacco
products are the main risk factors for this condition. Physical examination of the
neck and throat, biopsy and CT Scan are useful for the diagnosis of the diseases.
c. Laryngitis Sicca
If an individual’s voice becomes hoarse and unpredictable, they are likely to
be suffering from laryngitis sicca. In addition, the throat becomes dry and there is
the development of crusting on the surface of the larynx including the vocal folds.
Inhaling polluted air, smoking tobacco and dehydration are some of the causative
factors for laryngitis sicca. Generally, it is fairly difficult to manage this
condition. However, if you increase hydration and stop smoking it will be very
helpful to ameliorate the symptoms.
17. Liver
Liver is the largest internal organ that supports almost every other organ in
your body. It has a reddish-brown appearance and feels rubbery to the touch. This
vital organ is responsible for hundreds of chemical reactions that are necessary for
your survival. There are the type of liver diseases.
a. Jaundice
Jaundice is one of the common types of liver diseases that refers to the golden
yellow appearance of skin and sclera. It results from too much accumulation of
bilirubin in the body fluids. Jaundice is first noticeable in the sclera of the eyes.
You call this yellow discoloration of the sclera as icterus. Jaundice is evident in
skin when serum bilirubin level is 2.5 to 3 mg/dL.
b. Drug-induced Hepatotoxicity
As the very name implies, drug-induced hepatotoxicity is one of the types of
liver diseases which occur due to the effect of drugs on liver. Many drugs can
harm the liver severely. Therefore, it is always wiser to consult a health
professional before taking any medicine. And you should refrain from self-
c. Alcoholic liver disease
The overuse of alcohol can cause several types of liver diseases. They include
the buildup of fat in the liver, alcoholic cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis, and so on. In
comparison with men, women seem to be more susceptible to alcoholic liver
injury. Alcoholic cirrhosis which develops in 15% of the alcoholics is the most
common disease that requires liver transplantation in adults.
d. Cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is an end-stage liver disease. Here alcohol is the direct hepatotoxin.
And it is the most common cause of cirrhosis in the western world. In cirrhosis,
there is total disruption of the liver architecture due to fibrosis and nodule
formation. This disruption in the liver architecture eventually interferes with liver
blood flow and function.
e. Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E
These are different types of liver diseases that occur by the at-tack of different
types of viruses. For example, hepatitis A occurs due to hepatitis A virus, and the
causative agent for hepatitis B is the hepatitis B virus.
f. Liver Abscess
The abdominal infections, like appendicitis and diverticulitis, trigger the
formation of pus-filled mass inside the organ.
g. Liver Tumors
The benign or noncancerous liver tumors, usually, do not pose a serious risk
for health. The malignant or cancerous liver tumors, on the other hand, pose a
seri-ous health risk. They can be either primary or metastatic. The first type, the
primary he-patic tumors originate in the liver. In the second type, the metastatic
liver tumor, the cancer develops elsewhere in the body and spreads to the liver.
18. Lungs
Lungs are the major organ of our respiratory system. They help you obtain
oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide. There are different categories of lungs
diseases, for example, inflammatory, obstructive and restrictive lungs diseases.
Here is the list of most common lung diseases in the world.
a. Emphysema
Emphysema is obstructive and one of the most lethal diseases of lungs that is
lasting and intense in nature. The main causes are smoking and too much
exposure to pollution. The sufferers face breathing problem, which is the major
symptom. In this condition, the cells which support the function of lungs are
dissolved. Resultantly, there is also a harmful effect on the physical shape of
b. Asthma
Asthma is combination of obstructive and inflammatory lung diseases. The
attacks can be alarming at places containing tobacco, medications, chemicals,
factory fumes and dust, etc. However, these cases are highly diverse in their
nature and may not be specific to allergens.
COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease has many names such as
COLD and COAD, etc. Here COLD stands for chronic obstructive lung disease
while COAD is an acronym for chronic obstructive airway disease. It is a lung
disorder in which problem of breathing occurs when airways are narrowed. The
narrowing of airways is because of the Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis
diseases. It mostly occurs due to tobacco smoking and sometimes by gas.
d. Pneumonia
Pneumonia is an inflammatory lung disease which affects the microscopic
sacs of lungs. The causes are many. However, the most common is infection.
Infection of this type occurs due to bacteria and virus. Common symptoms are
fever, cough and shortness of breathing. Antibiotics are effective against the lung
infections in such lungs diseases.
e. Chronic Bronchitis
Chronic Bronchitis is obstructive lung disease. It is one of the most common
diseases of lungs. Meanwhile, chronic bronchitis is one of the two main types of
COPD. The symptoms include long-term cough, which may last for two years.
Shortness of breathing is another symptom of Bronchitis. Tobacco Smoking,
polluted areas and allergies are major causes for this type of lungs diseases.
f. Lung Cancer
One of the fatal lungs diseases, the lung cancer occurs when unusual cells
growth arises in tissues of lung. If not treated timely, it can spread in other parts of
the body as well. The most common cause is Smoking and symptoms include
weight loss and breathing problem. Patient’s survival depends on the stage of
disease and many other aspects. Small Cell Lung Carcinoma and Non- Small Cell
Lung Carcinoma are two types of lung cancer.
g. Pulmonary Fibrosis
Pulmonary fibrosis is one of the serious lungs diseases. When excessive
fibrosis develops in lungs, the condition is referred to pulmonary fibrosis.
Sometimes it is called scarring of lungs. Symptoms are shortness of breath, rapid
weight loss, pain and weakness. Dust is the major cause of this disease.
h. Sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis is one of those lung diseases which have unknown causes. It is
also known as Sarcoid. Sarcoid is a condition in which unusual collection of
chronic inflammatory cells occurs in different organs in form of nodules. It has
many vague symptoms, for example, persistent tiredness, pain, weakness, and
weight loss. Vision disorder, breathing problem, swelling and dry eyes are some
other symptoms. Sarcoidosis can affect any organ of the body.
i. Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis in another painful condition on the list of lungs diseases. It
occurs when sodium and chloride regulate abnormally across epithelium. Such a
condition leads to thick secretions. Frequent use of antibiotics and medication for
treating lungs infection can cause breathing problem.
j. Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis or TB arises when a tuberculosis patient sneezes or coughs in
open air. Beside lungs, it can also affect several other organs of the body. The
most familiar symptoms of tuberculosis are chronic cough, fever, weakness and
weight loss. For the latent type, the patients may take an antibiotic, isoniazid. It is
effective in preventing the dormant infection from becoming active. On the other
hand, the victims of active TB disease need to take a combination of several
antibiotics for six months or more. These drugs will treat the infection and prevent
the resistant bacteria from emerging in the body.
19. Pharynx
The pharynx is a shared passageway of the digestive and respiratory systems.
It is positioned above the esophagus and larynx and behind the mouth and the
nasal cavity. Since the hollow tubular structure of the pharynx is connected with
oral as well as nasal cavities, it may be affected by the disease-causing agents
which are present in the ingested food or the inhaled air. These disease-causing
agents may give rise to pharyngeal disorders or infections. Common disorders of
pharynx include pharyngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngeal cancer and adenoids
a. Pharyngitis
Pharyngitis is of different types and its severity may vary based on the nature
of the causative agent. Pharyngitis caused by streptococcus pyogenes is one of the
most common and controversial issues faced by the clinicians on daily basis.
Streptococcus pyogenes is a Group A hemolytic streptococcus.The patients
sufferingfrom acute illness also pose the risk of the potential spread of the
organism to affect other individuals.
b. Dysphagia
Dysphagia or impairment of deglutition is one of the most disabling
conditions which arise from the neuromuscular disorders and cause high
morbidity, mortality and cost. The condition typically refers to difficulty in eating,
resulting from disruption in the process of swallowing. Dysphagia can be of two
types, that is, esophageal or oropharyngeal. Here our focus shall be on the
oropharyngeal type of dysphagia. Also known as transfer dysphagia, the
oropharyngeal dysphagia results from the diseases which affect the functioning of
the larynx, oropharynx and upper esophageal sphincter.
c. Pharyngeal Cancers
The cancer of oral cavity is the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in
men in India. The causes of oral and pharyngeal cancers include alcohol
consumption, cigarette smoking and chewing tobacco or betel quid. Pharyngeal
cancers is the development of malignant tumors in the pharynx. The oral cancers,
on the other hand, are characterized by the malignant tumors inside the oral cavity
or on the lips. In most of the cases, the pharyngeal cancer isthe squamous cell
carcinoma which is a type of skin cancer.
20. Mouth
Mouth is that it is the anterior most part of the gastrointestinal tract. According
to mouth definition, this organ is also known as the oral cavity. This cavity
contains several different other organs. Organs in the oral cavity include uvula,
palate, teeth, tongue. The mouth is one of the principal organs in your body. Also
it is a complementary structure of many systems. Therefore, the ailments of mouth
not only disturb the vital mechanisms but also give rise to several other diseases.
Some disorders may also claim the life of the victim. Below is the brief
description of some oral conditions.
a. Stomatitis
There are certain local factors that cause and intensify the oral condition,
stomatitis. It is characterized by the inflammatory infections of oral mucosa.
Inflammation of mouth and the development of sores.
b. Oral Lichen Planus
It is one of the types of erosive lichen planus. The oral lichen planus manifests
itself through certain obvious diagnostic symptoms. For example, white patches
may appear at any site in the oral cavity. Dryness of mouth with a metallic,
burning taste. Appearance of white patches on your gums, cheeks and tongue.
Painful and burning sensation in the sores which aggravates as you eat salty or
spicy foods.
c. Mouth Ulcer
Mouth ulcer constitutes one of the most frequently occurring oral
abnormalities. Such conditions may affect almost every individual in the world.
Some of the obvious causes include the intake of hot foods or drinks and jagged
teeth. Meanwhile, the use of strong mouthwashes and antiseptics can damage the
lining of oral cavity.
21. Pancreas
Pancreas is a long, irregularly shaped gland that lies behind the stomach and
secretes somatostatin, glucagon and insulin into the blood stream, and pancreatic
juice containing pancreatic enzymes into the duodenum of small intestine. Here
follows a brief description of causes, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment and
preventive measures for some of the pancreas diseases.
a. Pancreatitis
A rare but dangerous disease, pancreatitis is the inflammation of pancreatic
acini. Forming the exocrine component of pancreas, acini are the spherical masses
of the pancreatic acinar cells. The inflammation can be of two types, acute and
chronic. Though the acute condition subsides within days or a week, it may
involve life-threatening complications, such as pancreas infection in the collected
fluid, called pseudocyst. The chronic condition may cause permanent damage to
the organ, resulting in pancreas failure. It can also cause diabetes mellitus.
b. Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer refers to the growth of malignant cells in the pear-shaped
organ located just below and behind the stomach, the pancreas. As it grows, the
malignancy may block the bile duct and impair the process of digestion in the
small intestine.
22. Skin
The color of the skin signifies different types of skin conditions. Some of the
skin diseases are visible through a color or some color patches which appear on
the skin. Skin cancer, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and acne are some of the
common skin diseases which are discussed below at length.
a. Atopic Dermatitis
More commonly known as eczema, atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin
disease. Its most common symptoms include irritating dry, red patches as well as
rashes on the skin.
b. Melanoma
Melanoma is known as skin cancer which develops due to prolonged exposure
to the harmful rays of the sun. These rays induce overproduction of melanin, the
pigment found in skin. As a result, dark spots and moles are formed on the skin.
Melanoma is a serious skin condition which can be fatal.
c. Psoriasis
Psoriasis is another inflammatory disease which results in dry and itchy
patches on the skin. This disease develops due to an abnormal reproduction of
skin cells. So far, no permanent cure has been developed for psoriasis.
d. Acne
Acne is one of the most common skin disorders faced by people of all ages.
The most common cause of acne among teenagers is hormonal imbalances. A lack
of hygiene may also lead towards the development of acne as bacterial invasions
and clogged pores result in the formation of pimples.
23. Small Intestine
Small intestine is the principle digestive organ. It not only serves as a site for
most of the digestion and absorption of food but also has a role in immunity and
performs several other functions. So, a small intestine disease can adversely affect
one or more of the functions of the organ. Some of the small intestine disorders
include cancer, ulcer, celiac disease, intestinal obstruction.
a. Small Bowel Obstruction
Small bowl obstruction refers to the partial or complete blockage of small
bowel. Such a condition impedes the normal passage of luminal contents through
the small intestines. This potentially dangerous condition can seriously affect the
quality of your life. Small bowel obstruction may occur due to multiple reasons,
for example, cancer, internal scar tissue and strangulated hernia. A strangulated
hernia is a protruding portion of the small intestine that comes out through a weak
spot in the abdominal wall.
b. Celiac Disease
The celiac disease, also called celiac sprue, is a digestive disorder that is more
common in people of European descent than in others. It may cause diarrhea,
weight loss, fatigue and pain in bones. Celiac disease is a condition that results
from gliadin protein found in gluten. Gluten is a component of wheat that renders
smoothness and elasticity to the flour. The presence of gluten in food produces an
immune reaction. Such an immune reaction causes a damage to the lining of the
small intestine.
c. Small Intestine Cancer
Causative factors for different intestinal cancers may be common, but each
type has some of its own specific causes as well. For example, smoking, use of
alcohol, celiac disease and Crohn’s disease are some of the causes of small
intestine adenocarcinoma. Meanwhile, age, sex and diet can also play a role in this
d. Duodenal Ulcer
Duodenal ulcer is a type of peptic ulcer which affects the upper small intestine
or duodenum. Another major type of peptic ulcer is gastric ulcer which damages
the stomach wall. Duodenal ulcer forms when the protective layer of duodenum is
broken down. So, the intestinal wall is exposed to damage from hydrochloric acid
and pepsin enzyme, coming from the stomach. With timely and effective
treatment, the duodenal ulcer symptoms go away quickly.
e. Intestinal Lymphoma
The cancer that occurs in your body’s lymph nodes is called lymphoma. While
there can be Hodgkin or non-Hodgkin lymphomas, the intestinal lymphoma is
essentially a non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It originates in the B or T cells. The most
frequent sites for the occurrence of the disease include small intestine, stomach
and ileocecal region. A complication of celiac sprue may lead to intestinal
lymphoma of the small bowel. Celiac sprue, on the other hand, is the body’s
intolerance to gluten which is a component of wheat and several other grains. The
presence of gluten triggers an immune reaction which damages the lining of small
24. Stomach
Stomach diseases may have a mild or serious effect on the normal working of
the stomach – one of the top ten very important organs of your body. Some fatal
disorders even require the removal of this organ.
a. Peptic Ulcer (Gastric Ulcer)
Peptic ulcer refers to the formation of painful sores in the lining of the
stomach or duodenum – first part of the small intestine. Sometime, it may also
affect the esophagus. When the formation of sores occurs in stomach, the
condition is called stomach ulcer or gastric ulcer.
b. Dyspepsia
Dyspepsia is one of the commonly occurring stomach conditions. Indigestion
is a common term for this digestive disorder. Most of the people in the world
experience some symptoms of dyspepsia at some stage in their lives. The
causative factors for the disease include hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux
disease (GERD), peptic ulcer, depression and stomach cancer.
c. Stomach Flu
The stomach flu is different from the real flu or influenza. Influenza affects
different parts of respiratory system. On the other hand, stomach flu is an
infection of the stomach and the intestine. Another medical term for this condition
is gastroenteritis.
d. Stomach Cancer
Gastric or stomach cancer refers to the growth of malignant cells in the lining
of the stomach. Mostly, the cancer of stomach is associated with adenocarcinoma.
In this case, the growth of cancerous cells occurs in the cells of the stomach wall.
e. Gastritis
As the name suggests, gastritis is an inflammation of the wall of stomach. The
condition may be acute (occurring suddenly) or chronic (gradual development).
Infection of Helicobacter pylori, stress, chronic vomiting, excessive consumption
of alcohol and certain medications can serve as major causes for the onset of this
disorder. Meanwhile, the reflux of bile from the bile tract into the stomach is also
one of the causes of the gastritis.
25. Tongue
Tongue is a fleshy, movable muscular organ in the floor of the mouth of most
vertebrates that contains sensory end organs and small glands and functions in
taking and swallowing food, and also as a speech organ in humans.
a. Tongue Cancer
Tongue cancer is the most serious disorder that affects the people over 40. The
cancer forms in the squamous cells in the front two-thirds of your tongue (the oral
tongue). Covering the surface of your tongue, the squamous cells are thin, flat
cells. If malignancy appears in the back of your tongue (the base of the tongue), it
would be a kind of neck or head cancer. Tongue biopsy helps diagnose the type
and stage of the tumor.
b. Tongue Ulcer
The breakage or erosion of the surface of the tongue leads to the development
of tongue ulcers. The open tongue sores, associated with tongue ulcers, can appear
in other parts of the mouth as well. On the other hand, holes or breaks in the
protective lining of the small intestine are called peptic ulcers. A number of
different factors may lead to the appearance of painful tongue sores. Physical
injury, allergies, chemical sensitivity, food sensitivities and bacterial or viral
tongue infection are some of the common causes of mouth and tongue ulcers.
Other tongue ulcer causes include tongue fungus and immune disorders.
c. Tongue Glossitis
Tongue glossitis is a condition that refers to the loss of lingual papillae
(depapillation) and smoothening and reddening of the surface of the organ.
Glossitis is actually a type of geographic tongue. In geographic tongue, the
irregular patches on tongue give it a map-like appearance.
26. Uterus
Uterus is a crucial organ in the female reproductive system, the uterus or
womb can be defined as a hollow muscular organ placed in the female pelvis
between the rectum and the urinary bladder. Made up of thick walls, it appears
like an upside-down pear. Several uterus diseases of mild and serious nature are
known today. Most of them have effective cure if timely diagnosed and treated.
Some pathological states of the womb include prolapse of the uterus, carcinoma
of the cervix and of the uterus, fibroids, adenomyosis, endometritis, hematometra,
and so on. The prolapse of the uterus is a condition characterized by the
descension of the uterus in the vagina. The prolapse may occur due to repeated
childbirth, perineal tears, and the loss of tone of muscles of pelvic diaphragm. In
extreme cases (in procidentia), the whole uterus may protrude outside the vaginal

B. Chronic Diseases In Human Organ

1. Cardiovascular Diseases
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.Coronary heart
disease, the most common type of heart disease, occurs when the arteries that
supply blood to the heart muscle become hardened and narrow. Coronary heart
disease can cause angina (chest pain) or a heart attack and, over time, contribute
to serious disability or death. Other chronic, serious cardiovascular conditions
include hypertension, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and peripheral arterial
disease. Rare cardiovascular disorders include Marfan syndrome, a connective
tissue disorder that affects growth and development, including the heart and blood
vessels; long QT syndrome, a disorder of the heart's electrical activity that may
cause a sudden, uncontrollable, and dangerous heart rhythm; and congenital heart
2. Lung Diseases
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the fourth leading cause of death in
the United Statecauses airflow obstruction in the lungs that makes breathing
difficult. Asthma, the most common chronic disease of childhood, is characterized
by inflamed or swollen airways. Asthma can be controlled so that individuals
have fewer and less frequent symptoms or can be more active. Rare lung diseases
include cystic fibrosis, an inherited disease that affects multiple organs, and
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, in which lung tissue becomes thick and stiff,
resulting in loss of function
3. Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes is characterized by abnormally high levels of glucose (sugar) in the
blood. It can be caused by either autoimmune destruction of cells in the pancreas
(type 1) or the inability of tissues such as the muscles and liver to properly use
insulin (type 2). Diabetes can result in complications such as heart disease, stroke,
hypertension, and nerve damage. It is also the leading cause of kidney failure and
nontraumatic lower limb amputation in the United States and of new cases of
blindness among working-age Americans.
4. Obesity
Obesity, which has risen to epidemic levels in the United States, is a chronic,
relapsing health problem caused by an interaction of genes, environment, and
behavior. A common measure of overweight and obesity in adults is body mass
index (BMI) a calculation based on height and weight. For most people, BMI
correlates with their amount of body fat, and it is used as an indicator of weight-
related health risks. An adult with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered
overweight, whereas an adult with a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese.
BMI numbers are interpreted differently for children; however, as with adults,
rates of overweight and obesity have risen dramatically for children in recent
years. Obesity increases the risk of other chronic conditions, including type 2
diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers, osteoarthritis, liver and gallbladder
disease, urinary incontinence, sleep apnea, and depression.
5. Kidney Diseases
Chronic kidney disease is the progressive, permanent loss of kidney function
that can result from physical injury or from a disease that damages the kidney,
such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or polycystic kidney disease. Patients with
advanced chronic kidney disease may progress to irreversible kidney failure and
require immediate, life-saving dialysis or a kidney transplant. Chronic kidney
disease is a growing problem in the United States; between 1990 and 2000, the
number of people with kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplantation
6. Digestive and Urologic Diseases
Diseases of the digestive system involve many organs (e.g., intestine,
stomach, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas) and include disorders such as irritable
bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, celiac disease, peptic ulcer
disease, gallstones, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and chronic pancreatitis.
Illnesses of the genitourinary tract are similarly diverse and include chronic
prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, interstitial cystitis and painful bladder
syndrome, urinary incontinence, and urinary tract infections.
7. Liver Diseases
Chronic forms of liver disease include chronic viral hepatitis (B and C),
alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, genetic diseases such as
hemochromatosis, and autoimmune diseases such as primary sclerosing
cholangitis. Significant liver injury can sometimes result from adverse reactions
to medical drugs and other compounds. Although many organ systems may be
damaged by chronic alcohol use, alcoholic liver disease is the leading cause of
death from excessive and long-term alcohol consumption.
8. Blood Diseases
Chronic anemias result from a deficiency of red blood cells or an abnormality
in hemoglobin production, as is the case with sickle cell disease and Cooley's
anemia. Patients can experience pain, fatigue, and other, serious health problems.
Chronic inherited bleeding disorders such as hemophilia and von Willebrand
disease leave patients at risk for uncontrollable bleeding. Conversely, clotting
disorders such as deep vein thrombosis can lead to the formation of life-
threatening blood clots.
9. Musculoskeletal Disease
Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, is a degenerative disease
caused by the breakdown of cartilage, leading to pain, swelling, and stiffness in
joints. Osteoporosis, another musculoskeletal disease that causes significant
disability, occurs when bones become thin, weak, and fragile. Other chronic bone
diseases include osteogenesis imperfecta, a genetic disease that causes bones to
become brittle and break for no known reason, and Paget's disease of bone, in
which bones grow larger and weaker than normal.
10. Skin Disorders
Skin, the largest organ of the body, separates the internal organs from the
outside environment, protects against bacteria and viruses, regulates body
temperature, and provides sensory information about surroundings. The most
common type of eczema— inflammation of the skin—is atopic dermatitis, which
is characterized by dry, itchy skin. Chronic wounds on the skin or impaired
wound healing are common in elderly, bed-ridden, and diabetic populations.
11. Eye Diseases and Deafness
Diseases of the eyes and ears can lead to chronic impairment or loss of vision
and hearing. Middle ear infections (otitis media) can cause temporary hearing loss
in children that can become permanent. Age-related macular degeneration (loss of
cells in the retina) or hearing loss can reduce independence and quality of life in
the elderly. Uveitis (inflammation of the eye) and glaucoma (damage to the optic
nerve) are significant causes of new blindness in adults.
12. Dental and Craniofacial Disorders
Periodontal disease is a disorder of the gingiva and tissues around the teeth. It
varies in severity but can lead to bleeding, pain, infection, tooth mobility, and
tooth loss. Periodontal disease can affect other organs and has been linked to
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and pulmonary disease. Temporomandibular
joint and muscle disorders, commonly called TMJD, are a group of conditions
that cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw
movement. The primary symptom of these disorders is pain, which can become
permanent and debilitating.
13. Mental Illness and Addiction
Mental disorders are the leading cause of disability in the United States and
Canada. Mental illness can also coexist with a number of other chronic diseases.
For example, unipolar depressive disorder, a major contributor to disability
worldwide, can be triggered by chronic diseases such as cancer or stroke in those
who are prone to the disorder. Conversely, depression is associated with an
increased risk for other diseases, such as coronary heart disease. Mental disorders
often co-occur with alcohol dependence and other substance abuse, making
treatment of either disorder more difficult. Addictions to alcohol and other drugs
of abuse also are chronic diseases that have both physiological and behavioral

C. Vocabularies in Diseases of Human Organ

No Vocabularies Kosa Kata Arti
1 Acne Jerawat Penyakit radang yang melibatkan
kelenjar sebaceous pada kulit.
2 Adenomalacia Adenomalacia Pelunakan kelenjar yang tidak normal.
3 Adenosclerosis Adeno sklerosis Pengerasan kelenjar yang tidak normal.
4 Allergy Alergi Reaksi imunologis hipersensitif terhadap
beberapa zat.
5 Amnesia Amnesia Hilangnya sebagian atau seluruh memori.
6 Anxiety Cemas Keadaan khawatir dan gugup terhadap
suatu hal.
7 Aphasia Afasia Ketidakmampuan untuk menggunakan
bahasa karena lesi otak.
8 Aplasia Aplasia Kurangnya perkembangan organ atau
9 Arthritis Radang sendi Peradangan pada daerah sendi.
10 Ascites Asites Akumulasi cairan serosa di rongga
11 Asthma Asma Gangguan pernapasan yang ditandai
dengan suara mengi.
12 Astigmatism Rabun jauh Gangguan pengelihatan yang
menyebabkan seseorang tidak bisa
melihat dengan jelas objek jarak jauh
13 Atherosclerosis Aterosklerosis Tahap arteriosklerosis yang melibatkan
endapan lemak (atheroma) di dalam
dinding arteri, sehingga mempersempit
14 Atrophy Atrophia Penurunan ukuran / massa organ yang
disebabkan oleh penyakit atau akibat
jarang digunakan.
15 Autism Autisme Sebuah sindrom yang melibatkan
gangguan sosial dan komunikasi.
16 Botulism Botulisme Keracunan makanan karena menelan
17 Bruise Memar Area gelap yang menyakitkan di kulit
akibat benturan/pukulan benda tumpul
yang langsung mengenai kulit.
18 Cancer Kanker Pertumbuhan sel ganas yang disebabkan
oleh pembelahan sel yang tidak
19 Carcinoma Karsinoma Setiap tumor ganas yang berasal dari
jaringan epitel.
20 Cellulitis Selulitis Peradangan jaringan tubuh (terutama
yang di bawah kulit) ditandai dengan
demam, pembengkakan, kemerahan, dan
21 Chickenpox Cacar air Penyakit menular akut yang disebabkan
oleh virus herpes varicella zoster,
menyebabkan ruam vesikel pada kulit
22 Congenital Bawaan Gangguan perkembangan sebelum
kelahiran, pengaruh prenatal, kelahiran
prematur, atau cedera saat lahir.
23 Convalescence Pemulihan Proses penyembuhan bertahap melalui
istirahat setelah sakit atau cedera.
24 Cough Batuk Respon alami dari tubuh sebagai sistem
pertahanan untuk mengeluarkan zat dan
partikel dari dalam saluran pernapasan,
serta mencegah benda asing masuk ke
saluran napas bawah.
25 Dementia Demensia Kumpulan penyakit dengan gejala –
gejala yang mengakibatkan perubahan
pada pasien dalam cara berpikir dan
berinteraksi dengan orang lain.
26 Depression Depresi Suatu kondisi medis berupa perasaan
sedih yang berdampak negatif terhadap
pikiran, tindakan, perasaan, dan
kesehatan mental seseorang.
27 Dizziness Pusing Istilah yang digunakan untuk
menjelaskan perasaan melayang,
mengambang, atau tidak seimbang.
28 Dyslexia Disleksia Gangguan kemampuan belajar membaca.
29 Eczema Eksim Suatu kondisi peradangan pada kulit
30 Fever Demam Suhu tubuh tinggi yang tidak normal,
biasanya disertai dengan menggigil, sakit
kepala, dan dalam kasus parah, delirium.
31 Glioma Glioma Tumor otak yang berasal dari sel-sel
penyokong susunan saraf pusat.
32 Headache Sakit kepala Rasa sakit atau nyeri di kepala yang bisa
muncul secara bertahap atau mendadak
33 Hypermetropia Rabun dekat Gangguan pengelihatan yang
menyebabkan seseorang tidak bisa
melihat dengan jelas objek jarak dekat.
34 Idiopathic Idiopatik Tanpa sebab
35 Impotence Impotensi Kondisi ketika penis tidak mampu ereksi
atau mempertahankan ereksi, walaupun
terdapat rangsangan seksual.
36 Insomnia Insomnia Ketidakmampuan untuk tidur
37 Lymphoma Limfoma Suatu neoplasma jaringan getah bening
yang biasanya ganas.
38 Melanoma Melanoma Jenis kanker kulit yang paling fatal,
terjadi ketika sel-sel penghasil pigmen
yang memberikan warna pada kulit
menjadi bersifat kanker.
39 Migraine Migrain Sakit kepala yang parah dan berulang
40 Myeloma Myeloma Tumor sumsum tulang (biasanya ganas)
terdiri dari sel-sel yang biasanya
ditemukan di sumsum tulang
41 Narcolepsy Narkolepsi Gangguan yang ditandai dengan episode
tiba-tiba tidur nyenyak
42 Nausea Mual Perasaan tidak menyenangkan yang ada
sebelum muntah
43 Pyelitis Pyelitis Radang pada bagian pelvis ginjal
44 Rash Ruam Peradangan dan perubahan warna yang
terjadi pada kulit.
45 Sarcoma Sarkoma Tumor yang biasanya ganas yang timbul
dari jaringan ikat.
46 Schistosomiasis Schistosomiasis Penyakit yang disebabkan cacing parasit
/ demam siput yang hidup di air di daerah subtropis dan
tropis. Penyakit ini dapat menyerang
semua sistem pada tubuh manusia.
47 Smallpox Cacar Penyakit virus yang sangat menular yang
ditandai oleh demam dan kelemahan serta
erupsi kulit dengan pustula yang
membentuk keropeng yang mengelupas
meninggalkan bekas luka.
48 Sneezing Bersin Semburan udara atau lendir secara tiba-
tiba yang keluar lewat mulut dan hidung.
49 Spondylitis Spondilitis Radang sendi tulang belakang.
50 Thrush Sariawan Suatu luka kecil dangkal di dalam mulut
atau di dasar gusi.
51 Ulcer Ulkus Lesi / luka inflamasi yang menyebabkan
pembusukan jaringan
52 Vitiligo Vitiligo Kondisi kulit yang ditandai dengan
bercak-bercak kulit tidak berpigmen.
53 Vomiting Muntah Suatu refleks yang tidak dapat dikontrol
untuk mengeluarkan isi lambung dengan
paksa melalui mulut
54 Wart Kutil Infeksi pada permukaan kulit yang
ditandai dengan benjolan kecil, bertekstur
kasar, berwarna pucat atau kecoklatan,
serta terkadang gatal dan sakit jika

Avaiable on July 3,
Avaiable on July
3, 2019
Avaiable on July 3, 2019
Avaiable on July 3, 2019
Avaiable on July 3, 2019
Zelman, Human Diseases: A Systemic Approach (7th Edition).
New York: Pearson

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