Villahermosa SR V Caracol

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Villahermosa Sr.

v Caracol

A.C. No. 7325

January 21, 2015


Villahermosa Sr. filed a complaint for disbarment against Atty. Isidro Caracol for deceit, gross
misconduct and violation of oath under Section 27, Rules 138 of Rules of Court.


- respondent in two land cases3 involving cancellation of emancipation patents and transfer
certificates of title, cancellation of special power of attorney and deeds of absolute sale and
recovery of ownership and possession of parcels of land derived from Original Certificate of Title
(OCT) No. 433 which covered 23.3018 hectares of land in Valencia, Bukidnon. Counsel on record
for plaintiff was Atty. Fidel Aquino.
- OCT No. 433 was a homestead patent granted to Micael Babela who had two sons, Fernando
and Efren. As legal heirs of Micael, Fernando received 53,298 square meters while Efren
received 33,296 square meters. Subsequently, Transfer Certificates of Title (TCTs) were issued in
their respective names.
- Agrarian reform law was enacted on Octgober 21, 1972, emancipation patents and tatiles were
issued to Hermogena and Danilo Nipotnipot, beneficiaries of the program who in turn sold the
parcels of land to the complainant’s spouse, Raymunda Villahermosa and a deed of absolute
sale was executed in favor of her.
- On March 2, 1994, the Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board (DARAB) issued a
decision ordering the cancellation of the emancipation patents and TCTs derived from OCT No.
433 stating that it was not covered by the agrarian reform law. This decision was appealed to
and affirmed by the DARAB Central Board and the Court of Appeals.

September 25, 2022 – Atty. Caracol filed a motion for execution with the DARAB praying for the full
implementation of the March 2, 1994 decision.

December 20, 2005 - Atty. Caracol filed a Motion for Issuance of Second Alias Writ of Execution and
Demolition6 which he signed as "Counsel for the Plaintiff Efren Babela
Villahermosa’s Arguments:

Villahermosa filed the complaint alleging that Atty. Caracol had no authority to file the motions since he
obtained no authority from the plaintiffs and the counsel of record. Efren could not have authorized
Caracol to file the second motion because he had already been dead for more than a year. Atty Caracol’s
real client was a certain Ernesto Aguirre

Villahermosa further presented affidavits of Efren’s widow and daughter stating Efren never executed a
waiver of his rights and the land was sold tro Villahermosa via deed of sale and that the signature in the
waiver was different from his usual signature.

Villahermosa also claimed that Caracol introduced falsified and manufactured evidence to the
proceedings and filed a case for falsification of public document and the use of falsified document
against Ernesto Aguirre and Atty. Caracol.

Caracol’s Arguments:

- Efren and Ernesto authorized him to appear as additional counsel and he had consulted with
Atty. Aquino who advised him to proceed with the filing.
- He was not aware that there was a waiver of rights executed in Ernesto’s favor

IBP CBD, in its Report and Recommendation, found that:

- Atty. Caracol committed deceitful acts and misconduct.

- Caracol did not present credible evidence to contovert the allegation that he was not authorized
by plaintiff or counsel of record.
- Caracol admitted that at the time of the filing of the second motion, Efren was dead.
- He did not explain how he got the authority nor did he present any proof of the authority
- There insufficient evidence to hold him liable for falsification
- They recommended that Atty. Caracol be suspended from the practice of law for a period of 5

IBP and governors adopted the recommendation but modified the penalty to one year suspension from
the practice of law. Caracol moved for reconsideration but was denied.

The court adopted the findings of the IBP. The Court found respondent Caracol to be guilty and was
suspdended from the practice of law for a period of 1 year

The Rules of Court under Rule 138, Section 21 provides for a presumption of a lawyer’s appearance on
behalf of his client, hence:

SEC. 21. Authority of attorney to appear. – An attorney is presumed to be properly authorized to

represent any cause in which he appears, and no written power of attorney isrequired to authorize him
to appear in court for his client, butthe presiding judge may, on motion of either party and on
reasonable grounds therefor being shown, require any attorney who assumes the right to appear in a
case to produce or prove the authority under which he appears, and to disclose, whenever pertinent to
any issue, the name of the person who employed him, and may thereupon make such order as justice
requires. An attorney willfully appearing in court for a person without being employed, unless by leave
of the court, may be punished for contemptas an officer of the court who has misbehaved in his official
transactions. (Emphases supplied)

Here, Atty. Caracol, as observed by the IBP CBD, has been less than candid about his representation. We
also observe that he has used underhanded means to attain his purpose. Atty. Caracol's blatant
disregard of his duties as a lawyer cannot be countenanced. In view of his actions of contravening his
lawyer's oath and in violation of Canons 8 and 10 and Rule 10.01 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility we deem it proper to suspend him from the practice of law for a period of one year.

Because of the particular nature of an attorney’s function it is essential that they should act with
fairness, honesty and candor towards the courts and his clients.30 Under Rule 10.01 of the Code of
Professional Responsibility:

A lawyer shall not do any falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in Court; nor shall he mislead, or
allow the Court to be misled by any artifice.

This flows out from the lawyer's oath which each lawyer solemnly swears to uphold the law and court
processes in the pursuit of justice. Thus, a lawyer must be more circumspect in his demeanor and
attitude towards the public in general as agents of the judicial system.

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