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Gerunds & Infinitives

Choose the correct answer …. Explain your answer.

● I don’t know how to sing.

● I don’t know how sing.
● I don’t know how singing.

● I want to go to Spain one day.

● I want going to Spain one day.
● I want go Spain one day.

● I am interested in to play soccer.

● I am interested in playing soccer.
● I am interested in play soccer.

● I think it’s very difficult to write emails in English.

● I think it’s very difficult writing emails in English.
● I think it’s very difficult write emails in English.

● I can to play the piano.

● I can playing the piano.
● I can play the piano.

Quick tip
gerund infinitive Bare infinitive
A gerund is a verb To+ verb also A bare infinitive
form which functions functions as a noun. functions as a noun it
as a noun It cannot change cannot be changed.
form. We cannot add
‘es’, ‘ed’, ‘ing’.
verb(ing) - (to) + verb verb
teaching to teach teach

gerund infinitive Bare infinitive
1. *After certain 1. *After certain 1. After modal
verbs verbs verbs
2. After 2. After adjectives 2. After verbs of
prepositions 3. To give reason / the senses
3. As the subject of purpose 3. After let /
the sentence 4. After question make / help.

Quick tip:
Verbs which can be followed by gerund or infinitive with no change in meaning.
Prefer - I prefer dancing / to dance
Like - I like singing / to sing
Love - I love sleeping / to sleep
Start - I started studying / to study

1. After certain verbs
I *like watching movies.
I *love cooking for my friends.
I enjoy having picnics in the park during summer.
I hate eating mushrooms, they are not my cup of tea.

* certain verb list at the end of this document

2. After prepositions
I am good at singing.
I am afraid of travelling alone.
She is looking forward to meeting you later.

3. As the subject or object of the sentence.

Swimming is great exercise.
Meditating is good for your mental health
Reading is a nice way to pass some time at the beach.

Match rule 1, 2, 3 to these sentences
1. She is worried about failing her test
2. They enjoy drinking beer at Maloney’s after work.
3. My Dad dislikes going out to restaurants as he says it is too
4. Playing tennis is a fun activity.
5. Smoking is bad for your health.

1. After certain verbs
I need to go to bed early tonight. I’m exhausted!
I have decided to leave my last company and find a better
I would like to move to another country one day.
I agreed to work next saturday.

* certain verb list at the end of this document

2. After adjectives
English is easy to learn.
He is too young to drink alcohol
It is difficult to learn this grammar :(

3. To show purpose / reason

He wants a new job to earn more money.
She went to the ATM to withdraw some cash.
They are having a party to celebrate their friend's

4. After (wh/h) question words

Who, what, when, where, why, which , how etc...
He didn’t know how to cook pasta.
She was unsure what to do on her first day of work.
Excuse me! Could you tell me where to go?
Match rule 1, 2, 3 or 4 to these sentences
1. I would like to go to Canada next year and study English.
2. I wish I knew where to find a good job in Sydney.
3. I became a teacher to help people learn English.
4. They are learning to sing.
5. The weather is too bad to go to the park.
6. I am excited to travel when CoronaVirus restrictions have been

Finish the sentence with (to + verb) or verb(ing)
1. I am learning English ____________.
2. I refused ____________.
3. I am worried about _____________ these days.
4. It is too difficult ____________ in Sydney.
5. I don’t know when_____________.
6. ___________ is the perfect way to spend a Sunday.
7. I would love _______________ next year.
8. I decided to take private English lessons ____________.
9. I miss ___________ with my friends/family in my country.
10. I love _______________ on my days off.

Bare Infinitive:
1. After modal verbs
I should study everyday.
I will buy the groceries tonight. It’s my turn!
You must speak in English during this class.
They can write in English very well.

2. After verbs of the senses (sense verb +object+ bare infinitive)

I heard the alarm ring
I saw the girl fall
I felt my foot break

3. After make / let / *help

He made his girlfriend wait for hours.
My mom let me go to the party!
She helped him finish/*to finish his homework.

Match rule 1, 2, 3 to these sentences

1. I can’t believe Australia's borders are still closed.

2. Did you help your little sister get dressed?
3. I saw the car crash into that tree
4. I must get a better job this year.
5. I shouldn’t go out tonight, but I will!

After certain verbs - gerund


After certain verbs - infinitive

* verb + object + to + verb

Choose gerund / infinitive or bare infinitive
1. I hope _________(see) you again soon.
2. She wasn’t sure how __________(get) to Central Station.
3. We don’t mind ___________(walk) to school if the weather’s
4. I spend too much time ___________(play) Mario Kart.
5. It’s too hot ___________(concentrate) in this classroom.
6. I’m learning __________(play) the guitar at the moment.
7. I wish I could _________ (buy) a new Iphone.
8. She’s very scared of __________(touch) spiders.
9. She promised __________(clean) the kitchen, but it’s still very
10. I’m excited _________(go) on the excursion.
11.___________(smoke) is very bad for your health.
12. She asked her friend where _________(buy) medicine.
13. She saw him _________ (kiss) her best friend.
14. I can’t stand ________(study) grammar – it’s so boring!
15. She went on _________(talk) for hours.
16. I made my brother ________ (give) me his candy.
17. Have you finished ___________(do) your homework yet?
18. I will _________ (open) my own business next month.
19. I came to Sydney __________(learn) English, and
________(meet) new people.
20. It’s so lovely ________(see) you again.
Answers at the end of this document

Exercise: answers
Choose gerund / infinitive or bare infinitive
1. To see
2. To get
3. Walking
4. Playing
5. To concentrate
6. To play
7. Buy
8. Touching
9. To clean
10. To go
12. To buy
13. Kiss
14. Studying
15. Talking
16. Give
17. Doing
18. Open
19. To learn / to meet
20. To see

Verbs followed by both

With change in meaning
Remember & forget
Infinitive: Gerund:

Has a future meaning Something from the past that has

Something that you need or needed happened
to do.
Please remember to do your I remember leaving my keys in my
homework bag

Infinitive: Gerund:

You stop one activity and start Quit / finish an activity

another at that moment
She stopped to have a cigarette She stopped smoking

Infinitive: Gerund:

To try something that is usually To do something as an experiment

difficult / you may not succeed
Try to plan your writing before You should try studying with a
hand partner

Infinitive: Gerund:

You feel sorry for something you are You feel sorry for something you
about to say (future) did or didn’t do in the past
I regret to inform you that you I regret leaving early
failed the test

Go on (continue)
Infinitive: Gerund:

Finishes one activity to do another Continues to do this activity

in the future
After school, he went on to study Please go on telling the story

Infinitive: Gerund:

Intend - plan something (Sth) depends on (sth)

I meant to do my homework last Passing FCE means studying hard
night but I forgot

Infinitive: Gerund:

Subject does the action Passive meaning (object first)

I need to finish this homework This bicycle needs repairing

1. Don’t you remember ______ (tell) me yesterday?
2. Did you remember ______ (turn off) the air con?
3. I need _____ (go) to the pharmacy after class today.
4. You should really stop ____ (smoke), it’s bad for your health.
5. I regret _____ (choose) that university course. I don’t enjoy working
in this area.
6. I stopped general English class ______ (study) a new course.
7. The professor regrets ______ (inform) you that you did not pass the
8. Did you forget ______ (take) your keys? How will we get in the
9. I’ll never forget ______(have) my first interview in English!
10. If you don’t like studying English you should try ____ (use)
apps. They might be more interesting for you.
11. Living in Sydney means _____ very hard. (work)
12.I have tried _____ (get) a job in Sydney but it’s very hard.

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