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H. Q.

Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni





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Key to Grammar Tests
MODULE 1 play 11. am watching 2. We
We are going
A D camping tomorrow./
1. my 2. his 3. It’s B 1. mustn’t 2. must C Tomorrow we are
4. our 5. They 6. her 1. D o the children like 3. mustn’t 4.. must 1. We usually have going camping.
football? 5. mustn’t 6. must a picnic at the 3. Football (Basketball)
B 2. D oes Peter brush 7. must 8. mustn’t weekend. is more popular
1. Are, are, Is, isn’t his teeth every 2. D o you like ice than basketball
2. Are, ’m not, ’m, is morning? E cream? (football).
3. D o you help your 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 3. The children aren’t 4. He is going to
C mother with the 5. a 6. b playing football at buy souvenirs
1. Where 2. How housework? the moment. tomorrow./
3. What 4. Who 4. Does
D oes he visit his MODULE 5 4. What is Ben doing Tomorrow he
5. How 6. Who grandparents at the A now? is going to buy
weekend? 1. some 2. any souvenirs.
D 3. a, some 4. some MODULE 7 5. I think Ryan will
1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a C 5. an 6. any 7. some A become a doctor.
5. a 6. c 7. a 8. c 1. Tanya
 anya doesn’t take
T 8. any 9. some 1. slept 2. stopped
9. b 10. b out the rubbish in 3. became 4. bought FINAL
the morning. B 5. walked A
MODULE 2 2. Mark doesn’t 1. How much 1. never has
A skateboard in 2. How much B 2. are running
1. Has … got, hasn’t, the park in the 3. How many 1. wasn’t, was, was, 3. are spending
has got afternoon. 4. How much were 4. Is … taking 5. get up
2. haven’t
 aven’t got, Have
h 3. My parents don’t go 5. How many 2. was, Were, weren’t 6. doesn’t wear
… got to the cinema every 6. How many 3. was
Saturday. 7. How many B
B 4. I don’t do my 8. How much C 1. Where 2. Who
1. mouse 2. that homework in the 9. How many 1. Did … go, didn’t 3. When 4. What
3. those 4. dress evening. 10. How much want, stayed 2. did ... 5. How 6. Whose
5. this, have got find, didn’t go
D C 3. did … get up, got up, C
C 1. Tim
 im always goes to
T Uncountable nouns made 1. next to 2. at, on
1. Can, can’t the cinema at the (tea, pasta, butter, rice, 3. with, at 4. in
2. can, can weekend. cheese) D 5. between
3. Can, can 2. D o you often go to Countable nouns (soft 1. goes, didn’t go
4. Can, can’t bed at 10 p.m.? drink, onion, orange, 2. didn’t visit, had D
3. I don’t usually hang mushroom, burger) 3. did … watch, don’t 1. any, some, How
D out with my friends like, watched many 2. some
1. b 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. c on weekdays. MODULE 6 4. went, had 3. How much
4. He never goes A
E swimming at night. 1. are … talking, am MODULE 8 E
1. This
This is Maria’s getting A 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c
mobile phone. E 2. isn’t coming, is 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. b 5. c 6. c
2. Whose
 hose game
W 1. at 2. on 3. On, In doing 6. a 7. a 8. a 9. a 10. b
console is this? 4. At 5. at 3. Are … sending F
3. Donna
 onna has got two
D 4. is wearing B 1. were, went
sisters. MODULE 4 5. Is … watching, is 1. taller 2. came, didn’t help
4. Have
Have you got a pet? A making 2. most beautiful 3. did … buy, bought
5. Let’s
 et’s go to school.
L 1. There
 here are, There is,
T 6. is putting 3. friendliest
6. Paul can’t sing well. there are 7. is playing 4. better G
2. Is
I s there, there isn’t, 8. are listening 5. nearer 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. b
MODULE 3 there is 6. more interesting 6. a 7. a 8. c
Copyright © mm publications

A B B 7. oldest
1. Does
 oes Ian go, usually
D 1. on 2. next to 3. in 1. walk 8. shorter H
stays, does front of 4. between 2. Are … walking 9. most popular 1. biggest
2. don’t like 5. behind 3. ’m sitting 4. come 10. worst 2. darker
3. doesn’t listen, loves 5. is waiting 6. loves 3. ugliest
4. D o you often C 7. is raining C 4. worst
watch, hate 1. a, the 2. an 3. a 8. do … usually do 1. Will dinner be ready 5. more dangerous
5. visit, have, goes, 4.. The 9. go 10. are … doing in an hour? 6. most boring

Full Blast PLUS 5 for Ukraine
Key to Grammar Tests
H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni

Published by: MM Publications

UK China Cyprus Greece Korea Poland Turkey USA
Associated companies and representatives throughout the world.

Copyright © 2021 MM Publications

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Part of Full Blast PLUS 5 for Ukraine Teacher’s Digital Resources (978-618-05-5881-4)





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