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M a n ila , u n e 2 t , 2 0 1 0 J

The Honorable Administrator Officeof Civil Defense QuezonCity S t r / M adam : a I h av e the honor to tra n s m itf o r y o u r in f o r m a t io n n d g u id a n c e , Order No. BBBdated June 7, 2010 entitled a certifiedcopy of Executive *ADOPTTNG THE STRATEGTC NATTONAL ACTTON PLAN (SNAP) oN DrsAsrER RrsK REDUCTTON (DRR), 2OO9-2O19 AND INSTITUTIONALIZI NG DRR",

Very truly yours,



471'7 Trunkline784-4286loc.4184/ 4OO8/ Manila Rm 101, MabiniHall,Malacafiang,

Manila EXECUTIVE ORDERNO..93!_ ADOPTTNG STRATEGTC NATTONAL ACTTON THE PLAN(SNAP)ON (DRR),2OO9-2019 RrSK REDUCTTON DTSASTER AND INSTITUTIONALIZING DRR WHEREAS, is such as the Philippines exposed varioustypes of hazards to floods, typhoons, landslides, volcanic eruptions eadhquakes; and WHEREAS, adverse the impacts from climate variability changeincluding and extreme events not spared Philippines; has the WHEREAS, estimated the losses the countryhaveexceeded directeconomic to PHP2B billion annualaverage from 1990to 2008or reaching to as high as up product, top of the losses lives,to the social 0.7o/o the grossdomestic of on in andenvironmental assets communities; of WHEREAS, thereis a needto reduce theselosses causative and vulnerability as the country undergoes economicgrowth, population increase,and rapid urbanization; WHEREAS, Philippines committed work towardthe goalof building the has to communities resilientto naturaldisasters through active engagement with stakeholders; WHEREAS, the country's institutions and organizations involvedin disaster publicand private,have shiftedgradually management, both from reliefand preparedness mitigation; response orientation oneof disaster to and WHEREAS, is necessary sustainthe gainsfrom the positive it to effectsand lessonslearnedfrom disasterrisk reduction(DRR) initiatives different by stakeholders; WHEREAS, Philippines the the Framework Action adopted Hyogo for 2005-2015, whichis a global for blueprint DRR; WHEREAS, the Philippines needsto systematically address and sustainthe implementation DRRprojects; of WHEREAS, DRRis consistent with sustainable development supports and the UnitedNations Millenrrium Development Goalsspecially environment the and poverty reduction objectives ;

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PGMAHoroer!m t 57655

WHEREAS/the Strategic NationalAction Plan (SNAP)for Disaster Risk Reduction2009-2019,which was formulatedthrough an inclusiveand pafticipatory processinvolvinggovernment,non-governmental organizations professional private sector, (NGOs),civil societyorganizations, associations, "to responds the national to challenge havea master and academe the scientists, planfor disaster as mitigation" serves "a roadmap"for the nextten years; and expenditure DRR is practically WHEREAS, current level of government for equivalent the annual economiclossesand only half of the amount to priority programs projects; encompasses someobjectives the SNAP of and NOW, THEREFORE, GLORIA MACAPAGAL I, ARROYO,President the of Republic the Philippines, viftue of the powervestedin me by law, do of by hereby order: SECTION Adoption of the StrategicNational Action Plan (SNAP).The 1. (P/Ps) listed below are hereby SNAPand its 18 priority programs/projects adopted. agencies primaryresponsibility instructed partnerwith All of are to wheredeemed otherinstitutions appropriate.


(DRM) Disaster Management Risk Act

Multi-stakeholder Dialogues on Disaster RiskReduction

Agency Primary Responsibility of (APR) Office the CivilDefense of Officeof the CivilDefense

2 3
4 5 6

9 10

Depaftment Interiorand Local of Government Enhancing Capacity Development Depadment Interior of andLocal for Local Disaster Coordinating Government (LDCCS) Councils Mainstreaming intothe Peace Armed DRR Forces the Philippines of and Process Adviser Officeof the Presidential on the Peace Process Mainstreaming in Various DRR National Development Economic Plans Proorams Government and AuthoriW (PPP) Public-Private Paftnership Offlceof CivilDefense Resource Mobilization Department Budget and of Manaqement Information Database and and Officeof CivilDefense Generation Depaftment Science and of Technoloqv Knowledge Management Depaftment Science of and Technoloqv Department and of 2

Institutionalization of Disaster Manaqement (DMO) Office


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PoMA Horoqr!m , 57656

Resources Environment Natural and


13 T4 15

DRR: Mainstreaming Suppofting Throuqh Approach Sectoral for Disaster Preparedness Effective Response

Officeof CivilDefense Officeof CivilDefense Agency Philippine Information Officeof CivilDefense

Information, Education and (IEC) Communication Campaign

Institutional Technical and Buildinq Caoacitv Education Research and

ForEducation: Depaftment Education of and Education CommissionHigher on ForResearch: DepartmentScience and of Technoloqv
Department Science and of Technoloqv Department Interiorand Local of Government National Economic Development Authority


Forecasting Early Warning and RiskEvaluation


for Development of Tools of Assessment Monitoring DRR and Measures

SECTION2. Institutionalizing Disaster Risk Reduction. All government (GOCCS) agencies and government owned and controlled corporations are hereby institutionalize by: DRR enjoined systematically to f. 2. plans integrating DRR into policies, and programs; projects (PPAs) Incorporation DRRprograms/ into of and activities their budgets throughthe explicit recognition budgetlinesfor of PPAs that areappropriate mitigation preparedness; for and projects Padicipation in'the 18 priority and programs the SNAP, of and; Cooperation nationafinternational andthe private with NGOs sector towards saferand moreresilient communities.

3. 4.

government Local units(LGUs) likewise are encouraged integrate risk to disaster reduction theirday-to-day in operations planning. and (OCD) SECTION Implementation of SNAP.The Office CivilDefense 3. as of the Secretariat the Executive Arm of the National and Disaster Coordinating

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PGMA Horos.6a , 57657

with (NDCC) of shalloversee implementation SNAP the and coordinate Council partners (APRs). APRs of All Responsibility and relevant the Agencies Primary of priority programs projects whichshallbe shallform Working Groups and the 18 the objectives the SNAP. of responsible achieving strategic for SECTION4. Tasks of the APRs. The APRsare taskedto: (1) refine the work individual SNAPprogram and project profiles;(2) develop respective per (3) programmes program to fundinggapsrelevant the and project identify program/project; seekwaysand meanson mobilizing (4) resources orderto in (5) into Groupand appoint implement program/projecU facilitate a Working the reachin a speedy way. in the Group's co-APRs orderto increase Working to SECTION National Platform on DisasterRisk Reduction.In addition 5. platform on its current functions, NDCC hereby is as the designated the national mechanisms multi-stakeholder multifor and DRR that will provide national the and on development sectoral consultation and coordination the continuous plans,and programs DRR.The NDCCshall implementation policies, of on process tacklethemessuchas linkages climate of the to broaden consultation risk reduction throughthe multi-stakeholder changeadaptation and disaster year. whichshould heldoncea dialogue be SECTION6. Disseminationand Monitoring of the SNAP.To involve as possible government manystakeholders regarding SNAP, the all depaftments as to and their and corporations instructed informall their staff aboutSNAP are pafticular roles DRR. to on in The NDCC instructed disseminate is information the SNAP, throughthe OCD,specifically the localdisaster to councils coordinating and to preparean annual repoft to the President the progress SNAP of on implementation. 7. SECTION Effectivity.This Executive Ordershalltakeeffectimmediately. Donein the Cityof Manila, z*' this TwoThousand Ten. and Bythe President: LEANDR day of .Trrne , in the yearof our Lord,

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PoMA Horoerlm r 57658

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