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76) Which of the following is a media measure?

A) consumer price index

B) GDP per capita
C) wholesale price index
D) click-through rate
E) human development index
77) Which of the following statements is most likely true about radio as an advertising
A) Radio advertising is typically quite expensive.
B) Radio ensures good attention from the target audience.
C) Radio offers very low audience selectivity.
D) Radio prohibits the use of segmentation strategies.
E) Radio advertising is characterized by good local acceptance.
Which of the following is a digital medium that is used by advertisers to reach
consumers directly?
A) smartphone
B) direct mail
C) newspapers
D) billboards
E) television
79) Which of the following statements about outdoor media is true?
A) It has no creative limitations.
B) It is characterized by higher costs per exposure.
C) It has good positional selectivity.
D) It has very limited flexibility.
E) It has high audience selectivity.
80) You want to advertise your new product. You want good mass marketing coverage
and low cost per exposure. You also want to combine sight, sound, and motion and
make the advertisement appealing to the senses. You should choose ____ as your
advertising media.
A) newspaper
B) radio
C) magazines
D) television
E) direct mail
81) Snappy Cameras is launching a new advertising campaign to demonstrate the high
quality of its digital cameras. Which media option would give the audience the most
control over exposure to the ads and interactive capabilities?
A) the Internet
B) newspaper
D) radio
E) billboard
82) Rather than measuring click-through rates, companies now want to track as a more
accurate measure of the engagement of the consumers in the message.
A) ratings
B) consumer expressions
C) listenership
D) consumer impressions
E) readership
83) While traditional mass media still make up a majority of today's media mixes,
companies have added digital, mobile, and social media that cost less, target more
effectively, and
A) are quicker to create
B) involve more departments in the company
C) must be chosen carefully, since there are so many options
D) engage consumers more fully
E) are challenging to schedule
84) Finding ads on shopping carts, ATMs, transit buses, and even municipal garbage
cans is known as
A) paid media
B) earned media
C) shared media
D) media multitasking
E) alternative media
A Spanish-language channel runs its ads only in Hispanic neighborhoods. This is an
example of
A) broadcasting
B) buzz marketing
C) narrow programming
D) media multitasking
E) personal selling
86) The term media multitaskers refers to
A) competing brands which use the same media vehicle
B) people who absorb more than one medium at a time
C) media planners who also head the creative department
D) media planners who use more than one advertising medium
E) ad agencies whose clients are competitors of each other
87) Modern Family and The Wall Street Journal are both examples of—specific media
within each general media type.
A) alternative media
B) major media
C) media vehicles
D) media multitaskers
E) micromedia
88) When selecting a media vehicle, the media planner looks both at the total cost of
using a medium and at the
A) cost per thousand persons reached
B) cost of premium offers
C) cost of the magazine it is using
D) profit margin
E) continuity cost
89) When a media planner determines whether an advertisement for diapers should be
placed in Parents magazine or Sports Illustrated magazine, the planner is evaluating the
media vehicle's
A) profit margin
B) flexibility
C) rate of depreciation
D) audience quality
90) Audience quality, audience engagement, and editorial quality are most likely to be
considered when a media planner
A) decides on media timing
B) selects an execution style
C) selects a media vehicle
D) evaluates return on investment
E) measures the communication effects of an advertisement
91) In the context of media timing, means making decisions on scheduling ads either
following the seasonal pattern, opposing the seasonal pattern, or being the same all
A) routing
B) continuity
C) sequencing
D) narrowcasting
E) seasonal advertising
92) To measure the effects of an ad after it has aired, the advertiser can evaluate how
the ad affected consumer recall, product awareness, attitude changes, and preference.
A) sales
B) profit
C) communication
D) continuity
E) associativity
93) Which of the following characterizes standardized global advertising?
A) higher advertising costs
B) no global advertising coordination
C) higher appeal to varying demographics
D) a more consistent worldwide image
E) lower reach
118) Which of the following promotion tools involves building up a positive corporate
image and handling unfavorable stories and events?
A) sales promotion
B) personal selling
C) direct marketing
D) public relations
E) advertising
119) Kathy Champe, a public relations specialist for a regional chain of pharmacies,
regularly contacts members of the local and statewide media with information about
community events and charity fundraisers sponsored by her company. This is an
example of the function of public relations.
A) press relations
B) product publicity
C) investor relations
D) lobbying
E) development
120) One of the functions performed by a PR department is which involves building and
maintaining relations with legislators and government officials to influence legislation
and regulation.
A) direct marketing
B) press relations management
C) investor relations management
D) lobbying
E) public affairs management
121) One of the functions performed by a PR department is which involves working with
donors or members of nonprofit organizations to gain financial or volunteer support.
A) direct marketing
B) press relations management
C) investor relations management
D) development
E) lobbying
122) The National Pork Board developed "Pork. The Other White Meat" campaign. The
campaign provided nutritional information and pork recipes in an attempt to encourage
people to view pork as a tasty alternative to poultry and fish. Which of the following
functions was the goal of this public relations campaign?
A) influencing government regulations on pork
B) gaining financial support for pork producers
C) creating newsworthy information about pork
D) maintaining relationships with pork producers
E) rebuilding consumer interest in pork
123) Which of the following public relations functions involves maintaining relationships
with shareholders and those in the financial community?
A) direct marketing
B) press relations management
C) investor relations management
D) development
E) lobbying
124) Which of the following statements is most likely true of public relations?
A) It requires participating companies to pay for media space or time.
B) It can have the same impact on public awareness as advertising at much lower
C) It is always handled by a third-party agency hired by the firm.
D) It forms a huge portion of the overall marketing budget of most large firms.
E) It plays an insignificant role in brand building with the increasing popularity of
125) How can public relations have a strong impact at a much lower cost than
A) The firm can pay for content to be spread.
B) Interested consumers can create the content on their own and spread it.
C) Interesting brand stories, events, videos, or other content can be shared by sources
out of the company's control, but to its benefit.
D) Advertising agencies can minimize the impact of competitors' news.
Advertising costs have changed dramatically due to changing technologies
126) Which of the following is NOT one of the publics to which a public relations
department must answer?
A) stockholders
B) legislators
C) the press
D) employees
E) suppliers
127) Which of the following best explains why public relations is often overlooked as a
tool for supporting product marketing objectives?
A) Public relations departments are typically large divisions within corporations.
B) The time and costs associated with public relations prohibit its extensive use.
C) Public relations specialists lack the skills necessary to work with marketing experts.
D) Many public relations professionals see their jobs as communicating, not brand
E) The public relations department handles stockholders and legislators but not
129) Which of the following is NOT a major public relations tool?
A) trade shows and conferences
B) stationery, logos, and uniforms
C) public service activities
D) videos
E) annual reports and brochures
Which of the following is a major tool used by PR professionals?
A) standardized global advertising
B) market penetration
C) news
D) bait-and-switch strategy
135) News conferences, press tours, and grand openings are examples of a type of tool
commonly used by public relations professionals.
A) public service activities
B) special events
C) social networking
D) development
E) investor relations
136) Which of the following would most likely be included in the written materials
prepared by PR professionals to reach and influence target markets?
A) employee code of conduct
B) annual reports
C) memorandum of association
D) advertisement jingles
E) white papers
137) Which of the following is an example of audiovisual material used by PR
A) blogs
B) logos
C) vision statements
D) brochures
E) online videos
138) Logos, uniforms, brochures, and company trucks are all examples of ____
materials that can be used to help a company create a visual image which the public
can immediately recogmze.
A) direct marketing
B) social marketing
C) public service
D) corporate identity
E) buzz marketing
In an attempt to set the company apart from its competitors, Central Parcel Service
(CPS) has its employees wear brown uniforms and drive brown trucks. What type of
public relations tool is being used by CPS?
A) buzz marketing
B) corporate logos
C) corporate identity materials
D) product publicity
E) public service materials
Steps involved in determining when and how to use product public relations include
choosing the PR message and media, implementing the PR plan, and evaluating the
results, plus integrating with the full marketing communications effort.
A) defining the budget
B) hiring the media creators
C) collecting feedback
D) setting PR objectives

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