02 Seatwork 2

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1. Recall some of your defining moments in the formation of your moral character.

it change your personality as well as your outlook on life? How?

I lost my most trusted friend; the one I can share my problems and happy moments
in life. He is the one I was closest with but also made the most damage in me. I lost
him due to the toxicity of our relationship so it’s not a loss and I think we both gain
from it. My personality changed because of that, I became more confident with
myself, I became independent, and I also learn how to make my own decisions in
life. My outlook in life became brighter.

2. What do you think will happen to our country if our youth will be lacking the
necessary moral ascendancy? Can we still rely on them as the hope of our
motherland? Explain your answer.

If our youth will be lacking the necessary moral ascendancy, I don’t think we can
still rely on them. It has a high possibility that the country will experience different
scenarios such as an increase in crime and violence, sexual activities, internet fraud,
and drug abuse. Everything will go wrong if this happens. Their life, their future and
also our hope of for our motherland will also be gone.

3. Explain the relationship between individual acts and character.

Individual acts and character is both sets of actions that have an impact on one's
personality; these public deeds have an impact on one's personality even if one's
private belief is the polar opposite of the action. They leave imprints on one's
personality. Not only do one's activities reflect or affect one's character, but they
also change one's character.

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