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Netflix “I'm not an easy man” part 2

Name and Last Name: Mariana Echeverri

1. Watch the movie “I’m not an easy man” from minute 49 to the end.
2. Answer the questions below to help your analysis.
3. Submit a PDF of this completed worksheet to Schoology: Identity & Intersectionality


1. The conversation with Annie Meyer (Alexandra’s publisher) and Damien:

a. Do you think Damien is overreacting for trying to promote the male cause?
b. What were Annie’s arguments to ridicule men's rights activism?

- I think that Damien is not overreacting in the sense that in our world women fight and it's
“respected” but personally I'm not those types of women that feel very disrespected by men and
feel the necessity to fight and march. This only due to the fact that im still a girl in school in a
society were girls are respected, but im sure if I lived in Iran or any muslim country, I would
feel very violated.
- Annies arguments to ridicule the activism is that the men have it all very easy. They have to
take care of children and go shopping while men have to get money and provide for their gifts
(feed the families), which in reality is not true. Both jobs are extremely important, and just
because someone is a woman or a man does not mean they can't do the jobs that the other
gender does.

2. Damien had a conversation with his best friend’s son at a coffee shop:
a. Why do you think Damien didn’t take him seriously when he accused a girl of taking
advantage of him?
- I think Damien didn't take the boy seriously because, where he comes from,
most men would be pleased to be asked to lick a girl, so it was shocking for
him that a guy would not be excited. In that alternate universe, this is
something that would be kind of considered abuse, just like it would be
considered if a man asked a woman to lick him nowadays.

3. Why did Damien get upset about a girl commenting on his sandwich at the park?

4. Describe the world found by Alexandra when she woke up from her accident.
- The world found by Alexandra when she woke up from the accident was exactly like
the world Damien saw when he woke up but just upside down. Alexandra was used to
living in a world where women ruled and men were there to please women, and when
she woke up, she saw women fighting for their rights, which were the men's actions in
her real world. She also saw women dressed up in tiny clothes and men doing all the
hard work.
Back to reality

5. What is sexism to you?

- For me Sexism is any expression based on the idea that some persons, most often
women, are inferior because of their sex.

6. Is it always women who suffer because of sexism or can men suffer too? Explain with a real
case scenario.
- I believe that sexism is most common towards women, but men suffer it too. Women
think that women are supposed to be always strong and not show feelings as well as
pay the bills and the dates. An ex uncle used to tell my little cousin (his son) that he
couldnt cry because men don't cry and that, that was a sign of being gay.

7. What is sexier? Explain your answer:

a. Someone complementing your ideas, achievements or thoughts.
b. Someone complimenting your physical appearance?
- In my opinion, I prefer when a guy I really like talks about my physical appearance at the
beginning of the relationship, but not some random dude. I think that that's a small component
that can really impact you positively because physical insecurities can be a big deal. To be
honest, I know I'm smart, so when someone talks about that, I kind of know. But I still would
love someone to compliment me on my intelligence and think of my thoughts as something

8. How would you describe someone who compliments you on your physical appearance? , if you
haven’t asked for their opinion? Explain.
- If someone I don't know compliments me on my appearance, I'll probably feel very
creeped out. This also depends on the type of compliment they give. If an old lady
compliments me on my eyes, I feel like it's super cute, but if an old man compliments
me on my body, I'll run away and hide from him. When a guy compliments me in a
way that is very physical without counting hair, eyes, and teeth, I feel like I'm being

9. Have you ever seen someone, known someone or have you been guilty of harassment?
a. An unwanted comment or compliment.
b. An inappropriate stare.
c. A sexist conversation or joke with your friends.
- I've been a victim of harassment countless times, especially when I walk in the street
with friends or by myself. In Provenza, when I go to parties, I always see old dudes
starring and saying inappropriate comments. One time I went to Calli with 2 friends
and while walking on the streets guys screamed at us, “lengua por todas partes”,
“Quien pidio pollo” and more

10. What do you think sexism is now?

- Sexism is any expression based on the idea that some persons, most often women, are
inferior because of their sex but I also think now that sexism is overly sexualizing

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