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Netflix “I'm not an easy man” part 1

Name and Last Name: Mariana Echeverri R

1. Watch the movie “I’m not an easy man” from minute 0 to minute 49.
2. Answer the questions below to help your analysis.
3. Submit a PDF of this completed worksheet to Schoology: Identity & Intersectionality


1. Describe at least 3 differences between little boys and little girls at the beginning of the
- Little boys wouldn't wear dresses (snow white dress)
- Boys are not as accepted in theater. As soon as he came out people started
making fun of him.
- Girls are dressed up in pastel colors white the boys are dressed in browns and

2. Do you think agents of socialization such as school, family and society have any role
in the formation of those differences?
_ Yes I believe that as kids we are put into boxes regarding what we should wear or do
depending on our gender. I consider our school to be very inxlusive and personally ive
never dealt with school being judgemental. Society is much more infleucntial in this
because it shows us the beauty standards of how men and women should be.

3. Describe the following 5 layers of identity the main character displays before the
a. How does he perceive women?
- He periceves women as objects and as something that is just there to
please him.
b. How is his relationship with men?
- He sees men as the ones that have to do all important jobs and the
ones that have to be in charge.
c. Do you think people like him still exist in Colombia? Explain your answer with a
real-life example. (Google it if you want)
- Yes I think people like him still exist in Colombia. For example ive
known men that are always talking about women as if they are tiophies
and are just tehre to please them. I believe theres always goping to be
people that think that way.

4. How did Cristophe’s wife describe her role as a woman?

Do you think this role is still expected in society? Explain with a real-life example.
- Chrpsuitophs wife describes the womens role as something fundamental fro
society. She says that women keep families together and im some way are
usually the ones that are always making sure everything is good and gooing
fluently (washhing, cleaning, cooking). In my opinion I do believe that the role
of keeping families together is still a women dominated area but now a days
there are even more men that do house chores and more women that are
working in men dominated areas.

5. What happened when Damien hit his head?

- Whe damien Damien hit his head, and life completely turned around. Women
were in charge of society meaning that they were the bosses of companies and
were the ones that cat called men. As for men, they took the place of women
on sciety so they were the ones taking care of the children and cleaning as well
as the ones that were “forced” to shave.

6. Describe his office when Damien went to work for the first time after the accident.
- When Damien arrived to the office he noticed that the women that hadn't
spoken to during meeting was now his boss and that she was treating him like
a weak women. The ones handing out coffees or doing the basic jobs of a
secretary were his coworkers. The rets of the women on the company took the
palace of the men and were doing more important jobs in the office.

7. Why do you think Damien was uncomfortable living his new reality?
- I think Damian was feeling uncomftarble in his new life because he was not
used to living in a world were men are the “sentimental” people and the ones
thata re being thrwn around all over the place. Damian went from being the
one treating women like crap to the one receiving this type of treatment.

8. Damien’s first date left him because he had hair on his chest.
a. Do you think she’s right to leave him because of that?
- This is a hard question because in todays society women are expected
to shave their body hair and in some way I agree with that because I
prefer that expectancy but I do believe is never fair to make someone
feel like less ofr having body hair wen is not a requirement. So yeah
she has the right to leave him if its not her personal preference but its
still unfair
b. Do you think this would happen in our reality
- Yes todays men except women to be perfect 24/7 including always
being perfectly shaved and have no hair on their body. This would have
totally happened, but I believe now a days people are being more open
minded when it comes to these subjects.
c. If you are into girls: Would you leave your date because she didn’t shave her
legs and underarms? Explain.
d. If you are into boys, would you leave your date because he shaves his legs
and underarms? Explain.
- This questions kind of depend s for me because men shave their legs
ofr different reasons. Underarms I dont minds but I would probably
leave a man that shaves his legs for aesthetic purposes but I dont
thinks that bad because its just my personal preference. If the man
shaves his legs for cycling then I would probably tolerate it.
9. Describe the role of a man in the altered reality.
- The role of the man in the altered reality is the same as the women in a normal
reality. They are expected to shave, expected to wear short and tight clothes,
expected to attend men and more. They also have to take care of the children
and cook.

10. Describe the role of a woman in the altered reality.

- Women are the ones looking for the men and tertaing them like trophies.
Women are the ones that cat call and th eones that have the important jobs
likebieng CEOs of companies. As for personality wise they are stronger than

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