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Choose one (1) on the given categories of functions and create a scenario/situation where

the function is being portrayed or demonstrated.

My friends and I plan to raise donations in any way we can to help those homeless

children. One of us will create a Facebook page where people can witness the plight of the

homeless, improving our chances of receiving additional help. Second, so that I don't go over

budget, I'll write down what I'm going to buy. Finally, the remaining members will collect

donations and purchase the products we pledged to offer. This scenario explains how Task

Function works, and as you can see, it was really valuable, especially in terms of planning.

Task functions also keep groups on track by keeping them focused on making decisions and

taking action. Tasks and goals are proposed, difficulties are outlined, and methods and

responses are provided, all of which help to give a group direction and purpose. The scenario

demonstrates these points.

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