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P41, Q3/4/5: [10] id. Q. (a) Describe the events of the battle of Uhu' i in this battle? [4] (b) What may Muslims learn from the Prophet's conduct i Ca o eH rates - fp A aA yf Moceans camp eccana Sva7stees tm hgh ‘ground once Muslims arrowmen leftit for the plains Ans. (a) The Quraish wanted to avenge their defeat in the battle of Badr as many pagans and had lost their relatives in that encounter. Abu sufyan became the new military chief in Makka. He was encouraged by all'to raise an army against Madina, Women of the aggrieved families also joined the Makkan army. They included Hind bint Utha (wife of Abu Sufyan), Umm Hakeem, grand daughter of Abu Jahl, and Fatima, sister of Khalid bin Waleed were also part of the women wing Thus Abu Sufyan was able to raise an amry of 3000 troops with 300 camels, 200 horses and 700 coats of mail (armour). The left and right wings were under the command of Ikrima bin ‘Abu Jahl and Khalid bin Waleed respectively, while Amr bin al-‘As was the commander of the cavalry. Hind hired Wahshy bin Harb, the slave of Jubair bin Mutim. He was assigned the mission or kiling Hazrat Hamza who had killed Hind’s father in the battle of Badr,/TNs, army reached noth fj Madina in March 626 AD (Shawal 3 AH) and camped near the Uhud/fill alcng the road to Syria Hazrat Abbas sent all these details to the Prophet in a letter through jer-Hazrat Hubad bin Munchar Ansari was sent to find out the number of the enemy : ‘The Prophet consulted his followers, and accepted the menige Madinah, He recruited 1000 troops and left for the Uhud vei the, Wa, the chief of hypocrites Abdullah bin Ubbay dey i that their houses were unsafe back in Madina, Ths & gestern slope of the Mount Uhud, Hazrat Mus'ab bin UA Zubair commander of the right wing, and the here bin Amr. The Prophet appointed 60 archers iiiaeeIion t Abdul assage at a i rat AR “ passage at the back of the Muslim army. They were strictly instrtee bythe Prophet. ue Guran mentions the Prophets’ strategy a ember-that mornin re for the battle.” (3:121, Ativan) eft¥OUr household to Post fh By Dr Iftikh: In the Makkan army, Khalid bin Waleed was the commander of the right wing, whereas the left Was under Ikrima bin Abu Jahl. Sufwan bin Umayyah led the cavalry, while Tatha was the falg- bearer, In the single combats, Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Hamza killed Talha and Uthman from the pagan army. With this began the general fight, and Hazrat Hamza, Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Abu Bujana, a famous wrestler, broke into the enemy ranks. Muslim attack was fierce and the Quraysh began to retreat. Muslims continued to press the enemy and began to collect the spoils. When the 80 archers saw this, 36 of them also left their position and began to collect the booty. The Quran refers to these Muslims in these words: - “When you, with His (Allah’s) permission were about to annihilate your « you (the archers) flinched and fell to disputing about the order and disobeyed it ~ a (3152, Al-i-lmran) Khalid bin Walid quickly mobilized his troops and attacked through the passage. This changed the scene and the retreating Makkans also made a counter attack as they saw Khalid's powerful ‘attack on Muslims. Many Muslims were killed including Hazrat Hamza who was martyred by Wahshy bin Harb. Wahshy hurled at him his spear through his navel. Hazrat Hamza tried to advance but fell down as martyr. Hind mutilated the dead body of Hazrat Hamza by chewing out his liver. In the panic, Hazrat Musa’b bin Umair, who resembled the Prophet closely, was killed, « and it was rumoured that the Prophet had been martyred. The Prophet was also wounded, and lost one tooth. All this disheartened the Muslims but soon Hazrat K’ab_bin Malik identified the Prophet and many Muslims rushed to him. Abdullah bin Qamiyya struk the Prophet so hard that two links of the helmet got pierced into his face. A group of twenty Companions made a shield around the Prophet and quickly climbed towards the hilltop. Hazrat Ali_and Hazrat Fatimah dressed the wounds of the Prophet. Hazrat.Ayesha,Umm Sulaim and Um Salit served water to theimjured Muslims. Abu Sufyan shouted, “This day we are avenged for Badr.” His army had killed 76-Muslims-and-left for Makkah challenging to fight the next year. The Prophet reorganized his army and began to bury the martyred Muslims. The Quraysh lost only 22 soldiers. until (b) The Holy Prophet's conduct in this battle teaches important lessons about his leadership had accepted the opinion of the majority of his followers about fighting the Makkans outside Madina. This shows his democratic nature in such matters. He was in possession of strong nerves ith unshaken faith as he was not disheartened when 300 hypocrites deserted his army, because he fully believed in God's promise made in the Quran, “They (non believers) will do you no harm barring a trifling annoyance” (3:111, Al-i-Imran). He also proved himself a superb strategist when appointed 50 archers to protect the rear of the Muslim army. This shows his close observation q fer sightedness Even though he gol injured he remained firm and continued to lead his army. }ows that challenging situation could not lower his spirit it , Bis shows tht challenging on spirit or shakes him. He knew well o to P41, Q3/4/5: (a) Give an account of the battle of Khandaq (Trench). _\ (b) What lessons can Muslims learn from this battle? wee’ Ayu Gab qour war leads aT No 5 \ . Battle of the Trench/Khandak loreco peer ‘Uhid, uray Banu Salads a Muri 9 f dems {. fee a Pocun 5 Rowe 2 Poot Ly 1, a 1 Ans. (a) » took clouy’ Hare, Sabre P51 ey Propet boolt pare cuales So si ng it was the last Makkar Ne h/Allies was fought in 5 n Sn oat ot eof Banu ab-Nadit had been expelled from Madinah due to thei Xs 2 > assault on Madinah. The Jews of Banu al it Conspiracies and an attempt to kill the Prophet. Their leaders Sallam bin Abi al-Hugaiq, Huyayy bin \ “aD Akhtab, Kinana bin al-Rabi’ and others instigated the Quraysh to raise an army of alies against the 2 Prophet. Assured of the Quraysh support, they visited the Ghatafan tribe and persuaded them to A join the ant-Muslim alliance. The Banu Asad, an ally of the Banu Ghatafan also joined them. Other ‘Fibes that joined the alliance were Banu Fazara, Banu Murra, Banu Ashja, Banu Sulaim and other Smaller Najdi tribes. The whole army consisted of around 10,000 troops. The army was divided Ato three regiments. ‘Uayina bin Hisn Fazari led the Ghatafan forces, Talha led the Banu Asad, while Abu Sufyan was the supreme commander. Uthman bin Talha was the flag-bearer ‘The Prophet came to know about this by some men of the Banu Khuza’, his friendly tribe in Makkah, He evaluated the Muslim strength and realized that he could raise only 3,000 troops that were no match to the army of the Allies. He. quickly consulted his companions. Hazrat Salman Farsi suggested the digging of a ditch around Madinah: a Persian defensive war tactic employed when the invading army greatly outnumbered the defending army. The idea appealed the Prophet and he surveyed the defence of Madinah. Eastern, southern and westerh Sides of the city were protected by hills, buildings and palm groves. Therefore, the trenches/were-dug on the ‘Syrian or to dig the before” (Sahihain Collectively, the trenches measured 5.5 km i , ° .5 km in length, 9 nie Ha, at one plac it remained a ite bit narrow The Con s would escape without seeki isi Quality ofthe Companions as, > Parmission of the ‘Only those are-Believers who believe in God and His Me with him on a matter requiri A Joris leave” (24:62, a-Nurj te Seton, they do not depa odor bible Vo: Ob Dreas 7 opel Send bye € When the Allies reached, they were greatly disappointed. they feces V10 Galnoload tp, back quickly to Makkah after destroying Islam, However, thoy were foregone © ht, and Madinah. The Quran mentions the scene in these words, é shaek |e > Noting lay @ siege around “Behold! They came on you, from above you and from below you" (33:10, alcAh, The Prophet had sent women and children in foriresses, and set up his military base at in foothills of Mount Sal, He posted guards at the weak points ofthe trench. The siege got prelewt's over weeks and the Allies made two attempts to unsettle the Muslims. Firstly a band led ty ino bin Abu Jahl, ‘Amr bin ‘Abd Wudd and Naufil bin Abdullah crossed the trench with some cine troops. They were all repulsed by Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Sa’d bin Mu'adh and others. Hazrat Ali killed ‘amr and Naufil, and wounded Ikrima. Secondly the Jews of Banu Qurayza attempted fo join the Allies to attack Muslims from both sides. The Prophet, however, was alert and kept the two partios apart using his intelligence service. He appointed a small detachment near their forts to watch their activities. Nu’aim bin Mas’ud, the Ghatafan chief, played a key role in the intelligence service. He had secretly become a Muslim. He had a strong influence on both the Jews and the Quraysh. He successfully sowed the seeds of suspicion in the minds of Ban Quraiza and the Allies so that they could not make a deadly alliance against the Muslims. The Allies, in the meantime, hurled stones and arrows on the Muslims but could not get any major breakthrough. As the siege prolonged, difficulties of the Allies increased with the death of their camels and horses one day or the other. After about 3 weeks the divine intervention decided the fate of the siege. One night, stormy winds began to blow and the Allies, perhaps waiting for such an excuse, decided to lift the siege. This is referred to in the Quran, “But We sent against them a hurricane, and forces that you did not see” (33:9, al- Ahzab). Thus, Muslims got a victory without a regular fight. Only 4 or § Muslims were killed agaist many pagans. The chief of the Aws tribe, Hazrat Sa’d bin Mu’adh, died of fatal wounds. After the departure of the Allies, the Jews of Banu Qurayza were punished for their treachery. Ans (b) Muslims can learn valuable lessons from these battles, Battle of Khandaq teaches Muslims {0 retain strong faith in God who can test their faith as well as help them against a very strong enemy The Quran reminds Muslims of such circumstances in these words, “In that situation were the Believers tried; they were shaken as by a tremendous shaking.” (33:11, al-Ahzab) Muslims Should remember they might be tested by God any time but they need to remain firm and Unshaken. The event also tells us about the importance of consulting others, and a collective Struggle is more likely to be fruitful than individual decisions. The Prophet did not hesitate in seeking and then accepting Salman Farsi’s advice, who was Persian by origin. This proy the Prophet did not believe in racial discrimination. Muslims are also taught that the Shari‘ cious them to consume Haram food in Case of a serious threat to their life due to prolonged rand waakness, The Quran says, “But if one is forced by necessity (e.g. matter of life4ge"'death), (16.1 willful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits, then God is touse dae Merciful’ nies 5, al-Nahl). The Prophet's intelligence service teaches Muslims ictics against to use cl ics against he enemy forces when they try to seek additional help against the Muslims. Os, Noaim bin Masood went to Rophot srn0dh Ce Sone hus clea, He wenk to Bow Quverzly & ard Ourodsh con tyusiors betwee, NS tum so troy ble Rian ce Vy pm bl tithes ert (Rove Orci he wee cote Muang + get conttyi, Another possible (b) part: Q: (b) Explain the importance of this battle in the history of Islam. [4] Ans. (b) 4 ihis battle or siege of Madina proved to bu the last attack of the Quraysh on Madina. Ate this, they would not be able to raise an army and invade Muslims. Their ally tribes woul Id no more trust them in future. Their prestige got seriously damaged, This means that the political landsca of Arabia had visibly started changing as Tater evens would prove. This battle was anothe, occasion of testing the faith of Muslims. They began to ruin short of food as they had been cut of from the neighbouring territories. The Quran also mentions the situation, “In that situation were the believers tried; they were shaken as by a tremendous shaking” (33:11, al-Ahzab). However, the Muslims were able to withstand hunger, fear and cold only t get their faith strengthened. The battle also proved the military skills of the Holy Prophet who readily accepted the idea of Hazrat Salman Farsi of digging the trench. Another important outcome of the battle was the punishment of the Jews of Banu Quraza for their act of high treason. The Quran refers to this in Surah 33, “And those of the People of the Book.......some you slew and some you made prisoners” (33:26, al-Ahzab). Another (b) part Explain the conduct of the Prophet in the Battle of the Trench. The Holy Prophet-managed the critical situation during the siege of Madinah in a skilled and superb way. He demonstrated his democratic way of seeking the opinion of his companions. His acceptance of the advice of Hazrat Salman Farsi also reflects his wisdom in military affairs and his ability to accept new ideas regardless of the racial ba < ckground of thos i ile digging the trench. Thi is sense Of eecae a WwW

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