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Module 4-Designs a Research Used in Daily Life

Practical Research (Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University)

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Practical Research 2
Quarter 1–Module 4
Designs a Research Used in Daily Life

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Vilma S. Ramirez
Editor: James V. Henson
Reviewer: Sernor Cherryl S. Gatchalian
Layout Artist: Froilan G. Isip

Management Team Zenia G. Mostoles EdD, CESO V, SDS

Leonardo C. Canlas EdD CESE, ASDS
Rowena T. Quiambao CESE, ASDS
Celia R. Lacanlale PhD, CID Chief
Arceli S. Lopez PhD, SGOD Chief
June D. Cunanan EPS- English
Ruby M. Jimenez PhD, EPS-LRMDS

Published by the Department of Education, Schools Division of Pampanga

Office Address: High School Boulevard, Brgy. Lourdes,

City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Telephone No: (045) 435-2728
E-mail Address:

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Introductory Message
For the Facilitator:

Welcome to the Practical Research 2 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module

on Design Research Used in Daily Life

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators

from public institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the learners meet the
standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and
economic constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners
acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:

For the Learner:

Welcome to the Practical Research 2 / Grade 12 Alternative Delivery Mode

(ADM) Module on Designs Research Used in Daily Life.

The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and accomplish.
Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner is capable and
empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and skills at your own pace
and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process
the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

What I Need to Know

Research is the systematic investigation and study of materials and sources to

establish facts and reach new conclusions, so it shapes people’s understanding of the world
around them. Through research findings, psychologists are able to explain individual’s
behaviors, including how people think and act in certain ways. This helps to determine
disorders and their impact on the person and society, thus developing appropriate
treatments to improve the individual’s quality life.
One of the task in research work is to situate one’s study in the existing larger body
of literature available.

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As a researcher, you need to do this so that you can determine if you are building on
existing studies. Therefore, the review of related literature and conceptual framework is a
vital activity of new and even professional researchers.
This module will assist you in encouraging the learners to realize the importance of
statement of the problem in research.
For the learner:

After this lesson, the students should be able to do the following:

 Designs a research useful in daily life
 Determines research can do to our life
 Identify research designs

What I Know
Directions: Read each item carefully, choose the letter of the correct answer and write your
answers on your notebook.
1. Which of the following statement is CORRECT?
A. The role of research is a formal process of problem solving.
B. Research is not originated with a question or problem.
C. Research does not help in human life.
D. Research does not understand art.
2. This refers to the total approach that select in order to incorporate the different
components of the study
A. Arts
B. Bi-variates
C. Correlational
D. Research design
3. What are the two classifications of experimental design?
A. Active and Non Active
B. Correctional and Survey
C. Interactive and True experimental
D. Pre Experimental and Quasi Pre Experimental
4. This is design that involves a selecting groups, upon which a variable is tested
without any random pre selection process.
A. Correlational
B. Experimental
C. Quasi –experimental
D. Survey
5. Which of the following are the types of descriptive design?
A. Bivariate, Prediction and Multiple
B. Correlation, Quasi experimental
C. Survey, Ex -Post Facto
D. Multiple and Survey
6. This is a research approach, implement a variety of methodologies forms a critical
part of achieving the goal of developing a scale-matched approach, where data from
different disciplines can be integrated.
A. Comparative
B. Evaluative
C. Methodological
D. Normative

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7. This design is used to compare two distinct groups on the basis of selected
attributes such as knowledge level, perceptions, and attitudes, physical or
psychological symptoms.
A. Comparative
B. Evaluative
C. Methodological
D. Normative
8. It is a process used to determine what has happened during a given activity or in an
A. Comparative
B. Evaluative
C. Methodological
D. Survey
9. It describes the norm level of characteristics for a given behavior.
A. Correlational
B. Evaluative
C. Methodological
D. Normative
10. Which statement is CORRECT about the significance of research?
A. Research knows the truth
B. Research did not involve arts
C. Research destroy the standard of living
D. Research has negative effects on the history of mankind.

Designs a Research Used in daily life
Research leads to important discoveries which hopefully make life more rewarding,
less stressful, and less burdensome. Not all discoveries have been for the benefit of most of
mankind even to the point of being deadly. This tends to be the downside of research. But,
because we are only human, this will always be reflected in our research both our flaws and
all the things that are good about us.
Research is important in our daily life because it provides information that allows us
to make informed decisions. For example: People in a town are all getting sick with the same
illness as evidenced by the same symptoms. We need to find the cause of the illness, how to
treat it, and how to stop more people from getting sick. We might guess what the cause is: it
could be evil spirits are attacking the people who are practicing black magic; or it could be a
contamination of the water source; or it could be a contagious disease that will run it's
course--but how do we limit the spread? Research can help narrow down the options,
identify the treatment that has been the most affective and rule out what it isn't. When
medicines are made, they are made through research--trial and error and testing. Research
tells us what has happened in the past, and helps us predict what might happen in the

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What’s In

Directions. Complete the following chart and write five things what you know, understand
about a designs in research used in daily life.


What’s New

Directions: Analyze the pair of pictures. Have you ever guess what idea/s that the picture
would like to express? Try to guess insights on a research topic that may come up from pair
of pictures below. Write your answers in 1 or 2 statements on the space provided

1. ________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________

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4. ___________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________

What is It
The Role of Research

•It is a formal process of problem solving.

•It is a set of procedures and stages.
•It originates with a question or a problem.
•It is an iterative process.
Research provides solid foundation for the:
• Discovery and creation of knowledge, theory- building;
• Testing, confirmation, revision, and refutation of knowledge as theory;
• Advance a discipline or field;
• Advancements and improvements in various aspects of life;
• Promotion and tenure of individuals.
Significance of Research
1. To gather necessary information
2. To improve standard of living
3. To have a safer life
4. To know the truth
5. To explore our history buff
6. To understand arts


Research Designs refers to the total approach that you select in order
to incorporate the different components of the study in a
comprehensible and rational way, thereby ensuring you will effectively
address the research problem. Moreover, a research design establishes the
outline for the selection, measurement and analysis of data. The research
problem defines the research you should.

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Quantitative research designs are generally categorized into experimental and non-experimental
as the following on the organizer below.

Kinds of Quantitative research designs that a researcher may employ:

EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH DESIGN. It allows the researcher to control the

situation. In doing so, it allows the researcher to answer the question, “What
causes something to occur?” and also allows the researcher to identify cause and
effect relationships between variables and to distinguish placebo effects from
treatment effects.

A. Pre-Experimental design. A type of research apply to experimental design that with least
internal validity. One type of pre-experiment, the simple group, pre-test-post-test design,
measures the group two times, before and after the intervention. Instead of comparing
the pretest with the posttest within one group, the posttest of the treated groups is compared
with that of an untreated group. Measuring the effect as the difference between groups
marks this as between-subjects design.
B. Two classifications of experimental design that can provide better internal validity than pre-
experimental designs are: quasi-experimental and true experimental design (Dooly, 1999).
C. Quasi – Pre-Experimental design- in this design, the researcher can collect more data,
either by scheduling more observations or finding more existing measures. Quasi-
experimental design involves selecting groups, upon which a variable is tested, without any
random pre-selection processes.

Two types of Quasi-experimental design:


a) Non-Equivalent Control Group. It refers to the chance failure of random assignment

to equalize the conditions by converting a true experiment into this kind of design, for
purpose of analysis.
b) Interrupted Time Series Design. It employs multiple measures before and after the
experimental intervention. It differs from the single-group pre-experiment that has only
one pretest and one posttest. Users of this design assume that the time threats such as
history or maturation appear as regular changes in the measures prior to the intervention.
c) True-Experimental design-it controls for both time-related and group-related threats.
These features require that the researchers have control over the experimental
treatment and the power to place subjects in groups and employs both treated and
control groups to deal with time-related rival explanations.

2. NON-EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN. In this design, the researcher observes the phenomena as

they occur naturally and no external variables are introduced. In this research design, the
variables are not deliberately manipulated nor is the setting controlled. Researchers
collect data without making changes or introducing treatments. It is also known as
DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN because it is only one under non-experimental design.

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The types of Descriptive design are as follows:

A. Survey - It is used to gather information from groups of people by selecting and studying
samples chosen from a population. This is useful when the objective of the study is to see
general picture of the population under investigation in terms of their social and economic
characteristics, opinions, and their knowledge about the behavior towards a certain
B. Correlational. It is conducted by researchers whose aim would be to find out the direction,
association’s and/or relationship between different variables or groups of respondents under
study. Correlational Research has three types these are:
a. Bivariate Correlational Studies –It obtains score from two variables for each subject,
and then uses them to calculate a correlation coefficient. The term bivariate implies
that the two variables are correlated (variables are selected because they are believed
to be related).Example: Children of wealthier (variable one), better educated
(variable 2) parents earn higher salaries as adults.

b. Prediction Studies –It uses correlation coefficient to show how one variable (the
predictor variable) predicts another (the criterion variable).Example: Which senior high
school applicants should be admitted to college?

c. Multiple Regression Prediction Studies –All variables in the study can contribute to
the over-all prediction in an equation that adds together the predictive power of each
identified variable.

Example: Suppose the High School GPA is not the sole predictor of college GPA, what
might be other good predictors?

C. Ex-Post Facto or Causal-Comparative. This kind of research design derives conclusion

from observations and manifestations that already occurred in the past and now
compared to some dependent variables. It discusses why and how a phenomenon occurs.

Example: A researcher is interested in how weight influences anxiety-coping level of adults.

Here the subjects would be separated into different groups (underweight, normal,
overweight) and their stress-coping levels measured. This is an ex post facto design
because a pre-existing characteristic (weight) was used to form the groups.

D. Comparative It involves comparing and contrasting two or more samples of study subjects
on one or more variables, often at a single point of time. Specifically, this design is used to
compare two distinct groups on the basis of selected attributes such as knowledge
level, perceptions, and attitudes, physical or psychological symptoms.

Example: A Comparative Study on the Perception on COVID Problems among frontliners

in Pampanga.

D. Normative. It describes the norm level of characteristics for a given behavior. For
example: If you are conducting a research on the study habits of the high school students
you are to use the range of score to describe the level of their study habits. The same
true is when you would want to describe their academic performance.

F. Evaluative It is a process used to determine what has happened during a given activity or in
an institution. The purpose of evaluation is to see if a given program is working, an
institution is successful according to the goals set for it, or the original intent was
successfully attained.

Example: A test of secondary learners in school is used to assess the effectiveness of

teaching or the organization of a curriculum.

G. Methodological. The research approach, implement a variety of methodologies forms a

critical part of achieving the goal of developing a scale-matched approach, where data from
different disciplines can be integrated.

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What’s More

Discussion of Activity 1

Choose one (1) among the quantitative research design you think is appropriate to your study
and defend your answer?

Guide Question:
Why is it necessary to choose a research design? Defend your answer,

Independent Activity 1

Why research is so important.mp4

Directions: Watch the video and List down ten (10) MOST important benefits of Research in our daily life

Benefits of Research


Independent Assessment 1

Directions: Write QU if the statement is true and QS if it is false.

1. Non – equivalent control group refers to the chance failure of random assignment in order to
equalize the conditions by converting a true experiment.
2. Validity, reliability and generalizability are key issues for quantitative researchers.
3. True experiments controls both time related and group related threats.
4. Correlational is used to gather information from groups of people by selecting and studying
samples chosen from a population.
5. Survey is conducted by researchers whose aim would be to find out the direction,
associations and/or relationship between different variables or groups of respondents
under study.

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Independent Activity 2

Directions: Taking into consideration ALL the types of Quantitative Research models, choose ONE
and craft a good study draft and using a graphical organizer, illustrate how you plan to go
about the undertaking.

Research Design:


Independent Assessment 2

Directions: Identify what type of quantitative research design is being asked in each number. Write
your answer on the space provided.

1. It employs multiple measures before and after the experimental intervention.

2. In this type of research, the investigatory tries to probe the significance of relationship between two
or more factors or characteristics.
3. It is used to determine what has happened during a given activity or in an institution.
4. It involves comparing and contrasting two or more samples of study subjects on one or
more variables.
5. It discusses why and how a phenomenon occurs.
6. It is conducted by researchers whose aim would be to find out the direction, associations and/or
relationship between different variables.
7. Type of research design that applies to experimental design that offers the highest internal validity.
8. Its main purpose is to observe, describe and document aspects of a situation as it naturally occurs
and sometimes to serve as a starting point for hypothesis generation or theory development
9. It is. a type of descriptive design used to gather information from groups of people by selecting and
studying samples chosen from a population.
10. It a scores from two variables for each subject, and then uses them to calculate a
correlation coefficient
Independent Activity 3

Directions: Briefly explain in 200 words what is asked below. How important quantitative research in our
daily life? Cite at least five good effects that research brings to human life.

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Independent Assessment 3

Analyze the clipart below. Using the qualities of research as a systematic tool in finding
answers to questions, ask the members of your household to rank/rate the following activities
according to how they value each using the 5 point value scale, 5 being the most valued and 1 being
the least. List down the results of your survey and explain which activity is MOST Valued and LEAST

What I Have Learned

Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this lesson by completing the chart below in 2-3

I thought…
What were your thoughts
or ideas about designs a
research used in daily life?

What new or additional

I learned that…
ideas did you learn after
taking up this lesson?

How did you apply the I applied that…..

things you have learned
about designing a
research used in daily

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What I Can Do

Complete the concept map presented below to show your understanding of the different types research designs.


Directions: Read each item carefully, choose the letter of the correct answer and write your answers
on your notebook.

1. Which of the following statement is CORRECT?

A. The role of research is a formal process of problem solving.
B. Research is not originated with a question or problem.
C. Research does not help in human life.
D. Research does not understand art.
2. This refers to the total approach that select in order to incorporate the different components of
the study
A. Arts
B. Bi-variates
C. Correlational
D. Research design
3. What are the two classifications of experimental design?
A. Active and Non Active
B. Correctional and Survey
C. Interactive and True experimental
D. Pre Experimental and Quasi Pre Experimental
4. This is design that involves a selecting groups, upon which a variable is tested without any
random pre selection process.
A. Correlational
B. Experimental
C. Quasi –experimental
D. Survey
5. Which of the following are the types of descriptive design?
A. Bivariate, Prediction and Multiple
B. Correlation, Quasi experimental
C. Multiple and Survey
D. Survey, Ex -Post Facto

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6. This is a research approach, implement a variety of methodologies forms a critical part of

achieving the goal of developing a scale-matched approach, where data from different
disciplines can be integrated.
A. Comparative
B. Evaluative
C. Methodological
D. Normative
7. This design is used to compare two distinct groups on the basis of selected attributes
such as knowledge level, perceptions, and attitudes, physical or psychological
A. Comparative
B. Evaluative
C. Methodological
D. Normative
8. It is a process used to determine what has happened during a given activity or in an
A. Comparative
B. Evaluative
C. Methodological
D. Survey
9. It describes the norm level of characteristics for a given behavior.
A. Correlational
B. Evaluative
C. Methodological
D. Normative
10. Which statement is CORRECT about the significance of research?
A. Research knows the truth
B. Research did not involve arts
C. Research destroy the standard of living
D. Research has negative effects on the history of mankind.

Additional Activities

Critical Thinking.

Directions: Use your gadgets and other learning materials available to do this task.

Given the current situation in the Philippine Educational System brought about by this COVID
19 Pandemic, what Research Design will you adopt and what basic inquiries and data will you
collect? How will these help in improving the situation?

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Methods and report Writing, 2016.
Melegrito, Ma. Lourdes , Applied Research: An Introduction to Quantitative Research
Assessment 2 What's New Assessment Pre test
1. Interrupted Time 1. A. Disease 1. A
Series 2. Teenager using 2. D
2. Corrrelational
3. Evaluative Gadgets 3. D
4. Comparative 3. A Family 4. C
5. Ex-Post-Fact 4. Workaholic 5. A
6. Correlational 5. A Technology 6. C
7. Multiple regression Independent Assesment 1
Prediction 7. A
8. Non experimental 1. QU 8. B
9. Survey 2. QU 9. C
10. Bivariate-Correlational 3. QU 10.A
1. A 6. C 5. QS
2. D 7. A
3. D 8. B
4. C 9. C
5. A 10. A
Answer Key

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