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Revised Notice Inviting Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Project Managements Consultants (PMC) for Infrastructure Development Schemes

and for up gradation of Food Testing Labs.


Background 1.1.
The Ministry of Food Processing Industries under XI Plan is launching Schemes of a) Mega Food Park b) Integrated Cold Chain &Strategic Distribution Centre and c) Modern Abattoirs in various parts of the country to provide a mechanism to bring farmers, processors and retailers together and link agricultural production to the market so as to ensure maximization of value addition, minimize wastages and improve farmers income as well as for d) setting up/up gradation of Food Testing Labs. . Mega Food Park Scheme proposes a demand driven/pre-marketed model with strong backward/forward linkages and sustainable supply chain. The primary objective of the proposed scheme is to facilitate establishment of integrated value chain, with processing at the core and supported by requisite forward and backward linkages. The scheme provides for creating infrastructure for farm level primary processing centre-cum- cold chain in identified clusters, processing of intermediate products, collection centre cum cold chains, centralized infrastructure to take care of processing activities, which require cutting edge technologies and testing facilities, besides the basic infrastructure for water supply, power, environmental protection systems, communication etc. The supply chain will establish on-Farm Primary Processing Centre cum cold chain facilities for aggregation of the produce at village level, which will be linked, to the retail outlets/processing parks through appropriate produce aggregation facility and collection centre cum cold chain and Reefer van transportation net works. The scheme is proposed to be entrepreneur driven to be implemented on a PPP basis. Cold Chain & Strategic Distribution Centre scheme targets setting up of centers with infrastructure facilities like material handling equipment, refrigeration, IQF/ blast freezing, ancillary equipments i.e. X-ray, weigh bridge, substation, electric system, Cold storages (CA/ MA), specialized storage, packing, etc to handle a wide range of perishable or processed food products. These centers will form the last point for export of


processed foods and also provide the much-needed forward linkage to the supermarkets and malls in the metropolises. Modern Abattoir (Modernization of existing abattoirs/ setting up of modern abattoir) scheme targets infrastructure for the meat processing industry i.e. Modernization of abattoirs. The main objectives of the scheme are a) Scientific and hygienic slaughtering (b) Stunning, causing least pain to the cattle/ minimizing transportation of animals (c) Better by product utilization/value addition and providing chilling facility to prevent microbial activity in slaughtered animals.

up/up-gradation of Food Testing Laboratories targets to establish a network of food testing laboratories in the country to facilitate food regulatory bodies, food processing industries and other stakeholders, so as to ensure the quality and safety of food products. It is proposed to establish/ up-grade eighty four (84) food testing laboratories in various parts of the country during 11th plan and develop a mechanism for networking of these laboratories with the objectives: (a) to ensure compliance with National/ International food standards, (b) to analyze the samples received from food processing industries, and other stakeholders, (c) to reduce the time of analysis of samples by reducing transportation time of samples, (d) to generate scientific data on levels of contaminants, pesticide residue etc. In addition, The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India proposed to be established under the provisions of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, has been empowered to recognize the food testing laboratories in Government and Private sector. The proposed Food Authority may recognize labs in each State/district and also lay standards for testing of the food products. Setting up / up-gradation of food testing laboratories are needed for better regulation of food standards by the Food Authority and State Governments. To make the Plan Scheme more attractive during 11th Plan, the Ministry has proposed a revised the existing scheme for setting up/upgradation of Quality Control Laboratory to strengthen the food-testing infrastructure in the country. Under the 11th plan scheme increased level of financial assistance has been proposed for private sector for components of lab equipments and building for housing the lab. The scheme may also be implemented on a PPP basis.

Setting up/up gradation of Food Control Lab:Scheme for setting


As the above said schemes are complex in nature and involves multidisciplinary skills, it is proposed to appoint reputed and experienced consultants as Programme Management Agencies (PMA) with experience in development and financing of industrial clusters, infrastructure on PPP basis. The scheme envisages technical and managerial assistance to the potential stakeholders, through a professional Project Management Agency (PMA) who would assist the Ministry as well as the industry from concept to commissioning. MFPI will engage a Project Management Agency, through competitive bidding, for conducting feasibility studies on the proposed schemes, to do project development, monitoring and evaluation of projects, appraise various projects, and help the Ministry in approving projects , release of grant and its judicious utilization. Project Management Consultants (PMC) would play major role in preparation of feasibility reports, DPR of the project and also assist the SPVs/ anchor entrepreneurs in the implementation of the project. They shall assist the SPVs/ anchor entrepreneurs in identifying the detailed supply chain and the broad business plan of the proposed projects. PMC may interact with the PMA appointed by the Ministry with respect to Infrastructure Development schemes to ensure identification, design and implementation of projects. To avail the benefits of the proposed Scheme, investors have to come together and form a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) or take on the role of anchor entrepreneurs. The Mega Food Parks may be owned and managed by a SPV in which the stake holders are the food processors, farmers bodies, retailers, state government agencies, financial institutions etc. The stakeholders, other than the Government, will have majority share holding of the SPV. Although, in- principle approval may be accorded by MFPI to a project based on a preliminary project report, formal approval would be given for grant, only after establishment of SPV, procurement of land for the project by the SPV, and appraisal of DPR by the Programme Management Agency, appointed by MFPI. The release of funds would be done in phases after ensuring that the financial closure has been achieved by the SPV and SPV brings in its stipulated contribution in time.





Proposal & Scope of Work

To ensure the successful implementation of proposed a) mega food parks, b) Strategic Distribution Centre, c) Abattoirs and d) setting up/up gradation of Food Testing Labs. MFPI has decided to prepare a panel of professional agencies as Project Management Consultants (PMCs), which have requisite experience in preparation of Feasibility reports, detailed project reports (DPRs) for large agro/industry infrastructure projects and also in implementation of such projects. PMCs if selected by SPVs/ anchor entrepreneurs, would provide consultancy services to them. A list of such technically qualified PMCs is proposed to be drawn up to enable SPVs in the successful operation of the projects in the above said infrastructure development schemes. 2.1 In order to achieve the above objectives, the Ministry now intends to empanel technically competent agencies as Project Management Consultants (PMCs) for a) Mega Food Park projects, b) Cold chain &Strategic Distribution Centre c) Modern Abattoirs and d) setting up/up gradation of Food Testing Labs. The services of such agencies may be used by Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs)/ Anchor entrepreneurs, which would own and manage Mega Food Park for successful implementation of these projects. PMCs are expected to carry out prefeasibility studies and develop the project by identifying stake holders/ investors and develop project designs. PMC should have inherent financial strength to incur such expenditure. However, such projects will be evaluated through open competitive and transparent method on predecided criteria and accordingly, final decision will be taken for project selection. Ministry is not liable for any re-imbursement of expenses incurred on PMC irrespective of the selection of the project for MFPI assistance. The empanelment of the Project Managements Consultants would be done on the basis of technical competence possessed by the prospective agencies to carry out the tasks envisaged. The Ministry would not provide any financial assistance or ensure any business tie-up for these empanelled agencies. However, their technical competence/services may be used by the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) who will be the implementing agency comprising of different stakeholders for implementation of MFP projects, for framing DPRs/pre-feasibility studies or any other work of such nature as deemed fit by the SPV on mutual agreed terms and conditions by both parties. This requires the prospective bidders to be in a position and willing to take risk for working upfront in chalking out project proposals even though it does not guarantee automatic approval of the Ministry. The


projects received from these agencies through SPVs would be examined and considered in this Ministry on merit of each proposal. 2.3 The panel of PMCs proposed to be prepared by the Ministry is only an indicative list, which may subsequently be updated by including more such technically qualified agencies that meet the technical parameters, and other requirements fixed by the Ministry for the purpose.

Scope of work for Infrastructure Development Projects

Technical bids are invited from reputed technically competent agencies for empanelment as PMCs to be used by SPVs for successful implementation of Mega Food Park projects owned and managed by SPVs and other infrastructure schemes MFPI would prepare an indicative and not exhaustive panel of such consultants whose services may be utilized by SPVs in the following indicative areas of work: (i) Preparation of Feasibility reports, DPRs, for a) mega food park b) Strategic Distribution Centre and c) Abattoirs projects. Such DPRs would cover the following aspects of the Project: o o o o o o o o o o o Analysis of various sites and locations Analysis of issues related to developing the external infrastructure such as approach road, power, water supply, effluent treatment etc Master plan/ layout plan Details of forward and backward linkages Proposed Supply chain Business profile of the Park Statutory approvals and clearances required Estimation of block project cost and means of financing Salient financials of the Project Impact of the Project Project implementation schedule

(ii) Assistance to SPVs/ anchor entrepreneurs in obtaining key statutory approvals/ clearances including environmental clearances, which are prerequisite to commencement of the Project. (iii) Assistance to SPVs/ anchor entrepreneurs in bidding and selection of contractors, Supervision of requisite civil construction, installation of machinery/equipment relating to supply chain and other components and Overall supervision of completion of project to time, cost and specifications.


Identify investors on a need basis

Scope of work for setting up/up gradation of Food Testing Labs

1. Preparation of Feasibility reports, DPRs for Setting up / up-gradation of food testing laboratories: Such DPRs would cover the following aspects of the project: (i) Analysis of potential sites & locations. (ii) Master plan/lay out plan for building (iii) Market study/potential users of the laboratory (iv) Estimated project cost and means of finance. (v) Statutory approvals / clearance & accreditation required. (vi) Salient financial requirement s of the project (vii) Impact of the project (viii) Project implementation schedule (ix) Details of laboratory equipments with justifications (x) Details of manpower 2. To assist in identification of the requisite, financial resource to undertake project 3. To provide need based technical/managerial support to the anchor entrepreneurs for setting up /up-gradation of food testing laboratories in line with the guidelines of the scheme and establishment of networking of laboratories during 11th Plan. 4. To assist entrepreneurs in identifications of the potential users of the Food Testing Laboratories such as industry associations, food processing industries, exporters/importers, regulatory agencies, Government etc. 5. To assist applicants entrepreneurs in obtaining accreditation and recognition of laboratories by multiple agencies, to met the international requirements, adoption of good laboratories practices, training of technical staff, availability of standards reference material (SRM), test methods and their validation, if required by the applicant. 6. To assist entrepreneur in bidding selection of contractors, supervision of requisite civil construction, procurement/ installation of machinery/equipments relating to laboratory and other components. 7. Overall supervision of project till completion.


Eligibility of the Consulting Agency

As mentioned above, the SPV/ anchor entrepreneurs are likely to use a professional agency to act as PMC for preparation of feasibility report etc. and considering the nature of the elements of the proposed scheme as well as the likely role of PMC in such implementation, the agencies intending to bid for such empanelment shall fulfill the following eligibility conditions: a) Shall be an Institution, corporate house, NGO, consulting firm, which has minimum three years experience in development and execution of large agro/industry infrastructure projects and setting up/up gradation food testing labs. . b) PMC should have personnel having qualification in Food technology/ Food Science /Agriculture/ CA with MBA or any other foreign degree pertaining to Food technology and management. c) Shall be technically sound with practical knowledge in preparing precise feasibility reports, DPRs with respect to objectives of the scheme and possess good knowledge in the stepwise implementation of the projects. d) Should have prepared DPRs and assisted in implementation of at least one agro/industry infrastructure project of more than Rs. 10 crores and Rs. 5 crores for setting up/upgradation og food testing laboratories. e) Should have at least Rupees Ten (10) crores of turn over in one of the preceding three years in case applying for Mega Food Park and Integrated Cold Chain & Strategic Distribution Centre, at least Rupees One (1) crore of turn over in one of the preceding three years in case applying for Modern Abattoir and at least Rupees Three (3) crores of turn over in one of the preceding three years in case applying for setting up/up gradation of Food Testing Labs. Govt. organizations/institutions are exempted from the eligibility condition of having a minimum turnover of at least Rs. 10 crore, 1 crore and 3 crore for the above stated schemes. f) Should have financial strength to undertake such projects considering various steps/ tasks to be performed from the conception to the completion of the project (i.e) conducting feasibility study, preparation of DPRs, implementation of the project and to help in achieving financial closure of the project.


Processing fee

A non-refundable processing fee / registration amount of Rs. 50,000/- is required to be deposited in the form of a demand draft in favor of P&AO, MFPI by the prospective bidders along with the bid documents. The validity of registration is for two years upon selection as PMC, which may further be continued if required.



The indicative panel of Technically qualified Project Management Consultants to be empanelled with MFPI may be engaged by SPVs / anchor entrepreneurs for preparation of feasibility reports, DPRs and for providing technical assistance in implementation of projects. The panel is being drawn for the benefit of stake holders/ industrial investors so that competent agencies only are engaged for hand holding the project from concept to commissioning. An SPV/ Anchor entrepreneur is also eligible to appoint PMC of their choice. The Ministry has no liability to pay any fee or to reimburse any expenditure incurred. Payments to such PMCs, if hired/selected may, therefore, be made by SPVs directly. However, the Ministry is keeping a provision for meeting the cost of project management for such agencies and this cost will be considered as a part of the DPR and it is subject to a limit. Such fees would be considered eligible and taken into account in calculating grant under the proposed scheme if such proposal is approved as per the Ministrys guidelines. Such payments may be further linked to the project milestones to ensure continued involvement and commitment of PMCs, when this Ministry approves the project.


Submission of EOI Bid & Bidding Procedure

The agency qualifying the above criteria shall submit only technical bid in sealed cover containing documents in support of the eligibility conditions as mentioned above along with the following documents: The applications shall be complete with the following documents: Expression of Interest proforma in Form I. Statement of Applicant in Form II Details of Joint Venture / Consortium data in Form-III Details of similar projects done by the Consortium in Form-IV Details of Financial status of the applicant in Form V.

Details of Methodology and Work Plan proposed by the applicant in Form-VI. Details of educational qualification and experience details of permanent technical personnel in Form VII. Last 3 years balance sheet/ Audited Statements of Accounts. Income tax registration and income tax clearance. Service tax registration certificate Details of the team which is proposed to handle the project with their BioData in brief mentioning their experience in similar project done earlier. Details of external experts /agencies with complete qualification and experience profile. The applicant in addition to furnishing complete information in the Forms appended with the documents shall furnish a complete document on the proposed approach; methodology & work plan for rendering the services asked for. The work plan shall include full justification for procedures to be adopted. A time schedule for carrying out the each component of the assignment is also to be indicated. Every sheet and all forms complete in all respect shall be signed by the person/ persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the applicants with affixing the applicants rubber stamp. The Power (s) of Attorney supporting authorizing of the signatory shall be enclosed with the offer. Any / all correction made in the offer shall be duly authenticated by the signature of the authorized signatory. All the bidders are to submit one proposal even if they are applying to be empanelled as PMCs for all three infrastructure projects stated above and for Quality Control Lab projects. However, they have to clearly indicate on the first page of the application the specific project/projects for which they are applying for, to be considered as PMC. 7.2 Technical Bid: Documents in support of the eligibility conditions as mentioned above A brief note on the proposed methodology of work


Details of Technical/Managerial capability covering the areas of policy, project development, project management, project finance, capacity building, cluster development, infrastructure and agriculture / horticulture wing should be provided. C.V.s of the full team to be engaged for the task should be made available for assessment 7.3. Evaluation of Bids The Ministry will identify the suitable bidders based on an evaluation of the technical bid and if considered necessary, may also call for technical presentations from the identified bidders. Based on the presentations and other technical factors, the final bidders would be short listed and graded. In case of consortium bidding the credentials/eligibility of each partner will be evaluated separately.

7.4 Clarification, if any may be sought from Shri S.S. Chahal, Deputy Seretary, at Ph. No. 011-26492089. The Expression of Interest bid may be submitted latest by 2 p.m. by 21.8.2007, to the undersigned at Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Panchcheel Bhavan, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi 110 049. In case the above date is a holiday, the last date shall be the next working day. The technical bids shall be opened on the last date of the submission of the bids at 4 p.m.

7.5 The Ministry of Food Processing Industries reserves the right to reject any / all the bids in part / or in full without assigning any reason.
8. Bid Processing fee & Availability of EOI The EOI could be obtained from Mrs. Gayatri Mishra, Under Secretary with a non-refundable payment of Rs. 50,000/- by DD or Pay Order payable at New Delhi in favour of Pay & Account Office, Ministry of Food Processing Industries. Alternatively, the document may be directly downloaded from the Ministrys website In the event the document is


downloaded from the website the prospective consultant shall furnish a Demand Draft/ Bankers cheque for Rs. 50,000/- only drawn in favour of Pay & Account Office, Ministry of Food Processing Industries with their offer by Speed post/ Registered Post without which his proposal will not be considered. The prospective bidders who have not attended the pre-bid meeting on 17.7.2007 held in the Ministry can also apply for the assignment as per procedure given out in the Ministrys ad dated 9.7.2007. and in the revised notice/ad.on web site dated 24.7.2007 8.2 Critical Information The schedule for opening & closure of Expression of Interest as follows: Date of commencement of sale of 9.7.2007 EOI document from Mrs. Gayatri Mishra, Under Secretary, MFPI (Room No. 108) Availability of revised EOI Since 24.7.2007 document on website http.// Last date & time for receipt of 2 p.m. by 21.8.2007 EOI Bid Opening of the bids 4 p.m. by 21.8.2007

If the last date of receipt & opening thereof happens to be a holiday, the offer will be received and opened on the next working day at the same time. 09. Amendment to EOI

At any time prior to the last date for receipt of bids, the Ministry, may for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Consultant, modify the EOI Document by an amendment. In order to provide prospective Consultants reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, the Ministry may, at its discretion, extend the last date for the receipt of Bids and/or make other changes in the requirements set out in the invitation to EOI.




The procedure of evaluation of the applications for empanelment is broadly indicated at page no. 11. Technical Presentation

Once the bids for consultancy are evaluated, the successful consultant will be intimated to make a presentation in the Ministry at a short notice. 12. Rejection of EOI The application for Consultancy is liable to be rejected if: a) The application is not covered in proper sealed cover with superscription as indicated above. b) Not in prescribed form and not containing all required details. c) Not properly signed. d) Received after the expiry of due date and time. e) Offer is received by telex, fax, telegram or e-mail. f) Bid received with out cost of EOI document if downloaded from Ministry's website. 13. Disclaimer

13.1 The Ministry shall not be responsible for any late receipt for any reasons whatsoever. The applications received late will not be considered and will be returned unopened to the applicant. 13.2 The Ministry reserves the right a) To reject any / all applications without assigning any reasons thereof. To relax or waive any of the conditions stipulated in this document as deemed necessary in the best interest of the Ministry and the objective of the scheme without assigning any reasons thereof. To include any other item in the Scope of work at any time after consultation in the pre-bid meeting or otherwise





Clarifications, if any can be sought from Shri S.S. Chahal, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt. of India, Panchsheel Bhawan, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi 110049 (Email: ) (Phone No.26492089 & fax No.26493228) 13


Final date for submit of bids: The final bids complete in all respects are required to be submitted by 2 p.m. by 21.8.2007. Shri S.S. Chahal, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Room No. 208, Panchsheel Bhawan, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi 110049.



1. 1.1

Preliminary examination for the applications The Ministry shall examine the applications to determine

whether they are complete, whether the documents have been signed as indicated in this document, whether all Forms as asked for have been filled in properly, whether applications are generally in order and all information as indicated under various clauses have been furnished. 1.2 The Ministry reserves the right to waive minor deviations in the

Empanelment application if they do not materially affect the capability of the bidder to perform the contract. 1.3 Prior to detailed evaluation formalities, the Ministry shall determine the

substantial responsiveness of each application to the Invitation documents. A substantial responsive bid is one, which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the Invitation document without any material deviation. A material deviation is one, which limits in any way responsibilities and liabilities of the bidder or any right of the employer as required in this document. The Ministry may waive any minor infirmity or non conformity in an application which does not constitute material deviation. Non-responsiveness shall run the risk of rejection. 1.4 The evaluation shall be carried out on the basis of data available in the

application documents received from the consultant in the first instance. No account will be taken of any further documents or clarifications or any such additional information furnished subsequently by the consultant. However, the Ministry reserves the right to call for such clarifications confined in scope to the contents of the application, should such a clarification become necessary for proper judgment in evaluation.



Screening of the Bids

The technical bids will be screened on the basis of the following essential eligibility criteria: Should have at least Rupees Ten (10) crores of turn over in one of the preceding three years in case applying for Mega Food Park and Integrated Cold Chain & Strategic Distribution Centre, at least Rupees One (1) crore of turn over in one of the preceding three years in case applying for Modern Abattoir and at least Rupees Three (3) crores of turn over in one of the preceding three years in case applying for setting up/up gradation of Food Testing Labs. Govt. organizations/institutions are exempted from the eligibility condition of having a minimum turnover of at least Rs. 10 crore, 1 crore and 3 crore for the above stated schemes. The consulting agency should have adequate experience in agribusiness management and have at least 3 inhouse experts with qualification in agriculture/ food technology/ food science and MBA The firm shall submit a non-refundable draft of Rs. 50,000/- ( Rupees five lakh only) in favour of Pay &Accounts Officer, Ministry of Food Processing Industries at the time of submission of their bids. Last three years balance sheet/Audited Statements of Account shall need to be submitted.



The technical bid will carry maximum marks of 100. The maximum marks for each activity of technical bid is as under: Maximum marks a) Past experience in both planning & execution of similar 25 projects with cluster based approach / infrastructure Development related scheme and in setting up of labs. Educational qualification and domain technical knowledge 30 in abattoir, Cold chain & Strategic Distribution Centre and macro level Agribusiness management, setting up of labs.



Exposure of the consultant in setting up of similar 15 projects, linkage with Financial Institutions and wide global technical know how/ expertise linkage with logistics Experience of the consultant in agro-processing, food 10 processing, agribusiness management etc. Experience/ capability in business tie-ups with renowned 05 foreign/ Indian consultancy groups Strength in human resource for conducting feasibility 15 studies , providing expert comments, preparing blue print of the proposed project and step-wise implementation of the project.





FORM I EOI Letter Proforma To Sh. S.S. Chahhal, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Panchsheel Bhawan, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi-110 049 Sub: Hiring of a Consultant for Empanelment of Project Management

Consultants (PMC) for the Infrastructure Development Schemes and for Setting up/up gradation of food testing labs. . Sir, The undersigned Consultants, having read and examined in detail all the EOI documents for Empanelment of Project Management Consultants (PMC) for the Infrastructure Development Schemes and for Setting up/up gradation of food testing labs. .

2. 1

Correspondence details: Name Agency 2 3 Address of the Consultant Name of the contact person to whom all references shall be made regarding this tender 4 Designation of the person to whom all references shall be of the Consultancy


made regarding this tender 5 Address of the person to whom all references shall be made regarding this tender 6 7. Telephone (with STD code) Mobile person 8 9 3. E-mail of the contact person Fax No. (with STD code) Documents forming part of EOI We have enclosed the followings: a. Statement of Applicant in Form II b. Details of Joint Venture / Consortium data in Form-III c. Details of similar projects done by the Consortium in Form-IV d. Details of Financial status of the applicant in Form V. e. Details of Methodology and Work Plan, time line for all activities proposed by the applicant in Form-VI. f. Details of educational qualification and experience details of permanent technical personnel in Form VII. g. Last 3 years balance sheet/ Audited Statements of Accounts. h. Other information sought in the scope of work. i. Bid processing fee We hereby declare that our EOI is made in good faith and the information contained is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. Thanking you , Yours faithfully (Signature of the Consultant) Name: Designation: Seal: Date: Place: No. of the contact


Witness: Signature Name Address

______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________




Form No. II STATEMENT OF APPLICANT 1. 2. Name of the Applicant Address Office Telephone No. : Fax No. : E-mail Address : Branch Office Address (if any) Telephone No. : Fax No. : E-mail Address : 4 Legal Status: of Head




of Place__________________ Date_________________

establishment 6 (a)

Applying as an Yes/No Individual Applicant (b) Applying as Joint Yes/No Venture Applicant Branch of Specialisation: a) . Since . b) . Since . Main line of business c) . Since . d) . Since . e) . Since . f) . Since . Name and Address of Lead Member Name and Address (s) of other Constituent Member(s) a) b)



10 11

11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5

Copy of Joint Venture Agreement attached Total Number and Category of Permanent Employees Total Number of Employees Total number of Technical Persons Total number of specialists Total number of labourers Total number of others


(Place and Date)

(Name & Signature of Representative)


FORM III JOINT VENTURE / CONSORTIUM DATA 1. 2. Name of Joint Consortium Venture /

Address of Joint Venture / Consortium Telephone No: Fax No. :

E-mail Address: 3. Names of Partners: (a) (b) (c) 4. 5. Name of Principal Consultant : Address of Principal Consultant : Telephone Fax E-mail 6. Address(s) of other Partner(s) Telephone Fax E-mail 7. Joint Venture Agreement (a) (b) (c) / Consortium

Date of Agreement Place Proposed distribution responsibilities among partners 8. Indicate how the responsibilities ofday to day management will be handled by partners (Place & Date)


(Name & Signature of Authorised Representative)


1. 1.

4. 4. 3. 2. B.



Sl. No. Name of the Project with Project Location Name & address of the Client Contract No. & Date* of of Contract No. & Date* Name & address of the Client Name of the Project with Project Location

Sl. No.


A. Projects for which the applicant has prepared DPRs and implemented similar projects

Date. Place. Date Completion the project Value of Contract* the Date of Start of the work Date of Completion of work Whether Project has implemnted the been Description of the Project Any other information *Whether the Project is Project under execution/commissioned by the Applicant. commissioned Description of the Project Any information other PREPARING DPRs


(Signature of Applicant)



FORM-V FINANCIAL STATUS OF THE APPLICANT Fill in the blanks for each of the last three fiscal years, duly certified by Chartered or Public Account or Chamber of Commerce or Banks. 1 .Share Capital (INR) 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06

2. Paid up Capital (INR) 3. Free Reserve (INR) (gross) 4. Unallocated Balance surplus (INR) 5. Expenses not written off (INR) 6. Total current assets (INR) 6.1. Total Cash Deposits (INR) &

6.2 Deposits with bids or otherwise as guarantees (due within 90 days) 6.3 Amounts receivable from completed contracts (INR) (due within 90 days) 6.4 Amounts receivable from incomplete contracts after deducting retention (INR) (due within 90 days) 6.5 Stocks & Bonds at present market value (INR)


6.6 Any other current assets (INR) (due within 90 days) 7. Closing Stock if any (INR) 8. Total current liabilities (INR) (give in details) 9. Total assets (INR) 10.Total liabilities (INR) 11. Current credit resources (INR) 12. Contingent Liability (INR) (give in details) 13. Total profit before tax (INR) 14. Total profit aftertax (INR) 15. Total loss (INR) (gross) 16 Turnover from contracting during the financial year (INR) 17. Amount of balance (INR)





18. Balance 19.

Date of Bank References And address Credit Line





(list names of institutions & maximum Credit Line; attach respective letters from sureties) Maximum INR Amount in


Notes Item 1: Item 2 : The amount for share capital shall include retained Earnings Attach respective letters from banks (Bank Credit (Letter)

(Place Date)



& Signature Authorised Representative)






Experience Record2

Key Qualification 1

No. of service Year with the Applicant

Under Key Qualification, outline the person's academic qualification and other special education, training etc.

list all position held by the person since graduation, giving dates, name of employing organization, position held. (Signature of Applicant)

Any important information

Date of Birth



Sl. No.



1. 1.

4. 4. 3. 2. B.



Sl. No. Name of the Project with Project Location Name & address of the Client Contract No. & Date* Date of Completion of the project Contract No. & Date* Name & address of the Client Name of the Project with Project Location

Sl. No.

A. Projects for which the applicant has prepared DPRs and implemented similar projects

Date. Place. Value of the Contract* Date of Start of the work Date of Completion of work Whether the Project has been implemnted Description of the Project Any other information Project under execution/commissioned by the Applicant. Description of the Project Any other information *Whether the Project is commissioned DETAILS OF EXPERIENCE IN THE FIELD OF PREPARING DPRs AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SIMILAR SUCH PROJECTS

. (Signature of Applicant)


Annexure -I 1. Mega Food Parks The Ministry of Food Processing Industries proposes to implement a scheme to establish 30 (thirty) Mega Food Parks in the country* with the following objectives: Provide state of the art infrastructure for food processing in the country on a pre identified cluster basis Ensure value addition of agricultural commodities including poultry, meat, dairy, fisheries etc. Establish a sustainable raw material supply chain for each cluster Facilitate induction of latest technology Foster interagency linkages for complementary to food processing pooling of resources for activities

Quality assurance through better process control and capacity building Address issues of small farm size and small and medium nature of processing industries through a cluster approach with stakeholders managing the supply chain. * Subject to approval of the Government of India 2. Cluster based approach The location of Mega Food Parks have to be selected on the basis the agricultural and horticultural surpluses available. A mix of products and crops has to be taken up to increase the viability of Food Park. The supply chain has to be clearly delineated and the points at which On Farm Primary Processing Centre/ Collection Centre units have to be established also need to be finalized. All these can be done only by a professional management agency specifically selected and tasked with this job. The SPV, which is sought to be established to manage the Food Park, has to be supported by the Project Management Agency to ensure that these components are put in place. In this scheme there will be provision for a centralized infrastructure to take care of the processing activities, which require cutting edge technology like testing laboratories, effluent treatment, packaging etc. which are capital and technology intensive. Under the umbrella of such a park, On Farm Primary-Processing Centers for processing of fresh produce and Collection Centers for aggregation of primary processed produce for onward transportation either to retail outlet or to the processing unit, need to be established. These could also be a platform for

technology feedback to address issues such as introduction of appropriate varieties for processing and handling of produce to meet the processing requirements. The Food Park can be established for any sector on need basis such as Fruits and Vegetables, Dairy, Meat & Poultry, Wine etc. Subject to feasibility, such park can also facilitate organic farming and processing of organic food. In zones, which offer potential for organic farming, exclusive food parks could be set up for value addition and marketing. These parks can also serve as sourcing hubs for retail chains for fresh produce/minimally processed products. Mega Food Park could be implemented in already identified AEZ (about 60) or clusters identified by the National Horticulture Mission/ Technology Mission. The clusters in the service area of the proposed project could be mapped (in all sectors such as fruits and vegetables, dairy, fisheries, animal husbandry, poultry, oil seeds, spices, wine etc) to evolve detailed implementation plans. Such an approach can help in the much-needed synergy among agencies complementary to the Park. 3. Supply Chain Management The feedback from the industry indicates lack of reliable raw material supply as a major constraint. While supply chain management is important for all industries, it is of paramount importance as far as the food processing industry is concerned. Production is relatively unorganized and this calls for appropriate backward linkages to be established simultaneous with establishment of processing facilities. Bulk of production of fruits and vegetables occur in small and marginal holdings. In such a situation, it is extremely essential to have aggregation of the produce at the village level itself before being transported to the park, which is centrally located. For addressing this issue, appropriate institutional development at grassroots level, with involvement of small and marginal farmers is essential. The concept of selfhelp groups or Neighborhood Groups has been found effective in the food/ vegetable production system. Each group may compromise of 10-20 farmers. These groups can be the first point of aggregation of the produce, and can also act, as an agency for transfer of technology for adoption of best practices to improve productivity and quality to meet the market needs. They can be empowered by establishing On Farm Primary Processing Centers at Panchayat level. These organizations will be stakeholders in the Food Park. The model has already been tried in the plantation sector/dairy sector with a fair degree of success. In the model for supply chain management, the fruit/vegetable producers society/association is the next suggested level for aggregation of the produce. Fruit/vegetable producers society/association would be a cluster of 20-30 selfhelp groups, which would also provide these groups with basic minimum facilities for handling the fruits and vegetables produced by its members. To facilitate aggregation of the produce, Collection Centre can be established at the block level


on need basis. Apart from the SHGs, large farmers and village level traders in the identified zone also can serve as supply source of raw material. Around 10-20 such clusters can be organized in the service area of Mega Food Parks to ensure regular supply of raw materials to the parks. The same concept can hold good for poultry and dairy sector. The Mega Food Park will therefore have three tiers in the supply chain (backward linkage) viz. Producers Groups comprising of 20-30 SHG (Each SHG:10-20 Farmers) /Large farmers/village level traders in the zone- with On Farm Primary Processing Center for cleaning, grading, sorting & Controlled temperature storage. Collection Centers with pre cooling facilities Depending on the need sorting, grading & packing facilities will be provided at these centers. These centers will have facilities for transfer of technology as well as information kiosks, supply of inputs etc. About 20 such clusters will feed the Food Park. Food Park (with common facilities)- Processing units
Farmer Producers Group/ (SHGs) Collection Centers/ Primary Processing Centers Food Park/ Retail

The Supply Chain The Mega Food Park Scheme will be implemented by SPV, ideally a private limited company in which the stakeholders will be the investors in the park (producers agencies, retailers, Service Providers, State Government Agencies, financial institutions etc.) The backward linkages in the jurisdiction of a park will be organised under an appropriate institutional arrangement- a Producers Company (registered under Section 25) or a Society under Charitable Societies Act. Under the proposed arrangement, it is estimated that approximately 4000-5000 farmers will get directly involved in the supply chain. The Producers Company or the Society will be a shareholder in the SPV formed for implementing the Scheme. Alternatively, a Producers Company with the equity participation of about 20 fruit/vegetable producers Society/ Association (cluster), large farmers, traders etc. can be promoted by the SPV of the Park and the SPV can have equity participation in the Producers Company. Facilitating formation of self-help groups of farmers will require intensive extension efforts. The SPV proposed to be formed for implementing the Park may not be in a position to carry out this task directly. These functions can be discharged by the State Agricultural / Horticultural Departments, or specific agencies created by the State Government or Central Government for the purpose. Identifying NGOs to carry out the tasks outlined can be considered as an option. The capacity building of the extension workers and technologists will be the


responsibility of the SPV. These farmers producer companies can also make arrangements for bulk supply of inputs, access to technology, organise programs for capacity building etc. One of the major constraints in the sector is lack of good planting materials. The farmers producer companies can address this issue. Nurseries can be run on a commercial scale including adoption of biotechnology and micro propagation techniques. An information kiosk can be provided at the fruit/vegetable producers society/ association level to provide market information. The institutional arrangement proposed would address the concerns raised in the context of contract farming by farmer organizations. The Producer Company can directly deal with entrepreneurs/ corporates investing in the park for the supply of appropriate varieties by changing the cropping pattern, if need be. SPV also can enter into contracts with the retailers. While the demand for fresh products can be met through the primary processing/ collection centers, the demand for intermediate/ fully processed food products can be met by the units in the park. If the scheme is tailored and marketed properly, the retailers themselves also can become equity partners in the SPV of the Food Park. Eligibility criteria and financial assistance The scheme will be eligible to be availed by all categories of entrepreneurs and emphasis will be on the economies of scale and viability of the scheme. Financial assistance as approved by the Government will be made available. 5. Basic facilities proposed to be provided in the park General Infrastructure Common infrastructure like roads, water supply (bore well, over head tank, distribution lines, water treatment plant) Administrative building, conference room, Guest House, Bank, Post Office, Shopping Complex Internet Electric sub station, DG Sets Technical Infrastructure Basic refrigeration plant with puff insulated panels Weigh bridge CA Chamber Pressure Ventilation


Incubation Chambers IQF facility Variable Humidity Store (Additional Equipment) Pre-Cooling Units Effluent Treatment Plant Packaging R&D & quality control lab Training Facility *List illustrative-to be finalized on a need basis


Integrated Cold Chain & Strategic Distribution System

The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI) launching to implement a Scheme for Establishing an Integrated Cold Chain and Strategic Distribution system (SDC) in the country during the 11th Plan period. The Ministry proposes to work with the Container Corporation of India, Railways, Airport Authority of India and private / other public infrastructure/retail/ export/supply chain companies to establish Integrated Cold Chain and SDC in a network of towns, airports and seaports on the trunk routes, highways and consumption centres. The SDC which will be the nerve centre of Integrated Cold Chain infrastructure with a capacity of 10000 to 20000 tonnes will be located near airports, seaports and consumption centres and they will form the last point for export of processed foods and also provide the much needed forward linkage to the super markets and malls in the metropolis with the organized retail. The SDCs will have infrastructure facilities like material handling equipment, refrigeration, IQF/blast freezing, ancillary equipments, X-ray, weigh bridge, sub-station, electric system, cold/CA/MA/specialized storage etc. to handle a wide range of perishables and other processed food products. The food marketing and strategic distribution center (SDC) is the critical final link in the agri-food chain between food processors ("processors") and agricultural producers ("producers") and consumers, and represents a significant part of the economy. The SDC is responsible for moving agrifood products along the supply chain through to the consumer. The agrifood industry comprises a number of & independent sectors (farmers, processors, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, food service operation & consumer). Thus the SDC will have strong source linkages with the production centers including food parks and other collection centers as well as consumption centers while being the last point for exports. The food distribution sector would play an increasingly important role in the countrys agrifood system by generating significant economic activity for export and contributing to affordable food supplies in the domestic markets. To give a cluster-based approach, Cold chain maintenance system has to be developed right from the grass root level (farmer) subsequently to processing and marketing sector. For eg. In Dairy sector, it includes Bulk milk collection centre at farm level and refer vans for tranport of processed products at market outlet. In order to identify SDCs to be taken up initially at three strategic locations primarily linking major sourcing hubs, domestic consumption/retail center and export exit route, to be selected based on catchments areas, availability of other infrastructure and viability, the Ministry intends to undertake a detailed feasibility study which would provide insights into various institutional, technical/engineering, commercial, financial and operational details of the proposed interventions. The findings/ recommendations of the feasibility studies are expected to provide the Ministry with necessary inputs to finalize the Scheme and proceed with its implementation. In order to achieve the objective, technical and


managerial assistance to the concerned Anchor entrepreneurs, through a professional PMC is inevitable to transform the project from concept to commissioning of the project. The volume of assistance is proposed as 50% and 25% of the eligible cost of Infrastructure facilities, TCW and Reefer container for public sector and private sector respectively.


Modern Abattoir scheme ( Modernisation of existing abbatoirs/ setting up of modern abattoirs)

Abattoir scheme targeting infrastructure development for the meat processing industry is Modernization of abattoirs. The main objectives of the scheme are a) Scientific and hygienic slaughtering (b) Stunning, causing least pain to the cattle/ minimizing transportation of animals (c) Better by product utilization/value addition and providing chilling facility to prevent microbial activity in slaughtered animals. Modernization of existing abattoirs will also augment essential supply base of hygienic raw material to the meat processing industry, both for domestic consumption and exports, besides discouraging unauthorized slaughtering. The abattoirs are generally under the control of local bodies. With a view that these modernization projects benefit from infusion of capital, modern technology / management and commercial sustainability, taking up such projects in PPP mode under various arrangements such as BOO/BOT/JV, etc. needs to be considered. Viable projects under a sustainable framework to be implemented by local authorities can also be considered. In order to achieve the objective, technical and managerial assistance to the concerned local authority, through a professional PMC is inevitable to transform the project from concept to commissioning of the project. The volume of assistance is proposed as 50% and 60% of the eligible cost of plant & machinery and TCW in general areas and difficult areas respectively with ceiling of Rs. 15.00 crore per abattoir.


Setting up/up gradation of Food Control Lab:

Scheme for setting up/up-gradation of Food Testing Laboratories targets to establish a network of food testing laboratories in the country to facilitate food regulatory bodies, food processing industries and other stakeholders, so as to ensure the quality and safety of food products. It is proposed to establish/ up-grade eighty four (84) food testing laboratories in various parts of the country during 11th plan and develop a mechanism for networking of these laboratories with the objectives: (a) to ensure compliance with National/ International food standards, (b) to analyze the samples received from food processing industries, and other stakeholders, (c) to reduce the time of analysis of samples by reducing transportation time of samples, (d) to generate scientific data on levels of contaminants, pesticide residue etc. In addition, The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India proposed to be established under the provisions of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, has been empowered to recognize the food testing laboratories in Government and Private sector. The proposed Food Authority may recognize labs in each State/district and also lay standards for testing of the food products. Setting up / up-gradation of food testing laboratories are needed for better regulation of food standards by the Food Authority and State Governments. To make the Plan Scheme more attractive during 11th Plan, the Ministry has proposed a revised the existing scheme for setting up/up-gradation of Quality Control Laboratory to strengthen the food-testing infrastructure in the country. Under the 11th plan scheme increased level of financial assistance has been proposed for private sector for components of lab equipments and building for housing the lab. The scheme may also be implemented on a PPP basis.


Annexure -II Role of Project Management Agency and Project Management Consultants in Development of Food Processing Projects and for setting up/up gradation of food testing labs. The Project Management Agency (PMA) is an independent professional agency with multi disciplinary skill set and is positioned for developing the projects under the scheme and hand holding them through the entire life cycle (from concept to commissioning). The primary role of PMA is to assist the MFPI on pan India basis, in effective implementation of the scheme. In other words, PMA will be the extension of MFPI providing need based technical support to ensure that the projects are identified and implemented in keeping with the guidelines of the scheme. Such technical support by the Ministry, through a specialized agency, will enable the convergence of the interests of the industry, Government and other stakeholders. Role of PMA (Project Management Agency)

PMA will be appointed by the Ministry to help SPVs/ anchor entrepreneurs in the implementation of the mega food park project and other projects stated as above. PMA would conduct the studies to assess the feasibility of the proposed projects in the potential locations. The PMA will be fully responsible for successful executions of the Projects from concept to commissioning. Role of Project Management Consultants (PMC)
PMCs play major role in preparation of the DPR of the project and also assist the SPVs in the implementation of the project. They shall assist the SPVs/ anchor entrepreneurs in identifying the detailed supply chain and the broad business plan of the proposed. PMCs will be appointed by SPVs/anchor entrepreneurs in order to get technical assistance from the initiation of the project till completion of the same. PMCs may obtain ideas and clarification directly from the PMA appointed by the Ministry with respect to Infrastructure Development schemes and accordingly, implement and monitor the projects.



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