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2 cHmPTER oS The Study of Public Administration bis Emergence of Administrat ‘The word administrations not an extraordinary concept among the ‘scholar of pubic administration when all hat could be discussed about the ‘government is Basically the administration ad implementation ofall its important policies and programs. The tem, however was quite difficult understand in the beginning but ened popularity amon the early scholars ofthe discipline during the founding ofthe American nation when he Field ‘of public administration was just about to begin. Woodrow Wilson, consideredas the "Father of Public Administration", gave precise definition ofthe concep of administration. Inhis paper, “The Stdyof Adminstration, hhemoted that administration isthe most obvious part of the government is government inaction; itis the executive, the operative, the most visible side ofthe goverment, andi of cours sold asthe government ite” Such definition of the concept of administration became the subject ofthe succeeding scholars of public administration in various articles and papers Iattracted several debates and questions which lead eventually t the Founding ofthe science of administration and the establishment of the fist stage of the evolution of pubic administration. From absolute rulers to Popular governments, the concept of administration has gained popularity 'nd valu in achieving the desi ends of every insiation, Inthe paper, “ntrodueton tothe Study of Public Adminstration", {Leonard White (1997) discussed the ide thatthe United States derived its administrative institutions rom the United Kingdom where the ancestors of {he founding fathers ofthe former came from, Its local goverment We ‘ven patted afer the English model which highlighted the system un the seventeenth century. ll the other processes like decentralization and self govemment according to White proved abe adaptable tothe system of ‘he United States ontop ofthe prevalng social and economic conditions of ‘he county daring that ime. Given all ofthese, White gives the impression thatthe idea of administration is basically a foreign concept that was transported into the New World ~ the United Stats of Ameria fom country whose politcal system was basically diffrent. The system that Ave inthe New World was more democratic anita the people enjoyed ‘rater feedom than the one that fours in the thers ofthe continent. Despite the diference in the politcal ystenof these counties the concept fadinsration remained the same and const the fundamen ving force in the management of ther espectve goverment. White, howeve,

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