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Mr unique jo urne y wea ves to gether ime rnat1ona l phi lanthropy. i:itergo vern menta l an d ;on gressioi'la :
rt>lations. and meciia. I am inte~es tcd in leveraging my backgrC1undby servi ng in the Trump administration
as the Deputy As s ista nt Secr etary for lnremational and Ph ilanth ropic lnno\'ation. or rhe De puty Assistam
Seem a::• for Con gr ess ional Relacions. in th ~ Department of Housing and Urban Devel opm~m

l e Achie\'em ents lodude
Lcv ent£ ed inte m ational philanthropic p3rm er ships in Japan by equipp ing the Chr istiar, chu rc h
community with better ROJ through de eper engagement with communities. in coll al:>oration with
American POs.
Promot ed 10 m~nager o: an imemariona i p hilanthrop ic team in a cm ss-cu lrura l env ironm ent afte r j u~t
-oneyear .
As a prec inct de le gate in the Eaton Cou nty (Mil GOP. interface with e lected official s. including
cong ression al relati ons wi t~ Rep. Tim Walberg. re!ay in!i lat est poli cies an d the concerns of iating be1ween the people and publ ic official s.

Key Com petencies

T echnolo gy and innovation Te am le ade rship lnremational philanthr o py
Congressional re Iat ions Polic y wricing: Easl Asian economie s and culture s
Writing press releases Publ ic speaki ng Tele vised media appearance.~
Ana lytical pro b lem so lvin g Cyher s ~curi ty C omplete Japanese fluen cy


GOP Preci n c t n elegat e Delta Towns hip Prccinct 8

Repre;ent the irireres rs of citizens of De lta T own sh ip (Mi chiga r.) Pre c inct Sas pre c inct delegate to the
Michigan Republican Pan y. Report and kee p in contac t with elected offici als. including state and
nationa l co ngre ss ion al r_elations. all the wa y dow n to county commis s ioners . infunn ing co ns tituent.S of·
p olicy and legi s lat ive a.:rior. . a nd v ice ver sa.


Writer and com me nta tor Indepe ndentl y em ployed S/2016 - Pre~ent
Lansing, Ml and vnrious

Desir ing to have a p osi tive impa i:r on rl1e nationa l public di sco urse. I ch ose 10 employ m r wrinen and ora l
communica tio n ski ll s e.s a writer and radio,TV commentator. r ve wri-ten numerous co lumns advocating
for Don ald Tru mp fo~ Pres iden t as we ll as ana l)•zing racial iss ues. inte rnatio na l a ffa irs. and trend ing soc ial
issue s . z.11from an America Fim perspective. I continua lly t~verage my strength as a net wo rker to build
relat ion shi ps in the indus try an d gain visibility fo r myself.

Co llabor a ,ing w ith an ed i:orial team for gu idance on c on tent an d su bject matte r. write anic les for
HUD-17-0561-B-000118 uk?ub lic at ions as a con !ributing aut ho r. analyzin g po!itics. inte rnati onal affai rs . and soc ial issvC1;.
Appea r as a frequent gu est on TV and :-adio programs around the US . (See Televised Appearanc es
bel ow) C.A
o\-,-0<;:i, 1 '> \ U)/')\r\l\
John Gibhs
-------~-------------·------------..t:P]ll.'?.~ 0

fev Accompl!shmems:
, l110uenced1he national con\'ersation by reach in!! millions rhrougn beim: reaularlv featured an Rezl
Clear Politi:s and Drudge Re;ion: (Compiete p;rtfolio ~nd tele1·i~ion appearance~
follows b!iow. R.Adiciappearances are too numerous tJ ,is1)
,:. Appeared as.:: guesr panel:s1 on Fox News, reaching a nationwide audien:e or, the imponancc- of
election imegrity. using comprehensive data m support Mr. Trump ·s valid concerns on the issue.

<S/2015 -Sr.!016 Gap; Pursued Maslers degree. Set Education belo,•r>

Missioru~· team lt>ader in tech srrate~ World Venture moos- 5.i:!o

Tokyo, Japa u

Due tC> a s1tong desire to use my talents to serve the greater good. J left Silicon Valley and to/lk a
,ignificam salary decrease in orderto serve in Christian philam:irop>· in Japan. While leading nur mission ·s
Innovative Ministries Team. I continually \l.Sedmy strength in adaptability to adjust to a dynamic cross-
cLJlturalenvironment. And bein!! a member of a Christiar. mission meaul tha: persona l in1egri:y was highly
va!ued by our organization and pra:ticed by myse If.

Equipped Japanese churches with training ;i,-,dsuppnn ir. using social media and internet rechnologies
tv reach their society with a message of hope.
! team mec1ing,. evalua1ed team member performance. anc: took leadership in the re;:;ruilmentof
new team members, as leader ofrhe !nnovat:ve Minisr~ies team Our team consisted of Americans.
British. Filipinos. and Japanese.
Together wit!'. a team oflhree Japanese co-ho~ts. appeared as a panelist and comrnentaror on the
Japanese Internet TV planorm ·•Nico Nico Video··. g:vir.g expert analysis and commenca,-y on the latest
,ech 1rends (entirely in Japanese). ·
Perfo~ed Japanese-English interpretation for non-Japanese dsitors and translated official docurn~nts
for constit:.iems.
Rnn ongoing ;:,hilanthropic fund~aising campaigm for projects and initiatives. maintaining close
relationships 11oi:h donors.

Kev Accomplist-:ments·
Promoted to leader of our Innovative Minist:·ies Tearr. after just one year.
c. Increased all-hands team meetings from quarterly m monthly. and institu1ed monthly one-on-one
meeting5 with each team member, to im;rease accountability and team ethos .
.:, Promoted imematio:ial partnershirs by coordinating between Ar.-.ericanteams and host Japanese team;
doing philanthropic work in Japan. Supported 3 American teams doing relief work in areas affec1ed by
March 2011 tsunami disas:er areas.
--· Set lip mo::iile-formaned website systems for 22 Japanese churches.
-. Using the PHP programming language. I built a customized websi,c that our mission·s 70~ Japanc5e
gospel music choirs can use to orccr rehearsal materials. This saved our ofiice staffr.iany hours per
week. ·
As a technology commentator. achieved near-record viewer,hip of 250.000 for popular programs on
the NicoNico platform. due 10 my unique appeal of being a Japanese-speaking 1cchnology expert wi1h
a Silicon Valley ba~lground .
.:, Consistently exceeded fun"-raislng go2ts for my budget and projects. being approx. 110% funded at all

Software Development Engineer Apple. Inc. 5/2007 - .f/200!!

Cupertino, CA.

AMt:H 1CAf\
pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0561-B-000119
John Gi:,tis
________ Page 3 _o.f.<i

:"'-sthe release of rhe verv first ,·ersior1ofrhe iPhone approached. Apple needed ro thoroughly test the
,Phone·; compatibility with Microsoft \Vindows. since half of all iPhone usus would be on Windows. role was to create sofTware10 tcs1 ,he sy~cing iPhones to Windows =omputers. I used my strong
problem solving. skills to discover the narure and cause of n:imerous difficult-to-replicate defe.::rs.

Created and e-.:ecuted tesr plans 10 ve~if: the syncing of strucnm::d data (contacts. ca lenda-s.
b,1okrnarks. mail accounts) bemeen Windows computers (iTunes. Outlook. Windows Contacts. Yahoo
Conracts} and the first generation iPhone and iPod Touch. including non-Ene1!ishconfigurations.
Supported imematial'lal tcs: e:fom by reporting issues fourid wirh Japanese and other non-English
versi->nsof the iPhone software during Windows compatibilir:, testing.

Kev Accomplisn:nenrs:
0 or
Adhered ,o a demandtnl! work s~hedule 10 ;:-nsurethe on-time release the historic firsi-eeneration
iPhonc. wo~king late nights and most weekends.
-::i Person2.Jlyresolved a critical defect found wi,en sync i:ig MS Outlook on Danish and Japanese ,·crsiom
of Windows wi:h an iPhone. This s;;_vedthe company costly customer ~upport man-hours that would
have been spen1 if this defect had nm been discovered before shipping
o Personally impacced the tPhone uss:r experience hy finding and reporting ar leas! IO key bJgs found
during testing that were fixed for ii nal re lease.

Software Engineer ratm, Inc. 9/2004 - 5/Z007

Sunnyvale.. CA

As Palm decided co begin offering smanphoncs fcatur:ng Microsoft Windows Mobile to its produc, lineup.
I work,d within a four-person team to design and implement the phone application on that mo:w product

Designec: and implemented the Ul la;_.·er of the phone application on Palm's Windows Mobile
Interfaced closely with Prnduct Marketing and Carrie, Relationship Managers t::>make sure carrier-
sper;ific required features were properly implernenred.
Created a system lo rnodulariz~ program code based on reatures anil minimizi: cc>dechanges when
building products for differenc cell phone carriers.

Ke\ Accomplishments:
c Worked with a cross-cultural, multi.generational development team to successfully bring Palm's
Windows Mobile smanprlllnes 10 market.. allowing us 10 penerrare the corporate smartphone market
and making Palm a serious competitor IC' BlackBerry's dominance for :h.::fi~t time.
o Reduced the amount of time taken to release new smanphone variants for new cell phone
implememing carrier-based code modularization. This saved man-hours by allowing the same build m
be used for mu\1iple carriers. instead of having to use a new code base and a new build for each carrier.

Intern/ Sofrware £ngineer Symantec (formerly Recourse·Technologies) 6/ZOO! - 9/2004

Redwood City, CA .

desired to increase its market share by selling its flagship ManHunt cybersecurity product m
customers already usi:1gother cybersccuriry products. This meant the tompany needed a way for our
software to 1alkto competitor produces, to ensure imeroperabiliry between our solurior. and theirs. Thus
working as part of a three-person team. I created add-on software for our Man Hum ~elution that
implemented this functionality I spearheaded developmerit of the product white closely coordinating with
other team members to ensure smooth imerfac:ing between our product and compel itor cyber,~curity

pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0561-B-000120
John Gibbs
Pa<>e4 of6

Designed and implemenr ed ManHum Smart Ag.ents. which received. processed and
relayed security
alerts from third-party cy bersec uriry products inro ou r Man Hunt intrusion detection
svm:m software.
Implemented in C .

Created an automated build test and reporting utili~ that downloaded and tested the
latest builds of the
ManHunt prod uct and reported the results to a web page for eng ineers to view. Crea
ted i11Perl a nd
shell script.
Created visualization tools for the ManHunt product . allowing customers to view security
alert data
and statistics graphically. Created in Java.
Ensured prod ucts met cybersecur ity requ irementS of US Government custom ers. including
(Navy-Marine Corps lntemet) Common Core certification .

Ke,- Acco mplishme nt s:

0 Increased sal es revenue on our flagship ManH um product, by build ing ManHunt Sman
Agem; to
integrate competitor data into our system . This allowed our salesmen to sell to customers
who already
had competing products installed• a market segment that had not previously been penetrated.
o Reduced product deve lopment rime by giving our engine ers a tool to quic kl y visualize
the perfo rmance
impact of their code changes without having to wait for qW1li1yassurance sraff to begin
their testing .
This was accomplished through the automated build test and reponing utility that !


Han·ar d Uni\·ersiry. J ohn F. Ken nedy Sc hoo l of Gov ernm ent Camb ri.d g e. MA
Mastt r in Public Admini stration , 2016 i /2 015 - 5/201 6

Topics Studied :

Privacy. tech nology. and national sec urity Advanced public rela tions&. media training
lnt .emational trade & US political ec;onomy Policy writing for decision makers
., Leading and improving o rganii.ations Finance. Stattups and entrepreneurial ventures
., Nego tiati ons Behavioral economics ai1d public policy

Urban Innovation Trek: Spr ing study trip, 3,'2016

Vis ited C leveland. Detroit, and Chi cago with classmates and met with mayors. city
counc ils. police
leaders. and other sen ior officia ls. to get hands on exposure to government m anagemem
at th e local

Stanford Uni ver~ity St anford . C A

Bach elor or
Science, Co mpu te r Scie nce, 200 I 9/ 1997 - 6/200 I

Topics Studied :

., Technology. ethics. and public policy Cryptog raphy 8:. cybersec:uricy

., Logic & automat ed reasoning ., Artificial intelligence
,,. Hum an-compu ter interface design ., Complexity theory in computat ional problems
., Japanese language & East Asia n culrures ., Political Economy of Japan

Study abroad. 4,2000 - 9/2000

• Spent 5 months (one academic quarter and a summer) scudying abroad in Ja pan
. Highl ights:
o Lived with a homestay family while taking classes. honing my Japanese fluency
and cross-cu ltural
communication skills.
c Did an internship at a Japane se comp an y for the summer. During my internsh ip. I
was the only
Wescerne r in my group. and the only English speaker. wh ich gave me sign ific ant training
in cross-
cultural adaptability.

PVERSIGHT HUD-17-0561-B-000121
Jphn Gibb s
Page 5 of~


I ele vision
' f OX& Friend s. Fox News Charin::l. Oc1. '.!'.!"'
. '.!G:6. :ropic: Intei::r:tv of rhe decti on svsrem
Tomi La.~ren S;iow_ The Blaze TV. Oct 5th, 20 16. Tc>pic: CN rep-on·on the state of
BJ~,;k Americans
• Keller a: Large. WBZ- TV Bost:>n. Aug '.!6111, 2016 . To;iic: Why B lac k vo ters shouic
consider Trump
Compl e:e radio ap;iearan::e pon fo iio is mo bng 10 list. Ava ila':,le upor rc:qucst.

Publisbed Coiu mns

Compl t:l~ publis hed portfol io follows bel ow.
\1 y articJ::s featured cm the rronr pag .: o f Real Cear f>oli:ics ca n be foJnd ar:
0 1
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:;, A sub se r of the se articles was a:so featJr ed on rhe front page of rhe Drudge Repon.


Japan ese Laneu agc Pr ofic ienc y Te st, Pas sed Level ~I ( Highe st Level)
Dec~mber 2009
This .:errifics that 1 have co:n p lete fluen cy in Japane~e. in::lud ing (bu t no1 lim ited
to) ~eading advanced
trad~ & gov ern ment publicarions. and cond ucting full rrese nratio ns in Ja? anese .


• Ha rvar d Kenn edy S::hool Black Po licy Co nfer ence Har vard Kennedy School GOP Caucu s
• Eaton Cou71tyGO P (Michig an )

Kev Accomplishments:
As a planni ng membe ~ o: t:ic Black Policy Co nference, I pla nned and facil itat ed
a plt:nary panel
,hemed ·T he P.:,lariza t ion of1he Biad; Elec torate ". Tnc miss :on of~he p lenary was to fos
te r b i-pa rtisa n
d ia log within the black co mmun ity. It was the most attend ed plena ry of the con fero:,nc
As a pa::ici pan 1 in the Eaton Count) GOP . J help loc ul elect ed official s and can didat
es d~vc::op
strategi cs for co:nmuni ::atir.g iss ues to Lhe communi~ ·. esp«:cially usin g tech no logy (so:;
ial med ia ;. I
a lso helf cand ida 1es and officials understand the impac t of po !i-:y changes ar the
maj or soc ial m~dia
pro,·id ~rs on thei r campa igns and out rea ch .


Health ca re Polic y and Healthcare Economic s for ~euro!.urge ons (t~ntac ive title)
I am au rho rir,g a chap1e:r on Be ha vioral Eco nom ics in a fortr. co mi~g textboo k for
Neurosur ~eons.

u blicat ions
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pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0561-B-000122
John Gibbs _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ ___ __ __ _____ _ f>al!::6 of 6

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rrunitr Lives
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(NMe: fin al editin g don: by Bold founder Ca rrie Sheffield)

jf cle\"isio n Fo1: & Friends

!Portfolio Station: Fox New s (National)
Date: Sal. Oct 22•d2016. 7:50 AM
• Topi c: Voter Fraud and Elecrio0120 16
V ideoofm v appearance: 1·,,1
c h:. ', ·..:\•i i:'..: ;;,
'ell er@ Lar ge
Station : WBZ- TV , Boston
Date: Sun . Aug 18 th 20\ 6, IO AM
Top i::: The Black Ca se for Donald T ~ump
Video of mv ap2earance: !\i~.i'·-,~+,,~._;;, :_:..::--\\ii.-.;
ebsile: ·~1_: :. '\!,.~
u_"'\, ~i::\J-:.:.~,; ~,:~·
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pVERSIGHT HUD-17-0561-B-000123

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