Lacaita 2006

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Solid-State Electronics 50 (2006) 24–31

Phase change memories: State-of-the-art, challenges and perspectives

A.L. Lacaita *

Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano, and IU.NET piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy

Received 15 August 2005; received in revised form 10 October 2005; accepted 10 October 2005

The review of this paper was arranged by Enrico Sangiorgi and Claudio Fiegna


Among the emerging non-volatile technologies, phase change memories (PCM) are the most attractive in terms of both performance
and scalability perspectives. The paper reviews the physics underlying PCM operation, the scaling potentials of these devices and some
options recently proposed for the cell structure. The paper also addresses the main challenges for the PCM to become fully competitive
with standard Flash technology.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Phase change memories; Non-volatile memories; Chalcogenide materials

1. Introduction negative resistance and a bistable behavior. They can

switch from a high to a low resistance state and can be
As the Flash memory scaling trend is slowing down, therefore used as a solid-state memory. The principle of a
alternative memory concepts are being investigated to pro- chalcogenide RAM memory was first proposed by Dewald
vide a better trade-off between scalability and reliability. in 1962 [4]; however, only in the early 2000s semiconductor
Among them, phase change memory (PCM) is attracting industries have considered the exploitation of the same
growing interest. These devices were first proposed by S. concept for large-size solid-state memories [5–9]. Today
Ovshinsky who, in the late 1960s, reported the observation PCMs are considered a promising candidate to eventually
of a reversible memory switching in chalcogenide materials become the mainstream non-volatile technology due to
[1]. Chalcogenides are semiconducting glasses made by ele- their large cycling endurance [10–12], fast program and
ments of the VI group of the periodic table, such as sulfide, access times and extended scalability [13].
selenium and tellurium. As–Se (arsenic–selenide) was inves-
tigated for the adoption in xerography, while the ability of 2. Cell structure and programming
Ge–Te glasses to undergo fast crystalline–amorphous
phase transformation is being used in rewritable optical The PCM memory cell (Fig. 1) is characterized by one
media (CD, DVD) [2,3]. In the latter application selective transistor and one resistor (1T–1R), the resistor being a
crystallization/amorphization is induced by a laser beam. chalcogenide layer (Ge2Sb2Te5, or GST) sandwiched
The binary information is read out by exploiting the between a top metal contact and a resistive bottom elec-
change of the optical reflectivity between the amorphous trode. Depending on whether the chalcogenide material is
and the crystalline state. Chalcogenide materials show also crystalline (SET state) or amorphous (RESET state) the
cell resistance changes by orders of magnitudes. The tran-
sistor acts as a selector, driving the cell current in the writ-
Tel.: +39 2 2399 6117; fax: +39 2 236 7604. ing and read out phases. Solutions using diodes, bipolar
E-mail address: transistors and MOSFETs as selectors have been presented

0038-1101/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.L. Lacaita / Solid-State Electronics 50 (2006) 24–31 25

Reading is accomplished by biasing the cell and sensing

the current flowing through it. A few hundreds of mV
across the cell in the SET state generate 50–100 lA. This
current is able to load the bit-line capacitances of a mem-
ory array, making possible a reading operation in 50 ns.
The same bias across the cell in the RESET state is not able
to generate enough current to trigger the sensing amplifier,
thus resulting in the evaluation of a ‘‘0’’.
In order to switch the cell from the amorphous to crys-
talline state (RESET–SET transition) the device has to be
driven by about 0.5 mA. Since the amorphous cell has
about 1 MX resistance, a voltage supply higher than
500 V would be needed. No practical electrical memory
could be conceived with such a voltage requirement. The
peculiar I–V curve of the cell in the amorphous (RESET)
state makes possible to overcome this potential limitation
(Fig. 2). Note that the cell in the highly resistive state fea-
tures low conductivity only at low bias. As the voltage rises
above a threshold value, the voltage suddenly snaps-back
and the cell with the amorphous layer becomes highly con-
ductive. Such a threshold switching makes possible to have
large currents flowing through the cell in the RESET state
even if the voltage is just above 1 V.
The physics of this peculiar effect has been a debated
issue for many years. Since Ovshinsky reported threshold
switching [1] different models have been proposed. Many
Fig. 1. Schematic cross-section for a PCM cell. The active region is researchers supported the idea that switching is essentially
adjacent to the GST-heater interface. a thermal effect and that the current in an amorphous layer
switches due to the creation of a hot filament [14,15]. Later,
Adler showed that the effect is not thermal [16], at least in
[6–9]. Memory programming is accomplished by driving a thin chalcogenide films, in agreement with the original
50–100 ns current pulse through the cell, thus inducing the Ovshinsky’s picture. In his pioneering work [17], he demon-
phase transition of the chalcogenide layer close to the inter- strated that a semiconductor resistor may feature switch-
face with the bottom electrode (heater). The heater keeps ing, without any thermal effect, whenever carrier
the hot spot far from the cold metal contact, while its shape generation depending on field and carrier concentration
is designed to confine the current flow and the heat gener- (e.g. impact ionization) competes with a Shockley–Hall–
ation. The amorphous state is obtained by driving the Read recombination via localized states. Recently the
device with a current pulse lasting less than 100 ns. The GST electronic switching and the underlying physics have
GST temperature, close to the heater, rises above the melt- been quantitatively addressed using a device simulator
ing temperature (TM = 620 °C); then the device is swiftly
cooled down by the nanosecond trailing edge of the current
pulse. Since the molten material has no time to rearrange
the bondings, it is left into the amorphous phase. The resis-
tance of a cell with an amorphous region capping the top Crystal
heater end can be easily in the MX range.
For the opposite transition, the cell is driven by a similar 0.50
Current [mA]

current pulse but with a lower peak value. The pulse heats
the GST close to the bottom electrode up to around
550 °C. This temperature is lower than the melting temper-
ature but high enough to make the amorphous–crystalline
transition happen in about 100 ns. As the pulse is over the
GST has recovered the crystalline, low resistivity, state. Vth
The corresponding cell resistance is in the kX range. Since 0.00
both the programming transitions use 50–100 ns current 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
pulses, this novel memory is intrinsically able to guarantee Voltage [V]
fast programming, which is a big performance advantage Fig. 2. Current–voltage characteristics of a PCM cell in both the reset and
with respect to mainstream Flash devices. set state.
26 A.L. Lacaita / Solid-State Electronics 50 (2006) 24–31

and a good agreement has been reached between calculated nized: (i) for programming pulses below 50 lA, the ON-
and experimental I–V curves [18]. The effect can be state conduction is not activated and the very small current
explained referring to Fig. 2. In the low bias regime the does not provide any phase change, (ii) in the 50–500 lA
amorphous GST layer is highly resistive. However, as the range, the resistance decreases following the crystallization
bias increases, the current starts to exponentially rise due of the amorphous GST, (iii) above 500 lA, the program-
to impact ionization which is balanced by recombination ming pulse melts some GST close to the interface with
via localized states. The microscopic structure of chalco- the bottom electrode, leaving it in the amorphous phase.
genide amorphous glasses is characterized by twofold tellu- The bit resistance measured after programming increases.
rium atoms which are linked in chains. Along these chains Open circles in Fig. 3 also shows the R–I characteristics
there are structural defects, the so-called valence alterna- obtained for the same cell, but starting from the SET state.
tion pairs, which are responsible of a high density (1017– The resistance value changes only when the current exceeds
1020 cm3) of localized states [19,20]. As all the defects 500 lA, where the characteristic overlaps to the R–I of the
are fully saturated by recombining carriers, the exponen- RESET state. In conclusion the PCM cell can be switched
tially rising carrier generation cannot be balanced any using pulses of 500 lA and 700 lA, respectively. The pulses
more by recombination and the only way the device has are independent of the initial cell state (resistance). The cell
to reach a new steady-state condition is to swiftly reduce can be therefore rewritten with no need of an intermediate
the voltage to quench the generation rate [18]. A snap-back erase. The orders of magnitude difference between the cell
takes place and after switching the GST is still amorphous resistance in the SET and RESET state makes the PCM
but highly conductive. memory ideally suited for a multi-bit operation: in this
On the contrary, the I–V curve of the crystalline GST scheme the resistance of the cell may be set between the
(SET state) does not feature threshold switching and two extreme values thus placing more than two levels per
approaches the I–V of the reset state after switching. The cell. This approach may become a viable option to further
slope of this part of the curve is mainly determined by reduce the cost per bit of PCM devices.
the resistance of the heater, while the voltage drop across
the GST layer approaches a constant value, the holding 3. Cell reliability
voltage, VH, which is of the order of the material band-
gap (0.5 eV). The crystalline–amorphous transformation in GST is
Fig. 3 shows the programming characteristic of a PCM fast and stable. Fig. 4 shows the resistance of the set and
cell, that is the dependence of the cell resistance R as a reset states as a function of the programming cycles. Each
function of the programming current. Filled symbols refer program cycles included a 40-ns reset pulse and a 100-ns set
to the resistance obtained driving a cell in the reset state. In pulse. A resistance window of a factor 102 is retained over
the measurement procedure a 100 ns programming pulse is 1011 cycles, confirming the excellent stability of the pro-
applied and the cell resistance after programming is read at gramming characteristic. The reason for such a remarkable
0.2 V. Before the following measurement, the cell is endurance is strictly related to the microscopic structure of
brought again in the initial reset state using a proper cur- the GST alloy. GST in the crystalline phase is characterized
rent pulse. Then the measurement cycle starts again driving by a rock-salt structure, whose lattice structure is schemat-
the cell with a new 100 ns programming current pulse with ically depicted in Fig. 5. Based on extended X-ray absorp-
a different amplitude. Three distinct regions can be recog- tion fine structure (EXAFS) measurements [3], it was

6 7
10 10

Set state
Reset state
Resistance [Ω]

Resistance [Ω]


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 3
10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Programming Current [mA] 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Number of cycles [#]
Fig. 3. Cell resistance as a function of programming current (R–I
characteristic). Before any program pulse the cell is programmed back Fig. 4. Cell resistance in set and reset states as a function of the number of
in its initial set or reset state. set/reset cycles.
A.L. Lacaita / Solid-State Electronics 50 (2006) 24–31 27

Te 10
10 years

Crystallization time [s]

7 110 C˚



20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
1/k BT [eV ]

Ge Fig. 7. Experimental Arrhenius plot for the crystallization time of the

reset state. Ten-year retention requires operation below 110 °C.
Fig. 5. Schematic view of the GST crystal. Te atoms form an f.c.c. sub-
lattice, while Sb, Ge and vacancies form the other sub-lattice.
pulse width. The longer the pulse, the larger the energy
released per pulse, the faster the interface degradation,
recently found that the chemical short-range order of the while the overall energy released up to the bit failure
ternary GST system is almost the same in the two phases. remains almost constant.
It means that in the amorphous state, interactions between Another critical issue for a non-volatile memory cell is
different Ge2Sb2Te5 building blocks are weakened. The data retention, that is the capability to retain the stored
structure is therefore allowed to relax, but neither strong information during the memory lifetime. From this stand-
covalent bonds are broken nor atoms drastically change point the reset state of the PCM is particularly sensitive.
their position in the lattice. The Te-sublattice is partially The amorphous GST can spontaneously evolve towards
preserved as well as the conservation of the local structure the more stable crystalline phase. Fig. 7 shows the Arrhe-
around the Sb atoms. The original crystalline structure can nius plot for the failure time, defined as the time required
be therefore quickly and reliably recovered. to the resistance to decay by half of its reset value. The
After 1011–1012 cycles, the PCM cell fails featuring experimental activation energy of 2.6 eV corresponds to
either a stuck-set (inability to reset the cell) or a stuck-reset 10-years lifetime at the maximum temperature of 110 °C.
(inability to set the cell) [10–12]. Both failure modes criti- A further potential concern for reliability is the program
cally depend on the quality of the bottom electrode inter- disturb. When an array cell is being programmed, the adja-
face, on its adhesion to the chalcogenide layer and on cent cells can suffer a parasitic heating, which can result in
interdiffusion processes which may happen between the data loss (Fig. 8). Fig. 9 shows the results collected in a
chalcogenide alloy and the adjacent materials. The failure multi-Mb array fabricated in 0.18 lm technology. The
is expected to depend on the energy released during cycling resistance of some cells in the amorphous state are moni-
in the active volume. Fig. 6 confirms that endurance at con- tored while a neighbour cell undergoes repetitive program-
stant programming current scales inversely to the reset ming (800 lA, 50 ns pulses). The reset state remains stable


10 Experimental
Endurance [# of cycles]

Best Fitting W




1 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 10 10
RESET Pulse Width W [ns] Fig. 8. Schematic description of the program disturb in a PCM array. The
temperature rise due to a programming pulse may cause an adjacent
Fig. 6. Cell endurance vs. reset pulse width. amorphous cell to crystallize.
28 A.L. Lacaita / Solid-State Electronics 50 (2006) 24–31

10 1.2

Reset Current [mA]

Resistance [Ohm]

5 (I-1,J) 0.6
(I+1,J-1) 0.4
4 SET (I+1,J)

3 0.0
10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Contact Area [nm2]
Number of Cycles [#]
Fig. 10. Experimental scaling trend of the reset current in PCM cells as a
Fig. 9. Resistance of cells in a reset state monitored while a surrounding function of the contact size.
cell is being cycled with repetitive writing. No disturb effects are visible up
to 1010 program cycles.

rent scales linearly with the contact area. Fig. 10 shows

and no data loss was found up to 10 programming pulses.10 measured reset current as a function of the area of the con-
To address the impact of possible cross-talk in more scaled tact between the bottom electrode and the GST active
technology numerical simulations have been performed layer. Programming currents as low as 50 lA have been
[13]. The results show that program disturb should not achieved on single cells with complete device functi-
be an issue at least down to the 45-nm node. For further onality, thus demonstrating that the overall physical pic-
scaled devices, interaction between adjacent bits may ture remains the same down to a contact size of about
impose a cell spacing slightly larger than the feature 20 nm.
size. For proper operation in the array, each PCM cell
requires the presence of a device acting as selector. Such
4. Scaling perspectives a selector basically sets the overall cell size. The adoption
of a MOSFET is interesting for embedded application
PCM cell operation relies on bulk properties, i.e. phase but its limited current capability leads to a cell size of
transformation of the active material. No physical limita- 15–20F2 (F is the technology feature size). Even if the use
tion to cell scaling are therefore expected to be met until of a bipolar requires the introduction of specific process
some monomers of chalcogenide material are left in the steps, its larger current capability makes possible to reach
active volume. This potential for extreme shrinking of the 8–10F2 and maximum array density. The bipolar is there-
active volume is being used to reduce the programming fore an interesting option for high-density stand-alone
currents which may become a limitation for the design of non-volatile memories.
large memory arrays. A simplified electro-thermal theory The cell structure should scale without major modifica-
of the PCM cell [13] may help in understanding the scaling tions taking full advantage from the feature shrinking.
trend. At steady state the temperature rise DT needed to Assuming that all the linear dimensions scale as 1/k, the
reach the melting temperature in the active volume is given contact area will scale as 1/k2 while the electrical and ther-
by mal resistances will increase by a factor k. Since DT and VH
do not scale, the reset current (from (1)) is expected to scale
DT ¼ PRth ; as 1/k. Such a dependence matches well the scaling trend of
where P is the power dissipated by Joule heating and Rth is both MOSFETs and bipolars, whose current capability is
the total thermal resistance connecting the hot-spot to the expected to scale as 1/k [21]. However the constant voltage
thermal sink at room temperature (metal layers). The drop on the PCM device could become an issue since it
power dissipated in the GST layer is P = VHI, since the poses a constraint on the maximum voltage which should
holding voltage VH is the voltage drop across the chalco- be sustained by the bipolar selectors or by the gate oxide
genide layer in the conducting regime. The programming of the MOSFETs across the unselected cells of the array.
current is therefore: In summary, beyond the 45 nm technology node, an accu-
rate design of the selecting device will become mandatory.
I ¼ DT =ðV H Rth Þ. ð1Þ
Fig. 11 shows the comparison between the scaling projec-
Since both DT and VH are physical quantities which do not tion of the NOR and NAND cell size and the expected
scale, the programming current should scale as the inverse trend for the PCM cell with the bipolar selector. The
of Rth, and can be optimized by accurate design of the bot- PCM may reach the NOR Flash size at the 65 nm technol-
tom electrode. The major consequence of (1) is that the cur- ogy node and the NAND at the 45 nm node.
A.L. Lacaita / Solid-State Electronics 50 (2006) 24–31 29

180 nm 180 nm
Cell size (µ2)

180 nm 130 nm
130 nm
90 nm
90 nm
130 nm
65 nm 45 nm
90 nm 65 nm 45 nm
65 nm

45 nm
2001 2003 2005 2007 2009

Fig. 11. Scaling projection of PCM cell size compared to the mainstream
Flash technology.

5. Cell topologies and results

Literature results are encouraging and supporting the

feasibility of a competitive PCM technology as a next-gen-
eration non-volatile memory. The first industrial results on
PCM cells were presented by Intel-Ovonyx [5]. The cell
structure was similar to the one presented in Fig. 1
(lance-like) and the selector was a diode. The GST material Fig. 12. A ltrench PCM cell. Top view and cross-sections [9].
was deposited on top of a lance (heater), which defines the
bottom contact. The lance size is defined starting from a
lithographic feature and using a 2D sidewall spacer to fur-
ther reduce it. The contact size sets the cell programming 99.99997
current, therefore in multi-Mb arrays the control of such 99.997
a feature has to be tight. The heater, usually made by
Cell Percentage [%]

TiN, adds some further Joule heating without increasing 97.72
too much the overall cell resistance, and keeps the hot-spot 84
far from the cold contacts. The optimum position of the 50
hot-spot depends also on the GST thickness. In order to 16
optimize the thermal resistivity of this layer, nitrogen dop- 2.27
ing has been proposed [22]. RESET
Samsung, following the lance-like approach, has demon- 0.00003 SET
strated 64 Mb arrays with MOSFET selectors, scaling pro- 0.0000001
gressively the reset current from the 2.0 mA in the 240 nm 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
technology [7] to 600 lA at the 120 nm node with nitrogen- Read Current [µA]
doped GST [8]. By using a two-step CMP process a better
Fig. 13. Read current distribution within a 8 Mb ltrench PCM array.
control of the contact size (52 ± 7 nm) has been achieved
and a further reduction of the programming current has
been obtained limiting the TiN deposition only along the the information stored in the entire array can be correctly
periphery of the lance [23]. decoded.
Reliable contact size control has been also demonstrated Another possible cell geometry is the so-called pore-like
by STMicroelectronics with the so-called ltrench approach structure, reported in Fig. 14. In this case the GST is depos-
[9] (Fig. 12): the contact size is limited in one direction by ited within the pore and therefore the hot-spot is better
the heater thickness (few-nm range), and by a sub-litho confined by the surrounding insulating walls. It has been
trench (few tens of nm) filled by GST in the other one. shown that this approach has the potential to reduce by
The ltrench PCM cell reaches a 600 lA reset current at more than 50% the programming current with respect to
the 180-nm technology node. Fig. 13 shows the read cur- the value achieved in a lance-like approach [13]. However,
rent distributions for set and reset states within an 8Mbit if the GST is deposited using conventional sputtering
PCM array. The program window is compatible with a method it is difficult to get a conformal deposition of the
high-density memory. Placing a read threshold at 15 lA material within the pore. An in-situ deposition/etch/
30 A.L. Lacaita / Solid-State Electronics 50 (2006) 24–31

Moreover planar cells with lines 200 nm long and (20 nm)2
cross-section are able to switch in less than 50 ns with
450 lA programming current. These results may open the
way to further investigations of performance trade-off in
PCM devices using materials different from GST.

6. Conclusions

The paper reviews the basic issues of current PCM tech-

nology discussing programming and reliability perfor-
mance, cell structures and scaling perspectives. The
development of a cell design compatible with writing, reli-
ability, scalability and process integration requirements is
under way. Tight control of contact size, of material con-
tamination, interface adhesion and overall integration pro-
cess are critical issues as well as the optimization of the
Fig. 14. Schematic view of a pore-like PCM.
phase-change and contact materials. However, among the
innovative concepts for alternative non-volatile memories,
deposition method is able to overcome this difficulty. phase change memories appear as the best candidate to
Deposition of the GST within a 50 nm pore with a 1:2 eventually become mainstream non-volatile technology.
aspect ratio has been reliably demonstrated and is able to The memory concept is sound and no serious limitations
reduce the programming current to 400 lA [24]. are posed to the cell downsize beyond the 45 nm technol-
The PCM resistor can be also fabricated horizontally. ogy node.
Fig. 15 shows the geometry of a planar cell [25], consisting
of a patterned GST layer with a bottleneck, where phase Acknowledgement
change occurs. The cross-section of the chalcogenide layer
in the active region is given by the product of the layer The author gratefully acknowledge STMicroelectron-
thickness and the lithographic width. This topology takes ics—Agrate Brianza and the entire R&D team for support-
advantage of the distance between the phase-change vol- ing this research program.
ume, which is in the middle of the line, and the contacts
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