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One interesting reaction from an academic in India about the Boron crop circle

“Message: Dear Professor, I was deeply moved by your presentation on Boron fusion and
your special interest in electronic anti-spin. My hypothesis is this: Putting the external
electronic shell consisting of three electrons in reverse spin would upset the magnetic
moment of the nucleus just enough to eject the nucleus out of the shells automatically...
thereby negating the addition of energy for the actual fusion reaction. As such, we could
easily achieve a 5 Boron fusion system B-B-B-B-B resulting in manganese Mn25/55 as
the fusion product which is very stable. Also the symmetry itself is striking given 5x5=25
and 55wt for the resultant product. A simple H-B fusion would lead to Carbon 6 which
would be highly activated and would probably require stabilizing into CO2 causing even
more problems in energy manufacture. Anyway, this is just napkin algebra, so please take
it with a grain of salt.... Thank you again for your excellent presentation.”

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