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Rédiger un CV pour une demande de stage

Votre CV doit être dactylographié et tenir sur une seule page.


Stéphanie MARTIN(1) Date of birth : 9 June 19__(19 years old)(2)
15 rue La Fontaine Sex: female(3)
F-75015 PARIS Nationality: French
Tel :(00 33) 1 63 05 78 69 Marital Status: single(4)
Email :
200__-to present Currently attending a two-year post A-level course at (name of school) in (town/city), to
become a business assistant(6). BTS (name) exam to be taken in June 200_)
200__-200__ French Baccalaureate passed in June 200_
This examination is the French equivalent of British A-levels/US High School graduation. I
specialized in…(7)
July 200_ Summer job as a secretary at the Paris Rue de Grenelle Crédit Français Bank.
I answered the phone, wrote letters, dealt with clients’ enquiries and complaints.( 8)
200__-200__ Volunteer work for an old people’s association where I live (at weekends).
March 1999 Two-week internship/work placement required the school. I carried out a survey for a
consumers’ association.(9)
French: native speaker
English: read, spoken, written. Fairly fluent.
Spanish/German: read, spoken, written. Good school level.( 10)
Computer skills: Word, Excel, Powerpoint. Clean driving licence.
Dancing: I have done classical dancing in a club for the last 4 years.
Football: I played in a club for 5 years, from 199_ to 200_( 11)
Available on request(12)

(1) Ecrire d’abord le prénom en (6)Préciser le BTS : Assistant de direction (9) ou bien: I worked as a sales assistant,
miniscules, puis le nom de famille en (Bilingual Personal Assistant/PA), Assistant as a secretary, etc.
majuscules. secrétaire trilingue (Trilingual PA), (10) Ne pas se surévaluer: fluent
(2) Ecrire la date en toutes lettres (les Commerce International (International (excellent niveau), fairly fluent (très bon
Américains placent toujours le mois Trade Relations), Comptabilité Gestion niveau), good working/ school level
en premier : l’écrire en toutes lettres (Accountancy), Action Commerciale (niveau correct), basic notions (niveau
évite les confusions). On a le choix (Marketing), Force de vente (Sales and moyen).
entre 9 June 19__/ 9th June Marketing), PME-PMI (Small- and Medium- (11) Expliquer l’activité pratiquée en
19__/June 9th 19__/ June 9, 19__. Sized Firm), Communication des entreprises détail. Ne pas se contenter de la citer.
On peut également indiquer son (Advertising), Professions immobilières (Real (12) Fournies sur demande.
âge : (19 ou 19 years old). Estate), etc.
(3) Les prénoms imposent cette (7) Préciser la section L/ES/STT/SMS et sa
précision. Lawrence est, par spécialité : arts and languages (L),
exemple, un prénom masculin en maths/physics/biology (S),
anglais. economics/languages/maths/history and
(4) Se limiter à single (célibataire) ou geography (ES), office practice/
married (marié). accountancy/ business and marketing (STT),
(5) Un étudiant (qui n’a pas beaucoup medical studies (SMS), computer studies
d’expérience professionnelle) (IGestion).
débutera par la rubrique Education, (8) Autres employs que l’on a pu avoir:
tandis que quelqu’un qui à déjà nanny for young children, waiter/waitress,
travaillé commencera par Work kitchen help, maid, nurse aide,
Experience. Commencer par le plus chambermaid, clerk/ employee, sales
récent et remonter dans le temps assistant, supervizer/ counselor in a holiday
(jusqu’au Bac suffit). camp for children, cashier, etc.

Rédiger une lettre de demande de stage

Une lettre de motivation à destination d’un pays anglo-saxon doit être

dactylographiée. Elle doit vous différencier parmi les autres candidats. En
conséquence, ne recopiez pas celle-ci telle quelle, adaptez-la, en parlant de
vous, de votre expérience, de vos atouts pour ce stage.

Jane BROWN(2) 15 rue La Fontaine

Human Resources F-75015 PARIS(1)
15th May 200_(3)
150 Queen’s Road
Dear Mr BROWN(4)
I am writing to you on the recommendation of my English teacher/of Mr X who
met you last year in ….
(or) I was impressed by your company’s dynamism after reading an article in…,
after visiting your stand at the… Trade Fair last year… after seeing your web
I would like to make an initial enquiry into the possibility of doing a 6-week
work placement in your company.
I am a French student in the first of a two-year technical course in business
studies (6). We study office practice, communication techniques and word-
processing, economics, law and International trade.
A six-week work placement abroad is compulsory/very appreciated in the
curriculum. I will have to present a description of the company, and the tasks I
carried out at next year’s oral examination.
I would be very grateful if you would be kind enough to consider my application
for a work placement/an internship/from… to … A placement in your company
would be a marvelous opportunity for me, would enable me to gain experience
in a foreign company and allow me to use my English for practical purposes.(7)
Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Stéphanie MARTIN
Enc.: 2(8)
- 1 CV
- A list of the tasks I can carry out for you(9)
(1) NotesL’expéditeur peut être (4) Si le nom du destinataire n’est pas (9) Préciser les tâches que l’on est capable
connu, commercer la lettre par Dear d’accomplir: translating leaflets and
indiqué à droite (adresse seule), ou
Sir or Madam, ou Dear Sirs. La brochures, designing brochures, writing
bien à gauche (nom et adresse) dans
terminer alors par Yours faithfully en reports in English/French/Spanish,
le cas d’une lettre individuelle (et
GB et Yours truly aux Etats-Unis. Si le classifying records/letters/files,
non d’une lettre d’entreprise à
nom du destinataire est connu, creating/displaying statistical reports,
commencer la lettre par Dear Mr X, creating/updating customers/ suppliers /
(2) Le destinataire est indiqué à gauche.
Dear Mrs Y, ou encore, si on ne staff files, making internal / external
Il est préférable de connaître son
connaît pas l’état matrimonial d’une enquiries, sending mailing lists, telephone
nom (le chercher, téléphoner dans
femme, par Dear Ms Z. Ne pas answering and follow-up, welcoming/
reprendre le prénom. Terminer dans taking charge of visitors, organizing
(3) La date peut être placée entre
ce cas par Yours sincerely. business trips abroad, preparing trade
l’expéditeur et le destinataire, à
(5) Stage : work placement en GB, fairs/exhibitions/
gauche, ou à droite, ou en haut
internship aux USA. Commercial events, organizing meetings/
gauche. Mais jamais de précision sur
(6) Préciser la spécialité. conferences/ seminars/ account
le lieu avant la date, contrairement
(7) Ajouter ici des réflexions personnelles, operations, following up orders, dealing
au français. Pour plus de précisions
originales. with import-export files.
sur la date, voir note 2, p. 153.
(8) Enc, en bas de page sert à indiquer les
pièces jointes.


Dear sir, Monsieur,

I wish to apply for the post of Export Manager, J’ai l’honneur de poser ma candidature au poste de
recently advertised in the Export Times. Directeur des Exportations ; qui a fait récemment
l’objet d’une annonce dans l’Export Times.

I am 31 years old, married, and have been working J’ai 31 ans, je suis marié et j’exerce depuis 3 ans les
as Assistant Export Manager for AMCO Inc, for the fonctions de directeur adjoint des exportations
past 3 years. pour la compagnie ARMCO.
Since completing my business school diploma in Depuis l’obtention de mon diplôme de l’école de
19……………………….. I have held a number of posts in commerce en 19…………. J’ai occupé plusieurs
foreign countries. I have considerable experience in postes à l’étranger. Je possède une grande
exporting to communist countries and speak expérience dans le domaine des exportations vers
English and Russian. les pays de l’Est et je parle anglais et russe.

I now wish to broaden my experience and find a Je serais désireux maintenant d’élargir mon
position with more responsibility. expérience et de trouver un poste comportant
davantage de responsabilités.
Further details of my career and qualifications to Vous trouverez des détails supplémentaires relatifs
date are contained in the attached curriculum vitae. à ma carrière et à mes compétences jusqu’à ce jour
dans le curriculum vitae ci-joint.
I am available for an interview at your convenience. Je me tiens à votre disposition pour une entrevue
Yours faithfully. lorsqu’il vous conviendra

1- I should like to apply for the post of …… as advertised in the International Secretary Weekly.
J’ai lhonneur de poser ma candidature au poste de …………… qui a fait l’objet d’une annonce dans
International Secretary Weekly;
2- I should be very pleased to come for an interview at any time convenient to you.
Je serais heureux de venir pour un entretien quand il vous conviendra.
3- Yours advertisement in the Daily Echo for 4 August interested me greatly.
Votre annonce parue dans le Daily Echo 4 août m’a beaucoup intéressé(e).
4- I have seen your advertisement for an Assistant Marketing Manager in Marketing Week for 22
February and should like to be considered for the post.
J’ai relevé votre annonce recherchant un Directeur Adjoint de marketing parue dans Marketing
Week du 22 février et j’ai l’honneur de poser ma candidature à ce poste.
5- I am replying to your advertisement for a…………………. in this month’s issue of the ………….. Journal.
En réponse à votre annonce concernant …………..parue dans le numéro de ce mois du …………………..
Journal ………………………………
6- I would be happy to send any details of my career that you may require.
Je serais heureux de vous transmettre tous détails se rapportant à ma carrier qui vous seraient
7- I am anxious to broaden my experience and would greatly appreciate the opportunity of an
Je suis désireux d’approfondir mon experience et vous me feriez une faveur en m’accordant un
8- I can make myself available for an interview at any time.
Je me tiens à votre disposition pour une entrevue.
9- I look forward to hearing from you.
Dans l’attente de votre réponse.
10- Hoping for a favourable reply.
En attendant une réponse qui je l’espère sera favorable.

1- I have just learned that………………… Inc. wish to recruit an executive for their Computer
Je viens d’apprendre que la société ………………….. désirait recruter un cadre pour son service
2- Madame Lelage, Personal Secretary to your General Manager has told me that there will shortly be
a vacancy for a …………………….. in your Complaints Department.
Madame Lelage, secrétaire personnelle de votre directeur general, m’a appris qu’il y aurait bientôt
un poste vacant dans votre service réclamations.
3- I am writing to you on the advice of………………
C’est sur le conseil de………….que je vous écris.
4- Your Chief Engineer at Rueil Mr……………….. has suggested that I write to you.
Votre Ingénieur en Chef à rueil M……………. m’a conseillé de vous écrire.
5- I have been working as Shift Engineer in Zambia for the last 4 years and now wish to broaden my
experience in a post with greater responsibility.
Je travaille en qualité d’ingénieur d’aquipe en Zambie depuis les 4 dernières années et desire
maintenant élargir mon experience dans un poste comportant advantage de responsabilités.
6- I speak German, Spanish and English fluently and am willing to relocate anywhere in the world.
Je parle l’allemand, l’espagnol et l’anglais couramment et suis dispose à rejoindre un poste où que
ce soit dans le monde.
7- I am particularly interested in working for your company because I know you offer interesting
careers for successful performers.
Je desire particulièrement travailler dans votre compagnie car je sais que vous offrez une carrière
intéressante à des cadres performants.
8- I am highly self-motived and enjoy working under pressure.
J’ai beaucoup de motivation personnelle et aim travailler dans des conditions difficiles.
9- I am especially attracted by your company because of its reputation.
Je suis particulièrement attiré par votre société de par sa reputation.
1) As a student at ………… I specialized in ……………
Pendant mes etudes à…………….je me suis specialise dans ………………..
2) I gainded wide experience in ……….during my post in……………… at…………
J’ai acquis une grande experience en………lorsque j’occupais le poste de …………….à …………….. 
3) My immediate objective is to develop my management skills in a post of responsibility.
Mon objectif premier est de developer mes capacités de gestion dans un poste à responsabilités.
4) I graduated from…………… College with the degree/ diploma of ………in (subject).
J’ai fait mes etudes à l’Université de…………. où j’ai obtenu mon diplôme de (matière).
5) For the past…….years I have been employed as a ………… with……… Ltd.
Je suis employé à la compagnie………….. Ltd où j’exerce les fonctions de ………… depuis les………..
dernières années.
6) In this post, I obtained wide experience and a through knowledge of…………..
Dans cette function, j’ai acquis une grande experience et une connaissance appronfondie
7) I was responsible for………….
J’étais chargé de……………………….
8) I am writing to ask you whether you have any vacancies for………..
Je voudrais savoir s’il existe des postes vacant dans ………………………
9) I feel I have the necessary qualities and “training needed for the position of…….. as advertised
Je pense posséder les qualities et la formation requises par le poste de………………………..
Qui a fait l’objet de l’annonce dans ……………………………..
10) I would hope to apply my knowledge and experience to this post and am eager to undertake new
J’aimerais mettre en pratique mes connaissances et mon experience dans ces fonctions et serais
désireux de prendre en charge les nouvelles responsabilités d’un poste stimulant.


Durée : 2heures


A very important part of contemporary business is marketing. Marketing is important

because businesses are in competition with each other to sell their products to customers. It is
obvious that it is important to get a market share that will allow a company to be comptetitive and
make a profit. Marketing influences the entire business cycle from production to sales, and in
recent years the promotion of the product especially in advertisements, has become a very
important operation.

1- What makes marketing a very important part of contemporary business?
2- How can businessmen compete with each other?
3- What is the inevitable consequence of the inexistence of a market share for a company?
4- How is the entire business cycle?
5- Where has the promotion of the product been operated in recent years?

Find in the text the synonym of:
- evident =
- has an impact on =

a- Put the verbs between brackets into the correct tenses and forms (underline your answers)
1- Since they improved their economy, their country (to develop)
2- If he (to be) a good economist, there would be no financial problems.
3- After he (to borrow) some money from the bank, he started his business.
4- It’s high time we (to develop) our economy.

b- Ask a question on the underlined words

1- They have been suffering from an economic crisis for 2 years.
2- He is an economist in that country.

c- Rewrite each sentence with the beginning below it

1- Though they have lost a certain amount of money, they are not bankrupt.
 In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………
2- They will not manage to survive if the economic crisis is deep.
 Provided that …………………………………………………………………………………
3- Despite the depth of economics crisis, the people don’t suffer from malnutrition.
 Though…………………………………………………………………………………………….

Give the phonetic transcription of the following words
- market - buyer - fourteen
- money - economy - service

1- What is R&D in charge of?
2- How can Government reduce their deficits?

1- When I (to be) sixty years, I’ll stop my business
2- After he (to start) his business, he borrowed money from the Bank
3- After he (to start) his business, he will borrow money from the Bank
4- Before he borrowed money from the Bank, he (to start) his business.
5- Before he borrows money from the Bank, he (to start) his business.
6- I shall buy that house, when I (to know) its price.
7- As soon as he (to receive) the price list, he sent the order.
8- As soon as he (to receive) the price list, he will send the order.
9- I am surprised to hear that he (to lose) his financial partners.
10- I was surprised to hear that he (to lose) his financial partners.
11- A lot of things (to change) since he to (become) a Manager.


1- He sold his goods and then he got money.
After he…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Before he………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2- He was doing business and then he got money.
After he…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Before he………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3- The manager will give him some instructions and then he will start his work.
After the manager…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Before he………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4- He will conclude a contract of sale and then he will be sent abroad
After he…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Before he………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5- They have not reached an agreement yet
It’s high time…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6- Next year, he will sell his furniture
By next year, he……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7- She prefers to invest money abroad
She’d rather……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8- I prefer them to borrow money from the Bank
I’d rather……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9- Please, lend me some money
I’d rather……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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