2BTS Gbat Text3

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Surface ways

Surface ways are the means used by man for his own transportation or for carrying
materials from one place to another.
Surface ways should be designed in an adequate manner in accordance to standards of
resistance, uniformity and safety, established by experience and research.
In order to build a surface way, some aspects such as location, cost, population effects,
type of traffic, environmental impact, property acquisition, construction materials availability,
weather conditions and qualities of soil should be considered by the engineer in charge.
Types of surface ways
There are two types of surface ways: Highways and Railroads:
Highways are the surface ways mostly used by man, to travel or to carry materials to and
from different places in the fastest manner. Every highway is to have two fundamental parts:
1.- The foundation base or cover, is composed of a filling material, meant
to level the surface and to distribute evenly the loads of the way on the ground.
2.- The rolling surface, can be built of several materials such as cement
mortar, paved with tile or enameled asphalt, depending on its use.
A perfectly well compacted ground is a must if we are to obtain a highly resistant and
durable pavement.
The most common pavement types are the following:
Asphaltic concrete,-Asphaltic macadum,-Asphaltic treatments,-Block paving,-Stone slabs
Concrete,-Pavement sheet,-Industrial pavement
This is the most efficient manner to handle big volumes of freight, because of its low
energy requirements, its fewer terrain needs, its low pollutant features and low frecuency, and
severity rates of accidents.
The railroad system consists of rails, which are the guides on which the vehicles run. This
system includes the rail bed, bridges, fords, drains, yards, terminal stations, offices, terrestrial
signals, and safety devices.
The three most important types of systems of transportation are passenger and freight,
conmutator, and rapid transit type.
The vehicles for transportation on rails, depend on steel wheels, because they have good
resistance to rolling and can support heavier weights.
The power supply for this system is usually diesel-electric, electric, gas turbine, hydraulic
turbine, jet propulsion and pneumatic induction motor.
The levitating suspension can be that provided by an air cushion or by a magnet. This last
type is the most expensive one.
Rails are constructed of several types such as double rail, monorail and welded
continuous rail, which are designed according to the system requirements and its characteristics.

From Technical English for Civil Engineering

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