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- Mary


I would like to thank my English teacher, Mrs.

Angeline ,who gave me the opportunity to work on this
project. I got to learn a lot from this project about classical
literature. I would also like to thank our school principal
Mrs. Mala Sivakumar.

At last, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to my

parents as without their help this project would not have
been successful. Finally, I would like to thank my dear
friends who have been with me all the time

 Introduction
 Contents
 Summary
 Conclusion
 Bibliography

Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus

is an  1818 novel written by English author Mary
Shelley. Frankenstein tells the story of Victor
Frankenstein ,a young scientist who creates a
sapient creature in an unorthodox scientific

The main message that

Frankenstein coveys is
the danger in the
pursuit of knowledge
and advancement in
Science and Technology

 Victor Frankenstein: He is the main protagonist of the

novel. He is obsessed with scientific achievement and glory, which
drives him to discover the secret of manifesting life. He devotes all
his time his studies, sacrificing his health and his relationships for
his ambition. Frankenstein represents the dangers of
enlightenment and the responsibilities that come with great
knowledge. His scientific achievement becomes the cause of his
downfall, rather than the source of praise he once hoped for. His
rejection of human connection and his single-minded drive for
success leave him bereft of family and love.

 The Creature: Frankenstein`s unnamed monster known as

“The Creature”. Despite the creature's grotesque exterior,
however, he is largely a compassionate character. Driven by his
isolation and misery, the creature turns to violence. the creature is
a complicated antagonist—he is a murderer and a monster, but he
began his life as a compassionate, misunderstood soul searching for
love.  He demonstrates the importance of empathy and society,
and as his character deteriorates into cruelty, he stands as an
example of what can happen when the basic human need for
connection is not fulfilled.

 Captain Walton: Captain Robert Walton is a failed poet and

a captain on an expedition to the North Pole. His presence in the
novel is limited to the beginning and ending of the narrative, but he
nevertheless plays an important role. In framing the story, he
serves as a proxy for the reader.

 Elizebath Lavenza: She is a woman of Milanese nobility.

Her mother died and her father abandoned her, so the
Frankenstein family adopted her when she was just a child. She and
Victor Frankenstein were raised together by their nanny Justine,
another orphan, and they have a close relationship.

 Henry Clerval: He is the son of a merchant of Geneva, is

Frankenstein’s friend from childhood. Frankenstein describes him
as a generous, kind man who lives for passionate adventure and
whose ambition in life is to do good. He is killed by The

 The De Lacey Family: The creature lives for some time in a

hovel joined to a cottage, which is inhabited by the De Laceys, a
peasant family. By observing them, the creature learns to speak and
read. The family is comprised of the old, blind father De Lacey, his
son Felix, and his daughter Agatha. 

 William Frankenstein: William is Victor Frankenstein's s

younger brother. The creature happens upon him in the woods and
tries to befriend him, thinking that the child’s youth would make
him unprejudiced. Later, killed by The Creature.

The Curse of Frankenstein (1957)
Director: Terence Fisher
Notable Cast: Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing
The Curse of Frankenstein is more a horror movie than it is an
adaptation of Shelley’s novel. Frankenstein is a murderer, while the
Monster is violent and dangerous from the moment of his creation.
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1994)
Director: Kenneth Branagh
Notable Cast: Kenneth Branagh, Robert DeNiro, Helena Bonham-
Carter, Ian Holm.
Although this movie is probably the most faithful adaptation of
Shelley’s novel made so far, it has major differences from the novel:
Frankenstein creates a female Monster from the bodies of Elizabeth and


Frankenstein  tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a

scientist whose main ambition is to uncover the source of life. He
succeeds at creating life from death—a creature in the semblance of a
man—but is horrified by the result. The creature is hideous and
deformed. Frankenstein runs away, and when he returns, the creature
has fled.

Time passes, and Frankenstein learns that his brother, William, has
been killed. He escapes to the wilderness to mourn, and the creature
seeks him out to tell his story. The creature explains tat after his
creation, his appearance caused everyone he encountered to either hurt
him or run away from him. Alone and desperate, he settled by the
cottage of a family of impoverished peasants. He tried to befriend
them, but they fled from his presence, and he killed William out of rage
from neglect. He asks Frankenstein to create a female companion for
him so that he may not be alone. Frankenstein agrees, but doesn't keep
his promise, as he believes the experiment is immoral and disastrous
experiment. Thus, the creature vows to ruin Frankenstein’s life and
proceeds to kill all whom Frankenstein holds dear.

The monster strangles Frankenstein’s wife Elizabeth on their wedding

night. Frankenstein then resolves to destroy the creature once and for
all. He follows him north, chasing him to the North Pole, where he
crosses paths with Captain Walton and reveals his entire story. In the
end, Frankenstein dies, and the creature vows to travel as far north as
possible to end his own tragic life.


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