Self Development (ACAH6)

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Personality Development – Written Assignment

Learner Name Kaushal Singh Reference ID/ Batch Code FIVT/DRG/22-23/97

Course Title Frankfinn Advance Certificate Course in Aviation, Hospitality, Travel & Customer Service

Assessor Name Raman Soni

Assessment Area Part 1-Self Development

Part 2 –Effective Communication Skills

Assignment Title Pass

1: Investigate factors which contribute to personality Development

2: Understand Time & explore methods for its management & removing blocks

3: Investigate the development of leadership skills appropriate to specific situations.

4: Recognise Interpersonal Behaviour, its effects on relationships with others.

5: Examine Communication, its types & its importance on our effectiveness.

6: Understand the importance of projecting a positive Image.

Purpose/Aims  Analyse own personality type.

 Critically examine a range of factors, which contribute to personality
 What is time, its value, how can it be measured.
 Identify ways to overcome blocks to effective time-management. (Realise the
importance of TIME MANAGEMENT in everyday life and relate it to self
 Define leadership skills needed for a specific situation.
 Propose methods to develop own leadership skills.
 Identify a range of methods required for analysing effective interrelationships
with others.
 Evaluate the main steps required to develop an open self personality.
 Analyse barriers and weaknesses to successful communication
 Produce evidence of effective verbal, nonverbal and written communication.
 Explore how character building and morals will support career development.
 Demonstrate public speaking skills.
I confirm that the work submitted for this assignment is my own.

Learner name Kaushal Singh Date Batch code

Reference id FIVT/DRG/22-23/97 B-5

Personality Development – Written Assignment

Guidelines: Students to attempt the below questions for getting PASS/ MERIT/ DISTINCTION
1. Write your responses in the space provided below the questions
2. Review your answers before submitting the Assignment
3. Also, each question indicates if it is PASS/ MERIT/ DISTINCTION

TIMELINE: You can take up to One Week to submit the Assignments

 Ques:1. What is SMART goal? What steps have you taken to achieve your goal? (Pass)

Ans. Goals are part of every aspect of business/life and provide a sense of direction, motivation, a clear
focus, and clarify importance. By setting goals, you are providing yourself with a target to aim for.
SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

Practice this and I believe it will help propel you towards the success to which you aspire:
1.Write down my goal. Get my goal out of my imagination and on to a piece of paper. ...
2.Set a deadline. ...
3.Work on my mindset. ...
4.Develop my skillset. ...
5.Take the first step. ...
6.Continue to completion. ...
7.Reward myself.

Ques: 2. List five areas in which you hold negative attitudes. How can you change these to positive
attitudes? (Pass)
Ans. A negative mind is resistance to grow and also it affects the smooth flow of the life. In order to give
away with the negative attitude in your life, follow some of the attitude change tips.
Tips for Attitude Change:
The following mentioned are few points that help in bringing change in my negative attitude to Positive

1. First identify the change you want in yourself:

Before reaching out to any solution, there requires some in-depth research of the issue.
2. Try not to say no:
Every negative person search for things which requires the negative answer, so as to run from doing the
3. Stop thinking about the past:
No matter how bad your past has been, just do not think of the past. The past also leads to
thinking of negativity
Personality Development – Written Assignment

4. Do not have expectations:

One way to lead a happy and positive life is having no expectations from anyone.
5. See positivity in everything: Even in the worst situation there is always some good things
hidden within.

Ques: 3. How will you improve your time-management? State five areas in which you commit to
improve. (Pass)
Ans. I am improving my time-management by:
 Prioritizing.
 Doing it now.
 Setting goals, achieve goals.
 Breaking down tasks.
 Use wasted time.
 Using time management grid.
 Organizing my time.

5 areas in which I commit to improve are:

1. Prioritizing allows me to focus on what is most important. Learn to set priorities wisely, and I will
archive more and will have more of personal time.
2. Learn to plan efficiently. Simple and powerful techniques to convert my goals and ideas into an
effective action plan.
3. Good decision-making skills is the foundation for time management. Information on decision
making and techniques with links to related decision making articles and resources.
4. Waste less time: When I think of time management, however, we tend to think of personal time
management, loosely defined as managing our time to waste less time on doing the things we
have to do so we have more time to do the things we want to do.
5. Ability to beat procrastination and laziness is among the most important time management skills
to learn. Identify your causes of procrastination and treat them accordingly.

Ques: 1. Name one external and internal motivational factor which motivates you to achieve what you
want. (MERIT)
Ans. External and Internal motivational factor are:
External Motivational- The driving force that triggers me in achieving my goals. Such as:
A simple smile and encouragement:
A simple smile and encouragement from my parents, elders and teachers externally motivates me to
achieve my goal and give my best.

Internal Motivational- The force that leads me to achieve a goal because of personal satisfaction or
Participating in a competition:
Participating in a Competition Internally motivates me as it brings out the best in me and also makes me
feel that with hard work anyone can.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques:2. What are the seven functions of leadership? Which function do you feel is the most important?
Why? (MERIT)
Ans. Seven functions of leadership
1.Setting goals. A leader's most important function is to set goals for team members to encourage them
to work confidently and enthusiastically. ...
2.Organising. ...
3.Take initiatives. ...
4.Cooperation among employees. ...
5.Motivation and direction. ...
6.Liaison between workers and management. ...
7.Policy making.

I feel the most important function is Policy Making:

The foremost function of a leader is to make a policy for the smooth running of the work by the
followers. The policy includes principles and rules for running the machinery of teamwork.

Ques:3. What are the ego states? Which ego state do you operate in most often? (MERIT)
Ans. Ego states are a consistent pattern of thinking, feeling and behaviour. Berne’s tripartite model is an
explanation of three main events that happen to all of us- childhood, the development of rational,
logical thinking and exposure, to parental or significant other’s influence.

Each and every human being behaving in different Ego states depending upon moment and person.
 Parent Ego States.
 Adult Ego States.
 Child Ego States.

Ego States which I operate most is- Adult Ego States.

 When I am with my family and friends, I am in Adult Ego States.
 With my colleague and senior I behave in Adult Ego States.
 With my grandparents I am in Adult Ego States.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques:1. . Do you think personality development is important? Justify by giving own example.
Ans. I need to set an example for people around. Personality development not only makes me look good and
presentable but also helps me face the world with a smile. Personality development goes a long way in
reducing stress and conflicts. It encourages individuals to look at the brighter sides of life.

Ques:2. What steps can you take to become more emotionally intelligent? Give examples for each.
Ans. Emotional intelligence (EI), sometimes referred to as emotional quotient (EQ), is the ability to
identify and manage my emotions and express them in ways that are respectful and helpful to those
around me. EI also involves the ability to understand the emotions of people around me and respond
with supportive and encouraging feedback.

Ques:3. Explain the ladder of inference with an example. (DISTINCTION)

Ans. The Ladder of Inference describes the thinking process that we go through, usually without
realizing it, to get from a fact to a decision or action.
There are many Ladder of Inference examples based on information about a person's past. For example,
if Anil had assessed Priyank's past performance and found him prompt and committed to his work, he
would have understood that Priyank would not show up late on purpose.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

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