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Personality Development – Written Assignment

Learner Name Mohammad aftab Reference ID/ Batch Code FIVT/drg/22-23/71- B5

Course Title Frankfinn Advance Certificate Course in Aviation, Hospitality, Travel & Customer Service

Assessor Name

Assessment Area Part 1-Self Development

Part 2 –Effective Communication Skills

Assignment Title Pass

1: Investigate factors which contribute to personality Development

2: Understand Time & explore methods for its management & removing blocks

3: Investigate the development of leadership skills appropriate to specific situations.

4: Recognise Interpersonal Behaviour, its effects on relationships with others.

5: Examine Communication, its types & its importance on our effectiveness.

6: Understand the importance of projecting a positive Image.

Purpose/Aims ✓ Analyse own personality type.

✓ Critically examine a range of factors, which contribute to personality
✓ What is time, its value, how can it be measured.
✓ Identify ways to overcome blocks to effective time-management. (Realise the
importance of TIME MANAGEMENT in everyday life and relate it to self
✓ Define leadership skills needed for a specific situation.
✓ Propose methods to develop own leadership skills.
✓ Identify a range of methods required for analysing effective interrelationships
with others.
✓ Evaluate the main steps required to develop an open self personality.
✓ Analyse barriers and weaknesses to successful communication
✓ Produce evidence of effective verbal, nonverbal and written communication.
✓ Explore how character building and morals will support career development.
✓ Demonstrate public speaking skills.
I confirm that the work submitted for this assignment is my own.

Learner name Mohammad aftab Date Batch code

Reference id FIVT/drg/22-23/71 B5
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Guidelines: Students to attempt the below questions for getting PASS/ MERIT/ DISTINCTION
1. Write your responses in the space provided below the questions
2. Review your answers before submitting the Assignment
3. Also, each question indicates if it is PASS/ MERIT/ DISTINCTION

TIMELINE: You can take up to One Week to submit the Assignments

Ques:1. What is SMART goal? What steps have you taken to achieve your goal? (Pass)
Goals are part of every aspect of business/life and provide a sense of direction,motivation a
clear focous clarify importance. By setting goals, you are providing yourself with a target to
aim for. A SMART goal is used to help guide goal setting. SMART is an acronym that stands
for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Therefore, a SMART goal
incorporates all of these criteria to help focus your efforts and increase the chances of
achieving your goal.

Steps I taken to achieve goals

- Work on mindset
- Take the first step
- Develope my skills
- Continue to my study
- Continue for competition
- Never give up

Ques: 2. List five areas in which you hold negative attitudes. How can you change these to positive
Negative attitude which I hold
- I suppose that others are better than me
- I cant reach my goals it’s too far
- Iam introvert
- I cant face or handle the emergency situation
- Fear of facing girls

I can manage these negative thinking or attitude by over come of my fear and work on my week
point and set a daily basic goals and achieve my destiny
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques: 3. How will you improve your time-management? State five areas in which you commit to
improve. (Pass)

I improve my time management by-

- By determine priority
- By avoiding multitasking
- By avoiding distractions
- By learn to say no
- By organizing day
- By taking breaks

I want to improve
- I want to reduce my anxiety level
- Enhance work balance
- Achieving my goals
- Also I want to improve my habit for always being on phn
- And unnecessarily waste my time with frnds

Ques: 1. Name one external and internal motivational factor which motivates you to achieve what you
want. (MERIT)

There are many motivation factors in my life. A few of them are internal and a
few are external.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Internal Factor: I strongly feel motivation is present in each and every human
being. If we know the art of making right choices, we can keep the supply
motivation always renewed. However, when we dissipate this power in
useless trifles, we lose it. My internal motivational factor is my intense desire
to succeed in at least one field. I really want to excel in something. This keeps
me motivated.
External Factor: I get immensely motivated when I read, hear, or see a highly
successful personality. Their struggle, charisma, and hard-work motivates

Ques:2. What are the seven functions of leadership? Which function do you feel is the most important?
Why? (MERIT)
Seven functions of leadership

- Lead
- Influence
- Motivate
- Control
- Stimulate
- Assert
- Cooperate

I think to became a best leader all functions are important sametanusly

But I feel personally motivate is the most important function for a best leader because if a
leader can able to motivate their employees then they defently get their targets and they can
achieve their goals before dead line without any pressure
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques:3. What are the ego states? Which ego state do you operate in most often? (MERIT)
There are mainly 3 ego states in a human being
- Parental ego state
- Adult ego state
- Childhood ego state

I wanted to operate parental ego state because

The Parent ego state refers to the behaviours, thoughts and feelings that are copied,
learned or even borrowed from our parents, parental figures, or significant others.
Ques:1. Do you think personality development is important? Justify by giving own example.
Yes I personality development is most important

Personalities are not born, they are forged.” It is a process that requires time and
diligent efforts. We are what we do and what we surround ourselves with. The ideas we
take from the world become us and later, decide our success. In the current era of
endless opportunities and ever-increasing competition, it is extremely important to
work on one’s own personality. Only good grades will not ensure success. A perfect
balance between academic excellence and exquisite soft skills is quintessential.People
are unaware of the importance of Personality Development. This is due to lack of
counseling and guidance. Millions of people have low self-confidence and are fearful of
public speaking. This leads to poor performance in college and job interviews.Keeping
this in mind,Wabs Talk The Public Speaking Institute has come up with Personality
Training Programmes.Such programmes are useful and help candidates to work on their
latent skills.The candidates are trained in many areas like body language, confidence
building, public speaking, idea generation, creative and critical thinking, etc.

Ques:2. What steps can you take to become more emotionally intelligent? Give examples for each.

Steps to become emotionally intelligent

1. Self awareness-
Personality Development – Written Assignment

People with high emotional intelligence are usually very self aware They understand their
emotions, and because of this, they don't let their feelings rule them. They're confident because
they trust their intuition and don't let their emotions get out of control.
2. Self regulation-

This is the ability to control emotions and impulses. People who self-regulate typically
don't allow themselves to become too angry or jealous, and they don't make impulsive,
careless decisions. They think before they act. Characteristics of self-regulation are
thoughtfulness, comfort with change, integrity , and the ability to say no.

3. Motivation-

People with a high degree of emotional intelligence are usually motivated .

They're willing to defer immediate results for long-term success. They're highly
productive, love a challenge, and are very effective in whatever they do.

4. Empathy-

This is perhaps the second-most important element of emotional

intelligence. Empathy is the ability to identify with and understand the wants, needs,
and viewpoints of those around you. People with empathy are good at recognizing the
feelings of others, even when those feelings may not be obvious. As a result, empathetic
people are usually excellent at managing relationships , listening

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