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Bie LOO) Pr Ee inet Dae SIE Mates Biss Published BookWare Notebooks Electronic supplements Using MATLAB® V.4 BookWare Texts Evans creek or asa Mathematica Notebook to trade cre tet Stumirk Contemporary Lina Usiig MATLAB® 40 Forthcoming BookWare Problems Books Supplementary problems bot with data_BookWare Texts {esupplement ony ce txt CallerMolina Communion Systems Using MATLAB ro a Original CICS ety Si ity Tops Using MATLAB BookWare Problems Books Harman/Dabney/Richert BookWare Lab Books a sting ‘Stonlek/Bradley Lab for Signals end Systems Using MALE te ProakleSaleht Inodctn to UO USSR ee ie JOIN US ON THE INTERNET VIA WWW, GOPHER, FTP, OR E-MAIL: wi: GOPHER: _gopher/gopherthomson com tp thomson. findit@kiosk thomson com Sed eres! at red ey As 1@P Eyer LU] N 053493805- il AN fil. ann Vinay K. Ingle John G. Proakis st A BC NOTE Students lear in a numberof ways and in a variety of settings. They leara ‘through lectures, in informal suady groupe, or alone at their desks or ia front of a computer terminal. Wherever the location, studerts learn most ‘ficiently by solving problems, with frequent feedback from an instruc- tor, following « worked-out problem as a model, Worked-out problems have & number of postive aspects. They can capture the essence of a ey concept — often better than paragraphs of explanation. They provide ‘methods for acquiring new knowledge snd for evaluating its use. They provide a taste of real-life eves and demonstrate techniques for solving ‘al problems. Most important, they encourage active participation in learning. ‘We created the BookWare Companion Series because we sew an un- fulfilled need for computer based learning tools that adress the compu: tational aspects of problem solving across the curriculum. The BC series concept was also shaped by other fores: a general agreement among in structrs that students lear best when they ae actively invlved in their ‘own learning, and the realization that textbooks have not kept up with or ‘matched student leering neods. Educators and publishers are just begin- fing to understand thatthe amount of material erammed into most text- ‘books cannot be absorbed, let alone the knowledge tobe mastered in four soars of undergraduate study. Rather than attempting to teach students ‘ll the latect knowledge, colleges and universities are now striving to teach ‘them to reason: to understand the relationship and connections between new information and existing knowledge; and to cultivate problem-solving tli inition, ad eritiel thinking. ‘The BookWare Companion Series ‘was developed in response to this changing mision. ‘Specifically, the BookWare Companion Series was designed for eduea- tors who wish to integrate their curriculun with computer-based learning tools, and for students who find ther current textbooks overwhelming ‘The former will find in the BookWare Companion Series the means by. which to use powerful software tols to support thelr course activities, ‘without having to customize the applications themselves. The later will find relevant problems and examples quickly and easily and have instant slectrone access to them aie ‘We hope that the BC series will become a clearinghouse for the ex change of reliable teaching ideas and a baseline series for incorporating Tearning advances from emerging technologies. For example, we intend 10 reuse the kernel of each BC volume and add eletronie seripts from other sofware programs as desired by customers. We are pursuing the addition of AI/Expert System technology to provide an intaligent tutoring cps- bitty for future iterations of BC volumes. We sso anticipate a paperless envifonment in which BC content can flow freely over high-speed net- ‘works to support remote learning activities. In order for these and other goals to be realized, educators, students, sofware developers, network ad- stators and publishers will ned to communicate freely and actively trith each other, We encourage you to participate in these exciting do- ‘elopments aod become involved inthe BC Series today. Ifyou have an ‘dee for improving the effectiveness ofthe BC concept, an example prob- Jem, « demonstration using software or multimedie, of an opportunity to explore, contact us Thank you one and all for your continuing suppor. ‘The PWS Electrical Engineering Team: BilLBarterOPWS.Com Acquisitions itor Angie Mlinko@PWS.Com Assistant Editor [Nathan WilburGPWS.Com Marketing Manager Pam -RockwellOPWS.Com Production Editor Monica BlockOPWS.Com Editorial Assistant ‘The PWS ‘BookWare Companion Series™ ll 77511 BITI MONOGRA DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING USING MATLAB V.4® Vinay K. Ingle John G. Proakis Northeastern University retwea, ATrokauioale de whales - faumdsico ( & PWS Publishing Company TCE)P An Intemational Thomson Publishing Company Boston « Albany # Bonn « Cincinnati Detroit « London # Madrid « Melbourne « Mexico City Now York » Pars » San Francisco « Singapere » Tokyo « Toronto « Washington

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